Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Drew's Grand Theory of Descending Evolution, Part 1: Contextual Fields

     For several months now I have been watching as one of my previous belief systems cracked and crumbled. As always, this is a good thing, as the demise of the old is able to facilitate the making way for new and "expanded" versions of comprehension of "the way things are" (or, at least, "the way thing might be"). As it turns out, this is the way of all healthy systems. A system is only a temporary construct that has been created and/or synthesized by us in order to try to make sense of our world according to our own current capacity for comprehension. But there is the rub:  Each system is limited by each individual's current capacity for understanding! And each individual, in turn, is limited to a certain system of understanding by his or her current capacity for comprehension.
     No belief system is meant to last forever, which is to say, every belief system is meant to be temporary. It only works so long as it fits the most current information available. When new information becomes available that does not fit the current system, a new, grander, more comprehensive system must be devised to accommodate all the information that is available. So:  Be happy when you discover a system that helps explain your understanding of something, but be prepared:  It won't stand up against the pressures of new information forever. Change is the rule; stasis is an illusion. Motion, growth, and development are always trying to happen. It's all part of the big dualistic yin-yang of Life and Entropy. One belief system, one version of the truth, is always but a temporary explanation sure to be shed for new and improved, new and expanded, versions of "truth" that the evolving seeker cannot help but stumble upon. Heck! Even the self-proclaimed "unevolving" most conservative stuck-in-the-muds cannot help but have to deal with adapting to new information and to change that is happening in the illusory place that they call "all around them."
     Part of what instigated my recent growth spurt has been the nagging realization that there are more Homo sapiens sapiens on planet Earth right now than ever before--this despite the fact that the planet is becoming less hospitable to the support and sustenance of biological life--including our own species. Why? Why are so many souls choosing to incarnate into human bodies at this time? What is the attraction (besides the increased number of available vehicles)?
     At first I thought that it had to do with the sheer excitement of being present for the "End of Days" and all of the geometrically increased opportunities for intense learning that comes with having to operate in crisis mode. Remember:  We Monads choose to use these human vehicles for the expressed purpose of adventure--of gathering experiences. The current times are very intensely packed with a lot of potential for gathering experiences. While this solution to my questions about burgeoning human population seemed logical when coming from this perspective in which beings from a Spirit World use the four-dimensional bodies of human beings for the acquisition of growth experiences, I now believe that this is only a part of the full reason, only the surface of a larger truth.
     Until recently I had made the assumption that the "spirit beings" from the "spirit world" who use human beings and the four-dimensional Earth School contexts for gathering experiential information remained deeply and purely connected to The Source, to the Creative Power that birthed them, both in their spirit world and unconsciously, while in human form. That is, I had thought that our Monadic "over-souls" were in tune and attuned to the Unity Consciousness beyond the Creative Realms of Duality and Material Illusion both primarily and consciously--and that they had Spiritual Oneness and Divine Reunion on the top of their list of priorities at all times. Now I am no longer of this opinion.
      Contrary to my original thinking, I now believe that the "spiritual beings" that I reference when speaking of the context of bringing meaning to our four-dimensional Earth-based human lives, that they are themselves operating within a contextual field of space and time, albeit, a different vibrational context than the one we're used to here on Earth, but, still, a field with its own set of rules and limitations. Also, certain elements of the "spirit world" and of our "use" of the human experience have led me to question the "God-ness" of the spiritual beings of whom I speak. In fact, I have begun to believe that the "spirit beings" of the "spirit world" are less than "pure" of spirit, less than pure in intent, that they are capable, even likely, of being just as muddled in their own "stuff,"  just as distractible from lofty goals and ideals, as we humans mired in our tar pits of emotional chaos can be.


     Though I have continuously asserted throughout my writing that "there is no such thing as space and time in the spirit world" I now see that I need to amend or correct this statement. I am wrong. Of course the beings using the 'spirit world' are using space and time just as they are using contextual fields both to project and receive images of themselves to other 'light' beings. They are using contextual fields as well to manipulate that which they are perceiving as 'outside' them--(they, too, are using dualistic Creation for their games playing).
     I have come to realize that it is only in the Original State of God-ness, the Original State of Unified Consciousness, that space and time do not exist. In That "Place," from That perspective, space and time do not have a need to exist. God, or The Unified Field, does not need for space and time to exist because It has no need of anything; It is complete within Itself (which is everything, in a unified, singular state). Space (dimensionality) and time exist for the experiential use of Consciousness to imagine Itself in any and all contextual fields possible. When Consciousness is not feeling a need or desire to use the contextual fields of duality consciousness and the Illusions that come with it, then that is the "place" or "state" in which space and time do not exist. There, in the formless, Unified State, space and time are completely unnecessary.
     What has become suddenly so very clear to me is that Souls, Spirits, Monads--or whatever you want to call them--spiritual beings are still using space, time, duality, contextuality and The Illusions. They may be "closer" to God, God-ness and Unity Consciousness than we who are using the murky four-dimensional emotion-based human experience, but they are not There. They may not even be "linked in," that is, they may not even be aware of The State of Pure Consciousness from which they came. My point is that the spiritual beings using four-dimensional emotion-based "physical" form may be so focused on their attentions and connections to space, time, duality, contextuality and The Illusions that they may, in fact, be distracting or deluding themselves from remembering their natural state, their God connection, just like us! Having to deal with space, time, duality, contextually, The Illusions, and other Earth and human "rules" and "commitments" may be so overwhelming that the spiritual being is totally disengaged from any memory or awareness of its Divine Essence, of its interconnectedness to the Unified Field Source, much less its "mission" to try to return There (a mission that may in fact be an eventuality, not necessarily an urgent priority). Also, life between Earth incarnations in the so-called "spirit world" could be so focused on previous, future or current forays into the four-dimensional contextual field of the Earth School human experience that even the "spiritual being" or Monad in its unencumbered "pure" state may be distracted from its innate motivation to return to God/Unity Consciousness.

Why So Many Souls Are Choosing Earth School Experiences. This is what I believe to be the case with the spiritual beings currently focused on the Earth School experiment. Many beings in the spirit world are clamoring to try out the human experiment. They are hearing all the excitement and seeing the lure of the thrill-seeking, adrenaline pumping, machismo-testing game called "21st Century Human Civilization in Collapse." Exciting and challenging experiences for all! When you know, as Monads do, that consciousness, that life, is indestructible, then the "dive" into the human vehicle isn't so worrisome. It's analogous to we humans playing a video game: we know that the video game is entertaining and exciting but we also know that it serves no real threat to our existence, that we can "turn it off" and detach from it whenever we want. It is, after all, just a game.
     Like the video game, the Monadic beings occupying the temporary experiential vehicle we call human beings know that the human experience involves a commitment to operating within a contextual field of Illusion. That is, Monads know going into the commitment to four-dimensional emotion-based perspective that they are using a vehicle that operates within a contextual field that requires agreeing to the use of the fundamental belief that they are separate, even veiled, from their own spirit world. And yet, these beings who occupy and manipulate us from a "spirit world"--are themselves still using a field. They are using dimensionality, using time, for their very existence, for their benefit and amusement/entertainment. Though conscious beings in the spirit world have no permanent or fixed physical form or appearance and are not bound by a linear version of time, they do express themselves in morphological form--and in location; they use space and time more as we would use a field or a playground in which any and every point is equally accessible. One only need think it and one has access to that space (or form) or time (or time line).
     Having a contextual field of space and time is the very foundation for the use of cause and effect, of planning and review, of desire and goal-setting, as well as for the existence of all of the Illusions. Without space and time, the Grand Illusions--and in fact any action or thought--really serves no purpose. Space and time provide the "playing field" in which to have games while using the illusion of need, the illusion of failure, the illusion of disunity, the illusion of insufficiency, the illusion of requirement, the illusion of judgment, the illusion of condemnation, the illusion of conditionality, the illusion of superiority, the illusion of ignorance, and, of course, the illusion of separation. And even in the contextual field that I call the "spirit world" these illusions are in full use, the Illusions are serving the "needs," goals and plans of what amounts to be delusional sparks of the Divine, which we call Monads. The delusion of "the Monadic Kingdom" with all its rules and regulations serves those forms of being just as the delusion of "the Earth School" serves the forms of being that we use here on Earth. The question is:  How focused are we on remembering to process and grow from the experiences gathered from these adventures in form and context. And that will be more of the focus of my next blogpost.

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