Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thinking about the Possibilities of Choice When Selecting Four-Dimensional Earth-Based Hosts

I've been thinking. Since that last episode, "Giants, Elongated Heads, Subterranean Cities, and Other Human Life Forms," my mind has been processing the patterns that we Spiritual Beings have used for Earth-based four-dimensional hominid forms as vehicles for our experiential adventures. From that ruminating that I've been doing I have devised a little bit of a theory. In fact, I have two theories that I'd like to share with you. Ready? Here we go. I hope that you are able to follow me on this.
     It has been revealed to me that many, many forms have been created for us to use as vehicles for experiential learning. Four-dimensional forms are but one set of possibilities for our use and amusement. Earth-based forms are but another sub-set of the four-dimensional set of possible choices. I've noticed that Journeyman Paul has allowed me awareness of and connection to a number of Earth-based forms that he has used for his own growth process. Among this group I've found a way of ordering the humanoid vehicles according to a pattern--a kind of hierarchical pattern that has suddenly become 'obvious' to me.
     Each experimental form of Earth-based human host that Journeyman Paul has used has provided his Spirit Being--his Monad--with vehicles for immersions into increasingly denser levels of devolution. There seems to be a pattern in which each "successive" host bodymind has an increasingly limited capacity for and use of Spiritual energy. This pattern seems to manifest itself in life experiences in which Spiritual knowledge, Spiritual wisdom and Spiritual powers are less able to come through and are, therefore, less present in day-to-day thoughts and actions. It would appear that the deeper the descent into a existence imbued with ignorance, fear, emotional chaos, physical cloudiness, the deeper the sense of isolation and insecurity we are challenged with. These are the resultant effects of successful use of the Illusion of Separation. That is, the more we are able to feel separated from our loved ones, from the comfort and freedoms of our Spirit World, from the unlimited possibilities given to us by our Divine Source, the more we are able to challenge and test our abilities to bring Spirit into these dense forms. The deepest depths of devolution, that is, of perceived separation from our Divine Nature, the more difficult our test--the more difficult it is to remember and re-access use of our Spiritual powers. Thus, the greater the sense of accomplishment when we are able to regain awareness and use of our True Nature and our True Self.
     The way I see it (today) the order or sequence of four-dimensional Earth-based host possibilities can be ordered as such:

1. Angels, guides, devas and daemons. The angelic kingdom is able to accomplish amazing things but they are limited in their freedom as they are confined to performing in service of the Higher Will. They do not possess free will.

2. Gods and goddesses. Memorialized in our species' legends and mythologies, so-called gods and goddesses can perform acts and services of amazing creativity as they possess, for the first time, free will. They are also the first kingdom to feel the confines of Duality--which include the laws of Dharma (cosmic law and order), Karma, Yin and Yang, Harmony and Balance. The gods get to know intimately both the nature of cause and effect and consequence.

3. Giants and other variants. The races of giants and other experiments with variations in physical size and form have usually been quite limited in emotional and physical range and ability. The severity of the test of finding one's True Self and then being able to use those informations, wisdoms, and powers has been negligible.

4. First "civilizations." Atlantis, Nazca, the first Nile Valley creator class, were able to create astounding monuments of functional and educational art like pyramids and crystal-powered tools but still lacked emotional experience--as well as the burden of the full weight of deep emotional capacity.

5. The Neandertal strain of human hominid that inhabited Earth before and concurrent with Homo sapiens sapiens may have been an experiment in heavier, denser, less materialistic, less creative, less intellectual human. They were emotional and fear-based but ultimately less prone to sublimate their fear, anxiety and insecurity into thoughts or actions of anger and violence. Whether or not the results of use of the Neandertal form provided successful evolution (or devolution) for our kind is debatable but ultimately moot:  as hosts they undoubtedly provided us with experiences and information.

6. The "current" Earth-based human form that we have been fondly using during the approximately 60,000 year span in which it has served as a viable host and superlative test for our Spiritual energy, Homo sapiens sapiens, is a very devolved species in that it uses self-centered, fear-based, warring attitudes to provide its experiential information sources. At their most spiritual, as in the Australian culture known as "Aborigines," we can walk with a light footprint using great Joy and Love, ever conscious and compassionate of the Great Circle of Life from which we come--of which we are a part. At its most "separated" and un-Self-conscious we can find ourselves ignorant and blind to all spiritual knowledge, wisdom and power, thinking and acting instead according to externally-reinforced programs that induce herd mentality and conformity to patterns and heightened states of anxiety, anger, paranoia, and self-destructive behaviors.

     To my mind, the human culture in which I currently find myself--what we call "21st Century Western civilization"-- certainly presents what feels like the most difficult of circumstances to try to climb out of much less rise above. There may be more complicated, more deeply ensnaring forms than this one--I'm sure there are--but I have no knowledge of them. Yet.  

The second hypothesis I came up with regarding other Earth-based host options for our Spirit-based 'species' to use was created to better demonstrate or explain--through one possible scenario--how to visualize each and every form that the Spirit World's Architects of Imagination and Separation have devised for our experiential choosing. But, first, I have to make you aware of the existence of a place or event in the Spirit World that is called "The Ring." The Ring is the place that we individual Monads are asked to meet with our team of "actors," guides and councillors in order to choose our 'next' incarnation. We show up at The Ring for the expressed purpose of viewing the possible choices we can make for our next four-dimensional incarnation.
     If one can comprehend a Spirit World that exists "outside" of our space-time continuum, one might evasion The Ring as a train station on which the platform you 'stand' offers an infinite number of space and time lines all emanating from it in an infinite number of directions. Standing there you could choose to jump into any one of the infinite number of "cars" available to you on an infinite number of directional paths. You might choose a line that takes you to a life on any of a number of planets. You might choose to use a host from a huge selection of many host forms, with many time periods to choose from that might include many event scenarios of varying possibilities, as well as many variations of mental, emotional, and/or physical complexities. The choices are boggling and often overwhelming.
     For example, you might choose to jump into a timeline of a "12th Century" medicine man in a tribe on the island of Java--a tribe that happened to practice cannibalism. You might choose to jump into the lifeline of the wife of a "19th Century" British shipping magnate to see what that feels like. You might choose to jump into the bodymind of a person that becomes an Atlantean bio-architect. Or you might choose to invest your energy as a Spirit Guide that works within the Earth's animal kingdom. You might even make the choice to experience the experience of being a Neandertal--perhaps someone who dies of infection at a very young age. Or your curiosity might get the better of you and you might choose to use the bodymind of a serial killer or a wife beater or a blood-thirsty soldier among Genghis Kahn's rape, pillage, and plundering Mongal horde. The possibilities are, as I've said, infinite, unlimited.
     Using this second "Platform to Infinite Choice" theory, it may makes sense to you that once a class of human form has finished--has died out or been exterminated--it is still available for use. Once this timeline has played out for Homo sapiens sapiens, the species' timeline will still be available for use by our Spiritual species. One can simply "jump in" at any point on the time continuum of that species' or kingdom's "life span." Journeyman Paul could, for example, choose to spice things up by jumping into the "car" (body) of a prostitute in the Golden Age of Athens or a nun in 20th Century Albania. Just because a body has been used once it does not mean that your own investiture in that same body would not create a totally new timeline and, with it, a totally new version of life for that human host: including new body chemistry, new psychological profile, a new name, all resulting in new family dynamics, and even new ripple effects upon the village, culture, world and universe within which that Soul is now traveling. The differences may be subtle, but each difference, each shift in direction is cumulative and compounds upon itself to cause ever increases divergences from the other version(s) of that body mind's use(s).
     There are always many, many other forms and other timelines to choose from for use for those who wish to continue exploring the deepest depths of devolution, the greatest "distances" of "separation" from God and our Divine Source. From that fictional train platform you have freedom to choose any body (vehicle) from any time and any place. The only rule is that once you have committed to bringing that being into the realm of Creation with your Spiritual Force driving you must stay with it until it is no longer able to accommodate and sustain your life-force.  

While I've called these two theories "theories"--which connotes that they have little or no supporting facts or corroboration--I know for fact that they are both true and accurate. If only for me, the creative act of forming and articulating these theories has in fact rendered them manifest. That is, they exist, now, because I created them. I am, after all, just as much a co-creative part of the Divine Oneness of all things as you or Sol or Buddha or the Higgs-Boson particle.
    And, so, this information is, once again, yours to take or leave, to use as you see fit. Maybe you'll modify or expand it. That would be awesome! Let me know what part in this creative process you choose. I am curious. I am ever so curious . . . .

Synchronicity, 19, and Art.

Synchronicity can be defined as an event that occurs that is so personally charged, so meaningful and personally relevant to one's current learning, that one cannot help but think of it as "more than a coincidence." A synchronous event occurs because an attraction created by the individual's Soul Plan is being realized--and has been recognized.
     If you will remember, The Soul Plan is that map or matrix of potentialities, possibilities, and probabilities that have been given energy by the Monad and its team of 'actors,' guides, and counsellors for the expressed purpose of inciting growth experiences in particular pre-ordained themes and issues. The desired goal in the creation of the Soul Plan is for growth in Self-discovery, Self-awareness and Self-realization.
     The Soul (or "Causal Body" as I sometimes call it) is a temporary template of information which tries to give light and power to certain "test items" that the Monad and its team have put into "the program" for this incarnation. The synchronous event occurs when certain information and experiences appear that seem too appropriate to be coincidental because they seem to be exactly what that particular individual requires (or would most desire) in order to make its next leap in expanded awareness and growth.
     My impetus for the creation of this blog entry came from a particular synchronous event that just occurred in my own life. It is an event that has proved quite provocative for my personal growth as it has helped me to assess and learn about my progress on several issues that I had been working with for a long time. It is my belief that the appearance of this provocative information occurred precisely as a result of the energy coming from The Plan that Journeyman Paul and his Team put in place before he decided to invest his Spiritual energy into the Drew Fisher experience.
     For a few months now I've been aware of and attracted to a film by Josh Radnor entitled Liberal Arts. Described as "a coming of age story involving an unlikely romance," it is about "a ... 35-year-old [named] Jesse [who returns to] his college alma mater [to honor a retiring professor who was once his mentor], where he's blindsided by nostalgia and a plucky sophomore named Zibby." I was initially attracted to this film by two main themes which had recurred in my own life: that of romantic feelings for people years younger than me and the other of the nostalgia of "the good old days at college." I have dealt with both themes quite thoroughly through my writing (Forbidden Love and Chartres blues, respectively) and had, I thought, quite adequately expunged my soul and psyche of these themes. Yet, I was curious to see how someone else had chosen to deal with these same themes in their own life, in their own way. 
    When I finally watched the film this week, I was fascinated to see how much of the film's themes, scenery, and emotional content felt familiar. And I am grateful for the synchronous gems of some other themes that I encountered which I had not expected. One of these unexpected gems, in particular, revolves around an ongoing discussion I've had with peers and age mates with regards to the all-too common feeling that in our minds we still think of ourselves as young. For me I've constantly felt, mentally, that I am still 20 years old. 20 was the "magical" age at which the world of possibilities was so large and exciting: so many people to meet, career choices to choose from, courses to take, books to read, concerts and other events to attend, places to travel to. And, of course, at age 20 it seems that every person out there is among the billions in the running for serious (and frivolous) romantic relationship. At 20 you possess youthful vigor, elasticity, and a sense of invincibility. It is truly the 'prime' of human life. 
    In Liberal Arts the protagonist's mentor professor, now in his 60s, confesses that he has passed his entire life thinking that he is still 19 years old--that everything, and everyone was a possibility. The jewel of wisdom he adds is that he has had the mental maturity and discipline to keep it his youthful alter ego in check. That reaffirms a feeling that I've come up with:  that it is the wisdom and control coming from Higher Mind that keeps us from doing things that the Ego/Personality would have us do--and that this is only made possible by becoming open to the Inner Voice of Wisdom and from pursuing a relationship with and dedication to that Voice.
     Relationship is a tool we co-created. It is a cornerstone of duality and, therefore, of Cosmic Creation. Relationship is based on the Illusion of Separation. In order to best use relationship as an experiential and growth tool we must buy into a belief system in which all things appear Separate from their Divine Source and, therefore, must be separate from one another. We created relationship with "other people" and "other things" that are supposedly outside ourselves in order to be able to find and see our selves from an outside perspective! These "things" that are supposedly "outside" of our Selves are really just reflective tools--mirrors. They are meant to be used for us to see our selves from another, a different, perspective. They can also serve to help remind us that these bodies and senses that we're using are temporary, they're just vehicles, and that these infinite numbers of "outside" perspectives could serve us just as well. Journeyman Paul could just as easily be using that body or that person or that nationality or that point in time for my vehicle, as my base for conscious learning. Journeyman Paul just happened to choose--and continues to choose--this "Drew Fisher" point of view as his experiential gathering point.
     Some of us are better at using the relationship tool than others. Relationships with film, books and other art forms help nourish and feed our internal dialogues, but they are still "outside" triggers for awareness and reflection. Some of us have very active and healthy relationships with or "within" our selves--and with our imaginations. In our own creative acts we can observe still more. But it is through interpersonal relationships that we humans seem to place a lot of emphasis and import--which is natural, as interpersonal relationships provoke tremendous emotional responses and confront us with many of our most demanding mental challenges. The fun in interpersonal relationships lies in the sparring match that occurs between two individuated Sparks of the Divine, each of whom has invested their energies and attentions into the Game of Illusions within the context of the human experience.
     But, let me remind you:  Every time we think we are falling in love with another person we are really just finding comfort, solace, and affirmation of the value and viability of a part of our selves--often a part that we thought was weird or different or unlikable or unworthy of being accepted or loved. That is why the initial phases of relationship--of "falling in love"--are blissful and high: you are enjoying the validation of your own self. It is when the relating begins to reveal parts of your self that you are not so pleased with--usually because they are undeveloped and/or have remained hidden or you have been in denial of them--that is when a relationship starts to "go sour." 
     The key is to approach any and every relationship--whether it be with a book, a movie, a work of art, a house, a job, or a person--as if that thing is the same kind of receptacle and vehicle of all that is possible of life's infinite possibilities that you are. Every single thing is equally a reflection and source of infinite Beauty (and its opposite, if you so choose to see these), of infinite Truth (and its opposite, if you so choose to empower and label it as such), of infinite Joy (and its opposite if you are so disposed to see it that way), and of infinite Love.
     Though I often go about my day unconsciously thinking and feeling that I am 20 years old--which is a wonderful, liberating place to come from--I am now wise enough to realize that the vehicle I occupy is offering me new and wonderful lessons through its limitations, through its deterioration. The lenses of opportunity are just as wide and open if one choose to change the focus and/or direction a little. The human body is also a vehicle for deep relationship with ones self and ones Self. There are myriad tools in the Earth School experience to use for gaining greater awareness of one's true self, one's Divine Nature, one's connection to everything within the Oneness of all things. There are also wonderfully entertaining occasions which allow us insights into the Illusions that we are using while in the Creation duality. Learning to use the Illusions in the ways we want to use them instead of letting it seem as if we are being used by them can be quite enjoyable--as well as empowering
    The other theme from Liberal Arts that is of particular interest to me deals with my struggle to comprehend why "high art"--or, rather, the art we often extoll the most in our Western society--seems to come from those blessed with both leisure and privilege. Is art really only available from affluence and ease? I've heard praised the merits of art that comes from oppressed societies or from "tortured souls" and yet where do these people find the time and resources to create their art? Music, painting, sculpture, writing, film-making, fashion, even architecture, home decoration and landscaping seem to all be directly related to class and privilege. 
     In Liberal Arts, a professor of classic literature whom the protagonist quite reveres serves as the mouthpiece for a theory that these rich white men (the British Romantics) had the fortune of privilege--of having the time and luxury of materials to use to write down their thoughts at or just after particularly high moments of transcendent experience. This theory implies, of course, that all humans experience the occasion of these moments of "transcendence"--which will here posit are encounters with their own Voices from the Spirit World--which then means that were we all to be so blessed with materials and time, we could all be creating such "high art." I also posit that we all are in fact creating "art" and "artistic" works in our own personal, "artful" ways at every moment of every day--whether it be in movement (like dance and/or athletics), language (like speech and writing), food prep, song , appearance (fashion), caring (charity), or whatever work you pursue. Because any act is a creative act--is an act of bringing something into the world where "it" did not before exist--we are all creators and, therefore, all artists. "High art" is merely the preserved form of an expression of creativity to which we can all identify and see our selves. Most of our personal creativity is, unfortunately, not able to be preserved in an art form because it is utilitarian and serves the perceived needs of our selves, our families, or our communities.
     Creativity and creation are as natural, effortless--and unavoidable--to us as is breathing or thinking. We do it because of who we are, of where we come from, of where we derive our energy and force. Synchronicity is the creative way that our Higher Self plants stimuli into the four dimensional playing field for our Ego/Personality to notice--for the Ego to be humbled by reminders of its true origin, its Divine Source.  
     It is a wondrous thing to be aware of the occasion of the appearance of synchronous events. I now see almost every event, every thing, every encounter for what it is: my Soul's attraction or co-creation of a piece of information that will help me with the continued reminder of and rejoinder to my own inner Beauty, Truth, Joy, and Love, of my own Inner Divine. I hope that you, too, are feeling the Joy and liberating effect of a return to awareness of your Creative Power, your Divine Wisdom, your Higher Understanding.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Giants, Elongated Heads, Subterranean Cities, and Other Human Forms on Earth

Rumors abound. Sensationalist YouTube videos are abundant. And, yes, there is evidence--though the evidence is shoddy and fragmented--and scientists are often unwilling to make room for anomalous artifacts in their neat and tidy theoretical models because they do not fit, they disturb the comforting order of their little universes. Still, the fact is, many, many oral traditions have passed down claims that there have been other intelligent human life forms on planet Earth before (or even at the same time as) our own.
     Most of these stories recall encounters with other (often "highly advanced") societies or races. Humanoid. Like our own. These encounters obviously left impressions--probably because of their startling (or disrupting) differences (which were usually evolutionary or technological in nature though sometimes physical).
     We all know of the now-extinct Neandertal strain (which, it turns out, were both interbred into Homo sapiens sapiens and starved out by their faster, fleeter, omnivorous, ground-dwelling cousins) as there is ample physical evidence of their existence, including skeletal remains, graves, dwelling places, and their art. We question the existence of intelligent humanoid species before our own because of the lack of a continuous trail of recorded history or a lack of physical evidence when in fact it is probably due more to our anthropocentric and Judeo-Christian and/or species-centric conceit. They're not here now. They failed. It is our turn now. So, why should we care? Right?
     It is scientific fact that the Earth has been its own physical entity or "planet" for about 4.54 billion years. (Our Universe is 13.8 billion years old.) It is scientific fact that the Earth has been hospitable to anaerobic life for about 3.5 billion years and to aerobic or oxygen-based biological life for about 3 billion years (between 3.2 and 2.4 billion years). It is also scientific fact that our current species has been organizing itself into agricultural-based "civilizations" for about 12,000 years--which is but a blip in the lifespan of our Host Mother. One quarter of a ten millionth of a percentage point of the Earth's lifespan. A blip. A blink. A burp.
     You have probably heard of the Earth's "tectonic plates." Tectonic plates are the kind of continental plates or 'islands' that move over the surface of the planet, floating on the molten magma that lies miles beneath the Earth's surface. Swirling pockets of cooling and heating currents of magma are responsible for the movements of the massive plates over them. Over centuries and millennia the plates move, drifting apart and then back into each other according to temperature variations deep within the planet's core which then create currents in the magma just beneath the cooler surface plates. Think of it like the film that forms over the top of a pot of soup that is cooking over the stove. Yes, they are that malleable, that moveable.
     Scientists have physical evidence for the patterns of movement of the Earth's tectonic plates over the past 750 million years. During this time there have been several versions of supercontinents breaking up and drifting apart into fragments or "continents" only to reconverge and then break up again. Most recently (around 200 million years ago) our seven continents came from the supercontinent Pangaea, which came about from the convergence of many variations of two previous supercontinents,  Gwondana and Laurasia. Previous to that, one supercontinent called Pannotia existed from about 600 to 540 million years ago. The first supercontinent for which we have physical evidence, which scientists call Rodinia, started breaking up about 700 million years ago.
     My point is, over even the mere 750 million years in which the planet's surface has been stable enough to support land based life--which is but 17 per cent of Earth's age--the 12,000 years our species has displayed elevated, "civilized" behavior is still barely over one one thousandth of a percentage point of this time. That's still a lot of time for many other species and civilizations to have had their time in the sun.
     I am sure that Journeyman Paul has had experiences on Earth using life forms other than our current version of humans. I know, personally, of one of Journeyman Paul's incarnations on Earth in which he participated in a race of "giants" that populated high, dry places on the planet and who left the planet mostly by their own choice. They had very rich mental lives, very strong connections to extra-terrestrial life and the Spirit World but lacked development in language and emotional depth and diversity. This is the only pre-Homo sapiens sapiens experience for which I have direct knowledge--though the Atlantean world of which I wrote may have been that of another race or species. I have read of many others.
     Like the race of "giants" and the "lost civilization of Atlantis," many of the other experiments with sentient four-dimensional Earth-based life in which we Spirits participated before the current 12,000 year blink of an eye were variations on the dual theme of varied mental facility with the expanded, though often murky and debilitating experiment with the emotional side of things.
     I believe that the reason that Homo sapiens sapiens has been given such little evidence of other human forms is for the opportunity of diving to the deepest depths of Creation's Illusions of Duality. With this sense of uniqueness, can come deeper use of the Illusions of Separation, Isolation, Aloneness, Abandonment, and Lack. By convincing ourselves that we are alone, that we have been abandoned, we have been able to create a mindset of assertive self-protection--the attitude that everything on the planet is ours to use, that we have the right to take and use anything and everything we find because there is no one else that is going to do it (if we don't). As I mentioned recently, many masters have revealed information suggesting that the current human experience that we have created on the Earth School is one of the most challenging, difficult, versions for individuated experiential learning that we have ever created--that it immerses one far deeper into the veils of the Illusions than perhaps any other version yet devised. The previous experiments in four-dimensional emotion-based experiential learning have not been as deep, have been far less emotional. The emotional tar pits we have devised in Homo sapiens sapiens have been the most ensnaring, stickiest muck yet devised. It's genius! It's a master work!
     I also believe that the reason that we humans have been "given" some (though only fragmentary) oral and physical evidence of the existence/presence of alternate humanoid versions on planet Earth is so that we have a small but subtle reminder that there is much more "out there" that we can and probably will never know while traveling in these human bodies. We have become trapped in a myopic vision of life and of our role on our host planet and our place among her "children." Because of the challenges of the tests of immersion into the deepest depths of the Illusions of physical/material "reality," we have been given hints and reminders that this is just a game, that the human experience is but brief and fleeting, and that there are limitless variations and possibilities out there. Also, the smatterings of evidence of other life forms similar to our own serves as a gentle nudge to remind us that these bodies are merely experimental hosts, that they are fragile. Also, these archeological finds and mythic oral traditions are made available to us in order to test our beliefs, our concepts of place and time, our place in the relevance to all things Cosmic. Even the smallest hint of a possibility that there have been other human life forms--other civilizations that have come and gone, had somehow thrived and then failed, (self-destructed like ours?)--is also meant to help keep us humble in the knowledge that others before us--perhaps even "better" or (heaven forbid!) "more advanced" than us--had been here and had failed despite their intelligence or other skills and positive evolutionary traits.
     This last concept is important here. Among the many experiments the Spirit World has put forth to be used as experiential vehicles none has been flawless, none has been superior to any others. Some have been created with greater mental or telepathic capacity, others with greater physical strength, others with different numbers of appendages or more variety in their means for movement, travel and/or mobility, still others with greater and lesser degrees and ranges of emotional capacity. Our current form, Homo sapiens sapiens, is very much anchored within a perceptual filter that is heavily skewed toward physical and emotional information. The mind is as nimble and agile as other forms, but the increased capacity for physical and emotional skill development has quite naturally created a diversion of some attention and energies to those "newly" enhanced or developed skill areas. Mental skills that we might be capable of (remember: we use only five to ten per cent of our brain) like telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, and mental manipulation of physical matter are (as yet) undeveloped. We haven't given them the time and attention necessary to develop and master them like we have our bodies and emotions. And, as we all know, having a brain/filter that is so aware and attuned to so-called "physical" and "emotional" information can be quite distracting from the spiritual information and energy that is equally available but to which we are not so primarily aligned and attuned. Homo sapiens sapiens is an experiment in learning how to master a balance or dexterity among use of matter, emotional, mental and spiritual.
     At present time we are working hard on the emotional and physical aspects of our perceptual reality. But, again, these are very murky, very dense realms to be working in. It seems that this experiment in four-dimensional emotion-based experience may be throwing us a final test in the form of the challenges facing us due to human-created climate change. If we can figure out how to survive the Earth's fever, we may have a chance to further explore the potential for balance and mastery of dexterity within the complete context of physical/material and emotional within the mental and spiritual. Are we up for it? I think some of us are. And many of us will willingly try again in "future" times. Or not. The 21st Century Earth School experience is a tough one. Many monads will probably choose easier, less complex, "safer" venues and forms for their experiential adventuring. And I for one won't blame them. Will you?

Helios and His Pleaidean Dance Partner

Helios is the name revealed by many masters, in many writings, that is given to the "logos" or conscious being that ensouls our sun, whom we call Sol. Yes, everything--every single thing--born, shaped, formed, thought, or imagined has an animus--is imbued, filled, or occupied by a 'soul,' by a spark of The Divine. We could, if we wanted, take the time (eternity) to find the names of every little thing. But, let's not.
    Helios is the name of the soul animating our sun. Like humans and many other conscious beings playing within the Cosmic Game of Taoist duality, Helios has a twin, another complementary Monad, with whom 'he' awakened during his birth into the Illusions of Creation. This is event is what we call the First Individuation. Helios and his "twin flame" have each chosen stars for their current incarnate forms. Helios' twin, called Vesta, ensouls one of the seven stars of the Pleaidean star cluster.
     Like Monads that choose the human experience for their educational adventures, the star twins are using their forms, their illusory senses of "separation," and their "independent" travels for the gathering of information, the gathering of experiences, the testing of their varying levels of Self-awareness, Self-understanding and Self-realization. As stars, they are in a perpetual dance that involves circling away from one another, feeling the difference distance can make in their Self-concept and Self-confidence. Helios and Vesta are dancing the same cosmic dance that all Twin Flames dance when they have chosen to enlist and participate in Cosmic Creation. Thus, the dance of Sol, the body or vehicle of the Monad called Helios, is also a reflection of, a metaphor for, the same dance that two souls do when choosing the Earth School human experience for their incarnate adventures.
     Sol and Vesta are dancing a dance that comes full circle, only to start again, every 23,000 to 27,000  years. (The actual time period of the "Solar Precession" is unknown due to the unaccounted for effects on speed due to gravitational effects of other celestial entities--and for the assumed slower speed at apoasis as compared to the assumed faster speeds as the sun is closer to Vesta. An average of 24,000 years is accepted though some "experts" will throw 25,772 Julian years at you or the 25,920 year "Great Year," while some will even go as low as 23,000.)
     Toril and Paul's dance has brought them together for several Earth-based lifetimes during this cycle of Sol's movement away from his twin. 13,500 years ago, Helios/Sol left the comfort and strength of Vesta's side. 13,500 years ago human civilizations had been experiencing a high point in the form of Egyptian, Atlantean, Nazcan, Australian Aboriginal societies (and more). Since that time, we have seen a gradual and insidious descent in human consciousness and human capability, all due to the sun's movement away from its place of greatest Truth, Joy, Beauty, and Love, that is, at the side of its Twin.
     As humans we will also experience diminished spiritual flow when feeling separated or ignorant of the existence of our twins. To have one's twin in one's life is incredibly powerful for the constant beam of Love bashing away unconsciously, trying to diminish the Ego-built cloud of ignorance, constantly sending a reminder to the unconscious, to the soul, to the Higher Self, of the presence and power of Spirit, of true Love, Higher Joy, Higher Truth, and Higher Beauty.
     During the next 10,500 to 12,420 years (depending on which source you want to listen to), as Earth travels within the entourage of Helios/Sol back towards reunion with Vesta, Earth and its occupants will experience the effects of a stronger more insistent radiance of higher consciousness, of Higher Joy, Truth, Beauty and Love, because of the Higher Joy, Truth, Beauty and Love Helios will be exuding as he closes in on his one True Love. At the same time, Helios and Vesta still have "issues" to deal with; they still have growth and learning to accomplish. They still have work to do on their respective roads to Self-realization. They may not even be any more evolved than you or I, only differently evolved. I've heard it told to me many times that the choice to incarnate into the Earth School for one's growth and learning is one of the most difficult because the emotion-based four-dimensional human experience is one of the murkiest "distances" that we co-creators of Cosmic Creation have come up with while using the Illusions of Duality and particularity the Illusion of Separation. The tests that the earth-based human experience offer--the degree of ignorance, the degree of "separation" from our Divine Source that one might experience--is quite challenging to overcome and rise above.
     So, pat yourself on the back: By choosing the Earth School for your adventures, you have been brave enough (or cocky enough) to have chosen to really test your mettle. As said before, the mire of the emotional tar pits can be debilitating and frightening. To figure out how to extricate yourself from the tremendously confining and limiting baggage of emotion-based life may take a lot of work. But, the rewards, Spiritually, are tremendous. The contributions our travails make to Cosmic Consciousness and to the realization of the potentialities of Divine Experience are far, far beyond our comprehension. Suffice it to say, God couldn't do it without us! (Ha! ha!)
     Many people currently on Earth are despairing the place to which materialism and ignorance have brought human civilization. Mother Earth is doing what she needs to do in order to correct the imbalance, in order to return to health, which is to have a fever. If her fever is successful biological life at the planet's surface will be diminished extraordinarily. Some microbial and insect-like species may survive, but anything bigger than a cockroach is likely to be expurged--burned from the face of the planet. The human race will certainly find it difficult to survive, even in small numbers. But, Gaia will eventually return to her more normal temperature and weather ranges. In thousands of years (which will seem like hours to Her) the planet may be ripe for another turn at supporting the kind of life forms that we and our Spiritual Masters have found useful for adventure and experience. Or perhaps the Spiritual Architects will create other life forms that can use Earth even during her recovery period. Or perhaps Heaven's Gate's Marshall Applewhite (or "Doe" as he called himself) was right when he announced in 1996 that the Earth is being readied to be recycled. Or maybe Douglas Adams' story in which the Earth was being demolished to make way for an Intergalactic Highway will prove true. Again, in the Spirit World there is no limitation to or dependence on Time--and no lack of imagination. In any case, rest assured that the many life-forms contrived for four-dimensional experience on planet Earth, both "past" and "future," are finding usefulness within the Spirit World as I speak. And imagination--human and otherwise--are all equally viable means for creating the next and "future" possibilities for Earth and our Spiritual Selves.
     Helios, too, will continue to gather information and experience from the physical, emotional, and mental changes that his incarnate star vehicle will incur due to the passage of time, from gravitational (and other types of) interactions with other celestial beings (and otherwise), as well as, of course, from the many circuitous trips he makes while dancing with Vesta, his Pleaidean Twin. As he travels let's wish him all the best in his efforts to see and realize his grandest versions of Truth, Beauty, Joy, and Love.