Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Everything Is You

Everything is you. Isn't it obvious? I mean, how could anything other than this be true. Everything we perceive--both consciously and unconsciously--is received and processed through our human neural network. Ingested and digested. Just like food. We sense it and it becomes ours to use. (Or not).
     Everything "outside" of our sensory perception is "there" for our information and use. And yet, by noticing it, by bringing it into our awareness, we are bringing it into our own being, into our consciousness. Even our body will involuntarily react, adjust itself, in accordance to how it thinks we need to ready ourselves for action and/or interaction. Likewise, everything "within"--every thought, feeling, impression, intuition, memory, dream, image or inspiration that seems to come from somewhere "inside" us--is equally present--is drawn to us (one might say, "co-created" by us) for our information and use. With all of this in mind, how could anything (here tying into the word "everything") not be for us, a part of us, and, therefore, us?
A common phrase that is often heard from ancient religious texts is, "I AM THAT." I believe this phrase is saying basically the same thing as "everything is you." I am that. Everything is you. The two statements differ only in perspective. "I am that" comes from a center that is our singularly, seemingly independent, personal viewing point, allowing the beam of our "flashlight of attention" to fall lovingly and inclusively onto anything and everything that it might "illuminate." "Everything is you" begins with every single possibility within Creation (past, present or future; here, there and everywhere) and bundles them up into a package that is singular:  that is, "you."
     To test my assertion, let's try an exercise. Think of anything--any thought, any memory, any fleeting image or idea, any sensory or emotional feeling--and observe:  Your attention to that "thing" brings it into the total package that makes up what we call "you." By noticing that thing, you have ingested it--you have "swallowed" it into your neural network, into your human computer for storage, comparison, processing, categorization, and recall. The information that you noticed is now yours and, therefore, a part of "you."
     Hypnosis and psychology have proven that even the things that we do not think that we notice, that we do not think that we have control over, that we take for granted because they seem automatic or because they seem to be in the background and periphery and, therefore, unimportant, these things too have been ingested, have been categorized, and can be recalled and manipulated. The world that the human 'supercomputer'--that we helped choose and design--comes in contact with--external and internal--is a tool for our Soul's information gathering. Or, rather, the human bodymind that we chose to drive for a while is our Soul's learning tool. The Soul is using the human vehicle as a collector and filter of information and experiences. The Soul then uses this information to test itself against its goals along an evolutionary path that eventually leads back to its full re-realization of our Divine Origins--that is, to its full reacquaintance with the fact that We are all everything and that we are all One. Everything is you!
     I can't help but look at a thing, feel a sensation in my body, taste a taste in my mouth, remember a memory from a near or distant past, think up an idea for a sentence or a word to share in conversation, without remembering that that thing, that sensation, that thing I'm tasting, that image in my mind, that word I'm thinking of using, that person I'm in conversation with, are all a part of me--are all present and available to me for my use, for my growth, for my lessons, for my choices, for my participation in the Illusions of Creation, for my play in the Cosmic Game of Cause and Effect. It is such a liberating, joyous realization when these reminding rememberings occur. Such a help in the process of learning detachment from outcomes and expectations.

Many of us have become entranced with the belief that you are your body and its senses, that you are your emotions and feelings, that you are your thoughts and beliefs. We identify with these features as if this is the absolute truth, an unassailable reality. And yet what is it, do you think, that animates--that give energy, awareness, and consciousness--to these bodies, these emotions, your thoughts? Is it electricity? Chemistry? Higgs bosons? I profess to you that none of these would or could exist without a Higher Consciousness, without spiritual backing, without your soul.
     A soul? What, then, would you say is a soul? What is 'spirit?'
     Spirit is the animating force of humans, animals, plants, and, some might argue, all matter. You have an individuated spiritual being who has invested energy or 'ensouled' your human body mind. This spiritual being chose your particular bodymind in this particular time and within this particular culture for very specific reasons: that these conditions offer the best opportunity for certain lesson-bearing experiences to unfold. The experiences you planned to attract to your human vehicle during this journey through the Earth School are most likely to occur through the particular vehicle (human body) and matrix (four-dimensional emotion-based) in which you find yourself.
     Your spiritual body has ensouled the bodymind you currently occupy with very defined goals in mind. You have also come onto the planet with 'contracts' between you and other souls with whom you planned to interact in order to serve one another's learning desires. The human form you chose comes with certain conditions and rules as does the Earth Plane on which it travels.
     As the spirit ensouls the human form it finds itself 'veiled' from certain spiritual information as a condition to help one remain committed to the often overwhelming and certainly challenging rules and limitation that come with the human Earth experience. Were we to arrive in the human host with full spiritual awareness we might find ourselves unwittingly using our Higher Creativity to perform acts that don't really conform to or honor and respect the conditions we've all co-created for the precise kinds of experiential learning that we desire.
     The freshly humanified soul is, as you might imagine, quite unused to and frustrated by the extremely confining and limited capabilities of its new human form. This is why there is the rather polarized infancy and childhood stage of human development, to allow the soul time to get used to the confines and limitations of the human body and Earth Plane.

   You have a body, you have emotions and you have a brain but you are more than your senses, feelings, and thoughts.

Another exercise that is often useful in helping people begin to glimpse the fact that their body is but a tool--that it is a vehicle that we are using but not forever attached to--involves a concept called "bilocation." Bilocation describes the phenomenon of being in one place while the mind is in a totally different place. That "other" place could be memory, dream, projection, or even that object or idea "outside" you that is attracting all of your conscious attention. "Losing yourself" in a book or a film or watching a child on the playground are other examples of bilocality. It is when our attention is so focused "outside" of your own body that you could, in fact, "forget" that you have a body, you could be so totally disconnected from your body that, if you think about it, you could, in fact, be using any body, any viewing point other than your own body.
     Think of driving a car. You drive an hour or two to a certain destination and somewhere along the way we get so focused on our thoughts or on a story we're listening to or the memories that are conjured up by a particular song that we are hearing that when we "wake up" to our immediate surroundings--to the task of driving our car--we are mystified by the fact that we have gotten "here"--to point B--with no memory of the miles we have just driven. We all have done this. This is bilocality:  mentally being in a place different from that of our body yet all at the same time.
     Bilocality is a phenomenon that scientists have recognized for some time. Albert Einstein on his death bed even admitted that he had no scientific explanation for this phenomenon. And yet it was a phenomenon that he fully acknowledged and accepted. By closing your eyes and giving any thought, memory, goal or plan your fullest attention you are in fact bilocating--you are proving that the mind is not confined to--is, in fact, bigger than--the body that supposedly houses it. To me, this phenomenon is proof that the body is not really a house or container for the mind, it is just a vehicle for it; the Mind is using the body of its human host for its view. It is using your body and its senses as a specific viewing point, just as you might use a car or a computer, for the filtration and gathering of information.

Larry Dossey, M.D., has spent the better part of his medical career championing the concept that mind is something beyond the body, that the mind plays a major part in health and healing. In the 1980s Dr. Dossey came up with the term "nonlocal mind" to describe his belief that mind is unconfined to the brain and body, that mind is spread infinitely throughout space and time. He has dedicated his time since then to finding and leading scientific research to support his theories and beliefs as well as expanding upon and explaining better the "nonlocal mind" concept.
     The nonlocal mind is not confined to nor is it defined by the body that it is using. It may be tethered to that body but the string of its tether is infinite in its elasticity and is very easily broken--which merely sets mind free to find another host, another viewing point, another anchoring point. Or not. Set free among the unified field of the One Mind, the nonlocal mind is like the water that once made up the wave--it is exhilarated by its contact with and view of alternate information coming from this other viewpoint of its wave crest--but then, after a brief time, it descends back into the ocean where it is comfortably re-merged within the unified wholeness of its foundational substance, the water.
     The minds of all creatures on this planet, including humans, do not have borders, they are neither discrete nor private. Instead, we are all fundamentally united. This statement supports my original premise: everything is you. My mind is using this Drew Fisher body and neural network for information and experience gathering but it could just as easily use any other body or reference point for said task. As explained in podcast Episode 38, in the Akashic Library it does exactly this. The Self-identifying Spiritual Entity I call the Monad uses the "records" in the Akashic Library to access an infinite variety of reference points from which to observe, gather, react, act or interact as it wills.
     If you substitute the word "soul" or "Monad" for the word "mind" in the above paragraphs you get the full gist of my meaning--the reason for my doing these podcasts/blogposts. We souls/Monads/ "minds" are using these human bodies with their wonderful senses, the rich emotional field with its immense variety of feelings and conundra, these wonderfully elastic brains, all for the purpose of experience. And we do! We experience so many things at so many levels. But remember:  The human vehicle is a bridge for the two-way flow of information. Information--Beauty, Truth, Joy and Love--can be found and gathered by the Monadic oversoul through the human vehicle, but it can also be given. As the Monad decides to participate in the Earth School experience it is not its intention to only take from its experiences, it hopes to figure out how to give something in return for its use. Therefore, think of yourselves as a bearer, a deliverer, of Truth, Beauty, Joy and Love. In your infinite wisdom, in your natural state, from within the matrix of your Original Substance--which is the Great Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, you are Truth, Beauty, Joy and Love. So, express yourself!--by expressing your Self! Express your Truth, your Beauty, your Joy, and your Love!

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