I have covered these two topics before--both separately and together--but they still come up: Is there such a thing as a "Twin Soul" or "Twin Flame"? and What is a "soul mate"?
As previously discussed and illustrated through my blogpost entitled "Anna," a soul mate is any soul from your Soul Family, soul group, or from within the community of souls with whom you have worked closely before. You and a soul mate may have contracted to play significant roles in each other's lives--whether that contract was to participate in a single particular event of primary significance to one or the other's growth goals or whether it is to play off each other in a mirroring/sounding board dynamic in a long term relationship such as husband and wife, siblings, mother-child, father-child, mentor-student, or others. Journeyman Paul has soul mate relationships with the people that have played girl friend, three hour encounter on a train in Europe, daughter, great grandmother, college friend, brother, father, spirit guide, and current wife in Drew Fisher's life time--and those are just the ones that have been revealed to my conscious mind in this Drew Fisher vehicle. It is likely that there are many, many more people who have contributed to the growth and development of Drew Fisher in this incarnation who are members of Journeyman Paul's soul community, but that that information has not been significant enough to have been revealed to me (so far).
So, in short, a soul mate can be one of any number of souls you might encounter while traveling in your current human vehicle. You might be in contact with or be using several of them at this very time in your life. You may also have none currently present and/or active in your life. It is important to here recognize that a soul mate might also have contractually agreed to work with you in a particular incarnation in an adversarial or violent capacity. The lessons inherent in being the recipient of an act of violence or adversity can be very powerful--and sometimes we ask close Soul Community members to step in and perform those very difficult tasks because we know that they will do so with that goal of working for the Highest Good and most Sacrificial Love for us. To perform acts of destruction, harm, crime, or even mischief require very strong souls--souls based in a strong sense of Self and Love, souls firmly entrenched in the awareness that this is all a Game, that we are only putting on masks, playing roles to afford one another experiences based within the rules and contexts of the contextual field in which we are making our selves present. Were an "immature" or "damaged" soul to take on a human bodymind that has a destructive or violent role in store for it, it may come out more damaged, more entrenched in its perception of disharmony or injury--which only means that it might take more time and therapies for its healing and wholeness to be regained.
For example, many Monads willingly took on key or supportive roles in the Nazi regime in Germany. The hurt and suffering that they helped to inflict or submit others to during those lifetimes in the 1930s and after was offered up with an intention of creating a perspective of gratitude and appreciation for life, family, culture, freedom, and so many other things in our world which can become taken for granted. As the comforts and ease, liberties and freedoms of modern industrial human society were growing, the Spiritual Kingdom saw that there needed to be balancing "reminders" of the special gifts we were being given. Pain and suffering are, of course, the great balancers, the great "reminders," the great perspective resets for humankind.
It is correctly rumored that many of the Monads who participated on the Nazi side of events in the 20th century are now ensouled in Jewish or Palestinian bodyminds--as a means to making amends, to balancing out the scales, as a karmic exchange for their roles in the Nazi regime. But, a problem has arisen as some of the Monads who participated in the Nazi atrocities and the Nazi mindset and way of life came to enjoy the perpetration of destruction, control, fear, hurt and pain upon others. These are the Monads or souls who were not quite fully prepared for the impact their actions could have on their Higher Mind, on their spiritual psychology. Thus, we now have a problem with current bodyminds living lives with variations on the reinforced destroyer/perpetrator mentalities that they never quite cleared their beings of from their Nazi lives; there is violence being perpetrated on other human beings by the supposed "victims" of previous crimes against humanity! The psychoses of inflicting pain and destruction upon others is not being reversed but carried forward!
Though some former Nazis are, no doubt, making amends for their complicity in aggression and perversion, balancing the scales of karma, it may, in fact, take several lifetimes and between-lifetimes for some of the other Monads who seem stuck in aggressive, destructive behaviors to heal and re-balance their eccentric patterns.
The question of twin souls--or "twin flames" as some are want to call them--is definitely based in a contextual field that rings true to me and my recall of experiences as Journeyman Paul. I'm not sure if it was in the first phase of individuation, that is, that first shift from Unity Consciousness into the realm of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation, but I resonate with the recollection of "being born" in an ethereal form of an "egg" in a kind of diaphanous form similar in concept to the common symbol of the Yin and Yang: curled up with my "head" or "mental point of reference" facing or entwined with the "tail" or "feet" or "grounding feature" of my "other half"--who happens to be ensouling the bodymind of Toril, my current wife in this Drew Fisher incarnation. Within that "cephalic point of conscious reference" resides the seed of all that is Toril, all that is essentially my other half--and within her is the seed of all that is me (Journeyman Paul). So, while "separate" from our previous form of ubiquitous Unity Consciousness, or God, and "separate" from my other half, the yin to my yang, I am ever reminded by that seed within--as I am by the Blue Pearl within my Heart--that all perceptions of separation are but illusory and were made up by Us for Our play in the infinite realms and variations of the Cosmic Playground. At some level, despite the degree of separation in dimensionality or time and place that Toril and I choose to focus our attentions and intentions, we are never truly separated, never truly apart--and the same goes for our relationship with God. Do you see how everything is metaphor, how everything is built layer upon layer upon the Illusion of the First Individuation?
So, in the belief system constructed to this point with the help of my experiences as Drew Fisher, Toril and I are "twin souls." We were "born" into the Illusion of Separation, into Cosmic Creation, together, metaphoric examples of God's Taoist commitment to duality. We came from the same egg, she the yin to my yang, I the masculine half of her feminine representation (which, interestingly, plays out in the fact that neither of us has been able to access a single lifetime in which we were not representatives of those original gender orientations). This is not to say that there aren't many, many other ways in which form was--or is--"born" into contextual fields within the infinite possibilities of Cosmic Creation. I'm certain that there are. This is just the entry or "birth" that Toril and I remember--and one factor that has led to our inclination to (want to) reconnect within Game-playing fields, within multi-dimensional contextual fields.
Twin souls may decide to work together in numerous incarnations--in the guise of many roles, including but not exclusive to that of lovers. The roles you decide to take on may include those of family members or even as adversaries. I would like to here caution you against obsessing over the quest for your Twin. This, in my opinion, is simply a waste of time. If and when you are ready, that information may present itself to you, but the soul work you accomplish is not dependent upon your pairing up or holding your hands much less even finding your Twin. Suffice it to say that you are always "holding hands" with your twin, whether you are aware of it or not.
I am told that the Monad can or will experience the joyful "reunion" with its twin while in human form when one has reached the last initiation on the scale of human unveilings of Spiritual energy. At this point it is considered that one has "done all the work" necessary to open one's human consciousness to full awareness of the presence of the Rays (though, I can assure you, the likelihood of one's master of their potentialities is very slim). After this stage or "rung" on the ladder has been achieved, there is a bit of a plateau for rest and reflection, but then there opens up an entire new ladder of spiritual goals and learning with another vast spectrum of experiential choices from which to choose our next contextual field and appropriate forms for learning and growth. The work of spiritual growth does not end with mastery of spiritual principles through the perceptual filters of the human experience. There are many, many other forms, other dimensions, other expanded fields of conscious awareness to work within, to master, before we achieve re-union with our One True Self. Imagine the consciousness/perspective of a star! or a galaxy! or a universe! And these are just four-dimensional entities of which we are already aware. We can only begin to imagine the choices of experiential perspectives beyond the four dimensions that we humans are familiar with. And through it all, rest assured, you will be "holding hands" with your cosmic twin, working with a loving "family" and "community" of Monadic oversouls. What a wonderful, beautiful Plan we have devised!
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
One of the few topics I have been avoiding from the start of these blogposts is that of initiations, that is, the spiritual "ladder" that one works along as part of the human experience. I have been avoiding this topic because the Ego has its way of treating things competitively, of wanting to extoll its own virtues and achievements. The Ego wants to "look good." It wants others to think it is special so that it can think well of itself.
The topic of initiation always seems to provoke Ego. Ego wants to tout how far it is along the spiritual path (in order to deceive others into believing Ego is in submission to Spirit). The key here is to try to remember that there is absolutely nothing that the Ego can do to improve the spiritual progress that one achieves. As a matter of fact, it can more accurately be stated that the Ego has an agenda which is usually quite different from and often misleading to The Soul Plan that was installed by the Monad and its team of spiritual beings.
I apologize if I am confusing you here. You see, I will remind you, the Ego is, after all, merely a fabrication that we spiritual beings have created to further challenge our selves in our adventuring into the deeper and deepest realms of Cosmic Creation, veils of Ignorance, into the murky tar pits of the human experience. And, ingenious it is, this concoction that we call "the Ego" is a side of ourselves, a point of view, that interprets the world within and around us in a way that is very different from the spiritual perspective.
The Ego is very much a product of the physical- and emotion-based perspective of Earth World. It is fully immersed in and governed by the tremendous amount of information bombarding us from our senses and our psychological identification with our human bodies. But, again, it is a devise, a tool, that we spiritual beings installed into the fabric of human beingness in order to test our selves, in order to confuse, distract and retard our ability to focus on the True tasks at hand, which would be to learn, embrace, and use spiritual principles, to practice spiritual law while in these Earth incarnations. The emotion-based sentient human experience has been devised as one of the deepest forays into the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation, certainly one of the most overwelhming and confusing "rides" away from "home" (which is nondualistic Unity Consciousness).
The basics of spiritual law include individual realization, use and expression of Love, Beauty, Truth, Choice, Universal Divinity, Forgiveness, Detachment, Harmony, Unity Consciousness, etc. The achievement of this ability to realize, use, and express spiritual principles while in human form comes in stages. These stages can be called "initiations." Many spiritual traditions have elucidated set or flexible numbers of stages or initiations. The scale of initiations can be defined differently but they usually correspond to the individual's ability to cast aside or see through the various layers or veils of ignorance, the Illusions. Were one to emerge into human form with full awareness and command of all of the Illusions, in full command of spiritual law, that person would probably be recognized as an "enlightened being;" the lightness one might feel (and exhibit) from being unencumbered by the tremendous weight of Ego, from being free of the Illusions and the veils of Ignorance, is truly liberating and would certainly be found to be inspiring to those who might be fortunate to find (and recognize) themselves in the presence of such an individual.
When I began my formal studies of spiritual information I encountered goals of achievement in Buddhist traditions--the Five Precepts of The Golden Rule, the Buddhist system of basic morality. Before that, of course, there were concepts like The Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule--the mastery of which claimed to ensure one a saintly or righteous life. I also encountered lists of goals from other writers who had spiritual focus, such as Deepak Chopra's Laws of Spirituality or Spiritual Laws of Success. And when I found myself a student of Esoteric Healing--which draws much from the writings of Alice Bailey and other authors of Eastern and Theosophic traditions--I was exposed to the concept of Initiations. I had come across this term before. First in a book by British author Cyril Scott entitled The Initiate: Impressions of a Great Soul, second in the pop novel of Richard Bach's entitled Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, and finally in an autobigraphical book by Swiss spiritual teacher Elisabeth Haich entitled Initiation. All three of these source books have been referenced or presented in previous Life Is Beautiful blogposts.
The number of initiations requisite to mastery of spiritual law while in human form has been source to some interpretation and variation. I had heard of five, seven, nine and 12 stages of spiritual awakening--for that is, in effect, what each stage represents: a new level of awareness or awakeness; increased or expanded awareness of the deceits of The Grand Illusions, The Ego, the lightening of the load of Fear and Ignorance. As consciousness is expanded, raised, it is able to use its awareness to build upon and seek further information, to come to grips with that new information, and then, hopefully, put it to use.
People will ask questions like, "How long will I have to work on this stage, this initiation level, before I can move on to the next one?" And the answer, of course, is: As long as it takes! There is no right or wrong time, no right or wrong initiation level to achieve (or not). There is no failure. Everybody will figure it out. At some point. For some it may take several lifetimes as the lures and attachments to concepts and beliefs in the four-dimensional sensory world may prove more attractive for that individual for a while. Addictions and addictive behaviors are another obstacle thrown into the human equation to make the journey more challenging, more But then, the achievement of success on the climb to spiritual awareness becomes that much more appreciated, that much more rewarding.
Each stage or initiation can take years or lifetimes. Once focused on a spiritual path, achieving success at recognizing spiritual concepts and laws, the speed in which one travels the path may increase or accelerate. But then there is the separate topic of mastery. Just because a soul has been able to begin to recognize it's True self and the True nature of All Things does not mean that they will have achieved mastery of the use of this knowledge. Mastery may take many other incarnations--and not necessarily human or in the four-dimensional contextual field. Once one has achieved full awareness of spiritual law and the role that the Earth School experience plays in our development (toward Self-realization--which is, ultimately, of course, a return to Unity Consciousness with Our Divine Source) we feel free to use our choices to try other means and methods of working with spiritual law. There is actually a whole other "ladder" of spiritual awareness and achievement over and above that which we work with while in the human form. So, rather than set forth a specific number of initiations that we can and should seek to recognize and achieve and then outline and describe the nature and qualities of each initiation, let me instead describe some of the general tasks or themes we will encounter on the path.
Remember, the entire journey is about gradually increasing our awareness of Self and spiritual potential. The journey usual begins with social groups--using others, using established traditions and beliefs for. Like choosing clothing, we may find ourselves mentally trying on several different religious mantles--all the while driven by that feeling of what feels right, what feels wrong, what feels like the uncovering of a part of you, a part of your beliefs, that is an internal truth--something that was always there within you but has now been allowed out of the dark, has been given light and life, has been restored to its proper place. The entire path is like this: gradual, incremental revelations of ideas, concepts, truths that were always within you, that have resided within you since before you were born, but need the "work" of seeking, the kick in the but from that ever broadcasting voice from within, the incessant beacon of the Divinity within us, the spiritual Monad.
"Divine discontent" is an appropriate term used to describe that unsettling feeling in the gut, coming from the unconscious (from the Soul--the beacon of the Monad), that says something isn't quite right, that there is something more, something "deeper" to learn or discover. This is a feeling commonly used by many spiritual travelers to describe their impetus for seeking, for taking risks, for trying new things.
Though our travels are always our own, the path is never exactly like any one else's, we are able to benefit from the myriad paths that others before us have taken to achieve increasing Self-awareness, an increasing sense of the presence of the energy of our Divine Origins. That is how religions and philosophies, social groups, education, art and literature, dreams and metaphor serve us: as means to revealing little bits of our selves to our selves--so that we can decide if we like and want to stay attached to this part of me or whether we are feeling that we are past that version of our selves, of our "truth," whether we have become "bigger" than that particular formerly-useful piece of information, that that piece of information is no longer useful for our current self-definition.
It is important to remember that every piece of information you receive is useful: every piece of information that comes into your awareness can help you on your journey to continually define and re-define your self concept, your Self. A piece of information will either be found useful as a welcomed part of you or as an unwelcomed part and therefore something you'd like to change, or it will be determined as something that has no bearing, relevance, or place in our current self-concept--which then leads us to discard it but, at the same time, has helped us to re-define and reassert our current self-definition. This is why we can say that everything in your world--every single piece of information, physically, sensually, psychologically--all of it is offered to you--has been attracted to you by you--specifically for your use. What you choose to do with it is up to you. If you choose to ignore it, that's fine. You will continue to create a contextual field with variations on that same piece of information until it does lead to stimulation--until you are finally ready to receive, pay attention to, and perhaps process it. There is no hurry. There is no right or wrong. You may not even be perceiving information on a conscious level or you may not be ready to process it at the level of significance (remember: every thing is metaphor) you need it. That may take years and many many encounters with the same piece of information. (Which is one reason that Carl Jung would revisit dreams and symbols and synchronous events over and over throughout his lifetime: there could always be more layers and tie-ins with other pieces of information which can in turn reveal different forms of meaning and significance to our ever-expanding concept of Self and world.)
Another question on people's minds is "Can I fall backwards or regress on my spiritual path?" The answer is a little complicated because it depends on your perspective: From a spiritual perspective there is no right or wrong; we're all going to get there. And the act of taking on a human bodymind involves committing to a kind of "blank slate" wherein we start at the bottom of the ladder with each incarnation BUT it is usually a much faster climb if spiritual work has been done/accomplished in previous incarnations.
The other answer to this question "Can I fall backwards or regress on my spiritual path?" is yes, of course! As in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we all use all of the information, all of the perspectives from the initiatory ladder. For example, once I've reached the ninth rung of the ladder of initiations I will still find myself from time to time looking at a situation from the perspective of the first or the fifth Initiation. It's all available to me; it's all a part of me. I just don't have access to the perspectives of the initiations ahead of me. Yet.
Most of the work on the ladder of initiations has to do with getting used to the reception and effects of the presence of the energy of a particular ray from among the rainbow of Cosmic Rays. This is the true secret, the true reason for the existence of the hierarchy of initiations: there are 12 primary and secondary Cosmic Rays. To take on the effects of the presence of the full energies of all of the 12 Rays at once would be quite overwhelming for the feeble human nervous system. Thus, we devised a system by which we could slowly, gradually prepare ourselves for the flood of the presence and then use of the energies of each of the Cosmic Rays, only one at a time. And, there is an ordered sequence to which we expose ourselves. But the Rays will only begin to be fully received within our human vessel if and when we are ready--if and when our Ego allows for the hearing and opening to the Cosmic Beacon, the Voice of Our Soul Plan, once we have actively begun our conscious journey on our own spiritual path.
Also, there are several initiations that usually prove more difficult for humans in this day and age to work through in this day and age. The first exposure to the energy of Ray 1 can be very unsettling for many and may take a long time to process in order to learn how to work with it. And the exposure to Ray 8 is also unsettling for this is when Spirit is reminding the human that you have the power, that you alone are responsible for your self and your choices and actions, that you no longer need teachers, just as you have never needed teachers because everything, every single piece of information that comes into your awareness and, eventually, into your consciousness was all co-created and attracted to you by you. Once a human recognizes and embraces this fact, one is finally free and able to handle the more refined and specific spiritual energies of the higher initiations. Before this point, the human is still fully and unconsciously connected to a perspective of duality, to the habit of wanting to treat things as "inside" you and "outside" of you, of "here" and "there," "this" and "that," "yours" and "mine," etc. "External" teachers are very important to the human before the eighth initiation. After that the road is much more solitary and yet joyfully holistic and inclusionary.
Again, the ladders of initiation are merely informations from a variety of systems that allow us to look at our progress--as well as our obstacles--on our spiritual paths. As is the case with any information, use it as you see fit--as it serves you--and disregard that which makes no sense, or that which feels contrary to your beliefs and values. As I have said before many times: We are all going to get there and There is no right or wrong way, no better or worse path, to the achievement of our goals. Every choice offers us a lesson, the potential for learning, and if we don't get the message the first or ninetieth time it is given to us, it's okay. The messages will keep coming and one day--when we are ready--not when somebody else wants us to be ready--we will get it. And then we will move on to the next message, the next adventure, the next perspective, the next choice.
The topic of initiation always seems to provoke Ego. Ego wants to tout how far it is along the spiritual path (in order to deceive others into believing Ego is in submission to Spirit). The key here is to try to remember that there is absolutely nothing that the Ego can do to improve the spiritual progress that one achieves. As a matter of fact, it can more accurately be stated that the Ego has an agenda which is usually quite different from and often misleading to The Soul Plan that was installed by the Monad and its team of spiritual beings.
I apologize if I am confusing you here. You see, I will remind you, the Ego is, after all, merely a fabrication that we spiritual beings have created to further challenge our selves in our adventuring into the deeper and deepest realms of Cosmic Creation, veils of Ignorance, into the murky tar pits of the human experience. And, ingenious it is, this concoction that we call "the Ego" is a side of ourselves, a point of view, that interprets the world within and around us in a way that is very different from the spiritual perspective.
The Ego is very much a product of the physical- and emotion-based perspective of Earth World. It is fully immersed in and governed by the tremendous amount of information bombarding us from our senses and our psychological identification with our human bodies. But, again, it is a devise, a tool, that we spiritual beings installed into the fabric of human beingness in order to test our selves, in order to confuse, distract and retard our ability to focus on the True tasks at hand, which would be to learn, embrace, and use spiritual principles, to practice spiritual law while in these Earth incarnations. The emotion-based sentient human experience has been devised as one of the deepest forays into the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation, certainly one of the most overwelhming and confusing "rides" away from "home" (which is nondualistic Unity Consciousness).
The basics of spiritual law include individual realization, use and expression of Love, Beauty, Truth, Choice, Universal Divinity, Forgiveness, Detachment, Harmony, Unity Consciousness, etc. The achievement of this ability to realize, use, and express spiritual principles while in human form comes in stages. These stages can be called "initiations." Many spiritual traditions have elucidated set or flexible numbers of stages or initiations. The scale of initiations can be defined differently but they usually correspond to the individual's ability to cast aside or see through the various layers or veils of ignorance, the Illusions. Were one to emerge into human form with full awareness and command of all of the Illusions, in full command of spiritual law, that person would probably be recognized as an "enlightened being;" the lightness one might feel (and exhibit) from being unencumbered by the tremendous weight of Ego, from being free of the Illusions and the veils of Ignorance, is truly liberating and would certainly be found to be inspiring to those who might be fortunate to find (and recognize) themselves in the presence of such an individual.
When I began my formal studies of spiritual information I encountered goals of achievement in Buddhist traditions--the Five Precepts of The Golden Rule, the Buddhist system of basic morality. Before that, of course, there were concepts like The Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule--the mastery of which claimed to ensure one a saintly or righteous life. I also encountered lists of goals from other writers who had spiritual focus, such as Deepak Chopra's Laws of Spirituality or Spiritual Laws of Success. And when I found myself a student of Esoteric Healing--which draws much from the writings of Alice Bailey and other authors of Eastern and Theosophic traditions--I was exposed to the concept of Initiations. I had come across this term before. First in a book by British author Cyril Scott entitled The Initiate: Impressions of a Great Soul, second in the pop novel of Richard Bach's entitled Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, and finally in an autobigraphical book by Swiss spiritual teacher Elisabeth Haich entitled Initiation. All three of these source books have been referenced or presented in previous Life Is Beautiful blogposts.
The number of initiations requisite to mastery of spiritual law while in human form has been source to some interpretation and variation. I had heard of five, seven, nine and 12 stages of spiritual awakening--for that is, in effect, what each stage represents: a new level of awareness or awakeness; increased or expanded awareness of the deceits of The Grand Illusions, The Ego, the lightening of the load of Fear and Ignorance. As consciousness is expanded, raised, it is able to use its awareness to build upon and seek further information, to come to grips with that new information, and then, hopefully, put it to use.
People will ask questions like, "How long will I have to work on this stage, this initiation level, before I can move on to the next one?" And the answer, of course, is: As long as it takes! There is no right or wrong time, no right or wrong initiation level to achieve (or not). There is no failure. Everybody will figure it out. At some point. For some it may take several lifetimes as the lures and attachments to concepts and beliefs in the four-dimensional sensory world may prove more attractive for that individual for a while. Addictions and addictive behaviors are another obstacle thrown into the human equation to make the journey more challenging, more But then, the achievement of success on the climb to spiritual awareness becomes that much more appreciated, that much more rewarding.
Each stage or initiation can take years or lifetimes. Once focused on a spiritual path, achieving success at recognizing spiritual concepts and laws, the speed in which one travels the path may increase or accelerate. But then there is the separate topic of mastery. Just because a soul has been able to begin to recognize it's True self and the True nature of All Things does not mean that they will have achieved mastery of the use of this knowledge. Mastery may take many other incarnations--and not necessarily human or in the four-dimensional contextual field. Once one has achieved full awareness of spiritual law and the role that the Earth School experience plays in our development (toward Self-realization--which is, ultimately, of course, a return to Unity Consciousness with Our Divine Source) we feel free to use our choices to try other means and methods of working with spiritual law. There is actually a whole other "ladder" of spiritual awareness and achievement over and above that which we work with while in the human form. So, rather than set forth a specific number of initiations that we can and should seek to recognize and achieve and then outline and describe the nature and qualities of each initiation, let me instead describe some of the general tasks or themes we will encounter on the path.
Remember, the entire journey is about gradually increasing our awareness of Self and spiritual potential. The journey usual begins with social groups--using others, using established traditions and beliefs for. Like choosing clothing, we may find ourselves mentally trying on several different religious mantles--all the while driven by that feeling of what feels right, what feels wrong, what feels like the uncovering of a part of you, a part of your beliefs, that is an internal truth--something that was always there within you but has now been allowed out of the dark, has been given light and life, has been restored to its proper place. The entire path is like this: gradual, incremental revelations of ideas, concepts, truths that were always within you, that have resided within you since before you were born, but need the "work" of seeking, the kick in the but from that ever broadcasting voice from within, the incessant beacon of the Divinity within us, the spiritual Monad.
"Divine discontent" is an appropriate term used to describe that unsettling feeling in the gut, coming from the unconscious (from the Soul--the beacon of the Monad), that says something isn't quite right, that there is something more, something "deeper" to learn or discover. This is a feeling commonly used by many spiritual travelers to describe their impetus for seeking, for taking risks, for trying new things.
Though our travels are always our own, the path is never exactly like any one else's, we are able to benefit from the myriad paths that others before us have taken to achieve increasing Self-awareness, an increasing sense of the presence of the energy of our Divine Origins. That is how religions and philosophies, social groups, education, art and literature, dreams and metaphor serve us: as means to revealing little bits of our selves to our selves--so that we can decide if we like and want to stay attached to this part of me or whether we are feeling that we are past that version of our selves, of our "truth," whether we have become "bigger" than that particular formerly-useful piece of information, that that piece of information is no longer useful for our current self-definition.
It is important to remember that every piece of information you receive is useful: every piece of information that comes into your awareness can help you on your journey to continually define and re-define your self concept, your Self. A piece of information will either be found useful as a welcomed part of you or as an unwelcomed part and therefore something you'd like to change, or it will be determined as something that has no bearing, relevance, or place in our current self-concept--which then leads us to discard it but, at the same time, has helped us to re-define and reassert our current self-definition. This is why we can say that everything in your world--every single piece of information, physically, sensually, psychologically--all of it is offered to you--has been attracted to you by you--specifically for your use. What you choose to do with it is up to you. If you choose to ignore it, that's fine. You will continue to create a contextual field with variations on that same piece of information until it does lead to stimulation--until you are finally ready to receive, pay attention to, and perhaps process it. There is no hurry. There is no right or wrong. You may not even be perceiving information on a conscious level or you may not be ready to process it at the level of significance (remember: every thing is metaphor) you need it. That may take years and many many encounters with the same piece of information. (Which is one reason that Carl Jung would revisit dreams and symbols and synchronous events over and over throughout his lifetime: there could always be more layers and tie-ins with other pieces of information which can in turn reveal different forms of meaning and significance to our ever-expanding concept of Self and world.)
Another question on people's minds is "Can I fall backwards or regress on my spiritual path?" The answer is a little complicated because it depends on your perspective: From a spiritual perspective there is no right or wrong; we're all going to get there. And the act of taking on a human bodymind involves committing to a kind of "blank slate" wherein we start at the bottom of the ladder with each incarnation BUT it is usually a much faster climb if spiritual work has been done/accomplished in previous incarnations.
The other answer to this question "Can I fall backwards or regress on my spiritual path?" is yes, of course! As in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we all use all of the information, all of the perspectives from the initiatory ladder. For example, once I've reached the ninth rung of the ladder of initiations I will still find myself from time to time looking at a situation from the perspective of the first or the fifth Initiation. It's all available to me; it's all a part of me. I just don't have access to the perspectives of the initiations ahead of me. Yet.
Most of the work on the ladder of initiations has to do with getting used to the reception and effects of the presence of the energy of a particular ray from among the rainbow of Cosmic Rays. This is the true secret, the true reason for the existence of the hierarchy of initiations: there are 12 primary and secondary Cosmic Rays. To take on the effects of the presence of the full energies of all of the 12 Rays at once would be quite overwhelming for the feeble human nervous system. Thus, we devised a system by which we could slowly, gradually prepare ourselves for the flood of the presence and then use of the energies of each of the Cosmic Rays, only one at a time. And, there is an ordered sequence to which we expose ourselves. But the Rays will only begin to be fully received within our human vessel if and when we are ready--if and when our Ego allows for the hearing and opening to the Cosmic Beacon, the Voice of Our Soul Plan, once we have actively begun our conscious journey on our own spiritual path.
Also, there are several initiations that usually prove more difficult for humans in this day and age to work through in this day and age. The first exposure to the energy of Ray 1 can be very unsettling for many and may take a long time to process in order to learn how to work with it. And the exposure to Ray 8 is also unsettling for this is when Spirit is reminding the human that you have the power, that you alone are responsible for your self and your choices and actions, that you no longer need teachers, just as you have never needed teachers because everything, every single piece of information that comes into your awareness and, eventually, into your consciousness was all co-created and attracted to you by you. Once a human recognizes and embraces this fact, one is finally free and able to handle the more refined and specific spiritual energies of the higher initiations. Before this point, the human is still fully and unconsciously connected to a perspective of duality, to the habit of wanting to treat things as "inside" you and "outside" of you, of "here" and "there," "this" and "that," "yours" and "mine," etc. "External" teachers are very important to the human before the eighth initiation. After that the road is much more solitary and yet joyfully holistic and inclusionary.
Again, the ladders of initiation are merely informations from a variety of systems that allow us to look at our progress--as well as our obstacles--on our spiritual paths. As is the case with any information, use it as you see fit--as it serves you--and disregard that which makes no sense, or that which feels contrary to your beliefs and values. As I have said before many times: We are all going to get there and There is no right or wrong way, no better or worse path, to the achievement of our goals. Every choice offers us a lesson, the potential for learning, and if we don't get the message the first or ninetieth time it is given to us, it's okay. The messages will keep coming and one day--when we are ready--not when somebody else wants us to be ready--we will get it. And then we will move on to the next message, the next adventure, the next perspective, the next choice.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Everything Is Metaphor: Ray 1 and the Will to be Present The Boney System
The human body’s primary commitment to physical form, that is, to the illusory structure whose concentration and density gives our Consciousness (through the sensory faculties) a foundation in four-dimensional “physicalized” reality, is the boney structure. Commensurate with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, some of the other systems “necessary” to the maintenance of the illusion of basic biological survival include the kidneys and urinary system as well as the “fight or flight” hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Collectively, these systems are organized, nourished and fueled by the human biomagnetic field's seventh energy center, the “Root,” “Base,” or “Basic” chakra—which is in turn directing the flow of Cosmic Ray 7, the ray of Order and Ritual into the human form and experience. Ray 7 is, in turn, a derivative and subsidiary of Ray 1, the Ray of Will and Power and Sacrifice. This system of layer upon layer upon layer continues to mirror the fact that information is also built layer over layer, metaphor over metaphor. The fact that the human body--and, in fact, all of physical matter--can be proven to be made up of 99.99999% space (or æther or Love, depending on your point of view) and the rest made up by "tendencies" or "probabilities" of light waves seeming to be acting as particles and, thus, taking up space is illustrative of the illusory nature of our physical, sensory "reality."
Issues in the boney structure, urinary system, or basic survival instincts can be indicative of emotional issues over physical security and safety and are often related to the Ego/Personality’s willing ness to commit to the rules and laws of four-dimensional Earth-supported human form. Some spirits simply lack the will and courage to fully commit to being fully present and fully committed to life on Earth, life in physical form, life in a Homo sapiens sapiens vehicle. It’s a lot of work! It takes a lot of will power and sacrifice to remain fully committed to this “adventure ride.” Some people want to get off the rollercoaster while it is in progress, some are reluctant to get on in the first place and have trouble feeling comfortable much less fully committed to the project. Some cannot help but want to test the rules and boundaries that they have agreed to contractually in order to take on a Earth-based human body. Others have, of course, purposely taken on human vehicle with pre-ordained weaknesses, shortcomings or deformities in order to challenge themselves or as a sacrifice as part of a favor or an agreement play a certain role in order to help with the growth of someone else in their Soul Family or Soul Group.
Broken bones and dis-eases that affect the boney structure are often the Soul’s way of reminding the Ego/Personality to slow down, to pay more attention to the myriad forms of information bombarding the Conscious Mind—all of which has been created and attracted to the individual for the express purpose of giving that Conscious Mind the opportunity to learn and grow in Self-awareness and Self-realization.
Urinary tract issues--which are also issues of the Basic or Root Chakra, the densest realization of and commitment to the human experience--may be created as messages of more personal self-reflection—to question the mindfulness of the actions and activities we are running through (often too quickly or, contrarily, with too much self-absorption). When kidneys shut down, we die. When adrenals act, we think that we are fighting for our very lives--on a very basic level of physical illusion, for physical existence. Ray 1, the Ray of Will and Power and Sacrifice is the governing Ray of our commitment to the illusion of physical embodiment and physical "reality."
A challenge that is quite common to souls who have chosen to incarnate into 21st Century technological society is that of sympathetic overdrive, that is, the way we have chosen to pattern our lives and our perception of “needs” and “priorities” have caused many humans to get stuck—literally—in the “fight or flight” mode of operations. That is, we go around thinking that everything, every moment, contains a high-stress, life-threatening situation which then requires us to be prepared for immediate radical response—fight or flight! The problem with this is that the human organism that we have opted into for our use is wired for about one-to-three ratio of “fight or flight” versus “relaxation” response time in terms of energy expenditure. For every 15 minutes of high energy “fight or flight” response time the body needs about 45 minutes of down time in order to rest, heal, and regenerate from the short bursts of intense output. Is this the pattern that our world has created for us? Not really. According to this formula a person working under, I assume, stressful conditions, for eight hours a day should get 16 to 24 hours of rest and relaxation to make up for the energy expenditure. Is this how your life is patterned? No wonder we have so many stress-induced and stress-related conditions and diseases.
Think of a dog or a cat. They may “work” intensely for a short period of time but then they lay down and take a lot of naps. (And they always stretch when they wake up.) And these animals lay and nap far more hours per day than they are active (in general; if they are a healthy, happy animal). Granted, some animals are bred and built for more up time, but these are usually and often have shorter lifetimes than the average of their species. Or else these are creatures who have an inordinate amount of Ray 1 (the Ray of Will and Power) flowing through them. The same can be true with humans. Some human souls are “constructed” to have more full flow (less issues and/or obstacles) in specific Rays—especially within the three Primary Rays (1, 2, and 3). As a gross generalization to help illustrate this point, a person who expresses a particularly domineering or indomitable will is probably fairly open and unfettered in the flow of Ray 1. A person who is very much living in his or her mind and who is exceedingly quick and willing to grow and change belief systems is probably flowing fairly strong Ray 3 (the Ray of Knowledge and Information). A person who seems immeasurable patient and detached from outcomes, is able to always "go with the flow" with grace and infectious calm is probably strongly imbued with an open flow of Ray 2, the Ray of Love and Wisdom.
The problem with using language to describe spiritual and Cosmic traits and qualities is that our language changes. Subtly, often imperceptibly, but it changes. What meant "Love and Wisdom" or "Will, Power and Sacrifice" to writers a century or a millenium ago means something quite different today. We tend to filter our interpretations and definitions according to our societal norms and references instead of trying to consider what they may mean from a nonhuman, nonphysical perspective. Take the word "sacrifice." Our first inclination is to probably assign it a meaning associated with giving something up--such as life, a privilege, or a possession. From a spiritual perspective "sacrifice" quite literally means "to make something sacred." The power and influence of Ray 1 imbues us with the will and power to try to make everything, every moment, every thought, every perception, one of sacredness. It connotes a remembering that every thing, every moment, every thought, every perception is but a simple reminder of the Divinity or Godness that is representative, that is inherent in those things, moments, thoughts, and perceptions.
Likewise, "Love and Wisdom" from a spiritual perspective is not meant to list the people or things we love or to judge the way in which we love them. Spiritual Love and Wisdom have to do with the embracing, accepting, and incorporating love without condition, without judgment, in every moment, in every thought, in every action, and detaching from the conditions and judgments that we have with regards to "right and wrong" "better and worse" "truth and fiction" "light and darkness," "good and evil" and all other concepts that we have created for our use in this contextual field that is Dualistic Cosmic Creation. "Love" and "wisdom" are but qualitative assignations to the effect of Cosmic Ray 2, the spiritual ray of embracing The Great Plan and all of the Lesser Plans that We individuated spiritual beings have devised to serve Our creative desires of action and adventure. Ray 1 is the designation given the energy flow that respectfully empowers The Great Plan and all of the Lesser Plans. Ray 3 is the designation given to the flowing energy of knowledge and information--or "knowledge in formation"--which we then use for the devising and carrying out of our Plans. The Plans, of course, all conform to various rules and restrictions according to the various levels of illusional "separation" from our Divine Source of Oneness that we have created in order to experience all of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation. The boney system is but one illusory system devised to enable spiritual beings participation in the illusion of the human experience on the illusory world of four dimensional space and time on the illusory place we call planet Earth. Even our seemingly individuated consciousness as spiritual beings is but an illusion. We, each of "us," no matter what state or form of beingness that we associate our individual selves with, is but the temporary guise or perspective from the crest of a wave from within the Great Cosmic Ocean of Divine Unity Conscious--which is our true form and true "self." The "We" designation is perhaps more accurate than "I" though in fact there is no separation and therefore no subjective or objective, no here or there, no this or that. We are. We are all just "us." We are. The bones of the human body are constructs of the Greater Imagination that seem to serve as representations for the Will and Power and willingness to make sacred this commitment to the four-dimensional human experience. Use them as you wish. Use the human experience as you wish. Use your Higher Mind as you wish. Use anything and everything in Creation as you wish: You helped create it!
Likewise, "Love and Wisdom" from a spiritual perspective is not meant to list the people or things we love or to judge the way in which we love them. Spiritual Love and Wisdom have to do with the embracing, accepting, and incorporating love without condition, without judgment, in every moment, in every thought, in every action, and detaching from the conditions and judgments that we have with regards to "right and wrong" "better and worse" "truth and fiction" "light and darkness," "good and evil" and all other concepts that we have created for our use in this contextual field that is Dualistic Cosmic Creation. "Love" and "wisdom" are but qualitative assignations to the effect of Cosmic Ray 2, the spiritual ray of embracing The Great Plan and all of the Lesser Plans that We individuated spiritual beings have devised to serve Our creative desires of action and adventure. Ray 1 is the designation given the energy flow that respectfully empowers The Great Plan and all of the Lesser Plans. Ray 3 is the designation given to the flowing energy of knowledge and information--or "knowledge in formation"--which we then use for the devising and carrying out of our Plans. The Plans, of course, all conform to various rules and restrictions according to the various levels of illusional "separation" from our Divine Source of Oneness that we have created in order to experience all of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation. The boney system is but one illusory system devised to enable spiritual beings participation in the illusion of the human experience on the illusory world of four dimensional space and time on the illusory place we call planet Earth. Even our seemingly individuated consciousness as spiritual beings is but an illusion. We, each of "us," no matter what state or form of beingness that we associate our individual selves with, is but the temporary guise or perspective from the crest of a wave from within the Great Cosmic Ocean of Divine Unity Conscious--which is our true form and true "self." The "We" designation is perhaps more accurate than "I" though in fact there is no separation and therefore no subjective or objective, no here or there, no this or that. We are. We are all just "us." We are. The bones of the human body are constructs of the Greater Imagination that seem to serve as representations for the Will and Power and willingness to make sacred this commitment to the four-dimensional human experience. Use them as you wish. Use the human experience as you wish. Use your Higher Mind as you wish. Use anything and everything in Creation as you wish: You helped create it!
Friday, November 13, 2015
Random Acts of Wakefulness
More and more frequently I find myself consciously realizing that everything I do, everything I sense, everything I think, is part of The Game--part of the contextual field of Grand Illusions that We have created to test, challenge, entertain, and amuse our Selves. In using these "grand illusions" we are perpetuating our immersion and valuation of the Field of Illusions--we are cementing and perpetuating our möbius strip-like entrapment in such illusions as separation, individuality, identity, objectivity and subjectivity, sensory data, and information sharing when in truth, in fact, it is ALL false, it is all illusory, made up--not REAL! The only true reality is the Oneness of Divine Consciousness, the Unifying Presence of Divine Love, the Cosmic Wholeness of Divine Is-ness. The rest is all product of Divine Imagination--and what an imagination We have!
Anyway, as a result of this realization I am trying to figure out how best to spend or focus my time and energy on this planet while I am still in choice of using this Drew Fisher bodymind. I am looking to invest my energies into pursuits that A) don't bore me to tears, and B) might help others to see the "reality" of our Grand Field of Dreams and Illusions.
I could go around doing random acts of odd and mischievous destruction, kindness, or confusion in order to provoke people into looking at things--at life--from different perspectives. But that would put my freedom to continue helping to provide test material for others in jeopardy. Or, writer that I am, I could conjure up anecdotal incidents of "random acts that provoke wakefulness" and write and publish them. Like a journal or travel log, each day I could post a mind-bending vignette that might catch readers unawares, might make them step back and think. My goal is to shake people out of their comfort zones, to provoke them into having to consider points of view outside of their own usual responses, to shake loose the resistance to change, expansion and growth in individuals' values and beliefs, to expose the unhealthy limitations, stubborn fixations, and precariousness of all perspectives we might use.
For some exciting adventures into new and different perspectives on life and living, check out my new blogpost, "Random Acts of Provocation," at randomactsofprovocation.bogspot.com.
Anyway, as a result of this realization I am trying to figure out how best to spend or focus my time and energy on this planet while I am still in choice of using this Drew Fisher bodymind. I am looking to invest my energies into pursuits that A) don't bore me to tears, and B) might help others to see the "reality" of our Grand Field of Dreams and Illusions.
I could go around doing random acts of odd and mischievous destruction, kindness, or confusion in order to provoke people into looking at things--at life--from different perspectives. But that would put my freedom to continue helping to provide test material for others in jeopardy. Or, writer that I am, I could conjure up anecdotal incidents of "random acts that provoke wakefulness" and write and publish them. Like a journal or travel log, each day I could post a mind-bending vignette that might catch readers unawares, might make them step back and think. My goal is to shake people out of their comfort zones, to provoke them into having to consider points of view outside of their own usual responses, to shake loose the resistance to change, expansion and growth in individuals' values and beliefs, to expose the unhealthy limitations, stubborn fixations, and precariousness of all perspectives we might use.
For some exciting adventures into new and different perspectives on life and living, check out my new blogpost, "Random Acts of Provocation," at randomactsofprovocation.bogspot.com.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Everything Is Metaphor, Part 2: The Digestive System
In today's blogpost we will use the human digestive system as an example of how everything is metaphor--how everything we encounter as humans has layer upon layer of meaning and significance to our growth and Self-awareness--especially if we are aware of and attuned to the potentiality of these layers.
The digestive system is where the human body encounters and processes food and drink. Most biological organisms on planet Earth find food and drink necessary for growth, energy, healing and maintenance, as well as satisfaction, joy, community and security. For the rest of this post I would like you to try to think of the words "food" and "drink" and "substance" as interchangeable with the word "information" for both food and drink are physicalized metaphors for information.
When we encounter a substance (or any information) have to decide whether or not to try to ingest it--whether or not it might have value as nourishment for our growth and well-being or whether to reject it for its distasteful, "poisonous," or deleterious effect on our being, on our beliefs, morals, values and self-concept. We have to "chew it up" in order to "swallow" it in order to deliver it to our deeper faculties of digestion. There it will be filtered and broken down into smaller usable nutrients--and it will be determined if the items of information are usable for immediate energy or for the support of other systems, or whether it should be stored for later use and processing, or whether it is to be deemed toxic or unusable--wherein it will be eliminated. The process is long and drawn out, with multiple stages wherein a series of independent "organs" interact with the "food" in order to give their assessment and input as well as to take away their own perspective and useful "nutrients." What we can't or don't want (or don't know how) to use gets eliminated as waste. What gets used gets assimilated and accommodated--it becomes part of us, helps re-fuel and re-define our selves--helps us to continue moving forward.
Digestive disorders can be indicative of information that is irritating or improperly digested, or too quickly processed, or not given their proper amount of attention and resources, or the ingestion of information that is not truly useful or beneficial for you and your growth and health maintenance. For example, constipation can be indicative of hanging on to information for too long, of not giving the information the attention it needs for proper processing and integration, of having over-taxed or irritated the digestive system or of ingesting material that you're faculties are not presently equipped to digest thoroughly or properly. Stomach aches and stomach ulcers can be indicative of the (repeated) introduction of harmful information or of trying to take information in while the whole being is not quite prepared or not able to give the proper and full attention to it. Again, more severe and chronic digestive issues can be indicative of the being's inability (or unwillingness) to be fully prepared and fully attentive to the information s/he chooses to ingest--or of not being fully attentive to the kind of information s/he is introducing to the conscious mind and inadvertently (and repeatedly) or ignorantly ingesting information that the being is unable to handle properly. Also, diseases and disorders of the digestive system can be indicative of information that has been repeatedly introduced yet been repeatedly ignored or repeatedly under-attended and have thus set up patterns of confusion, overload, irritability or disharmony.
In terms of our human bioenergy field, the digestive system is fed, fueled, and organized by the Solar Plexus chakra and which is in turn empowered by the Cosmic Ray of Devotion and Idealism, Ray 6, which is a derivative of and subordinate to Ray 2, the Ray of Love and Wisdom. If a human is actively pursuing his or her Soul Plan, the energy of Ray 6 is actively powering the digestive system, the individual's sense of self-esteem, its self-definition, as well as its identity as an individual.
Issues of the Solar Plexus center and the physical system that it empowers, the digestive system, are often indicative of esteem issues. Esteem is, after all, what one thinks of oneself and his or her place in the world--how one is seeing, claiming, probing, and understanding one's place in the "world" in which one finds oneself living and occupying space. Spiritually, mentally and emotionally the issues of the solar plexus would reflect one's confidence and resolve in participating in the "world" and "body" in which one finds oneself--in remembering and adjusting the roles that one planned for this human incarnation and adapting and adjusting to the constant flow of information flowing in, around, through the conscious mind via the senses and filtered through the human psyche, i.e. one's current state of mind and level emotional charge maturity.
So, let's go back to the human body in order to discuss how the role and experiences gathered through the digestive system are reflected metaphorically to give meaning to spiritual growth. We eat and drink in order to sustain, to maintain, to provide energy for our human vehicle. Like many biological life forms on Earth, the human bodymind is built around the alimentary canal, the gut, the digestive tract. Every other system in the body is dependent on the workings and inputs of the digestive tract. The mind seeks out food and ambient temperatures in order to preserve and sustain this life-serving vehicle. The emotional self is much more stable and composed when the vehicle is nourished. The health of every cell, of every organelle, of every molecule in the body is dependent on the nourishment delivered from the digestive tract by way of the circulatory system just as the "health" of every moment of human existence is dependent on the digestion and delivery of information to the Conscious Mind. The filters of awareness and openness deliver the food of information to the Conscious Observer where current levels of comprehension and interpretation extract significance and meaning from that which It determines is comprehensible and appropriate and then allows the rest to flow through and be eliminated.
Remember: All dis-ease is the result of inhibited Soul Life. Ailments or "dis-ease" in the digestive system are indicative of "inhibitions" in the natural, wide-open access and use of spiritual information, The Universal Life Force, chi, ki, prana, Ray 6 & 2, etc. Digestive ailments should be looked at as constriction or congestion in the open flow of spiritual information with regards to Who You Really Are. Remember: when a disease becomes manifest on a physical level that is the Soul's way of serving notice that there is an important issue or pattern that you have not been addressing appropriately--that you have gotten stuck or negligent of an issue that would be important (imperative) for the continued growth and expansion of your spiritual Self-awareness. In the Solar Plexus Center--and in the digestive system that it oversees and feeds--this means that it is usually an issue of identity and self-definition. Perhaps you are stuck living according to an old and now-out-dated concept of your self. You have resisted many messages on the mental and emotional level that it's time to grow, time to move on, time to shed the old version of you and move into a bigger, expanded version. You are not letting things flow, not extracting all of the nutrients available to you in your "food." Or you may not be choosing to ingest the things that are "best" or most appropriate for your health and well-being.
These type of scenarios are fairly common to humans. We get comfortable with the way things are, with the patterns that have become familiar to us. We learn to get used to and accept these patterns as "good" or "comfortable" and then we expend a lot of energy trying to maintain and perpetuate them. But, as you know, Change is the constant; growth is the reason you make these forays into illusory worlds like the Earth School. To fight against the prescribed and (on a spiritual level) desired changes and progress we have set forth for ourselves is constipating. Likewise, ignoring the obvious information that could lead to Self-awareness and Self-realization, can be just as upsetting to the Soul Plan--manifesting itself in such physical dis-ease as diarrhea and other wasting diseases. When we have created certain patterns of self-definition and self-identification that are not in line with the growth goals of our Soul Plan, we may develop allergies and intolerances to the repeated ingestion of those "substances" pieces of information--which could manifest on the physical level as food intolerances.
Conditions or malformations that we are born with or that we manifest early on in our human lives are probably indicative of prescribed obstacles or conditions of "disadvantage," "disability" and/or "abnormality" that we asked for as a means to drawing attention to and finding strength in our will power, our creativity and our individuality eccentricity. Turned in another direction we might find ourselves getting stuck in perspectives of anger, frustration, isolation, fear, self-pity and victimhood--which are also wonderful tools for learning and growth, just more painful and more attractive to further tools of ignorance and suffering. Remember: The truth is that we are not these bodies, we are just using these bodies for adventure, experience, and information gathering. The adventures and information can, of course, all be gathered and experienced through pain and suffering--that is our choice. But we are equally free to change our patterns of choice to instead choose to learn through Joy and Celebration.
The Monad, with the help of Its team of Soul Family members, Soul Council members, Spirit Guides and teachers, as well as a community of fellow Earth School participants, creates a plan which always usually has the goal of Self-awareness, Self-realization, and Self-improvement infused within it. Some Monads choose to create Soul Plans which course their way through events and information of great drama and great adversity, while others choose to plot out plans in which the obstacles are meted out more smoothly, more gently. There is no right or wrong. And, yes, our course is subject to the effects of the will of the Ego/Personality that we develop while on Earth. The choices that the Ego-Personality make are not always within the framework of the Soul Plan. But, ultimately, we will always find ourselves on the same Path: the path toward awareness and realization of our True Self, our True Source in Divine Oneness. Were we to always be open, receptive and instantaneously adaptable to information telling us so--information that is either gradually, incrementally, or suddenly and dramatically informing us of our True Nature, of our Divinely Sourced "bigness"--we would probably never experience digestive disorders or identity crises. We would be constantly changing--which might drive our friends and loved ones a little crazy--but we would be being true to the expansion that comes with clear, open flow of Rays 6 and 2, the Rays of Devotion and Idealism and Love and Wisdom, respectively. A truly open, "master" of Devotion, Idealism, Love and Wisdom would probably evolve beyond any perceptual "need" for food or information, would, instead, be a source or "beacon" of "food" and information for other spiritual beings who have chosen to participate in the game of Cosmic Duality with its veils and tools of the Grand Illusions of four-dimensional emotion-based human experience.
So, eat well! Eat and drink with intention and awareness! Be adventurous but try to learn from your bodymind's reactions to the substances--and information--that you choose to ingest! That is what the metaphor is for: for learning!
The digestive system is where the human body encounters and processes food and drink. Most biological organisms on planet Earth find food and drink necessary for growth, energy, healing and maintenance, as well as satisfaction, joy, community and security. For the rest of this post I would like you to try to think of the words "food" and "drink" and "substance" as interchangeable with the word "information" for both food and drink are physicalized metaphors for information.
When we encounter a substance (or any information) have to decide whether or not to try to ingest it--whether or not it might have value as nourishment for our growth and well-being or whether to reject it for its distasteful, "poisonous," or deleterious effect on our being, on our beliefs, morals, values and self-concept. We have to "chew it up" in order to "swallow" it in order to deliver it to our deeper faculties of digestion. There it will be filtered and broken down into smaller usable nutrients--and it will be determined if the items of information are usable for immediate energy or for the support of other systems, or whether it should be stored for later use and processing, or whether it is to be deemed toxic or unusable--wherein it will be eliminated. The process is long and drawn out, with multiple stages wherein a series of independent "organs" interact with the "food" in order to give their assessment and input as well as to take away their own perspective and useful "nutrients." What we can't or don't want (or don't know how) to use gets eliminated as waste. What gets used gets assimilated and accommodated--it becomes part of us, helps re-fuel and re-define our selves--helps us to continue moving forward.
Digestive disorders can be indicative of information that is irritating or improperly digested, or too quickly processed, or not given their proper amount of attention and resources, or the ingestion of information that is not truly useful or beneficial for you and your growth and health maintenance. For example, constipation can be indicative of hanging on to information for too long, of not giving the information the attention it needs for proper processing and integration, of having over-taxed or irritated the digestive system or of ingesting material that you're faculties are not presently equipped to digest thoroughly or properly. Stomach aches and stomach ulcers can be indicative of the (repeated) introduction of harmful information or of trying to take information in while the whole being is not quite prepared or not able to give the proper and full attention to it. Again, more severe and chronic digestive issues can be indicative of the being's inability (or unwillingness) to be fully prepared and fully attentive to the information s/he chooses to ingest--or of not being fully attentive to the kind of information s/he is introducing to the conscious mind and inadvertently (and repeatedly) or ignorantly ingesting information that the being is unable to handle properly. Also, diseases and disorders of the digestive system can be indicative of information that has been repeatedly introduced yet been repeatedly ignored or repeatedly under-attended and have thus set up patterns of confusion, overload, irritability or disharmony.
In terms of our human bioenergy field, the digestive system is fed, fueled, and organized by the Solar Plexus chakra and which is in turn empowered by the Cosmic Ray of Devotion and Idealism, Ray 6, which is a derivative of and subordinate to Ray 2, the Ray of Love and Wisdom. If a human is actively pursuing his or her Soul Plan, the energy of Ray 6 is actively powering the digestive system, the individual's sense of self-esteem, its self-definition, as well as its identity as an individual.
Issues of the Solar Plexus center and the physical system that it empowers, the digestive system, are often indicative of esteem issues. Esteem is, after all, what one thinks of oneself and his or her place in the world--how one is seeing, claiming, probing, and understanding one's place in the "world" in which one finds oneself living and occupying space. Spiritually, mentally and emotionally the issues of the solar plexus would reflect one's confidence and resolve in participating in the "world" and "body" in which one finds oneself--in remembering and adjusting the roles that one planned for this human incarnation and adapting and adjusting to the constant flow of information flowing in, around, through the conscious mind via the senses and filtered through the human psyche, i.e. one's current state of mind and level emotional charge maturity.
So, let's go back to the human body in order to discuss how the role and experiences gathered through the digestive system are reflected metaphorically to give meaning to spiritual growth. We eat and drink in order to sustain, to maintain, to provide energy for our human vehicle. Like many biological life forms on Earth, the human bodymind is built around the alimentary canal, the gut, the digestive tract. Every other system in the body is dependent on the workings and inputs of the digestive tract. The mind seeks out food and ambient temperatures in order to preserve and sustain this life-serving vehicle. The emotional self is much more stable and composed when the vehicle is nourished. The health of every cell, of every organelle, of every molecule in the body is dependent on the nourishment delivered from the digestive tract by way of the circulatory system just as the "health" of every moment of human existence is dependent on the digestion and delivery of information to the Conscious Mind. The filters of awareness and openness deliver the food of information to the Conscious Observer where current levels of comprehension and interpretation extract significance and meaning from that which It determines is comprehensible and appropriate and then allows the rest to flow through and be eliminated.
Remember: All dis-ease is the result of inhibited Soul Life. Ailments or "dis-ease" in the digestive system are indicative of "inhibitions" in the natural, wide-open access and use of spiritual information, The Universal Life Force, chi, ki, prana, Ray 6 & 2, etc. Digestive ailments should be looked at as constriction or congestion in the open flow of spiritual information with regards to Who You Really Are. Remember: when a disease becomes manifest on a physical level that is the Soul's way of serving notice that there is an important issue or pattern that you have not been addressing appropriately--that you have gotten stuck or negligent of an issue that would be important (imperative) for the continued growth and expansion of your spiritual Self-awareness. In the Solar Plexus Center--and in the digestive system that it oversees and feeds--this means that it is usually an issue of identity and self-definition. Perhaps you are stuck living according to an old and now-out-dated concept of your self. You have resisted many messages on the mental and emotional level that it's time to grow, time to move on, time to shed the old version of you and move into a bigger, expanded version. You are not letting things flow, not extracting all of the nutrients available to you in your "food." Or you may not be choosing to ingest the things that are "best" or most appropriate for your health and well-being.
These type of scenarios are fairly common to humans. We get comfortable with the way things are, with the patterns that have become familiar to us. We learn to get used to and accept these patterns as "good" or "comfortable" and then we expend a lot of energy trying to maintain and perpetuate them. But, as you know, Change is the constant; growth is the reason you make these forays into illusory worlds like the Earth School. To fight against the prescribed and (on a spiritual level) desired changes and progress we have set forth for ourselves is constipating. Likewise, ignoring the obvious information that could lead to Self-awareness and Self-realization, can be just as upsetting to the Soul Plan--manifesting itself in such physical dis-ease as diarrhea and other wasting diseases. When we have created certain patterns of self-definition and self-identification that are not in line with the growth goals of our Soul Plan, we may develop allergies and intolerances to the repeated ingestion of those "substances" pieces of information--which could manifest on the physical level as food intolerances.
Conditions or malformations that we are born with or that we manifest early on in our human lives are probably indicative of prescribed obstacles or conditions of "disadvantage," "disability" and/or "abnormality" that we asked for as a means to drawing attention to and finding strength in our will power, our creativity and our individuality eccentricity. Turned in another direction we might find ourselves getting stuck in perspectives of anger, frustration, isolation, fear, self-pity and victimhood--which are also wonderful tools for learning and growth, just more painful and more attractive to further tools of ignorance and suffering. Remember: The truth is that we are not these bodies, we are just using these bodies for adventure, experience, and information gathering. The adventures and information can, of course, all be gathered and experienced through pain and suffering--that is our choice. But we are equally free to change our patterns of choice to instead choose to learn through Joy and Celebration.
The Monad, with the help of Its team of Soul Family members, Soul Council members, Spirit Guides and teachers, as well as a community of fellow Earth School participants, creates a plan which always usually has the goal of Self-awareness, Self-realization, and Self-improvement infused within it. Some Monads choose to create Soul Plans which course their way through events and information of great drama and great adversity, while others choose to plot out plans in which the obstacles are meted out more smoothly, more gently. There is no right or wrong. And, yes, our course is subject to the effects of the will of the Ego/Personality that we develop while on Earth. The choices that the Ego-Personality make are not always within the framework of the Soul Plan. But, ultimately, we will always find ourselves on the same Path: the path toward awareness and realization of our True Self, our True Source in Divine Oneness. Were we to always be open, receptive and instantaneously adaptable to information telling us so--information that is either gradually, incrementally, or suddenly and dramatically informing us of our True Nature, of our Divinely Sourced "bigness"--we would probably never experience digestive disorders or identity crises. We would be constantly changing--which might drive our friends and loved ones a little crazy--but we would be being true to the expansion that comes with clear, open flow of Rays 6 and 2, the Rays of Devotion and Idealism and Love and Wisdom, respectively. A truly open, "master" of Devotion, Idealism, Love and Wisdom would probably evolve beyond any perceptual "need" for food or information, would, instead, be a source or "beacon" of "food" and information for other spiritual beings who have chosen to participate in the game of Cosmic Duality with its veils and tools of the Grand Illusions of four-dimensional emotion-based human experience.
So, eat well! Eat and drink with intention and awareness! Be adventurous but try to learn from your bodymind's reactions to the substances--and information--that you choose to ingest! That is what the metaphor is for: for learning!
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Everything Is Metaphor, Part 1: The Power of Perspective
Now that I have completed my series of blogposts highlighting some of the most significant teachers in my life, and now that I have taken some time to explore my Grand Theory of Descending Evolution and a few other things, I would like to shift the focus to an attempt to illuminate my perspective that everything in the world--all information in every form--is but a metaphor for 'higher' meaning. The so-called "physical" data we gather from our world through our senses is merely information that we have attracted to our conscious attention in order to contemplate, process, and learn from the higher metaphoric implications of their meaning. That which we call "the physical world" has comparative, analogous, mirror meanings and significance on levels that we call "emotional," "mental," "Ego/Personality," "soul," and on several "spiritual" levels. Once we are able to see and practice applying this knowledge and understanding in our conscious lives, the potential for Self-understanding and Self-development increases geometrically and the art of living becomes full of so much more meaning and significance.
The psychologists of the late Nineteenth Century and Twentieth Century were the first to really apply this perspective to human beings--especially Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow. To Jung--and many others since--the human life with its events, its memories, its dreams and imaginings are all part of an allegorical story from which any human being can derive layer upon layer of deeper psychological and spiritual meaning. With Jung, a single dream, a film, a book, a painting or drawing, an unusual (or mundane) event, a memorable sensual stimulus--anything that presents a lasting and powerful impression on the mind can contain layers of symbolic meaning and significance from which one can study and extract information relevant to one's growth and self-awareness for years and years.
To Maslow, life is a process motivated by one's internal drive or desire to attain fulfillment, to "self-actualize." Maslow created a "hierarchy of needs" which, he believed, humans needed to fulfill in each and every moment in order to be able to function at higher levels of creativity. For example, should one feel satisfied in one's basic physiological needs, one is then able to focus one's energies on dealing with the next level of needs--which include issues of safety and security. If one is feeling secure in one's dealings with the health and safety of one's body, family, property, employment and income, one can then focus one's attention on the next level of needs--which include issues dealing with love, inclusion, and belonging. If one is feeling satisfied physiologically, safe and loved psychologically, then one is "free" to focus one's energies on esteem issues. If one is then feeling confident, respected and respectful, then one is free to focus one's time, energy and resources on self-initiated and self-motivated acts of creativity and altruism.
Both Jung and Maslow believed that an inherent desire was hardwired into man which motivated him to seek improvement and growth. I call this the Soul, Causal Body, or Soul Plan. The Soul is a kind of beacon of information that the Monad and his team of spiritual community members have put in place in order to guide and structure the achievement of certain prescribed goals and objectives for that bodymind to try to accomplish within the time and space being used in one's current human bodymind.
Though metaphor is a linguistic term, I choose to use it because all information encountered and collected by consciousness is just information. To take information and try to relate it to other information is what consciousness does--consciousness creates relationships out of things that we choose to believe are "here" and "there," "self" and "other," subjective and objective. Using the four-dimensional world that we have created for our adventures into the depths of the Illusions of Duality, we can see the many layers of significance and meaning depending on which perspectives, which pair of glasses we are looking through. A person functioning at Maslow's lower levels of psychological satisfaction is going to see things from those perspectives--likely with insecurity and fear. A person with mastery of the laws of four-dimensional Earth School is going to be able to perceive many more layers of significance to everyday information.
I plan to spend the next months putting together blogposts using individual examples to illustrate the meaning and means to finding metaphoric meaning in basic and exceptional things in our individual lives. For example, the human digestive system can be used as a metaphor for the way in which humans digest information in order to make sense of the world, to nourish them selves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, in order to continue fueling, growing, and re-defining their individuality (their bodies, their identity, their self-concept and self-definition). Like the way the human organism is built around its digestive tract, so too is the human mind built around a sense of identity or individuality. The human reproduction system is related to procreation and carrying forward of the particular host species Homo sapiens sapiens, but it is also necessary to duality, relationship with "others"--especially close, significant relationships. The boney system is foundational and structural to the human vehicle. A commitment to a human vehicle requires a commitment to dense physicality and the necessities to survival and thrive in that form. This requires a commitment to the dualistic spectrum of fear and courage--the use of which can span all parts if necessary or desired. The circulatory system rejoices in the delivery of life-sustaining nutrients to each and every cell of the body as well as the delivery of waste products to the body's eliminatory organs (skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines). The muscles allow and enable motion--the circulation of the individual and his gifts and stressors on the "outside" world. The endocrine system. The nervous system. The lymphatic system is the body's sewage system--gathering up all cellular wastes from interstitial space and whisking them away to the body's eliminatory systems before these wastes can become toxic to the body. We will discuss the metaphoric significance of human life experiences to the emotional body, the etheric body, the mental body, the personality body, the Causal Body (or "Soul"), as well as the spiritual bodies and the Monad. We will also use daily events or specific trends or themes from life to explore this idea that everything is metaphor.
For example, I was recently introduced to a form of diagnostic homeopathic therapy called Field Control Therapy (FCT). FCT was developed by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D. of Chappaqua, New York, and has been latched onto and developed further by other medical professionals who have strong understandings, experience, and/or training in areas of science like toxicology, epidemiology, and radiology. Field Control Therapy claims to be able to discover the root causes of illness, poor health, and disease and to then treat these causes in ways that eradicate the offending sources while strengthening and not destroying the other, healthy tissues. The "toxins" FCT labels as root causes of disease include heavy metals, electromagnetic fields, parasites, viruses, bacterial imbalances, as well as the residues of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, vaccinces, old medicines and more.
This all sounds great. It is truly fascinating--using advanced science to its fullest potential. I could see myself (and others) getting very involved and invested in the information, training, and, of course, treatment using Field Control Therapy. But, then, I stop and think: We, the conscious beings behind (or within) the human bodyminds that we occupy, participated in the creation of this world, this Earth School contextual field. All of these tools, forms, and "obstacles" were created by us for our use--for learning; for the possibility of self-reflection, self-definition, self-improvement, and self-realization.
If all of these "toxic" substances are but creations of our own making, things that we have purposely attracted to our "selves," then, What is the point? Isn't Field Control Therapy just another metaphor for spiritual cleansing/purification?--which means making way for expanding Self-awareness? If all matter and form are tools--servants!--of our four-dimensional sensory-based perceptual/contextual "playground" (or field), why not shift, re-train, change the perceptual reference point, the context--or accept these as part and parcel for the clutter and dross we have put in place in order to establish and maintain the context we thought we needed?
Then I had another thought: If all "matter" that we think has physical substance in this "world" of ours is made up of 99.9999 space (or ether or Love, depending on your perspective) and the rest is made up of "particles" that are in truth photons of light which contain a "tendency" or "probability" of occupying space, then how could these "toxins" be the true causes of ill-health and disease? They barely exist! We only see them and give them power because we choose to give them that power!
And then I cannot forget what Alice Bailey says The Tibetan (Djwal Khul) told her: "All dis-ease is the result of inhibited Soul life." If this is true--if this is my truth--then how could FCT possibly be true or real? If all dis-ease is the result of inhibited soul life, then the cause and cure of my perceptions of dis-ease and ill-health could not possibly be toxic residues or effects of heavy metals, electromagnetic fields, parasites, viruses, bacteria, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, vaccinces, old medicines, etc. It is more likely that the true causes of my dis-eases and ill-health are in my thoughts and thought patterns; it is more likely that the true causes of my dis-eases and health challenges lay in my having chosen to give power to the systems and beliefs that my human-centric Earth world has informed me. BUT, then, I am just as free (and able) to choose otherwise, to opt out of the belief systems that members of my fellow humankind are trying to convince me to buy into. I could even choose to opt out of this game of "being human" and go "back" to a different reality--a reality in which these toxic "substances" may not hold any import or influence (or may not even exist). (I never realized before how the word "existence" is such a relative term!)
Energy follows thought. If I buy into a system, a belief system, then, of course, that system is going to have meaning, relevance, and reality to me. If energy follows thought, then isn't Field Control Therapy (or, for that matter, any therapy) giving power and credibility to these "toxins"? Aren't the real toxins in our thought/thinking patterns? Can't we make a shift in our choice o perspective(s) to choose to love these "things"--to use them for strength and health instead of toxicity and dis-ease--to correct the "flaw(s)" in our Soul Life in order to eradicate dis-ease? Why must an "EMF" or a "heavy metal" or a "residue" or "DNA mutation" be "bad" or "toxic"? Why can't we decide to choose to use them for health and hjoy and love and celebration? Why not accept things for what they are (a contextual field of "tendencies" or "probablilities" of light "particles") and accept the fact that you have created them exactly for creating the you that you think you want and need--for creating exactly what you want "need" to be? At this very moment?!
And then there is the problem I have with the word "control" in the name of this leading edge therapy. Control, in my mind, implies arrogance. Something we humans excel at. I have learned to question and, usually, run from anything that incites humans to become arrogant. To believe that one can control anything is, in my opinion, totally egotistical, arrogant, and ultimately, a lie. But, we try. Something in our conditioning, in our dualistic mindset, causes us to want to control . . . everything. Nature, human nature, language, each other, our selves. "Field control" connotes controlling "The Field." It is possible. (If you can think/imagine it, then anything is possible.) But, why that field when your "field" could be anything?! Why not choose Beauty, Love, and Joy as your "field"? Then maybe we wouldn't feel the need to want to control it. Just think of it: Uncontrolled, unbound Beauty; uncontrolled, unbound Love; uncontrolled, unbound Joy. Wouldn't that be amazing?! If we let that happen we might just not feel the need to choose anything else! No more dis-ease, no more toxins, no more fields, no more Selves. Beauty, Love, and Joy. . . . Count me in!
Anyway, I see the appearance of Field Control Therapy as yet another means for me to go very deeply into the educational experience of learning and reinforcing my ability to detach from the illusions of the four-dimensional Earth School experience. Humans have devised this seemingly advanced way of treating human illness at what appears to be a very deep level. But, upon further inspection, one can see that it is not as deep as one thinks. Field Control Therapy is still firmly embedded within all of the Grand Illusions of Human Duality and, therefore, of use to me in the way that it helps remind me that systems and beliefs are just temporary stopping points; there are always different perspectives from which to view things and relationships. Everything is a metaphor; everything presents itself to us precisely as we need it to for the possibility of improving our awareness, our definitions of "reality", and, of course, for prompting expanding Self-realization.
The psychologists of the late Nineteenth Century and Twentieth Century were the first to really apply this perspective to human beings--especially Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow. To Jung--and many others since--the human life with its events, its memories, its dreams and imaginings are all part of an allegorical story from which any human being can derive layer upon layer of deeper psychological and spiritual meaning. With Jung, a single dream, a film, a book, a painting or drawing, an unusual (or mundane) event, a memorable sensual stimulus--anything that presents a lasting and powerful impression on the mind can contain layers of symbolic meaning and significance from which one can study and extract information relevant to one's growth and self-awareness for years and years.
To Maslow, life is a process motivated by one's internal drive or desire to attain fulfillment, to "self-actualize." Maslow created a "hierarchy of needs" which, he believed, humans needed to fulfill in each and every moment in order to be able to function at higher levels of creativity. For example, should one feel satisfied in one's basic physiological needs, one is then able to focus one's energies on dealing with the next level of needs--which include issues of safety and security. If one is feeling secure in one's dealings with the health and safety of one's body, family, property, employment and income, one can then focus one's attention on the next level of needs--which include issues dealing with love, inclusion, and belonging. If one is feeling satisfied physiologically, safe and loved psychologically, then one is "free" to focus one's energies on esteem issues. If one is then feeling confident, respected and respectful, then one is free to focus one's time, energy and resources on self-initiated and self-motivated acts of creativity and altruism.
Both Jung and Maslow believed that an inherent desire was hardwired into man which motivated him to seek improvement and growth. I call this the Soul, Causal Body, or Soul Plan. The Soul is a kind of beacon of information that the Monad and his team of spiritual community members have put in place in order to guide and structure the achievement of certain prescribed goals and objectives for that bodymind to try to accomplish within the time and space being used in one's current human bodymind.
Though metaphor is a linguistic term, I choose to use it because all information encountered and collected by consciousness is just information. To take information and try to relate it to other information is what consciousness does--consciousness creates relationships out of things that we choose to believe are "here" and "there," "self" and "other," subjective and objective. Using the four-dimensional world that we have created for our adventures into the depths of the Illusions of Duality, we can see the many layers of significance and meaning depending on which perspectives, which pair of glasses we are looking through. A person functioning at Maslow's lower levels of psychological satisfaction is going to see things from those perspectives--likely with insecurity and fear. A person with mastery of the laws of four-dimensional Earth School is going to be able to perceive many more layers of significance to everyday information.
I plan to spend the next months putting together blogposts using individual examples to illustrate the meaning and means to finding metaphoric meaning in basic and exceptional things in our individual lives. For example, the human digestive system can be used as a metaphor for the way in which humans digest information in order to make sense of the world, to nourish them selves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, in order to continue fueling, growing, and re-defining their individuality (their bodies, their identity, their self-concept and self-definition). Like the way the human organism is built around its digestive tract, so too is the human mind built around a sense of identity or individuality. The human reproduction system is related to procreation and carrying forward of the particular host species Homo sapiens sapiens, but it is also necessary to duality, relationship with "others"--especially close, significant relationships. The boney system is foundational and structural to the human vehicle. A commitment to a human vehicle requires a commitment to dense physicality and the necessities to survival and thrive in that form. This requires a commitment to the dualistic spectrum of fear and courage--the use of which can span all parts if necessary or desired. The circulatory system rejoices in the delivery of life-sustaining nutrients to each and every cell of the body as well as the delivery of waste products to the body's eliminatory organs (skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines). The muscles allow and enable motion--the circulation of the individual and his gifts and stressors on the "outside" world. The endocrine system. The nervous system. The lymphatic system is the body's sewage system--gathering up all cellular wastes from interstitial space and whisking them away to the body's eliminatory systems before these wastes can become toxic to the body. We will discuss the metaphoric significance of human life experiences to the emotional body, the etheric body, the mental body, the personality body, the Causal Body (or "Soul"), as well as the spiritual bodies and the Monad. We will also use daily events or specific trends or themes from life to explore this idea that everything is metaphor.
For example, I was recently introduced to a form of diagnostic homeopathic therapy called Field Control Therapy (FCT). FCT was developed by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D. of Chappaqua, New York, and has been latched onto and developed further by other medical professionals who have strong understandings, experience, and/or training in areas of science like toxicology, epidemiology, and radiology. Field Control Therapy claims to be able to discover the root causes of illness, poor health, and disease and to then treat these causes in ways that eradicate the offending sources while strengthening and not destroying the other, healthy tissues. The "toxins" FCT labels as root causes of disease include heavy metals, electromagnetic fields, parasites, viruses, bacterial imbalances, as well as the residues of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, vaccinces, old medicines and more.
This all sounds great. It is truly fascinating--using advanced science to its fullest potential. I could see myself (and others) getting very involved and invested in the information, training, and, of course, treatment using Field Control Therapy. But, then, I stop and think: We, the conscious beings behind (or within) the human bodyminds that we occupy, participated in the creation of this world, this Earth School contextual field. All of these tools, forms, and "obstacles" were created by us for our use--for learning; for the possibility of self-reflection, self-definition, self-improvement, and self-realization.
If all of these "toxic" substances are but creations of our own making, things that we have purposely attracted to our "selves," then, What is the point? Isn't Field Control Therapy just another metaphor for spiritual cleansing/purification?--which means making way for expanding Self-awareness? If all matter and form are tools--servants!--of our four-dimensional sensory-based perceptual/contextual "playground" (or field), why not shift, re-train, change the perceptual reference point, the context--or accept these as part and parcel for the clutter and dross we have put in place in order to establish and maintain the context we thought we needed?
Then I had another thought: If all "matter" that we think has physical substance in this "world" of ours is made up of 99.9999 space (or ether or Love, depending on your perspective) and the rest is made up of "particles" that are in truth photons of light which contain a "tendency" or "probability" of occupying space, then how could these "toxins" be the true causes of ill-health and disease? They barely exist! We only see them and give them power because we choose to give them that power!
And then I cannot forget what Alice Bailey says The Tibetan (Djwal Khul) told her: "All dis-ease is the result of inhibited Soul life." If this is true--if this is my truth--then how could FCT possibly be true or real? If all dis-ease is the result of inhibited soul life, then the cause and cure of my perceptions of dis-ease and ill-health could not possibly be toxic residues or effects of heavy metals, electromagnetic fields, parasites, viruses, bacteria, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, vaccinces, old medicines, etc. It is more likely that the true causes of my dis-eases and ill-health are in my thoughts and thought patterns; it is more likely that the true causes of my dis-eases and health challenges lay in my having chosen to give power to the systems and beliefs that my human-centric Earth world has informed me. BUT, then, I am just as free (and able) to choose otherwise, to opt out of the belief systems that members of my fellow humankind are trying to convince me to buy into. I could even choose to opt out of this game of "being human" and go "back" to a different reality--a reality in which these toxic "substances" may not hold any import or influence (or may not even exist). (I never realized before how the word "existence" is such a relative term!)
Energy follows thought. If I buy into a system, a belief system, then, of course, that system is going to have meaning, relevance, and reality to me. If energy follows thought, then isn't Field Control Therapy (or, for that matter, any therapy) giving power and credibility to these "toxins"? Aren't the real toxins in our thought/thinking patterns? Can't we make a shift in our choice o perspective(s) to choose to love these "things"--to use them for strength and health instead of toxicity and dis-ease--to correct the "flaw(s)" in our Soul Life in order to eradicate dis-ease? Why must an "EMF" or a "heavy metal" or a "residue" or "DNA mutation" be "bad" or "toxic"? Why can't we decide to choose to use them for health and hjoy and love and celebration? Why not accept things for what they are (a contextual field of "tendencies" or "probablilities" of light "particles") and accept the fact that you have created them exactly for creating the you that you think you want and need--for creating exactly what you want "need" to be? At this very moment?!
And then there is the problem I have with the word "control" in the name of this leading edge therapy. Control, in my mind, implies arrogance. Something we humans excel at. I have learned to question and, usually, run from anything that incites humans to become arrogant. To believe that one can control anything is, in my opinion, totally egotistical, arrogant, and ultimately, a lie. But, we try. Something in our conditioning, in our dualistic mindset, causes us to want to control . . . everything. Nature, human nature, language, each other, our selves. "Field control" connotes controlling "The Field." It is possible. (If you can think/imagine it, then anything is possible.) But, why that field when your "field" could be anything?! Why not choose Beauty, Love, and Joy as your "field"? Then maybe we wouldn't feel the need to want to control it. Just think of it: Uncontrolled, unbound Beauty; uncontrolled, unbound Love; uncontrolled, unbound Joy. Wouldn't that be amazing?! If we let that happen we might just not feel the need to choose anything else! No more dis-ease, no more toxins, no more fields, no more Selves. Beauty, Love, and Joy. . . . Count me in!
Anyway, I see the appearance of Field Control Therapy as yet another means for me to go very deeply into the educational experience of learning and reinforcing my ability to detach from the illusions of the four-dimensional Earth School experience. Humans have devised this seemingly advanced way of treating human illness at what appears to be a very deep level. But, upon further inspection, one can see that it is not as deep as one thinks. Field Control Therapy is still firmly embedded within all of the Grand Illusions of Human Duality and, therefore, of use to me in the way that it helps remind me that systems and beliefs are just temporary stopping points; there are always different perspectives from which to view things and relationships. Everything is a metaphor; everything presents itself to us precisely as we need it to for the possibility of improving our awareness, our definitions of "reality", and, of course, for prompting expanding Self-realization.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
"As Above, So Below": Factions in the Spirit World?
A new question has attracted the attention of my ruminating mind: Could there be factions within the spirit world? Is it possible that there are disparate, argumentative groups in the spirit world, each with their own agendas and allegiances, their own values and philosophies (just as there are on Earth)?
Of course there could be. "Energy follows thought." If one can imagine it, then it is possible, probable, even likely. The realm of Cosmic Creation is nothing but pure potentiality in which anything and everything is possible. Remember: Energy follows thought. If a thought has occurred it has given energy, given life, to something new--has created a thing out of the field of Pure Potentiality. Thus, factions are not only possible but likely.
This 'species' of spiritual beings using four dimensional Earth's human population as experiential vehicles is certainly becoming less evolved and more deeply invested and ensnared by the influences of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Duality. (And, as per my Grand Theory of Descending Evolution, there is evidence that we are purposely fabricating a dumber, degraded version of human beings for our use!)
I know of other sentient "species" who use space, time and multiple dimensionality as the contextual field for their pursuit of experience and "growth" (whatever that may mean to these other conscious beings). The Greys and the Reptillians both play a role on and with Earth and her resources and inhabitants. And there are many other advanced civilizations that "watch" us. Are some of these 'species' in conflict with one another? Or are their goals and missions so disparate that they never need to interact--though they must be aware of one another?
In the Spirit World in which our Monads "reside" and use as another more fluid contextual field for experience and process, there is likely many choices possible in the way of form, dimensionality and activity when planning for one's next adventure, for the gaining of a certain set of experiences. I wonder if some of the Monad groups participating in the same activities feel rivalry or interest or envy or antipathy toward other groups that are using different contextual field choices for their "playgrounds." Now that I have realized that emotion and space and time constrictions are being used by the Monadic Kingdom--that the illusions of identity, individuality, separation, need, insufficiency and requirement are being used by Monads--it only makes sense that the illusions of comparison, judgment, condemnation, superiority, and conditionality are also being used by some Monads. When other entities operate under the illusion that they are separate and thus isolated as individuals and groups from other individuals and groups, then they are surely capable of operating under the veils of comparison, judgment, condemnation, conditionality, and superiority as well. Thus, competition, envy and even jealousy are likely in the Monadic World.
But what of the quest to be reunited with the Unified Field, the Oneness of Pure Consciousness? Are there Monads so focused? Of course there are. Are all Monads equally focused "upwards"? Of course not. Some are focused on testing themselves--testing their wits and resolve and ability to rise above the greatest of temptations, the greatest contrivances of bondage and trickery and ignorance as possible. Such is the current conditions of entrapment of "21st Century" humankind: layer upon layer of muck and dross, and obstacle and trap and addiction and convoluted pattern ever conceived. All in order to test us--we "thrill seekers" addicted to ever-increasing and ever-confusing layers of ignorance.
Perhaps there are groups in the Spirit World that mirror our own "conservatives" and "liberals" or even "reactionaries" and "radicals." Groups who are in favor of the ever-deepening descent into the murkiness of physical and emotional complexity and density, while there are probably others who are equally vociferous about choosing to work in a different direction--towards The Light and Unity or Pure Consciousness.
My point is, that for every possibilty, for every direction and choice one can imagine for one's Self or one's Monad there are myriad other options available at each and every moment. In no-time every choice is not only available, but manifest, present in the Eternal Now, in the Infinite Imagination of Pure Consciousness. So long as we agree to use time and other dimensionality, we agree to have past, present and future, here and there, us and them. For every "us" there are unimaginable options for who and what "them" might be.
If we give any power and credence to the adage, "As above, so below," we might even go so far as to surmise that there could be a "1%" in the spirit world--that the so-called "Monadic Kingdom" is hierarchical just like a human kingdom here on Earth. "As above, so below" suggests that form and structure are reflected between the spiritual and physical worlds, that that which goes on in the spiritual world goes on in the Earth School dimension and vice versa.
So, it will not surprise you to know that I am feeling that there must be a contingent of souls from the Monadic Kingdom who have volunteered to "play" the role of the "dark forces" on Earth--the greedy, manipulating "1%." Perhaps the greedy 1% was created (by us) explicitly to usher in the deepest behaviors of ignorance, blind conformity, depravity, cutthroat competition, and disenfranchised, enslaved populi mundi because an interested group of us in the Spirit World requested those depths of despair and depravity! Or perhaps there is a faction of Monads using greed and ruthlessness for their learning contexts in the Spirit World. Regardless of how it started, I believe that we have all chosen of our volition to participate in this game called Earth School humankind. We have all willingly participated in the creation and habitation of the game field of this particular contextual field--a game we might call Risk for Homo sapiens sapiens. The flaw in this analogy is that in the game of Risk there are only armies as resources and territories for winning. In the real world of Earth occupation, we are but tenants of the land. If and when the land can no longer support our styles of living, we will have to find other land (or suffer and die). If and when we can find no more habitable land, then we will have to fight against one another for the land and other life-sustaining resources still available--which means more suffering and death. When there are no more life-sustaining resources, we will simply die off.
Of course the game field we have been convinced to think we have needs a full population distribution: it needs the power-hungry rich as much as it needs the indentured slaves. We have all willingly joined the game, we are all are excited to be exposed to the tremendous and intense variety of experience these crisis times will provide, otherwise we would not be here. We will all be swept up in the catastrophic "End of Days" of which we are ALL willing and knowing participants. And, from a spirtual perspective, we are all given the choice, as always, to choose to learn through Joy or to choose through Suffering--even in these horrific End of Days circumstances. And that goes for the "bad guys" as well as the "good guys."
So, let's say I'm a soul family member of yours and I'm asked to consider whether or not I want and am willing to play a leadership role in the this destruction of Earth's biodome. I would be aware of the fact that the demise and destruction--and all of the horrors and suffering that will come along with it--are all part of The Big Plan for this chapter of the Earth School experience--that someone has to do it, so why not you? You know that the majority of the Earth peoples will hate and vilify you, so what would you do? Naturally, you would use your power and resources to try to insulate yourself and your family and loved ones from the hate, from the chaos, as well as from the destruction. Right? I know I would!
In my experience in dealing with the elite 1% (and having been born into a family with that status), I know that the elite have a mental/psychological perspective that thinks them right, that thinks them innocent, that isolates and protects them from the guilt and remorse that would come to the average human with their more natural egalitarian, democratic, and cooperative morality. The majority of the family members of the elite simply do not think of themselves as leaders, creators or causes of the inequality, injustices and abuses, pain and suffering that the rest of the world is experiencing. I believe that the self-proclaimed "captains of industry"--themselves a group of less than 250 men of wealth and power--are very much aware of the direction that they are steering the "ship" we call biological life. But, as I surmised in my opening paragraph, they may be steeling themselves to carry through their heinous directive(s) all the while knowing, hoping, that they will be forgiven in the Spirit World when everyone returns and remembers that the "bad guy" role was necessary to the fulfillment of The Big Plan. But, even those who chose to incarnate into the membership of the wealthy elite have choice. Some--those unable to avoid feelings of guilt and recrimination--may be numbing themselves through hedonistic overindulgence and gluttonous addictions in order to distract their minds from the devastation that they know they are perpetrating to this beautiful planet and all of the life it harbors. I know that some of those born into the ranks of the wealthy elite may choose to rebel as their consciences just won't allow them to stay the course of "evil." These rebels may end up leading counter movements against the insurmountable momentum of chaos and destruction while others may simply slip quietly into self-imposed exile or seclusion. And yet still others may disappear behind closed doors, into self-imposed hermetic isolation, while continuing to delegate the course and control of demise to others who are under their hire or power or influence. There are many options of participation--or not--available to those with power and money.
My point is, once again, that ultimately there is no such thing as "good" or "evil," "right" or "wrong," "moral" or "depraved." We are all playing roles that fit perfectly into the ultimate manifestation of a Plan set forth thousands of years ago--a plan that is probably leading up to an apocalyptic demise of our current civilization if not an end to the entire human species. No matter what role you choose to play--and you can change your mind, change your role, at any point along the way--you are contributing perfectly to the realization of The Plan. Your contribution will not deter the fulfillment of The Plan--though it could delay or accelerate it. Like my wife, Toril, you might as well live life to its fullest--enjoy daily the activities and experiences that are available specifically to this host species since they may not be available to you again.
Of course there could be. "Energy follows thought." If one can imagine it, then it is possible, probable, even likely. The realm of Cosmic Creation is nothing but pure potentiality in which anything and everything is possible. Remember: Energy follows thought. If a thought has occurred it has given energy, given life, to something new--has created a thing out of the field of Pure Potentiality. Thus, factions are not only possible but likely.
This 'species' of spiritual beings using four dimensional Earth's human population as experiential vehicles is certainly becoming less evolved and more deeply invested and ensnared by the influences of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Duality. (And, as per my Grand Theory of Descending Evolution, there is evidence that we are purposely fabricating a dumber, degraded version of human beings for our use!)
I know of other sentient "species" who use space, time and multiple dimensionality as the contextual field for their pursuit of experience and "growth" (whatever that may mean to these other conscious beings). The Greys and the Reptillians both play a role on and with Earth and her resources and inhabitants. And there are many other advanced civilizations that "watch" us. Are some of these 'species' in conflict with one another? Or are their goals and missions so disparate that they never need to interact--though they must be aware of one another?
In the Spirit World in which our Monads "reside" and use as another more fluid contextual field for experience and process, there is likely many choices possible in the way of form, dimensionality and activity when planning for one's next adventure, for the gaining of a certain set of experiences. I wonder if some of the Monad groups participating in the same activities feel rivalry or interest or envy or antipathy toward other groups that are using different contextual field choices for their "playgrounds." Now that I have realized that emotion and space and time constrictions are being used by the Monadic Kingdom--that the illusions of identity, individuality, separation, need, insufficiency and requirement are being used by Monads--it only makes sense that the illusions of comparison, judgment, condemnation, superiority, and conditionality are also being used by some Monads. When other entities operate under the illusion that they are separate and thus isolated as individuals and groups from other individuals and groups, then they are surely capable of operating under the veils of comparison, judgment, condemnation, conditionality, and superiority as well. Thus, competition, envy and even jealousy are likely in the Monadic World.
But what of the quest to be reunited with the Unified Field, the Oneness of Pure Consciousness? Are there Monads so focused? Of course there are. Are all Monads equally focused "upwards"? Of course not. Some are focused on testing themselves--testing their wits and resolve and ability to rise above the greatest of temptations, the greatest contrivances of bondage and trickery and ignorance as possible. Such is the current conditions of entrapment of "21st Century" humankind: layer upon layer of muck and dross, and obstacle and trap and addiction and convoluted pattern ever conceived. All in order to test us--we "thrill seekers" addicted to ever-increasing and ever-confusing layers of ignorance.
Perhaps there are groups in the Spirit World that mirror our own "conservatives" and "liberals" or even "reactionaries" and "radicals." Groups who are in favor of the ever-deepening descent into the murkiness of physical and emotional complexity and density, while there are probably others who are equally vociferous about choosing to work in a different direction--towards The Light and Unity or Pure Consciousness.
My point is, that for every possibilty, for every direction and choice one can imagine for one's Self or one's Monad there are myriad other options available at each and every moment. In no-time every choice is not only available, but manifest, present in the Eternal Now, in the Infinite Imagination of Pure Consciousness. So long as we agree to use time and other dimensionality, we agree to have past, present and future, here and there, us and them. For every "us" there are unimaginable options for who and what "them" might be.
If we give any power and credence to the adage, "As above, so below," we might even go so far as to surmise that there could be a "1%" in the spirit world--that the so-called "Monadic Kingdom" is hierarchical just like a human kingdom here on Earth. "As above, so below" suggests that form and structure are reflected between the spiritual and physical worlds, that that which goes on in the spiritual world goes on in the Earth School dimension and vice versa.
So, it will not surprise you to know that I am feeling that there must be a contingent of souls from the Monadic Kingdom who have volunteered to "play" the role of the "dark forces" on Earth--the greedy, manipulating "1%." Perhaps the greedy 1% was created (by us) explicitly to usher in the deepest behaviors of ignorance, blind conformity, depravity, cutthroat competition, and disenfranchised, enslaved populi mundi because an interested group of us in the Spirit World requested those depths of despair and depravity! Or perhaps there is a faction of Monads using greed and ruthlessness for their learning contexts in the Spirit World. Regardless of how it started, I believe that we have all chosen of our volition to participate in this game called Earth School humankind. We have all willingly participated in the creation and habitation of the game field of this particular contextual field--a game we might call Risk for Homo sapiens sapiens. The flaw in this analogy is that in the game of Risk there are only armies as resources and territories for winning. In the real world of Earth occupation, we are but tenants of the land. If and when the land can no longer support our styles of living, we will have to find other land (or suffer and die). If and when we can find no more habitable land, then we will have to fight against one another for the land and other life-sustaining resources still available--which means more suffering and death. When there are no more life-sustaining resources, we will simply die off.
Of course the game field we have been convinced to think we have needs a full population distribution: it needs the power-hungry rich as much as it needs the indentured slaves. We have all willingly joined the game, we are all are excited to be exposed to the tremendous and intense variety of experience these crisis times will provide, otherwise we would not be here. We will all be swept up in the catastrophic "End of Days" of which we are ALL willing and knowing participants. And, from a spirtual perspective, we are all given the choice, as always, to choose to learn through Joy or to choose through Suffering--even in these horrific End of Days circumstances. And that goes for the "bad guys" as well as the "good guys."
So, let's say I'm a soul family member of yours and I'm asked to consider whether or not I want and am willing to play a leadership role in the this destruction of Earth's biodome. I would be aware of the fact that the demise and destruction--and all of the horrors and suffering that will come along with it--are all part of The Big Plan for this chapter of the Earth School experience--that someone has to do it, so why not you? You know that the majority of the Earth peoples will hate and vilify you, so what would you do? Naturally, you would use your power and resources to try to insulate yourself and your family and loved ones from the hate, from the chaos, as well as from the destruction. Right? I know I would!
In my experience in dealing with the elite 1% (and having been born into a family with that status), I know that the elite have a mental/psychological perspective that thinks them right, that thinks them innocent, that isolates and protects them from the guilt and remorse that would come to the average human with their more natural egalitarian, democratic, and cooperative morality. The majority of the family members of the elite simply do not think of themselves as leaders, creators or causes of the inequality, injustices and abuses, pain and suffering that the rest of the world is experiencing. I believe that the self-proclaimed "captains of industry"--themselves a group of less than 250 men of wealth and power--are very much aware of the direction that they are steering the "ship" we call biological life. But, as I surmised in my opening paragraph, they may be steeling themselves to carry through their heinous directive(s) all the while knowing, hoping, that they will be forgiven in the Spirit World when everyone returns and remembers that the "bad guy" role was necessary to the fulfillment of The Big Plan. But, even those who chose to incarnate into the membership of the wealthy elite have choice. Some--those unable to avoid feelings of guilt and recrimination--may be numbing themselves through hedonistic overindulgence and gluttonous addictions in order to distract their minds from the devastation that they know they are perpetrating to this beautiful planet and all of the life it harbors. I know that some of those born into the ranks of the wealthy elite may choose to rebel as their consciences just won't allow them to stay the course of "evil." These rebels may end up leading counter movements against the insurmountable momentum of chaos and destruction while others may simply slip quietly into self-imposed exile or seclusion. And yet still others may disappear behind closed doors, into self-imposed hermetic isolation, while continuing to delegate the course and control of demise to others who are under their hire or power or influence. There are many options of participation--or not--available to those with power and money.
My point is, once again, that ultimately there is no such thing as "good" or "evil," "right" or "wrong," "moral" or "depraved." We are all playing roles that fit perfectly into the ultimate manifestation of a Plan set forth thousands of years ago--a plan that is probably leading up to an apocalyptic demise of our current civilization if not an end to the entire human species. No matter what role you choose to play--and you can change your mind, change your role, at any point along the way--you are contributing perfectly to the realization of The Plan. Your contribution will not deter the fulfillment of The Plan--though it could delay or accelerate it. Like my wife, Toril, you might as well live life to its fullest--enjoy daily the activities and experiences that are available specifically to this host species since they may not be available to you again.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Why did YOU choose to come to Earth?
Before I enter into a series of posts regarding the metaphoric symbolism of everything in our lives, I want to take a moment to remind you of the main reason I'm doing this blog: As a species, we don't have long on this planet. If climate scientists, Sam Carana, Guy MacPherson, and Christopher Hedges are on track, we who are still present and healthy on planet Earth in the year 2015 are in for some very challenging times in the next few years. I am interested in not only preparing you for these times but also making sure that you know some of your options, your choices, your possible perspectives for the coming years.
We should all be asking ourselves some big questions, like, Why did I choose this Earth incarnation? Why did I choose Earth? Why Homo sapiens sapiens? Why the "21st Century"? Why this country? this community? this family?
Imagine you are a spirit being in the Monadic Kingdom and you have literally infinite choices as to where and how you will seek your adventures and experiences, how you will spend your time, what kind of learning you feel you need to do, and who you'd like to work with. You could choose material-based, time-based, emotion-based, mental-based, multi-dimensional-based and many, many spiritual-based perspectives and forms from which to encounter your test goals and objectives. But, you chose Earth. Not "Mars," not "Jupiter," "Gx24," "Europa," "Sol," "Polaris," "Andromeda," "NGC 1300," "Crab Nebula" "asteroid Thisbe," or some other Universe or celestial being beyond our human knowing. You chose Homo sapiens sapiens, not Neandertals, Cro-magnon, astralopithicus, Homo erectus, "Giant" or "Atlantean," "Grey" or "Reptillian," or any of the many species of homonids that pre- (and post-) date our own. You chose Homo sapiens sapiens. And you choose this time that we Anglo-centric Homo sapiens sapiens have chosen to call "the 21st Century."
Why? What are the attractions? What are the specific lessons these certain, very specific set of circumstances offer to you for your growth, for your Self-testing and potential Self-realization?
Obviously, the challenge of overcoming the tremendously handicapping contextual field of "emotions" was one of the primary motivations for your choice to come here. But why? Had you heard about it and felt drawn by the excitement, the challenge, the adrenaline, the severity of the test? Or, had you been here before and felt you had some "mistakes" or "unfinished business" to re-do or refine? Or had you been here before and gotten trapped Self-identifying within some of the many illusions that we created to make this place more interesting, more challenging? Are you "addicted" to the emotional context, the thrills and challenges, the adrenaline rush, the game of chance, as a gambler is? Or are you here as part of a service contract to another member of your Soul Family or members of your Soul Community? Or are you here as part of a self-imposed "penance" for "failures" or "mistakes" in past lives.
There are many, many reasons one could have made to come to planet Earth at this time. I have only named a few general categories. Hopefully you are hearing enough of the beacon of the Voice of your Soul to be questioning the significance and meaning of your presence, the goings-on around you, and the choices and patterns you have acquired, the challenges you have attracted to your self, and the infinite spectrum of choices you have before you at each and every moment. That is my hope for you. That is the reason I write these posts. To provoke you to think a little differently than you may have before. I hope I am succeeding in my task.
Should you have any doubts about my starting premise--that Homo sapiens sapiens has little time left on planet Earth--I beseech you to do your research. Seek out the writings, videos, blogs, websites of Guy MacPherson, Christopher Hedges, Sam Carana, Near-Term Human Extinction, Andrew Harvey, Michael C. Ruppert, Naomi Klein, Carolyn Baker, and even Anthony Watts to get some well-presented information.
I especially beg and urge all of you to read Christopher Hedges' numbing portrait of the state of the world--including his perspective of that which is coming, that which is already in progress, and that which is virtually inevitable. You can find it in his Truth Dig article, "The Great Unravelling."
Then I want you to do an immediate assessment on yourself to discover where your emotional instincts lie: How does this article make you feel? Do you feel incensed? Excited? Argumentative? Numb and disbelieving? Distrusting? Disgusted? Ready to take up arms--ready to fight? Elated? Relieved? Surprised? Confused? Betrayed? Hopeless? Hopeful? How did you find your emotions and psychological state shifting during the reading of it? How do you find yourself thinking and feeling as you distance yourself from it? Are you rising above? Letting go? Retreating into a numb world of denial? Hanging on to anger and fear?
These and many, many questions will arise for you within the next ten to fifteen years. It is my hope that these blogposts will help make you better prepared for them--that you will be better able to make informed choices of action when confronted by them. Then you can really take advantage of the real reasons why you chose a human bodymind on planet Earth at this time.
We should all be asking ourselves some big questions, like, Why did I choose this Earth incarnation? Why did I choose Earth? Why Homo sapiens sapiens? Why the "21st Century"? Why this country? this community? this family?
Imagine you are a spirit being in the Monadic Kingdom and you have literally infinite choices as to where and how you will seek your adventures and experiences, how you will spend your time, what kind of learning you feel you need to do, and who you'd like to work with. You could choose material-based, time-based, emotion-based, mental-based, multi-dimensional-based and many, many spiritual-based perspectives and forms from which to encounter your test goals and objectives. But, you chose Earth. Not "Mars," not "Jupiter," "Gx24," "Europa," "Sol," "Polaris," "Andromeda," "NGC 1300," "Crab Nebula" "asteroid Thisbe," or some other Universe or celestial being beyond our human knowing. You chose Homo sapiens sapiens, not Neandertals, Cro-magnon, astralopithicus, Homo erectus, "Giant" or "Atlantean," "Grey" or "Reptillian," or any of the many species of homonids that pre- (and post-) date our own. You chose Homo sapiens sapiens. And you choose this time that we Anglo-centric Homo sapiens sapiens have chosen to call "the 21st Century."
Why? What are the attractions? What are the specific lessons these certain, very specific set of circumstances offer to you for your growth, for your Self-testing and potential Self-realization?
Obviously, the challenge of overcoming the tremendously handicapping contextual field of "emotions" was one of the primary motivations for your choice to come here. But why? Had you heard about it and felt drawn by the excitement, the challenge, the adrenaline, the severity of the test? Or, had you been here before and felt you had some "mistakes" or "unfinished business" to re-do or refine? Or had you been here before and gotten trapped Self-identifying within some of the many illusions that we created to make this place more interesting, more challenging? Are you "addicted" to the emotional context, the thrills and challenges, the adrenaline rush, the game of chance, as a gambler is? Or are you here as part of a service contract to another member of your Soul Family or members of your Soul Community? Or are you here as part of a self-imposed "penance" for "failures" or "mistakes" in past lives.
There are many, many reasons one could have made to come to planet Earth at this time. I have only named a few general categories. Hopefully you are hearing enough of the beacon of the Voice of your Soul to be questioning the significance and meaning of your presence, the goings-on around you, and the choices and patterns you have acquired, the challenges you have attracted to your self, and the infinite spectrum of choices you have before you at each and every moment. That is my hope for you. That is the reason I write these posts. To provoke you to think a little differently than you may have before. I hope I am succeeding in my task.
Should you have any doubts about my starting premise--that Homo sapiens sapiens has little time left on planet Earth--I beseech you to do your research. Seek out the writings, videos, blogs, websites of Guy MacPherson, Christopher Hedges, Sam Carana, Near-Term Human Extinction, Andrew Harvey, Michael C. Ruppert, Naomi Klein, Carolyn Baker, and even Anthony Watts to get some well-presented information.
I especially beg and urge all of you to read Christopher Hedges' numbing portrait of the state of the world--including his perspective of that which is coming, that which is already in progress, and that which is virtually inevitable. You can find it in his Truth Dig article, "The Great Unravelling."
Then I want you to do an immediate assessment on yourself to discover where your emotional instincts lie: How does this article make you feel? Do you feel incensed? Excited? Argumentative? Numb and disbelieving? Distrusting? Disgusted? Ready to take up arms--ready to fight? Elated? Relieved? Surprised? Confused? Betrayed? Hopeless? Hopeful? How did you find your emotions and psychological state shifting during the reading of it? How do you find yourself thinking and feeling as you distance yourself from it? Are you rising above? Letting go? Retreating into a numb world of denial? Hanging on to anger and fear?
As signs of the coming battle become more prominent and the fact of "class conflict" (i.e., the armies of the wealthy elite versus the dispossessed 99.9%) become more evident, what course of action do you see yourself choosing? Will you continue to be the willing slave to the wealthy elite, serving them in numb supplication, or will you rise up in arms against their oppression and greed? Or will you try to hide--to remain invisible and self-sufficient? Or will you be a willing submissive victim--fodder for the rapid depopulation of the human species?
The essence of it all comes down to the question, Will you succumb to the forces and motivation of fear and anger or will you be able to remain passive and detached? Do you have the spiritual confidence to dispassionately allow things to unfold as they will knowing full well that your human life is in danger at each and every minute or will you fight for every last minute of breath and sensual input you can earn for your self?These and many, many questions will arise for you within the next ten to fifteen years. It is my hope that these blogposts will help make you better prepared for them--that you will be better able to make informed choices of action when confronted by them. Then you can really take advantage of the real reasons why you chose a human bodymind on planet Earth at this time.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Drew's Grand Theory of Descending Evolution, Part 3: Historical Pretexts
In two of my recent blogposts I spent quite a bit of time trying to establish the basis for a theory that I've been developing which supposes that the role of Homo sapiens sapiens and the current Earth School experience is to create increasingly deeper or increasingly distant degrees of separation from the Original State of Pure Consciousness. The spiritual beings of the Monadic Kingdom have in fact created this contextual field for the express purpose of testing themselves--of testing their ability to work within and rise above the thick veils of ignorance that exist while occupying the vehicles of 21st Century human civilization. I have even gone so far as to posit a theory that this ever-deepening spiral of descent into the Illusion of Separation is possibly being spurred on by an Earth-borne dis-ease--by an addiction to the machismo, adrenaline-pumping, thrill seeking psychosis so common to Earth-based humans.
I believe that the Earth-using element of the Monadic Kingdom has entangled itself within a web of obsessive desire through the repetitive use of the emotion-based sensory-dominant human experience and that the weight of the baggage that comes with these experiences hangs on and accrues without proper separation, perspective, processing, and distance. I know from Journeyman Paul's own experience that the weightiness of the improperly processed emotional baggage accrued over several lifetimes of perceived "failure" and "regret" led to the need for a great deal of time and work in order to fully process and let go of. The dross of the Earth-based human experiences can be unknowingly carried with the Soul and can cloud his or her perceptions even when "done" with the human incarnation--even when "home" within the Spirit World. This cloud of misperception can then cloud one's judgment in preparation for one's next adventure.
Drew Fisher. Obviously Drew Fisher is not a genius. I am not blazing intellectual or theoretical pathways that others before me haven't already travelled. I'm just blazing them, for the first time, for myself. So, "Drew's Grand Theory of Descending Evolution" is really not Drew's. And it's probably not even very grand. Since coming up with this title, however, I've been excited to find myself stumbling upon more and more information that seems to support my current and evolving "theory" of descending evolution.
Rumi. Once I believed as Persian mystic poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī, or, as we Westerns refer to him, Rumi (meaning "Roman"), that all humans are hardwired to work toward God-return. Rumi believed that we humans are animated by fragments of God and that we have worked our way through an ascending hierarchy of physical media--mineral, plant, animal, and human--through many incarnations and that now, as humans, it is our duty and design to try to ascend above our animal nature and achieve reunion with our original Self, that is, with God.
I now believe that there is more choice available to we "individuals" using the human instrument--that we do not have to be in any hurry to reach the "end goal" of reunion with God. There are other options; other experiences and "tests" available to we who choose adventure and excitement as our means to spiritual evolution.
"Devolution" v. "Descending Evolution" Originally I had proposed this theory of mine as a theory of "devolution." But, upon further research, I found out that the concept of evolution places no value much less a hierarchical value upon progress or regress, upon complexity versus simplicity. Evolution is only concerned with change and adaptation in the process of natural selectivity for species life. Evolution has no concern for success or failure. 99% of all life species that have ever lived on planet Earth are now extinct. Therefore, devolution has no real meaning. It is a moot topic.
It turns out that what I am really concerned with is the descending or deepening path of Ignorance and distraction that spirits are subjecting themselves to when choosing "modern day" human hosts. It has become my belief that we of the Monadic Kingdom have purposely advanced this deepened veil of Ignorance in order to heighten the thrill of the adventure attached to human experience.
Rudolf Steiner. According to anthropologist and occult scientist Rudolf Steiner--who was writing over 100 years ago--Homo sapiens sapiens has been on a purposeful evolution away from spiritual advancement into an increasingly denser commitment to the physical-material world since before the time of the pyramid builders. This makes perfect sense to me as the technologies used to build, much less use, the world's grid of pyramids are not only lost but irretrievable to us in our current capacity for understanding. (Which, to my mind, indicates quite clearly that there were intelligent species using the planet before Homo sapiens sapiens came into his own. Heck! These predecessors may, in fact, have been the ones who trained us, gave us "gifts" of information, or even planted our species here! [Think: Arthur C. Clarke's 1 x 4 x 9 monoliths.])
Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, Waldorf education and Biodynamic agricultural, among other things, traced this evolutionary "densification" [my term] back to the earliest more spiritually attuned cultures in history. In Ancient Egypt, he posits, spiritual work was more of an ubiquitous element of daily life and living; the material/physical were used as simple tools for the true consciousness of our being. Their real work was being done on mental and spiritual levels. Also, they may have been using this time period for getting used to this new form and its abilities and limitations. Thus the short life spans.
"Backwards" evolution can be traced from more spiritual-minded Egypt to Classical Greece and onwards in a descending slope through Imperial Rome, through the low points of recent control of spirituality within the Roman Catholic Church even into the ironically labeled Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Enlightenment, Rise of the Nation-State, Industrial Revolution, and current Globalization Revolution. Each phase of civilization since the Egyptian time of the pyramids has proven to be less spiritually focused, less reliant on spiritual information and spiritual law for its wisdom, guidance, healing, and governance and more detached from awareness and acknowledgement of the presence of a spiritual essence in life and living things. Members of the Monadic Kingdom investing their time and energy into Homo sapiens sapiens throughout this flow of history were perfecting and deepening this young species' true potential for darkness and depravity.
The "evolution" that Huxley, Darwin, Wallace, and Lamarck referred to is, of course, of a physical progression. "Survival of the fittest" applies to physical survival, to the ability to perpetuate physical, biological species. Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" has led humans to learn to use their consciousness to manipulate their surroundings and resources with fear and control as their motivators. When love is the motivator there is no fear of death, there is no competition, there is no violence, there are no destructive and self-destructive behaviors, addictions and codependencies, there is no need to control others or to control one's resources. When love is the motivator there is only calm confidence and faith in the interconnected needs of all things and the recognition of the oneness, the interconnectedness, of all things, the permanence of life and consciousness, the illusory nature of the physical world. With fear as the prime motivator all kinds of 'evil' and havoc are possible.I believe that the Earth-using element of the Monadic Kingdom has entangled itself within a web of obsessive desire through the repetitive use of the emotion-based sensory-dominant human experience and that the weight of the baggage that comes with these experiences hangs on and accrues without proper separation, perspective, processing, and distance. I know from Journeyman Paul's own experience that the weightiness of the improperly processed emotional baggage accrued over several lifetimes of perceived "failure" and "regret" led to the need for a great deal of time and work in order to fully process and let go of. The dross of the Earth-based human experiences can be unknowingly carried with the Soul and can cloud his or her perceptions even when "done" with the human incarnation--even when "home" within the Spirit World. This cloud of misperception can then cloud one's judgment in preparation for one's next adventure.
Drew Fisher. Obviously Drew Fisher is not a genius. I am not blazing intellectual or theoretical pathways that others before me haven't already travelled. I'm just blazing them, for the first time, for myself. So, "Drew's Grand Theory of Descending Evolution" is really not Drew's. And it's probably not even very grand. Since coming up with this title, however, I've been excited to find myself stumbling upon more and more information that seems to support my current and evolving "theory" of descending evolution.
Rumi. Once I believed as Persian mystic poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī, or, as we Westerns refer to him, Rumi (meaning "Roman"), that all humans are hardwired to work toward God-return. Rumi believed that we humans are animated by fragments of God and that we have worked our way through an ascending hierarchy of physical media--mineral, plant, animal, and human--through many incarnations and that now, as humans, it is our duty and design to try to ascend above our animal nature and achieve reunion with our original Self, that is, with God.
I now believe that there is more choice available to we "individuals" using the human instrument--that we do not have to be in any hurry to reach the "end goal" of reunion with God. There are other options; other experiences and "tests" available to we who choose adventure and excitement as our means to spiritual evolution.
"Devolution" v. "Descending Evolution" Originally I had proposed this theory of mine as a theory of "devolution." But, upon further research, I found out that the concept of evolution places no value much less a hierarchical value upon progress or regress, upon complexity versus simplicity. Evolution is only concerned with change and adaptation in the process of natural selectivity for species life. Evolution has no concern for success or failure. 99% of all life species that have ever lived on planet Earth are now extinct. Therefore, devolution has no real meaning. It is a moot topic.
It turns out that what I am really concerned with is the descending or deepening path of Ignorance and distraction that spirits are subjecting themselves to when choosing "modern day" human hosts. It has become my belief that we of the Monadic Kingdom have purposely advanced this deepened veil of Ignorance in order to heighten the thrill of the adventure attached to human experience.
Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, Waldorf education and Biodynamic agricultural, among other things, traced this evolutionary "densification" [my term] back to the earliest more spiritually attuned cultures in history. In Ancient Egypt, he posits, spiritual work was more of an ubiquitous element of daily life and living; the material/physical were used as simple tools for the true consciousness of our being. Their real work was being done on mental and spiritual levels. Also, they may have been using this time period for getting used to this new form and its abilities and limitations. Thus the short life spans.
"Backwards" evolution can be traced from more spiritual-minded Egypt to Classical Greece and onwards in a descending slope through Imperial Rome, through the low points of recent control of spirituality within the Roman Catholic Church even into the ironically labeled Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Enlightenment, Rise of the Nation-State, Industrial Revolution, and current Globalization Revolution. Each phase of civilization since the Egyptian time of the pyramids has proven to be less spiritually focused, less reliant on spiritual information and spiritual law for its wisdom, guidance, healing, and governance and more detached from awareness and acknowledgement of the presence of a spiritual essence in life and living things. Members of the Monadic Kingdom investing their time and energy into Homo sapiens sapiens throughout this flow of history were perfecting and deepening this young species' true potential for darkness and depravity.
Esoteric Healing. I have been a student and practitioner of Esoteric Healing for almost 20 years now. As a practitioner of Esoteric Healing's "structured prayer" I work within biodynamic energy fields. Using the scientific practices and anatomy or 'architecture' of the Esoteric Healing knowledge base for my reference point, I can assess the levels of awareness, development, or 'awakeness' that a person has achieved in terms of recognizing and using spiritual law and spiritual information while veiled and confined in the murky ignorance of four-dimensional 21st Century human being. Many souls who commit to human bodyminds as test vehicles never fully 'awaken' to their spiritual/Godly source much less to the powers that arise from that awareness. Fear, separation, automation, resignation, Ego/Personality, obedience and supplication are much of what these "unawakened" souls experience for the entirety of their human incarnations. Those who do awaken to the Inner Beacon of Light, Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Will and Power may progress through the challenging stages of development. Breaking through one barrier of belief construct that proves unnaturally illusory and confining, one may master the informations and laws of the four-dimensional Earth School experience--which will allow one to (re-)turn one's focus to learning and mastering spiritual information and spiritual law. But it is not the norm. Those who master Earth-bound law and manipulation of its information have the option of not returning to Earth School: They can graduate! They have no more use for the "tests" that we have set forth in the form of the human experience. They can move on to mastering other perspectives of the Illusions, of dis-unity and dis-harmony and dis-ease, all in the effort to experience as many forms of the Illusions as possible.
EVERYONE who chooses to come to Earth in a human bodymind has agreed to subject themselves to the rules and laws of the four-dimensional Earth-based human experience. As exposed above, I used to believe that each one of these individual entities desires and plans to be able to climb out of the murk of Ignorance toward the light of Higher Mind, Higher Knowledge, Love and Will. But, due to the severity of Earth's attractions, distractions, traps and trappings, many people are severely impeded from achieving these goals. They have become handicapped by the strength and complexity of the fabric of the cultural, societal and conditional constructs of the Ego/Personality, addicted to the glitz and glamor that is the physical-emotional world in which they have chosen to reside, or they have fallen under the spell of the constant flood of information bombarding their senses into believing that their Earth-based contextual field is real!
Still, at the core of each individual human being resides an object--or maybe more accurately I should call this 'thing' a concept. The "Blue Pearl," it is called in Esoteric Healing. The Blue Pearl (or "Blue Dot," "Blue Flash," "Blue Disc," "Blue Sphere") is the physically imagined incarnation or metaphor for that Spark of The Divine, that Drop of The Great Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, that Essence of Unified Nonduality, that (supposedly) animates all of us, every thing, every thought, every idea in Cosmic Creation.
The Blue Pearl is that microcosmic reminder and microcosmic representative of the Oneness of All Things, of God Unity. To focus on the indestructible and immutable Blue Pearl, to identify with It instead of the human form that our Ego/Personality persuades us to identify with, is to identify with one's Godness. In this 'state' one does not value human life or Earth 'reality' in the same way as one does through the filters of the Ego/Personality. Experiencing the Earth School through the perspective of the Blue Pearl is like remembering that you are in a movie theater watching a movie: you do not have to be attached to the events and emotions coming from the screen because you are not the movie. You are the observer. You do not have to think of yourself as a participant. The information appearing on screen is only for your use. If you wish.
And yet, we have chosen to take on these human forms in this Earth School environment for a reason. Whether that reason is in order to test your Self or whether that goal has been lost in lieu of the addictive attraction to the thrills and excitement of the adventure is immaterial. We are here. We chose to be here. We can use the experience in whatever way we wish. BUT, your Monad, your Soul Family, your team of Spirit Community, Spirit Guides and Council of Wise Elders in the Spirit World may have placed a Plan inside you that is not in line with the patterns you are living. How do you know if this is the case? Disease. Pain. Suffering. Depression. These are the tools Souls use to try to awaken the Higher Mind, to try to remind our True Selves that We are not on the course that We had planned for our Earth School journey.
The Higher Mind is quite wise and attuned to our Soul Plan but the power of the Ego/Personality patterns that are established in our youth as Homo sapiens sapiens are quite stultifying, quite challenging to unravel and breakdown once they have established ascendant control. That is one of the ingenious traps or obstacles that We of the Monadic Kingdom put in place in order to make this Homo sapiens sapiens experience so challenging. The Veil of the Illusion of Ignorance.
Recent Film and Literature
In his recent film, 2014's Lucy, writer-director Luc Besson posited the possibility that the more brain-power we humans tap into the less dependent we become on emotional and physical information, and then the less reliant we become on the physical and emotional bodies that we are using. This is because we would able to use and manipulate information--to put things in formation--in ways that benefit and connect us with different, larger communities instead of just the 'community' of our selves--of the cells and singular perspective of our human bodies. Thus, with greater brain use we would be feeling less confined to our bodies, our vehicles, less attached to our beliefs and fears, and more open to and connected with everything (that we formerly, errantly, thought was) around us. Using the belief and understanding that every thing, every definable entity in the Cosmos is in and of itself a point of consciousness, the limited, self-defining community of three trillion communing cells we call "the human body" suddenly becomes connected--and in open and full communication--with hundreds, millions, trillions, or an infinity of other sentient being "communities" and, thus, quite naturally, loses the "need" to self-define. Instead, one revels in the connection to and expanded perspective of an expanded contextual field of expanded community.
This idea was also touched on by writer/director/producer Spike Jonze in his 2014 film, Her (which, curiously, also starred actress Scarlett Johansson). In Her, Jonze explores the idea that the cyber world offers a vastly expanded amount of information (which is constantly expanding--like a Universe in a Big Bang theory), and that information in this universe is available at instantaneous (speed of light) speeds, at all times.
I first remember contemplating this possibility with the first TRON movie (1982) and with Daniel Simmons' science fiction series that began with his multiple award-winning novel, Hyperion
(1989). The cyber world is like an infinite system of highways and intersections or "nexuses"--which represent the singular pieces of information and their infinite ways of being connected to all other pieces of information. Each nexus point is like a single concept or a single piece of information, holding independent form and energy while remaining connected to the rest of the network by an infinite number of connecting highways--which provide connections to other nexus points in any and all directions and dimensions imaginable. Within this network one (one what? One thought or idea? one word or concept? one number or lack of number?) could be connected instantaneously to another piece of information--a thought, image, concept, idea or feeling--through this highway system or one could "veer" from the established "system" and create new "pathways" in order to connect pieces of information in new and different ways.
Choosing Between a Deepened or a Detached Commitment to Duality
The beings we organize ourselves into in order to use four-dimensional Earth's four-dimensional, emotion-based experience--which we call "humans"--are themselves devolved several (or many?) steps away from 100% or Pure Consciousness. To use the base-100 scale used in the film Lucy, we might say that while humans consciously use their brain capacity to access perhaps 5-10% of their Ultimate Potential, the spiritual entities with whom we identify when not occupying/using human or other four-dimensional vehicles--which I call 'Monads'--may be operating at, let's say, around 25-40%. Space and time are, obviously, useful to Monads but they are not always bound to linearities within space and time; that is, in the "Spirit World" Monads are able to bend, stretch, leap, rewind, fast-forward time and space--space and time are much more elastic, not so rigid as we humans perceive it. Monads have the advantage of an expanded awareness, an expanded consciousness of the interconnectedness of all things. And yet, not all Monads are focused on increasing that percentage of use of their Ultimate Potential. Not all Monads are working toward 100 percent, that is, toward God-return. Some Monads are more interested in testing themselves, testing their creative powers, exploring the infinitude of possibilities available to them within the realm of Cosmic Creation. And this is okay. This is fine because, as always, we have that magnificent gift of choice. Freedom of choice.
Which means that, in the end, the outcome of my theoretical findings is the same as they've always been: We are in choice. Every conscious being in Creation--and remember, every thing in creation has consciousness in that it arises as a spark from the Pure Consciousness of the Divine--at every moment is faced with an infinite number of choices. This is why a lepton can in one instant be measured or "found" at one end of the Universe and in the next be present in a close proximity. "It" wants to be both here and there and yet in reality "It" is only existing for the observer who is trying to measure it. Here and there are only relative to a place with time and dimensionality. And every observer is a co-Creator of his/her/its own reality.
Monads have helped to create and constantly modify the contextual field we call Earth and the experiential vehicles they use there. A faction of Monads have obviously invested quite a bit of energy into the creation of Homo sapiens sapiens. They have also invested quite a bit of energy into orchestrating the development of Homo sapiens sapiens into more and more ignorant and depraved versions so that we could get to this place we call 21st Century Near-Term Human Extinction. What will come next? Well, I am willing to bet that some members of the Monadic Kingdom, because of their addiction to the four-dimensional Earth-based human experience, will either continue to try to incarnate into Homo sapiens sapiens vehicles despite the horrific conditions that survivors of the coming apocalypse will have to deal with or they will seek other planets, human-like beings or emotion-based four-dimensional vehicles in order to satisfy their addictive "needs." Another set of Monads will probably try to seek out other human-like hosts to continue to test themselves in somewhat familiar conditions. Others will probably try to orchestrate the creation or development of another form--maybe even human--for their continued adventures into four-dimensional experiential learning. Still others may "wake up" and see that the four-dimensional "physical" or "emotional" experience is not the only way to provoke Self-growth and Self-realization. These may decide to forego further trips to four-dimensional experience and may instead choose among the myriad other dimensional forms and experiences available to them (and their imaginations). I'd like to think that some of us may get back on track and "seek the Light" or, that is, return to our quest for reunion with our One True Source. I am feeling that that may be the next aim for Journeyman Paul. Like our Cosmic Birth Twin, Toril, We may be done with the Earth School. There are so many choices!In the meantime, we are still here. We have these aging human bodies to use for the gathering of still more experiences and information.
In preparation for this extended journey on Earth I am going to next use a series of blogposts to focus on the metaphoric significance of the information we can and do take in through our human bodyminds.
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