Now that I have completed my series of blogposts highlighting some of the most significant teachers in my life, and now that I have taken some time to explore my Grand Theory of Descending Evolution and a few other things, I would like to shift the focus to an attempt to illuminate my perspective that everything in the world--all information in every form--is but a metaphor for 'higher' meaning. The so-called "physical" data we gather from our world through our senses is merely information that we have attracted to our conscious attention in order to contemplate, process, and learn from the higher metaphoric implications of their meaning. That which we call "the physical world" has comparative, analogous, mirror meanings and significance on levels that we call "emotional," "mental," "Ego/Personality," "soul," and on several "spiritual" levels. Once we are able to see and practice applying this knowledge and understanding in our conscious lives, the potential for Self-understanding and Self-development increases geometrically and the art of living becomes full of so much more meaning and significance.
The psychologists of the late Nineteenth Century and Twentieth Century were the first to really apply this perspective to human beings--especially Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow. To Jung--and many others since--the human life with its events, its memories, its dreams and imaginings are all part of an allegorical story from which any human being can derive layer upon layer of deeper psychological and spiritual meaning. With Jung, a single dream, a film, a book, a painting or drawing, an unusual (or mundane) event, a memorable sensual stimulus--anything that presents a lasting and powerful impression on the mind can contain layers of symbolic meaning and significance from which one can study and extract information relevant to one's growth and self-awareness for years and years.
To Maslow, life is a process motivated by one's internal drive or desire to attain fulfillment, to "self-actualize." Maslow created a "hierarchy of needs" which, he believed, humans needed to fulfill in each and every moment in order to be able to function at higher levels of creativity. For example, should one feel satisfied in one's basic physiological needs, one is then able to focus one's energies on dealing with the next level of needs--which include issues of safety and security. If one is feeling secure in one's dealings with the health and safety of one's body, family, property, employment and income, one can then focus one's attention on the next level of needs--which include issues dealing with love, inclusion, and belonging. If one is feeling satisfied physiologically, safe and loved psychologically, then one is "free" to focus one's energies on esteem issues. If one is then feeling confident, respected and respectful, then one is free to focus one's time, energy and resources on self-initiated and self-motivated acts of creativity and altruism.
Both Jung and Maslow believed that an inherent desire was hardwired into man which motivated him to seek improvement and growth. I call this the Soul, Causal Body, or Soul Plan. The Soul is a kind of beacon of information that the Monad and his team of spiritual community members have put in place in order to guide and structure the achievement of certain prescribed goals and objectives for that bodymind to try to accomplish within the time and space being used in one's current human bodymind.
Though metaphor is a linguistic term, I choose to use it because all information encountered and collected by consciousness is just information. To take information and try to relate it to other information is what consciousness does--consciousness creates relationships out of things that we choose to believe are "here" and "there," "self" and "other," subjective and objective. Using the four-dimensional world that we have created for our adventures into the depths of the Illusions of Duality, we can see the many layers of significance and meaning depending on which perspectives, which pair of glasses we are looking through. A person functioning at Maslow's lower levels of psychological satisfaction is going to see things from those perspectives--likely with insecurity and fear. A person with mastery of the laws of four-dimensional Earth School is going to be able to perceive many more layers of significance to everyday information.
I plan to spend the next months putting together blogposts using individual examples to illustrate the meaning and means to finding metaphoric meaning in basic and exceptional things in our individual lives. For example, the human digestive system can be used as a metaphor for the way in which humans digest information in order to make sense of the world, to nourish them selves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, in order to continue fueling, growing, and re-defining their individuality (their bodies, their identity, their self-concept and self-definition). Like the way the human organism is built around its digestive tract, so too is the human mind built around a sense of identity or individuality. The human reproduction system is related to procreation and carrying forward of the particular host species Homo sapiens sapiens, but it is also necessary to duality, relationship with "others"--especially close, significant relationships. The boney system is foundational and structural to the human vehicle. A commitment to a human vehicle requires a commitment to dense physicality and the necessities to survival and thrive in that form. This requires a commitment to the dualistic spectrum of fear and courage--the use of which can span all parts if necessary or desired. The circulatory system rejoices in the delivery of life-sustaining nutrients to each and every cell of the body as well as the delivery of waste products to the body's eliminatory organs (skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines). The muscles allow and enable motion--the circulation of the individual and his gifts and stressors on the "outside" world. The endocrine system. The nervous system. The lymphatic system is the body's sewage system--gathering up all cellular wastes from interstitial space and whisking them away to the body's eliminatory systems before these wastes can become toxic to the body. We will discuss the metaphoric significance of human life experiences to the emotional body, the etheric body, the mental body, the personality body, the Causal Body (or "Soul"), as well as the spiritual bodies and the Monad. We will also use daily events or specific trends or themes from life to explore this idea that everything is metaphor.
For example, I was recently introduced to a form of diagnostic homeopathic therapy called Field Control Therapy (FCT). FCT was developed by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D. of Chappaqua, New York, and has been latched onto and developed further by other medical professionals who have strong understandings, experience, and/or training in areas of science like toxicology, epidemiology, and radiology. Field Control Therapy claims to be able to discover the root causes of illness, poor health, and disease and to then treat these causes in ways that eradicate the offending sources while strengthening and not destroying the other, healthy tissues. The "toxins" FCT labels as root causes of disease include heavy metals, electromagnetic fields, parasites, viruses, bacterial imbalances, as well as the residues of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, vaccinces, old medicines and more.
This all sounds great. It is truly fascinating--using advanced science to its fullest potential. I could see myself (and others) getting very involved and invested in the information, training, and, of course, treatment using Field Control Therapy. But, then, I stop and think: We, the conscious beings behind (or within) the human bodyminds that we occupy, participated in the creation of this world, this Earth School contextual field. All of these tools, forms, and "obstacles" were created by us for our use--for learning; for the possibility of self-reflection, self-definition, self-improvement, and self-realization.
If all of these "toxic" substances are but creations of our own making, things that we have purposely attracted to our "selves," then, What is the point? Isn't Field Control Therapy just another metaphor for spiritual cleansing/purification?--which means making way for expanding Self-awareness? If all matter and form are tools--servants!--of our four-dimensional sensory-based perceptual/contextual "playground" (or field), why not shift, re-train, change the perceptual reference point, the context--or accept these as part and parcel for the clutter and dross we have put in place in order to establish and maintain the context we thought we needed?
Then I had another thought: If all "matter" that we think has physical substance in this "world" of ours is made up of 99.9999 space (or ether or Love, depending on your perspective) and the rest is made up of "particles" that are in truth photons of light which contain a "tendency" or "probability" of occupying space, then how could these "toxins" be the true causes of ill-health and disease? They barely exist! We only see them and give them power because we choose to give them that power!
And then I cannot forget what Alice Bailey says The Tibetan (Djwal Khul) told her: "All dis-ease is the result of inhibited Soul life." If this is true--if this is my truth--then how could FCT possibly be true or real? If all dis-ease is the result of inhibited soul life, then the cause and cure of my perceptions of dis-ease and ill-health could not possibly be toxic residues or effects of heavy metals, electromagnetic fields, parasites, viruses, bacteria, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, vaccinces, old medicines, etc. It is more likely that the true causes of my dis-eases and ill-health are in my thoughts and thought patterns; it is more likely that the true causes of my dis-eases and health challenges lay in my having chosen to give power to the systems and beliefs that my human-centric Earth world has informed me. BUT, then, I am just as free (and able) to choose otherwise, to opt out of the belief systems that members of my fellow humankind are trying to convince me to buy into. I could even choose to opt out of this game of "being human" and go "back" to a different reality--a reality in which these toxic "substances" may not hold any import or influence (or may not even exist). (I never realized before how the word "existence" is such a relative term!)
Energy follows thought. If I buy into a system, a belief system, then, of course, that system is going to have meaning, relevance, and reality to me. If energy follows thought, then isn't Field Control Therapy (or, for that matter, any therapy) giving power and credibility to these "toxins"? Aren't the real toxins in our thought/thinking patterns? Can't we make a shift in our choice o perspective(s) to choose to love these "things"--to use them for strength and health instead of toxicity and dis-ease--to correct the "flaw(s)" in our Soul Life in order to eradicate dis-ease? Why must an "EMF" or a "heavy metal" or a "residue" or "DNA mutation" be "bad" or "toxic"? Why can't we decide to choose to use them for health and hjoy and love and celebration? Why not accept things for what they are (a contextual field of "tendencies" or "probablilities" of light "particles") and accept the fact that you have created them exactly for creating the you that you think you want and need--for creating exactly what you want "need" to be? At this very moment?!
And then there is the problem I have with the word "control" in the name of this leading edge therapy. Control, in my mind, implies arrogance. Something we humans excel at. I have learned to question and, usually, run from anything that incites humans to become arrogant. To believe that one can control anything is, in my opinion, totally egotistical, arrogant, and ultimately, a lie. But, we try. Something in our conditioning, in our dualistic mindset, causes us to want to control . . . everything. Nature, human nature, language, each other, our selves. "Field control" connotes controlling "The Field." It is possible. (If you can think/imagine it, then anything is possible.) But, why that field when your "field" could be anything?! Why not choose Beauty, Love, and Joy as your "field"? Then maybe we wouldn't feel the need to want to control it. Just think of it: Uncontrolled, unbound Beauty; uncontrolled, unbound Love; uncontrolled, unbound Joy. Wouldn't that be amazing?! If we let that happen we might just not feel the need to choose anything else! No more dis-ease, no more toxins, no more fields, no more Selves. Beauty, Love, and Joy. . . . Count me in!
Anyway, I see the appearance of Field Control Therapy as yet another means for me to go very deeply into the educational experience of learning and reinforcing my ability to detach from the illusions of the four-dimensional Earth School experience. Humans have devised this seemingly advanced way of treating human illness at what appears to be a very deep level. But, upon further inspection, one can see that it is not as deep as one thinks. Field Control Therapy is still firmly embedded within all of the Grand Illusions of Human Duality and, therefore, of use to me in the way that it helps remind me that systems and beliefs are just temporary stopping points; there are always different perspectives from which to view things and relationships. Everything is a metaphor; everything presents itself to us precisely as we need it to for the possibility of improving our awareness, our definitions of "reality", and, of course, for prompting expanding Self-realization.
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