In two of my recent blogposts I spent quite a bit of time trying to establish the basis for a theory that I've been developing which supposes that the role of Homo sapiens sapiens and the current Earth School experience is to create increasingly deeper or increasingly distant degrees of separation from the Original State of Pure Consciousness. The spiritual beings of the Monadic Kingdom have in fact created this contextual field for the express purpose of testing themselves--of testing their ability to work within and rise above the thick veils of ignorance that exist while occupying the vehicles of 21st Century human civilization. I have even gone so far as to posit a theory that this ever-deepening spiral of descent into the Illusion of Separation is possibly being spurred on by an Earth-borne dis-ease--by an addiction to the machismo, adrenaline-pumping, thrill seeking psychosis so common to Earth-based humans.
I believe that the Earth-using element of the Monadic Kingdom has entangled itself within a web of obsessive desire through the repetitive use of the emotion-based sensory-dominant human experience and that the weight of the baggage that comes with these experiences hangs on and accrues without proper separation, perspective, processing, and distance. I know from Journeyman Paul's own experience that the weightiness of the improperly processed emotional baggage accrued over several lifetimes of perceived "failure" and "regret" led to the need for a great deal of time and work in order to fully process and let go of. The dross of the Earth-based human experiences can be unknowingly carried with the Soul and can cloud his or her perceptions even when "done" with the human incarnation--even when "home" within the Spirit World. This cloud of misperception can then cloud one's judgment in preparation for one's next adventure.
Drew Fisher. Obviously Drew Fisher is not a genius. I am not blazing intellectual or theoretical pathways that others before me haven't already travelled. I'm just blazing them, for the first time, for myself. So, "Drew's Grand Theory of Descending Evolution" is really not Drew's. And it's probably not even very grand. Since coming up with this title, however, I've been excited to find myself stumbling upon more and more information that seems to support my current and evolving "theory" of descending evolution.
Rumi. Once I believed as Persian mystic poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī, or, as we Westerns refer to him, Rumi (meaning "Roman"), that all humans are hardwired to work toward God-return. Rumi believed that we humans are animated by fragments of God and that we have worked our way through an ascending hierarchy of physical media--mineral, plant, animal, and human--through many incarnations and that now, as humans, it is our duty and design to try to ascend above our animal nature and achieve reunion with our original Self, that is, with God.
I now believe that there is more choice available to we "individuals" using the human instrument--that we do not have to be in any hurry to reach the "end goal" of reunion with God. There are other options; other experiences and "tests" available to we who choose adventure and excitement as our means to spiritual evolution.
"Devolution" v. "Descending Evolution" Originally I had proposed this theory of mine as a theory of "devolution." But, upon further research, I found out that the concept of evolution places no value much less a hierarchical value upon progress or regress, upon complexity versus simplicity. Evolution is only concerned with change and adaptation in the process of natural selectivity for species life. Evolution has no concern for success or failure. 99% of all life species that have ever lived on planet Earth are now extinct. Therefore, devolution has no real meaning. It is a moot topic.
It turns out that what I am really concerned with is the descending or deepening path of Ignorance and distraction that spirits are subjecting themselves to when choosing "modern day" human hosts. It has become my belief that we of the Monadic Kingdom have purposely advanced this deepened veil of Ignorance in order to heighten the thrill of the adventure attached to human experience.
Rudolf Steiner. According to anthropologist and occult scientist Rudolf Steiner--who was writing over 100 years ago--Homo sapiens sapiens has been on a purposeful evolution away from spiritual advancement into an increasingly denser commitment to the physical-material world since before the time of the pyramid builders. This makes perfect sense to me as the technologies used to build, much less use, the world's grid of pyramids are not only lost but irretrievable to us in our current capacity for understanding. (Which, to my mind, indicates quite clearly that there were intelligent species using the planet before Homo sapiens sapiens came into his own. Heck! These predecessors may, in fact, have been the ones who trained us, gave us "gifts" of information, or even planted our species here! [Think: Arthur C. Clarke's 1 x 4 x 9 monoliths.])
Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, Waldorf education and Biodynamic agricultural, among other things, traced this evolutionary "densification" [my term] back to the earliest more spiritually attuned cultures in history. In Ancient Egypt, he posits, spiritual work was more of an ubiquitous element of daily life and living; the material/physical were used as simple tools for the true consciousness of our being. Their real work was being done on mental and spiritual levels. Also, they may have been using this time period for getting used to this new form and its abilities and limitations. Thus the short life spans.
"Backwards" evolution can be traced from more spiritual-minded Egypt to Classical Greece and onwards in a descending slope through Imperial Rome, through the low points of recent control of spirituality within the Roman Catholic Church even into the ironically labeled Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Enlightenment, Rise of the Nation-State, Industrial Revolution, and current Globalization Revolution. Each phase of civilization since the Egyptian time of the pyramids has proven to be less spiritually focused, less reliant on spiritual information and spiritual law for its wisdom, guidance, healing, and governance and more detached from awareness and acknowledgement of the presence of a spiritual essence in life and living things. Members of the Monadic Kingdom investing their time and energy into Homo sapiens sapiens throughout this flow of history were perfecting and deepening this young species' true potential for darkness and depravity.
The "evolution" that Huxley, Darwin, Wallace, and Lamarck referred to is, of course, of a physical progression. "Survival of the fittest" applies to physical survival, to the ability to perpetuate physical, biological species. Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" has led humans to learn to use their consciousness to manipulate their surroundings and resources with fear and control as their motivators. When love is the motivator there is no fear of death, there is no competition, there is no violence, there are no destructive and self-destructive behaviors, addictions and codependencies, there is no need to control others or to control one's resources. When love is the motivator there is only calm confidence and faith in the interconnected needs of all things and the recognition of the oneness, the interconnectedness, of all things, the permanence of life and consciousness, the illusory nature of the physical world. With fear as the prime motivator all kinds of 'evil' and havoc are possible.I believe that the Earth-using element of the Monadic Kingdom has entangled itself within a web of obsessive desire through the repetitive use of the emotion-based sensory-dominant human experience and that the weight of the baggage that comes with these experiences hangs on and accrues without proper separation, perspective, processing, and distance. I know from Journeyman Paul's own experience that the weightiness of the improperly processed emotional baggage accrued over several lifetimes of perceived "failure" and "regret" led to the need for a great deal of time and work in order to fully process and let go of. The dross of the Earth-based human experiences can be unknowingly carried with the Soul and can cloud his or her perceptions even when "done" with the human incarnation--even when "home" within the Spirit World. This cloud of misperception can then cloud one's judgment in preparation for one's next adventure.
Drew Fisher. Obviously Drew Fisher is not a genius. I am not blazing intellectual or theoretical pathways that others before me haven't already travelled. I'm just blazing them, for the first time, for myself. So, "Drew's Grand Theory of Descending Evolution" is really not Drew's. And it's probably not even very grand. Since coming up with this title, however, I've been excited to find myself stumbling upon more and more information that seems to support my current and evolving "theory" of descending evolution.
Rumi. Once I believed as Persian mystic poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī, or, as we Westerns refer to him, Rumi (meaning "Roman"), that all humans are hardwired to work toward God-return. Rumi believed that we humans are animated by fragments of God and that we have worked our way through an ascending hierarchy of physical media--mineral, plant, animal, and human--through many incarnations and that now, as humans, it is our duty and design to try to ascend above our animal nature and achieve reunion with our original Self, that is, with God.
I now believe that there is more choice available to we "individuals" using the human instrument--that we do not have to be in any hurry to reach the "end goal" of reunion with God. There are other options; other experiences and "tests" available to we who choose adventure and excitement as our means to spiritual evolution.
"Devolution" v. "Descending Evolution" Originally I had proposed this theory of mine as a theory of "devolution." But, upon further research, I found out that the concept of evolution places no value much less a hierarchical value upon progress or regress, upon complexity versus simplicity. Evolution is only concerned with change and adaptation in the process of natural selectivity for species life. Evolution has no concern for success or failure. 99% of all life species that have ever lived on planet Earth are now extinct. Therefore, devolution has no real meaning. It is a moot topic.
It turns out that what I am really concerned with is the descending or deepening path of Ignorance and distraction that spirits are subjecting themselves to when choosing "modern day" human hosts. It has become my belief that we of the Monadic Kingdom have purposely advanced this deepened veil of Ignorance in order to heighten the thrill of the adventure attached to human experience.
Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, Waldorf education and Biodynamic agricultural, among other things, traced this evolutionary "densification" [my term] back to the earliest more spiritually attuned cultures in history. In Ancient Egypt, he posits, spiritual work was more of an ubiquitous element of daily life and living; the material/physical were used as simple tools for the true consciousness of our being. Their real work was being done on mental and spiritual levels. Also, they may have been using this time period for getting used to this new form and its abilities and limitations. Thus the short life spans.
"Backwards" evolution can be traced from more spiritual-minded Egypt to Classical Greece and onwards in a descending slope through Imperial Rome, through the low points of recent control of spirituality within the Roman Catholic Church even into the ironically labeled Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Enlightenment, Rise of the Nation-State, Industrial Revolution, and current Globalization Revolution. Each phase of civilization since the Egyptian time of the pyramids has proven to be less spiritually focused, less reliant on spiritual information and spiritual law for its wisdom, guidance, healing, and governance and more detached from awareness and acknowledgement of the presence of a spiritual essence in life and living things. Members of the Monadic Kingdom investing their time and energy into Homo sapiens sapiens throughout this flow of history were perfecting and deepening this young species' true potential for darkness and depravity.
Esoteric Healing. I have been a student and practitioner of Esoteric Healing for almost 20 years now. As a practitioner of Esoteric Healing's "structured prayer" I work within biodynamic energy fields. Using the scientific practices and anatomy or 'architecture' of the Esoteric Healing knowledge base for my reference point, I can assess the levels of awareness, development, or 'awakeness' that a person has achieved in terms of recognizing and using spiritual law and spiritual information while veiled and confined in the murky ignorance of four-dimensional 21st Century human being. Many souls who commit to human bodyminds as test vehicles never fully 'awaken' to their spiritual/Godly source much less to the powers that arise from that awareness. Fear, separation, automation, resignation, Ego/Personality, obedience and supplication are much of what these "unawakened" souls experience for the entirety of their human incarnations. Those who do awaken to the Inner Beacon of Light, Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Will and Power may progress through the challenging stages of development. Breaking through one barrier of belief construct that proves unnaturally illusory and confining, one may master the informations and laws of the four-dimensional Earth School experience--which will allow one to (re-)turn one's focus to learning and mastering spiritual information and spiritual law. But it is not the norm. Those who master Earth-bound law and manipulation of its information have the option of not returning to Earth School: They can graduate! They have no more use for the "tests" that we have set forth in the form of the human experience. They can move on to mastering other perspectives of the Illusions, of dis-unity and dis-harmony and dis-ease, all in the effort to experience as many forms of the Illusions as possible.
EVERYONE who chooses to come to Earth in a human bodymind has agreed to subject themselves to the rules and laws of the four-dimensional Earth-based human experience. As exposed above, I used to believe that each one of these individual entities desires and plans to be able to climb out of the murk of Ignorance toward the light of Higher Mind, Higher Knowledge, Love and Will. But, due to the severity of Earth's attractions, distractions, traps and trappings, many people are severely impeded from achieving these goals. They have become handicapped by the strength and complexity of the fabric of the cultural, societal and conditional constructs of the Ego/Personality, addicted to the glitz and glamor that is the physical-emotional world in which they have chosen to reside, or they have fallen under the spell of the constant flood of information bombarding their senses into believing that their Earth-based contextual field is real!
Still, at the core of each individual human being resides an object--or maybe more accurately I should call this 'thing' a concept. The "Blue Pearl," it is called in Esoteric Healing. The Blue Pearl (or "Blue Dot," "Blue Flash," "Blue Disc," "Blue Sphere") is the physically imagined incarnation or metaphor for that Spark of The Divine, that Drop of The Great Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, that Essence of Unified Nonduality, that (supposedly) animates all of us, every thing, every thought, every idea in Cosmic Creation.
The Blue Pearl is that microcosmic reminder and microcosmic representative of the Oneness of All Things, of God Unity. To focus on the indestructible and immutable Blue Pearl, to identify with It instead of the human form that our Ego/Personality persuades us to identify with, is to identify with one's Godness. In this 'state' one does not value human life or Earth 'reality' in the same way as one does through the filters of the Ego/Personality. Experiencing the Earth School through the perspective of the Blue Pearl is like remembering that you are in a movie theater watching a movie: you do not have to be attached to the events and emotions coming from the screen because you are not the movie. You are the observer. You do not have to think of yourself as a participant. The information appearing on screen is only for your use. If you wish.
And yet, we have chosen to take on these human forms in this Earth School environment for a reason. Whether that reason is in order to test your Self or whether that goal has been lost in lieu of the addictive attraction to the thrills and excitement of the adventure is immaterial. We are here. We chose to be here. We can use the experience in whatever way we wish. BUT, your Monad, your Soul Family, your team of Spirit Community, Spirit Guides and Council of Wise Elders in the Spirit World may have placed a Plan inside you that is not in line with the patterns you are living. How do you know if this is the case? Disease. Pain. Suffering. Depression. These are the tools Souls use to try to awaken the Higher Mind, to try to remind our True Selves that We are not on the course that We had planned for our Earth School journey.
The Higher Mind is quite wise and attuned to our Soul Plan but the power of the Ego/Personality patterns that are established in our youth as Homo sapiens sapiens are quite stultifying, quite challenging to unravel and breakdown once they have established ascendant control. That is one of the ingenious traps or obstacles that We of the Monadic Kingdom put in place in order to make this Homo sapiens sapiens experience so challenging. The Veil of the Illusion of Ignorance.
Recent Film and Literature
In his recent film, 2014's Lucy, writer-director Luc Besson posited the possibility that the more brain-power we humans tap into the less dependent we become on emotional and physical information, and then the less reliant we become on the physical and emotional bodies that we are using. This is because we would able to use and manipulate information--to put things in formation--in ways that benefit and connect us with different, larger communities instead of just the 'community' of our selves--of the cells and singular perspective of our human bodies. Thus, with greater brain use we would be feeling less confined to our bodies, our vehicles, less attached to our beliefs and fears, and more open to and connected with everything (that we formerly, errantly, thought was) around us. Using the belief and understanding that every thing, every definable entity in the Cosmos is in and of itself a point of consciousness, the limited, self-defining community of three trillion communing cells we call "the human body" suddenly becomes connected--and in open and full communication--with hundreds, millions, trillions, or an infinity of other sentient being "communities" and, thus, quite naturally, loses the "need" to self-define. Instead, one revels in the connection to and expanded perspective of an expanded contextual field of expanded community.
This idea was also touched on by writer/director/producer Spike Jonze in his 2014 film, Her (which, curiously, also starred actress Scarlett Johansson). In Her, Jonze explores the idea that the cyber world offers a vastly expanded amount of information (which is constantly expanding--like a Universe in a Big Bang theory), and that information in this universe is available at instantaneous (speed of light) speeds, at all times.
I first remember contemplating this possibility with the first TRON movie (1982) and with Daniel Simmons' science fiction series that began with his multiple award-winning novel, Hyperion
(1989). The cyber world is like an infinite system of highways and intersections or "nexuses"--which represent the singular pieces of information and their infinite ways of being connected to all other pieces of information. Each nexus point is like a single concept or a single piece of information, holding independent form and energy while remaining connected to the rest of the network by an infinite number of connecting highways--which provide connections to other nexus points in any and all directions and dimensions imaginable. Within this network one (one what? One thought or idea? one word or concept? one number or lack of number?) could be connected instantaneously to another piece of information--a thought, image, concept, idea or feeling--through this highway system or one could "veer" from the established "system" and create new "pathways" in order to connect pieces of information in new and different ways.
Choosing Between a Deepened or a Detached Commitment to Duality
The beings we organize ourselves into in order to use four-dimensional Earth's four-dimensional, emotion-based experience--which we call "humans"--are themselves devolved several (or many?) steps away from 100% or Pure Consciousness. To use the base-100 scale used in the film Lucy, we might say that while humans consciously use their brain capacity to access perhaps 5-10% of their Ultimate Potential, the spiritual entities with whom we identify when not occupying/using human or other four-dimensional vehicles--which I call 'Monads'--may be operating at, let's say, around 25-40%. Space and time are, obviously, useful to Monads but they are not always bound to linearities within space and time; that is, in the "Spirit World" Monads are able to bend, stretch, leap, rewind, fast-forward time and space--space and time are much more elastic, not so rigid as we humans perceive it. Monads have the advantage of an expanded awareness, an expanded consciousness of the interconnectedness of all things. And yet, not all Monads are focused on increasing that percentage of use of their Ultimate Potential. Not all Monads are working toward 100 percent, that is, toward God-return. Some Monads are more interested in testing themselves, testing their creative powers, exploring the infinitude of possibilities available to them within the realm of Cosmic Creation. And this is okay. This is fine because, as always, we have that magnificent gift of choice. Freedom of choice.
Which means that, in the end, the outcome of my theoretical findings is the same as they've always been: We are in choice. Every conscious being in Creation--and remember, every thing in creation has consciousness in that it arises as a spark from the Pure Consciousness of the Divine--at every moment is faced with an infinite number of choices. This is why a lepton can in one instant be measured or "found" at one end of the Universe and in the next be present in a close proximity. "It" wants to be both here and there and yet in reality "It" is only existing for the observer who is trying to measure it. Here and there are only relative to a place with time and dimensionality. And every observer is a co-Creator of his/her/its own reality.
Monads have helped to create and constantly modify the contextual field we call Earth and the experiential vehicles they use there. A faction of Monads have obviously invested quite a bit of energy into the creation of Homo sapiens sapiens. They have also invested quite a bit of energy into orchestrating the development of Homo sapiens sapiens into more and more ignorant and depraved versions so that we could get to this place we call 21st Century Near-Term Human Extinction. What will come next? Well, I am willing to bet that some members of the Monadic Kingdom, because of their addiction to the four-dimensional Earth-based human experience, will either continue to try to incarnate into Homo sapiens sapiens vehicles despite the horrific conditions that survivors of the coming apocalypse will have to deal with or they will seek other planets, human-like beings or emotion-based four-dimensional vehicles in order to satisfy their addictive "needs." Another set of Monads will probably try to seek out other human-like hosts to continue to test themselves in somewhat familiar conditions. Others will probably try to orchestrate the creation or development of another form--maybe even human--for their continued adventures into four-dimensional experiential learning. Still others may "wake up" and see that the four-dimensional "physical" or "emotional" experience is not the only way to provoke Self-growth and Self-realization. These may decide to forego further trips to four-dimensional experience and may instead choose among the myriad other dimensional forms and experiences available to them (and their imaginations). I'd like to think that some of us may get back on track and "seek the Light" or, that is, return to our quest for reunion with our One True Source. I am feeling that that may be the next aim for Journeyman Paul. Like our Cosmic Birth Twin, Toril, We may be done with the Earth School. There are so many choices!In the meantime, we are still here. We have these aging human bodies to use for the gathering of still more experiences and information.
In preparation for this extended journey on Earth I am going to next use a series of blogposts to focus on the metaphoric significance of the information we can and do take in through our human bodyminds.
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