A new question has attracted the attention of my ruminating mind: Could there be factions within the spirit world? Is it possible that there are disparate, argumentative groups in the spirit world, each with their own agendas and allegiances, their own values and philosophies (just as there are on Earth)?
Of course there could be. "Energy follows thought." If one can imagine it, then it is possible, probable, even likely. The realm of Cosmic Creation is nothing but pure potentiality in which anything and everything is possible. Remember: Energy follows thought. If a thought has occurred it has given energy, given life, to something new--has created a thing out of the field of Pure Potentiality. Thus, factions are not only possible but likely.
This 'species' of spiritual beings using four dimensional Earth's human population as experiential vehicles is certainly becoming less evolved and more deeply invested and ensnared by the influences of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Duality. (And, as per my Grand Theory of Descending Evolution, there is evidence that we are purposely fabricating a dumber, degraded version of human beings for our use!)
I know of other sentient "species" who use space, time and multiple dimensionality as the contextual field for their pursuit of experience and "growth" (whatever that may mean to these other conscious beings). The Greys and the Reptillians both play a role on and with Earth and her resources and inhabitants. And there are many other advanced civilizations that "watch" us. Are some of these 'species' in conflict with one another? Or are their goals and missions so disparate that they never need to interact--though they must be aware of one another?
In the Spirit World in which our Monads "reside" and use as another more fluid contextual field for experience and process, there is likely many choices possible in the way of form, dimensionality and activity when planning for one's next adventure, for the gaining of a certain set of experiences. I wonder if some of the Monad groups participating in the same activities feel rivalry or interest or envy or antipathy toward other groups that are using different contextual field choices for their "playgrounds." Now that I have realized that emotion and space and time constrictions are being used by the Monadic Kingdom--that the illusions of identity, individuality, separation, need, insufficiency and requirement are being used by Monads--it only makes sense that the illusions of comparison, judgment, condemnation, superiority, and conditionality are also being used by some Monads. When other entities operate under the illusion that they are separate and thus isolated as individuals and groups from other individuals and groups, then they are surely capable of operating under the veils of comparison, judgment, condemnation, conditionality, and superiority as well. Thus, competition, envy and even jealousy are likely in the Monadic World.
But what of the quest to be reunited with the Unified Field, the Oneness of Pure Consciousness? Are there Monads so focused? Of course there are. Are all Monads equally focused "upwards"? Of course not. Some are focused on testing themselves--testing their wits and resolve and ability to rise above the greatest of temptations, the greatest contrivances of bondage and trickery and ignorance as possible. Such is the current conditions of entrapment of "21st Century" humankind: layer upon layer of muck and dross, and obstacle and trap and addiction and convoluted pattern ever conceived. All in order to test us--we "thrill seekers" addicted to ever-increasing and ever-confusing layers of ignorance.
Perhaps there are groups in the Spirit World that mirror our own "conservatives" and "liberals" or even "reactionaries" and "radicals." Groups who are in favor of the ever-deepening descent into the murkiness of physical and emotional complexity and density, while there are probably others who are equally vociferous about choosing to work in a different direction--towards The Light and Unity or Pure Consciousness.
My point is, that for every possibilty, for every direction and choice one can imagine for one's Self or one's Monad there are myriad other options available at each and every moment. In no-time every choice is not only available, but manifest, present in the Eternal Now, in the Infinite Imagination of Pure Consciousness. So long as we agree to use time and other dimensionality, we agree to have past, present and future, here and there, us and them. For every "us" there are unimaginable options for who and what "them" might be.
If we give any power and credence to the adage, "As above, so below," we might even go so far as to surmise that there could be a "1%" in the spirit world--that the so-called "Monadic Kingdom" is hierarchical just like a human kingdom here on Earth. "As above, so below" suggests that form and structure are reflected between the spiritual and physical worlds, that that which goes on in the spiritual world goes on in the Earth School dimension and vice versa.
So, it will not surprise you to know that I am feeling that there must be a contingent of souls from the Monadic Kingdom who have volunteered to "play" the role of the "dark forces" on Earth--the greedy, manipulating "1%." Perhaps the greedy 1% was created (by us) explicitly to usher in the deepest behaviors of ignorance, blind conformity, depravity, cutthroat competition, and disenfranchised, enslaved populi mundi because an interested group of us in the Spirit World requested those depths of despair and depravity! Or perhaps there is a faction of Monads using greed and ruthlessness for their learning contexts in the Spirit World. Regardless of how it started, I believe that we have all chosen of our volition to participate in this game called Earth School humankind. We have all willingly participated in the creation and habitation of the game field of this particular contextual field--a game we might call Risk for Homo sapiens sapiens. The flaw in this analogy is that in the game of Risk there are only armies as resources and territories for winning. In the real world of Earth occupation, we are but tenants of the land. If and when the land can no longer support our styles of living, we will have to find other land (or suffer and die). If and when we can find no more habitable land, then we will have to fight against one another for the land and other life-sustaining resources still available--which means more suffering and death. When there are no more life-sustaining resources, we will simply die off.
Of course the game field we have been convinced to think we have needs a full population distribution: it needs the power-hungry rich as much as it needs the indentured slaves. We have all willingly joined the game, we are all are excited to be exposed to the tremendous and intense variety of experience these crisis times will provide, otherwise we would not be here. We will all be swept up in the catastrophic "End of Days" of which we are ALL willing and knowing participants. And, from a spirtual perspective, we are all given the choice, as always, to choose to learn through Joy or to choose through Suffering--even in these horrific End of Days circumstances. And that goes for the "bad guys" as well as the "good guys."
So, let's say I'm a soul family member of yours and I'm asked to consider whether or not I want and am willing to play a leadership role in the this destruction of Earth's biodome. I would be aware of the fact that the demise and destruction--and all of the horrors and suffering that will come along with it--are all part of The Big Plan for this chapter of the Earth School experience--that someone has to do it, so why not you? You know that the majority of the Earth peoples will hate and vilify you, so what would you do? Naturally, you would use your power and resources to try to insulate yourself and your family and loved ones from the hate, from the chaos, as well as from the destruction. Right? I know I would!
In my experience in dealing with the elite 1% (and having been born into a family with that status), I know that the elite have a mental/psychological perspective that thinks them right, that thinks them innocent, that isolates and protects them from the guilt and remorse that would come to the average human with their more natural egalitarian, democratic, and cooperative morality. The majority of the family members of the elite simply do not think of themselves as leaders, creators or causes of the inequality, injustices and abuses, pain and suffering that the rest of the world is experiencing. I believe that the self-proclaimed "captains of industry"--themselves a group of less than 250 men of wealth and power--are very much aware of the direction that they are steering the "ship" we call biological life. But, as I surmised in my opening paragraph, they may be steeling themselves to carry through their heinous directive(s) all the while knowing, hoping, that they will be forgiven in the Spirit World when everyone returns and remembers that the "bad guy" role was necessary to the fulfillment of The Big Plan. But, even those who chose to incarnate into the membership of the wealthy elite have choice. Some--those unable to avoid feelings of guilt and recrimination--may be numbing themselves through hedonistic overindulgence and gluttonous addictions in order to distract their minds from the devastation that they know they are perpetrating to this beautiful planet and all of the life it harbors. I know that some of those born into the ranks of the wealthy elite may choose to rebel as their consciences just won't allow them to stay the course of "evil." These rebels may end up leading counter movements against the insurmountable momentum of chaos and destruction while others may simply slip quietly into self-imposed exile or seclusion. And yet still others may disappear behind closed doors, into self-imposed hermetic isolation, while continuing to delegate the course and control of demise to others who are under their hire or power or influence. There are many options of participation--or not--available to those with power and money.
My point is, once again, that ultimately there is no such thing as "good" or "evil," "right" or "wrong," "moral" or "depraved." We are all playing roles that fit perfectly into the ultimate manifestation of a Plan set forth thousands of years ago--a plan that is probably leading up to an apocalyptic demise of our current civilization if not an end to the entire human species. No matter what role you choose to play--and you can change your mind, change your role, at any point along the way--you are contributing perfectly to the realization of The Plan. Your contribution will not deter the fulfillment of The Plan--though it could delay or accelerate it. Like my wife, Toril, you might as well live life to its fullest--enjoy daily the activities and experiences that are available specifically to this host species since they may not be available to you again.
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