I have covered these two topics before--both separately and together--but they still come up: Is there such a thing as a "Twin Soul" or "Twin Flame"? and What is a "soul mate"?
As previously discussed and illustrated through my blogpost entitled "Anna," a soul mate is any soul from your Soul Family, soul group, or from within the community of souls with whom you have worked closely before. You and a soul mate may have contracted to play significant roles in each other's lives--whether that contract was to participate in a single particular event of primary significance to one or the other's growth goals or whether it is to play off each other in a mirroring/sounding board dynamic in a long term relationship such as husband and wife, siblings, mother-child, father-child, mentor-student, or others. Journeyman Paul has soul mate relationships with the people that have played girl friend, three hour encounter on a train in Europe, daughter, great grandmother, college friend, brother, father, spirit guide, and current wife in Drew Fisher's life time--and those are just the ones that have been revealed to my conscious mind in this Drew Fisher vehicle. It is likely that there are many, many more people who have contributed to the growth and development of Drew Fisher in this incarnation who are members of Journeyman Paul's soul community, but that that information has not been significant enough to have been revealed to me (so far).
So, in short, a soul mate can be one of any number of souls you might encounter while traveling in your current human vehicle. You might be in contact with or be using several of them at this very time in your life. You may also have none currently present and/or active in your life. It is important to here recognize that a soul mate might also have contractually agreed to work with you in a particular incarnation in an adversarial or violent capacity. The lessons inherent in being the recipient of an act of violence or adversity can be very powerful--and sometimes we ask close Soul Community members to step in and perform those very difficult tasks because we know that they will do so with that goal of working for the Highest Good and most Sacrificial Love for us. To perform acts of destruction, harm, crime, or even mischief require very strong souls--souls based in a strong sense of Self and Love, souls firmly entrenched in the awareness that this is all a Game, that we are only putting on masks, playing roles to afford one another experiences based within the rules and contexts of the contextual field in which we are making our selves present. Were an "immature" or "damaged" soul to take on a human bodymind that has a destructive or violent role in store for it, it may come out more damaged, more entrenched in its perception of disharmony or injury--which only means that it might take more time and therapies for its healing and wholeness to be regained.
For example, many Monads willingly took on key or supportive roles in the Nazi regime in Germany. The hurt and suffering that they helped to inflict or submit others to during those lifetimes in the 1930s and after was offered up with an intention of creating a perspective of gratitude and appreciation for life, family, culture, freedom, and so many other things in our world which can become taken for granted. As the comforts and ease, liberties and freedoms of modern industrial human society were growing, the Spiritual Kingdom saw that there needed to be balancing "reminders" of the special gifts we were being given. Pain and suffering are, of course, the great balancers, the great "reminders," the great perspective resets for humankind.
It is correctly rumored that many of the Monads who participated on the Nazi side of events in the 20th century are now ensouled in Jewish or Palestinian bodyminds--as a means to making amends, to balancing out the scales, as a karmic exchange for their roles in the Nazi regime. But, a problem has arisen as some of the Monads who participated in the Nazi atrocities and the Nazi mindset and way of life came to enjoy the perpetration of destruction, control, fear, hurt and pain upon others. These are the Monads or souls who were not quite fully prepared for the impact their actions could have on their Higher Mind, on their spiritual psychology. Thus, we now have a problem with current bodyminds living lives with variations on the reinforced destroyer/perpetrator mentalities that they never quite cleared their beings of from their Nazi lives; there is violence being perpetrated on other human beings by the supposed "victims" of previous crimes against humanity! The psychoses of inflicting pain and destruction upon others is not being reversed but carried forward!
Though some former Nazis are, no doubt, making amends for their complicity in aggression and perversion, balancing the scales of karma, it may, in fact, take several lifetimes and between-lifetimes for some of the other Monads who seem stuck in aggressive, destructive behaviors to heal and re-balance their eccentric patterns.
The question of twin souls--or "twin flames" as some are want to call them--is definitely based in a contextual field that rings true to me and my recall of experiences as Journeyman Paul. I'm not sure if it was in the first phase of individuation, that is, that first shift from Unity Consciousness into the realm of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation, but I resonate with the recollection of "being born" in an ethereal form of an "egg" in a kind of diaphanous form similar in concept to the common symbol of the Yin and Yang: curled up with my "head" or "mental point of reference" facing or entwined with the "tail" or "feet" or "grounding feature" of my "other half"--who happens to be ensouling the bodymind of Toril, my current wife in this Drew Fisher incarnation. Within that "cephalic point of conscious reference" resides the seed of all that is Toril, all that is essentially my other half--and within her is the seed of all that is me (Journeyman Paul). So, while "separate" from our previous form of ubiquitous Unity Consciousness, or God, and "separate" from my other half, the yin to my yang, I am ever reminded by that seed within--as I am by the Blue Pearl within my Heart--that all perceptions of separation are but illusory and were made up by Us for Our play in the infinite realms and variations of the Cosmic Playground. At some level, despite the degree of separation in dimensionality or time and place that Toril and I choose to focus our attentions and intentions, we are never truly separated, never truly apart--and the same goes for our relationship with God. Do you see how everything is metaphor, how everything is built layer upon layer upon the Illusion of the First Individuation?
So, in the belief system constructed to this point with the help of my experiences as Drew Fisher, Toril and I are "twin souls." We were "born" into the Illusion of Separation, into Cosmic Creation, together, metaphoric examples of God's Taoist commitment to duality. We came from the same egg, she the yin to my yang, I the masculine half of her feminine representation (which, interestingly, plays out in the fact that neither of us has been able to access a single lifetime in which we were not representatives of those original gender orientations). This is not to say that there aren't many, many other ways in which form was--or is--"born" into contextual fields within the infinite possibilities of Cosmic Creation. I'm certain that there are. This is just the entry or "birth" that Toril and I remember--and one factor that has led to our inclination to (want to) reconnect within Game-playing fields, within multi-dimensional contextual fields.
Twin souls may decide to work together in numerous incarnations--in the guise of many roles, including but not exclusive to that of lovers. The roles you decide to take on may include those of family members or even as adversaries. I would like to here caution you against obsessing over the quest for your Twin. This, in my opinion, is simply a waste of time. If and when you are ready, that information may present itself to you, but the soul work you accomplish is not dependent upon your pairing up or holding your hands much less even finding your Twin. Suffice it to say that you are always "holding hands" with your twin, whether you are aware of it or not.
I am told that the Monad can or will experience the joyful "reunion" with its twin while in human form when one has reached the last initiation on the scale of human unveilings of Spiritual energy. At this point it is considered that one has "done all the work" necessary to open one's human consciousness to full awareness of the presence of the Rays (though, I can assure you, the likelihood of one's master of their potentialities is very slim). After this stage or "rung" on the ladder has been achieved, there is a bit of a plateau for rest and reflection, but then there opens up an entire new ladder of spiritual goals and learning with another vast spectrum of experiential choices from which to choose our next contextual field and appropriate forms for learning and growth. The work of spiritual growth does not end with mastery of spiritual principles through the perceptual filters of the human experience. There are many, many other forms, other dimensions, other expanded fields of conscious awareness to work within, to master, before we achieve re-union with our One True Self. Imagine the consciousness/perspective of a star! or a galaxy! or a universe! And these are just four-dimensional entities of which we are already aware. We can only begin to imagine the choices of experiential perspectives beyond the four dimensions that we humans are familiar with. And through it all, rest assured, you will be "holding hands" with your cosmic twin, working with a loving "family" and "community" of Monadic oversouls. What a wonderful, beautiful Plan we have devised!
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