My wife and I went on a trip recently on which we really had no agenda other than to get away from the temptations of farm and house chores so that my wife could take it easy and better heal from her surgery. On that trip we seemed to encounter people . . . everywhere we went! And what's more these people were nice! Even the much-maligned South was full of people who, we discovered, were just like us! Every single person that we met, that we gave our full attention to, it turned out, was nice, lovely, friendly, accommodating, genuinely pleasant to be with. And that same pattern has followed me (and us) everywhere I've gone! I think what I've discovered is that people are nice! People seem to genuinely want to be liked, they want to be friendly, they want to be nice! I don't think that the whole "Fear thy neighbor for they might want your stuff" mantra that's drilled into us by the media 24/7 is true! They're lying to us! I think people genuinely want to be liked--they want to get along. To steal a quote from one of my favorite movies, I do, in fact, think that Love, actually, is all around.
As our own species continues careening at breakneck speed on its path toward extinction, as the world as we know it comes to an end, the tendency will be for attitudes like regret, anger and fear to take over. And yet my message--in fact, the primary reason for me doing this blog posts--is to tell you that Love is the real answer--to everything, every question, every quandary and conundrum, every choice. Choosing Love in full consciousness is the most liberating and uplifting choice. Love is, after all, the true essence of our being, of our Spiritual Selves, of all of Creation. When we separate ourselves from our Spiritual power, from the flow of Love throughout our being, Fear arises. The more Spiritual flow we are able to establish while in our human bodyminds, the more we will find ourselves choosing Love and its pals, Beauty, Joy, and Truth for our perceptual context. Love is the essence of our Spiritual power.
The problem comes, however, when you are confronted with your reality. Whether you like it (now) or not, somehow we have all made the choice to be here on Earth, occupying human bodyminds, during this 21st Century chaos. With this choice we knew we were diving about as deep into the Illusion of Separation as we could possibly go. With very purposeful planning, we have chosen to submit to the mind (and spirit-)numbing effects of Ignorance and Fear. We have fallen under the spell of the Illusion of Separation to such a degree that we're afraid of our neighbors, afraid to go outside, afraid of the dark, afraid of Nature, and we are especially afraid of death. We do almost nothing in public except for herding up for passive entertainment or seeking the quickest fix to feed our anxiety-numbing addictions.
On the one hand, it is sad that in order for the powers-that-be to feel good they have to have we, the people, enslaved to their will and power. And they've done a pretty good job at achieving their ends! Whether we know it or not, it is very easy to prove the fact that we are enslaved to proscribed patterns--patterns of thinking, patterns of behavior, patterns of feeling. For example, we may be fortunate to discover that we are unconsciously guilty of having feelings and beliefs like "there isn't enough," or "I need this new thing," or "I wish I looked like that," or "I wish I could have (or be or do) that thing." We've allowed ourselves to fall into the pattern of thinking that we're somehow inadequate or insufficient if we don't have the latest and greatest thing or style or interest. Looking at this from a different perspective one can see that the "powers-that-be"--that is, our helpers in the co-creation of this extremely confining and murky tar pit of psychological overload--have served in the very important role of helping to provide the best conditions possible for we Spirits to move as far away from God, Our own Divine Nature, and our True Selves. But, I am here to remind you, you don't have to stay there. As a matter of fact, it is an expressed goal of Ours--all of ours--that we somehow figure out how to rediscover and re-awaken our True Selves, our Divine Nature, despite the dross and distraction of our four-dimensional clutter.
There is a phenomenon in Creation called the "self-fulfilling prophesy" or, as it is called in the famous book and film, The Secret, the "Law of Attraction." What this entails is if you think a thing then you create something--even if it's just the energy of that thought. That thought does not 'die.' In fact, it lives on forever. And the fascinating thing is, if you think it again, it starts to grow, to build upon itself, to accumulate more presence and power. Given enough power it will begin to make itself known, to influence the Field around it, to attract more "things" that will make it even more powerful, more likely to come true. The problem with this phenomenon is that it works for everything. Every thought you think--every thought that you birth into Creation--no matter if it's nice or destructive, self-affirming or self-deprecating, amusing or depressing--it all gathers energy, attracts things of like nature to it. So if your thoughts throughout the day are 45% positive, loving, nurturing, forgiving, joyful, and truthful, yet 55% of your thoughts are on the negative side, then, guess what? You're going to gradually attract more negativity to and around and within you. You get what you give (create).
This is the reason affirmations are so helpful--and important--if they are worded correctly. A lot of people have great difficulty with wording their affirmations. A true "affirmation" will never use a subject other than your self and will never use a negative. Why? First, it's because saying an affirmation about another person or thing is errantly filled with arrogance thinking that you could possibly control another when in fact it is only your self that you can control and should seek to control, and, secondly, because a negative fills your sentence with doubt. You want your affirmation to be as strong and positive as it possibly can be and you want it to be directed to the only person who controls your destiny: you.
For example, which of the following three sentences do you think most likely to attract Self-improving information and experiences to you:
"I hope I don't screw up again today."
"I hope Michael is nicer today."
"I am strong."
The first sentence only asks for the possibility of not screwing up (by using the word "hope") as well as placing all of its energy in the phrase "screw up"--which, being a negative, self-destructive term, will only increase the attraction of negative, self-destructive "buddies" to it.
The second sentence again only asks for a possibility--which is not assertive and confident enough to show your own power--while it gives all of the power to "Michael" and none to your self.
The third sentence is perfect. It is simple. Basic. Straightforward. Unwavering. Wholly self-empowering, and gives you this power in the always present (remember: there is only the present) here and now, not in some distant future or untouchable past. "I have..." and "My (self-describing noun of choice) is..." are also very effective ways to phrase affirmations for their greatest impact. Anything that has simplicity, clarity, and immediacy.
You've heard the phrase, "You are what you eat." Well, I'm here to tell you that you are what you think. That is, you attract to your attention that which you give the most energy to. If you are fearful you attract more fear. If you are feeling isolated and alone then you will attract more isolation and aloneness. And can you guess why this relationship occurs? Because we are creators! We are the primary creators of our own reality, of our own experiences, of our own opportunities, of our own feelings and beliefs, of our own growth and development. Ultimately, no one else chooses that which you pay attention to. No one else chooses the places you choose to be. No one else chooses the people you choose to be with. No one else chooses the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and patterns you have. In the end (and at all times) your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and patterns are all a product of your choice-making. And, believe it or not, you are free to change any of the patterns, places, people, occupations, beliefs, thoughts or feelings that you experience! At any moment! At any time! Your body, your mind, your feelings are all merely tools for your use. You can re-train, re-educate or re-orient them any which way you wish--at any time you wish. And you know what I recommend? I recommend that you practice choosing Love! and Beauty! and Truth! and Joy! Why? Because the feelings that you experience while experiencing Love, Beauty, Truth, and Joy are gushy-wooshy, fun and lovely. And after practicing choosing Love, Beauty, Truth, and Joy you will find that you will experience even more Love, Beauty, Truth and Joy! It will become a self-reinforcing, self-perpetuating loop: Feed Love, Truth, Beauty, and Joy with Love, Truth, Beauty and Joy and you'll find it to have a snowball effect. You''ll be attracting and surrounding yourself and filling your self with nothing but Truth, Joy, Beauty and Love. And before you know it you'll find that it's so easy, so natural, that you'll figure out that you ARE Truth and Beauty and Joy and Love. And then, guess what, you will become Truth and Joy and Beauty and Love and you'll find that everyone around you starts becoming more truthful, joyful, beautiful, and loving. It's the Law of Attraction in action.
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