Many times during this lifetime I, Drew Fisher, have been overwhelmed by my perceived awareness of the presence of so much Beauty around and within me. My typical autonomic reaction to this is the welling up of tears. I have succumbed to profuse and seemingly uncontrolable gushes of tears more times than I could possibly count. And this reaction has seemed to increase over time. And what's even more bizarre is that this has occurred many, many more times for the appreciation of Beauty than for sadness or sorrow. I guess I'm just a sucker for the amazing and surprising diversity that we've made available for this Earthly amusement park.
I have also noticed that the instigators of these uncontrollable overwellings come more often from contact with our human art forms--though the wonders of Mother Nature rank a close second. I cry (often sob) during almost every film I watch, every ceremony I attend, every speech I hear. Many times I'll choke up and tear out while reading--or writing--books!
Common triggers for my pathology seem to include my kinship with a flash of Beauty that I happen to catch in the World around me: the the infinite variety of interactions that people have, the creative acts that come from within me. It is my belief that these events are actually examples of the occasion of my Higher Self catching a glimmer of its own True Nature in something or in the perception of something in or around me. The Joyful recognition of this reminder of my own True Nature is so profound, so different from the murky weightiness of wading through daily human life, so unEarthly and Beautiful that it overwhelms my simple, immature human nervous system. The fullness of Spiritual energy, Spiritual Love, Joy, Truth and Beauty is so much beyond the capacity of the nervous system of these current human hosts that we can usually only deal with glimpses, samples and small doses. These unexpected breakthroughs of Spiritual recognition are now quite familiar to me because they are so reminiscent of the tremendous flood of Joy and Love I experience when I engage with life beyond the Earth School in the Spirit World during my Life Between Life experiences and flashbacks. Experiencing the full Beauty and incredibly liberating lightness of the Spirit World is overwhelming when coming from the four-dimensional emotion-laden Earth School. These emotional overwellings I've been experiencing as the Drew Fisher human feel like they must be glimpses into the unbound Beauty, Joy, Love, and Truth of the Spirit World.
There are many humans who have attached a value to these transcendent experiences to such a degree that they disciplined themselves to seek out and somehow learn to access this raw, unadulterated Spiritual energy. They may become seekers, students and/or devotees to methods and practices which purport to help provide humans with a means to "handling" or accessing more of this Spiritual energy or who have earned a reputation for doing so. These practices may take form within religions but are almost always found to be highly personal and situational. That is, each individual will be attracted to the next greatest tool for its use in the desired goal of reaching the next version of the greatest vision of the self that they are able to imagine. If that's what they desire most, that is where they will choose to focus their time and energy.
Though ultimately the end will be the same for each and every one of us, the path to Spiritual awareness, Spiritual awakening, and restored use of Spiritual power will be different for every individual. Some may consciously choose to seek it. Many will "accidentally" stumble upon revelatory events and transcendent experiences. I have had strains of both in my life. As Drew Fisher there have been more synchronously revelatory events than I could enumerate, while I have consciously chosen several paths in the often unconscious effort to explore and develop my spiritual self. Achieving altered states of consciousness has been quite easy and natural to me. Whether dreaming, daydreaming, listening to music, driving or walking, or in meditation or under hypnosis, I seem to have no difficulty get out of and leaving behind my human senses and interactions with my surroundings.
The Buddha is purported to have said that the enlightened being lives only in the constant Here and Now and that 'regular' people caught up in the illusions of space-time are always living in the past and the future. I believe that altered states of consciousness are examples of Mind escapes from the four-dimensional space time confines, visits to Here and Now 'places.'
While I have been enamored and engaged with the alluring patterns, beliefs and values of the four-dimensional human experience as much as the next person, I have been blessed with enough "glimpses" through the windows of the Soul to know that there is more. Yes, I am very much a sucker for the amazing variety of combinations and permutations that Duality provides, but I have also come to recognize the illusory nature that participation in dualistic Creation involves.
I know I keep saying that we humans are always in choice, that every moment of every day offers an infinite number of choices. But me and my human host body seem to be hard wired for exceptional sensitivity to Beauty. Truth, Joy, and Love as well, but Beauty more than the rest. (But then: Aren't the Four actually one in the same? Don't we gush Joy at the recognition of the Truth of the fact that the Beauty we can see in all things is as a result of someone's expression of Love?) Beauty in Nature. Beauty in Nature's egalitarian treatment of all things. Beauty in my own species: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I have come to understand that the physical, emotional, and mental expressions that I recognize as beautiful are most often the result of the domineering presence of Truth and Love in a person's being. When the truest expression of Spirit, which is Love, is flowing strong, then Beauty is evident, is obvious, comes "shining through." And we who are privileged and open to seeing this Beauty, cannot help but gush with Joy--for this is a reminder of our own Divinity, a reflection of our True Essence.
The recognition of Beauty, which is then converted into Joy, is a fuel for Life and living. The more Beauty we recognize, the more Joy we feel, the more in Love with Life and with others we become. The more in love with Life and others we become, the more engaged with living we become and, the more active and successful we find ourselves in achieving progress and growth for, as with all things in the World of Duality, the Law of Attraction dictates that what you give you will receive. If you are giving enthusiasm, Joy, Love, activity, movement through your bodymind then you will receive more of it, that is, you will continue to attract these things into your consciousness, you will continue to grow in your recognition of these things.
Ever notice how "beautiful people" (and I intend this to mean more than just physical beauty) seem to find and hang out with each other? Beauty attracts beauty. Positivity attracts positivity. Paranoia attracts paranoia. Cruelty attracts cruelty. Et cetera, etc.
I often find myself noticing the "Beauty" of ironic situations in which, for example, beautiful, strong, truthful people are "stuck" in relationship to things that present the very opposite traits as their own, like obstacles to their own free flow. I believe that they have somehow attracted these people, events, and obstacles into their world for the express purpose of testing themselves, of challenging their ability to stay on course, to grow, to remain detached from things that are opposite to where they intend to go. In the end, they are all trying to remember, to be reminded of, the fact that this is all a Game and with the Game comes its Illusions.
I know that I, Drew Fisher, have remarked throughout my life how easy and effortless my road has seemed, how "charmed" and blessed my life has been. Part of this is, of course, attitudinal. I have achieved a certain perspective which allows me to see the "good" in people, situations, and even obstacles. I am able to see the advantages to my own growth and progress that virtually every and any "obstacle" offers me. They are just test items. I have multiple choices as to how to deal with these test items. If I get them "wrong" (even though I know that in the Grand Scheme of things there is no "right" or "wrong") I can rest assured that I will get the same test "item" again--in a slightly different form--and that I will have every chance I need to get it "right"--"right" here being the sequence of choices that yields the best growth opportunities for others with whom I have made Soul Contracts but also for me and Journeyman Paul in accordance with goals of The Soul Plan that Paul and his Spirit Community put together for this "Drew Fisher" adventure.
Believe it or not, all of this ties into the realization I have made that I love people! When I find myself among people I am very often overwhelmed with a welling up of emotion (and tears--of ecstasy)--over the amount of Love I feel pouring from my heart toward the people surrounding me. It's so difficult to explain. It's a combination of appreciation for the infinite varieties of Beauty, the deep felt intellectual connection with and/or emotional recognition of the unifying commonality--the Oneness--of all of us, and the profound Love I have for this Human experiment of which I am a (proud) co-creator and participant. Would that everyone else could see the Beauty and experience the unbound Joy that I have for Life, people, creativity, my experiences, and the infinity of surprises that this Earth School can provide.
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