It has been revealed to me that many, many forms have been created for us to use as vehicles for experiential learning. Four-dimensional forms are but one set of possibilities for our use and amusement. Earth-based forms are but another sub-set of the four-dimensional set of possible choices. I've noticed that Journeyman Paul has allowed me awareness of and connection to a number of Earth-based forms that he has used for his own growth process. Among this group I've found a way of ordering the humanoid vehicles according to a pattern--a kind of hierarchical pattern that has suddenly become 'obvious' to me.
Each experimental form of Earth-based human host that Journeyman Paul has used has provided his Spirit Being--his Monad--with vehicles for immersions into increasingly denser levels of devolution. There seems to be a pattern in which each "successive" host bodymind has an increasingly limited capacity for and use of Spiritual energy. This pattern seems to manifest itself in life experiences in which Spiritual knowledge, Spiritual wisdom and Spiritual powers are less able to come through and are, therefore, less present in day-to-day thoughts and actions. It would appear that the deeper the descent into a existence imbued with ignorance, fear, emotional chaos, physical cloudiness, the deeper the sense of isolation and insecurity we are challenged with. These are the resultant effects of successful use of the Illusion of Separation. That is, the more we are able to feel separated from our loved ones, from the comfort and freedoms of our Spirit World, from the unlimited possibilities given to us by our Divine Source, the more we are able to challenge and test our abilities to bring Spirit into these dense forms. The deepest depths of devolution, that is, of perceived separation from our Divine Nature, the more difficult our test--the more difficult it is to remember and re-access use of our Spiritual powers. Thus, the greater the sense of accomplishment when we are able to regain awareness and use of our True Nature and our True Self.
The way I see it (today) the order or sequence of four-dimensional Earth-based host possibilities can be ordered as such:
1. Angels, guides, devas and daemons. The angelic kingdom is able to accomplish amazing things but they are limited in their freedom as they are confined to performing in service of the Higher Will. They do not possess free will.
2. Gods and goddesses. Memorialized in our species' legends and mythologies, so-called gods and goddesses can perform acts and services of amazing creativity as they possess, for the first time, free will. They are also the first kingdom to feel the confines of Duality--which include the laws of Dharma (cosmic law and order), Karma, Yin and Yang, Harmony and Balance. The gods get to know intimately both the nature of cause and effect and consequence.
3. Giants and other variants. The races of giants and other experiments with variations in physical size and form have usually been quite limited in emotional and physical range and ability. The severity of the test of finding one's True Self and then being able to use those informations, wisdoms, and powers has been negligible.
4. First "civilizations." Atlantis, Nazca, the first Nile Valley creator class, were able to create astounding monuments of functional and educational art like pyramids and crystal-powered tools but still lacked emotional experience--as well as the burden of the full weight of deep emotional capacity.
5. The Neandertal strain of human hominid that inhabited Earth before and concurrent with Homo sapiens sapiens may have been an experiment in heavier, denser, less materialistic, less creative, less intellectual human. They were emotional and fear-based but ultimately less prone to sublimate their fear, anxiety and insecurity into thoughts or actions of anger and violence. Whether or not the results of use of the Neandertal form provided successful evolution (or devolution) for our kind is debatable but ultimately moot: as hosts they undoubtedly provided us with experiences and information.
6. The "current" Earth-based human form that we have been fondly using during the approximately 60,000 year span in which it has served as a viable host and superlative test for our Spiritual energy, Homo sapiens sapiens, is a very devolved species in that it uses self-centered, fear-based, warring attitudes to provide its experiential information sources. At their most spiritual, as in the Australian culture known as "Aborigines," we can walk with a light footprint using great Joy and Love, ever conscious and compassionate of the Great Circle of Life from which we come--of which we are a part. At its most "separated" and un-Self-conscious we can find ourselves ignorant and blind to all spiritual knowledge, wisdom and power, thinking and acting instead according to externally-reinforced programs that induce herd mentality and conformity to patterns and heightened states of anxiety, anger, paranoia, and self-destructive behaviors.
To my mind, the human culture in which I currently find myself--what we call "21st Century Western civilization"-- certainly presents what feels like the most difficult of circumstances to try to climb out of much less rise above. There may be more complicated, more deeply ensnaring forms than this one--I'm sure there are--but I have no knowledge of them. Yet.
The second hypothesis I came up with regarding other Earth-based host options for our Spirit-based 'species' to use was created to better demonstrate or explain--through one possible scenario--how to visualize each and every form that the Spirit World's Architects of Imagination and Separation have devised for our experiential choosing. But, first, I have to make you aware of the existence of a place or event in the Spirit World that is called "The Ring." The Ring is the place that we individual Monads are asked to meet with our team of "actors," guides and councillors in order to choose our 'next' incarnation. We show up at The Ring for the expressed purpose of viewing the possible choices we can make for our next four-dimensional incarnation.
If one can comprehend a Spirit World that exists "outside" of our space-time continuum, one might evasion The Ring as a train station on which the platform you 'stand' offers an infinite number of space and time lines all emanating from it in an infinite number of directions. Standing there you could choose to jump into any one of the infinite number of "cars" available to you on an infinite number of directional paths. You might choose a line that takes you to a life on any of a number of planets. You might choose to use a host from a huge selection of many host forms, with many time periods to choose from that might include many event scenarios of varying possibilities, as well as many variations of mental, emotional, and/or physical complexities. The choices are boggling and often overwhelming.
For example, you might choose to jump into a timeline of a "12th Century" medicine man in a tribe on the island of Java--a tribe that happened to practice cannibalism. You might choose to jump into the lifeline of the wife of a "19th Century" British shipping magnate to see what that feels like. You might choose to jump into the bodymind of a person that becomes an Atlantean bio-architect. Or you might choose to invest your energy as a Spirit Guide that works within the Earth's animal kingdom. You might even make the choice to experience the experience of being a Neandertal--perhaps someone who dies of infection at a very young age. Or your curiosity might get the better of you and you might choose to use the bodymind of a serial killer or a wife beater or a blood-thirsty soldier among Genghis Kahn's rape, pillage, and plundering Mongal horde. The possibilities are, as I've said, infinite, unlimited.
Using this second "Platform to Infinite Choice" theory, it may makes sense to you that once a class of human form has finished--has died out or been exterminated--it is still available for use. Once this timeline has played out for Homo sapiens sapiens, the species' timeline will still be available for use by our Spiritual species. One can simply "jump in" at any point on the time continuum of that species' or kingdom's "life span." Journeyman Paul could, for example, choose to spice things up by jumping into the "car" (body) of a prostitute in the Golden Age of Athens or a nun in 20th Century Albania. Just because a body has been used once it does not mean that your own investiture in that same body would not create a totally new timeline and, with it, a totally new version of life for that human host: including new body chemistry, new psychological profile, a new name, all resulting in new family dynamics, and even new ripple effects upon the village, culture, world and universe within which that Soul is now traveling. The differences may be subtle, but each difference, each shift in direction is cumulative and compounds upon itself to cause ever increases divergences from the other version(s) of that body mind's use(s).
There are always many, many other forms and other timelines to choose from for use for those who wish to continue exploring the deepest depths of devolution, the greatest "distances" of "separation" from God and our Divine Source. From that fictional train platform you have freedom to choose any body (vehicle) from any time and any place. The only rule is that once you have committed to bringing that being into the realm of Creation with your Spiritual Force driving you must stay with it until it is no longer able to accommodate and sustain your life-force.
And, so, this information is, once again, yours to take or leave, to use as you see fit. Maybe you'll modify or expand it. That would be awesome! Let me know what part in this creative process you choose. I am curious. I am ever so curious . . . .
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