Rumors abound. Sensationalist YouTube videos are abundant. And, yes, there is evidence--though the evidence is shoddy and fragmented--and scientists are often unwilling to make room for anomalous artifacts in their neat and tidy theoretical models because they do not fit, they disturb the comforting order of their little universes. Still, the fact is, many, many oral traditions have passed down claims that there have been other intelligent human life forms on planet Earth before (or even at the same time as) our own.
Most of these stories recall encounters with other (often "highly advanced") societies or races. Humanoid. Like our own. These encounters obviously left impressions--probably because of their startling (or disrupting) differences (which were usually evolutionary or technological in nature though sometimes physical).
We all know of the now-extinct Neandertal strain (which, it turns out, were both interbred into Homo sapiens sapiens and starved out by their faster, fleeter, omnivorous, ground-dwelling cousins) as there is ample physical evidence of their existence, including skeletal remains, graves, dwelling places, and their art. We question the existence of intelligent humanoid species before our own because of the lack of a continuous trail of recorded history or a lack of physical evidence when in fact it is probably due more to our anthropocentric and Judeo-Christian and/or species-centric conceit. They're not here now. They failed. It is our turn now. So, why should we care? Right?
It is scientific fact that the Earth has been its own physical entity or "planet" for about 4.54 billion years. (Our Universe is 13.8 billion years old.) It is scientific fact that the Earth has been hospitable to anaerobic life for about 3.5 billion years and to aerobic or oxygen-based biological life for about 3 billion years (between 3.2 and 2.4 billion years). It is also scientific fact that our current species has been organizing itself into agricultural-based "civilizations" for about 12,000 years--which is but a blip in the lifespan of our Host Mother. One quarter of a ten millionth of a percentage point of the Earth's lifespan. A blip. A blink. A burp.
You have probably heard of the Earth's "tectonic plates." Tectonic plates are the kind of continental plates or 'islands' that move over the surface of the planet, floating on the molten magma that lies miles beneath the Earth's surface. Swirling pockets of cooling and heating currents of magma are responsible for the movements of the massive plates over them. Over centuries and millennia the plates move, drifting apart and then back into each other according to temperature variations deep within the planet's core which then create currents in the magma just beneath the cooler surface plates. Think of it like the film that forms over the top of a pot of soup that is cooking over the stove. Yes, they are that malleable, that moveable.
Scientists have physical evidence for the patterns of movement of the Earth's tectonic plates over the past 750 million years. During this time there have been several versions of supercontinents breaking up and drifting apart into fragments or "continents" only to reconverge and then break up again. Most recently (around 200 million years ago) our seven continents came from the supercontinent Pangaea, which came about from the convergence of many variations of two previous supercontinents, Gwondana and Laurasia. Previous to that, one supercontinent called Pannotia existed from about 600 to 540 million years ago. The first supercontinent for which we have physical evidence, which scientists call Rodinia, started breaking up about 700 million years ago.
My point is, over even the mere 750 million years in which the planet's surface has been stable enough to support land based life--which is but 17 per cent of Earth's age--the 12,000 years our species has displayed elevated, "civilized" behavior is still barely over one one thousandth of a percentage point of this time. That's still a lot of time for many other species and civilizations to have had their time in the sun.
I am sure that Journeyman Paul has had experiences on Earth using life forms other than our current version of humans. I know, personally, of one of Journeyman Paul's incarnations on Earth in which he participated in a race of "giants" that populated high, dry places on the planet and who left the planet mostly by their own choice. They had very rich mental lives, very strong connections to extra-terrestrial life and the Spirit World but lacked development in language and emotional depth and diversity. This is the only pre-Homo sapiens sapiens experience for which I have direct knowledge--though the Atlantean world of which I wrote may have been that of another race or species. I have read of many others.
Like the race of "giants" and the "lost civilization of Atlantis," many of the other experiments with sentient four-dimensional Earth-based life in which we Spirits participated before the current 12,000 year blink of an eye were variations on the dual theme of varied mental facility with the expanded, though often murky and debilitating experiment with the emotional side of things.
I believe that the reason that Homo sapiens sapiens has been given such little evidence of other human forms is for the opportunity of diving to the deepest depths of Creation's Illusions of Duality. With this sense of uniqueness, can come deeper use of the Illusions of Separation, Isolation, Aloneness, Abandonment, and Lack. By convincing ourselves that we are alone, that we have been abandoned, we have been able to create a mindset of assertive self-protection--the attitude that everything on the planet is ours to use, that we have the right to take and use anything and everything we find because there is no one else that is going to do it (if we don't). As I mentioned recently, many masters have revealed information suggesting that the current human experience that we have created on the Earth School is one of the most challenging, difficult, versions for individuated experiential learning that we have ever created--that it immerses one far deeper into the veils of the Illusions than perhaps any other version yet devised. The previous experiments in four-dimensional emotion-based experiential learning have not been as deep, have been far less emotional. The emotional tar pits we have devised in Homo sapiens sapiens have been the most ensnaring, stickiest muck yet devised. It's genius! It's a master work!
I also believe that the reason that we humans have been "given" some (though only fragmentary) oral and physical evidence of the existence/presence of alternate humanoid versions on planet Earth is so that we have a small but subtle reminder that there is much more "out there" that we can and probably will never know while traveling in these human bodies. We have become trapped in a myopic vision of life and of our role on our host planet and our place among her "children." Because of the challenges of the tests of immersion into the deepest depths of the Illusions of physical/material "reality," we have been given hints and reminders that this is just a game, that the human experience is but brief and fleeting, and that there are limitless variations and possibilities out there. Also, the smatterings of evidence of other life forms similar to our own serves as a gentle nudge to remind us that these bodies are merely experimental hosts, that they are fragile. Also, these archeological finds and mythic oral traditions are made available to us in order to test our beliefs, our concepts of place and time, our place in the relevance to all things Cosmic. Even the smallest hint of a possibility that there have been other human life forms--other civilizations that have come and gone, had somehow thrived and then failed, (self-destructed like ours?)--is also meant to help keep us humble in the knowledge that others before us--perhaps even "better" or (heaven forbid!) "more advanced" than us--had been here and had failed despite their intelligence or other skills and positive evolutionary traits.
This last concept is important here. Among the many experiments the Spirit World has put forth to be used as experiential vehicles none has been flawless, none has been superior to any others. Some have been created with greater mental or telepathic capacity, others with greater physical strength, others with different numbers of appendages or more variety in their means for movement, travel and/or mobility, still others with greater and lesser degrees and ranges of emotional capacity. Our current form, Homo sapiens sapiens, is very much anchored within a perceptual filter that is heavily skewed toward physical and emotional information. The mind is as nimble and agile as other forms, but the increased capacity for physical and emotional skill development has quite naturally created a diversion of some attention and energies to those "newly" enhanced or developed skill areas. Mental skills that we might be capable of (remember: we use only five to ten per cent of our brain) like telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, and mental manipulation of physical matter are (as yet) undeveloped. We haven't given them the time and attention necessary to develop and master them like we have our bodies and emotions. And, as we all know, having a brain/filter that is so aware and attuned to so-called "physical" and "emotional" information can be quite distracting from the spiritual information and energy that is equally available but to which we are not so primarily aligned and attuned. Homo sapiens sapiens is an experiment in learning how to master a balance or dexterity among use of matter, emotional, mental and spiritual.
At present time we are working hard on the emotional and physical aspects of our perceptual reality. But, again, these are very murky, very dense realms to be working in. It seems that this experiment in four-dimensional emotion-based experience may be throwing us a final test in the form of the challenges facing us due to human-created climate change. If we can figure out how to survive the Earth's fever, we may have a chance to further explore the potential for balance and mastery of dexterity within the complete context of physical/material and emotional within the mental and spiritual. Are we up for it? I think some of us are. And many of us will willingly try again in "future" times. Or not. The 21st Century Earth School experience is a tough one. Many monads will probably choose easier, less complex, "safer" venues and forms for their experiential adventuring. And I for one won't blame them. Will you?
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