Some of you may be asking yourselves, "If our Soul contains a Plan for this 'lifetime' in this human body, in the four-dimensional world we call Earth, then why don't we hear it--why isn't this Plan laid out in our minds from the beginning of this life?"
The answer is: It is, only it's hidden; it's veiled. The Lower Mind of the human Personality has to work in order to open the curtains to reveal the information of The Plan that is stored in the Higher Mind of the Soul.
Your Spiritual Self has ensouled the bodymind you currently occupy with very defined goals for your experience and potential growth. Your Spiritual Self has also worked out commitments to or "contracts" with other souls with whom you are interacting with the intention of helping each other achieve exposure to self-prescribed experiences that can then offer learning and growth opportunities. The human form you chose comes with certain conditions and rules as does the Earth Plane in which human beings travel. One of those conditions is that as the Spirit ensouls the human form it finds itself 'veiled' from certain spiritual information. This arrangement was created partly to help one remain committed to the often overwhelming and certainly challenging rules and limitations that come with the human Earth experience. Were we to arrive in the human host with full spiritual awareness we might find ourselves unwittingly using our Higher Creative Minds to perform acts that don't really conform to or honor and respect the conditions we've all co-created for the precise kinds of experiential learning we desire.
The freshly 'humanified' Soul is, as you might imagine, quite unused to and frustrated by the extremely confining and limited capabilities of its new human form. This is why there is the rather prolonged infancy and childhood stage of human development. It allows the Soul time to get used to the confines and limitations of the human body and the Earth Plane. It allows the Divine Life Force the opportunity of acquiring the skills necessary for survival, negotiation, and independence in its four-dimensional form.
The first seven years in a human form are spent acclimating to the physical, emotional and mental restrictions of the Earth experience. This is the period in which we try to gain mastery of some basic skills like body control, emotional range, mental directivity, and language--or, if this is not possible, as is the case in a developmentally impaired child, to seed if we can acquire the skills necessary to convince another to take care of us--to help provide for our needs and desires for as long is possible.
The next seven years are spent learning how to control and exploit certain specific sub-skills in order to create independence. At this time the human is learning how to purposely manipulate his or her environment according to the skills being modeled by his family, friends and society. It is also important during this period of development to learn how to maneuver successfully within relationships as well as to discover and explore the talents and strengths and likes and dislikes that are uniquely theirs. This is also a crucial period in the development of the Personality's relationship to the Soul. As the Personality begins to master some of the tricks for survival and independence on Earth--and within human society--patterns begin to form--patterns that seem to 'work.' And yet there remains a great deal of flexibility, a great agility, room for experimentation; the patterns have not become so familiar, so ingrained as to become set, solid and inflexible. The Personality's identification with familiar patterns has not become so comfortable as to become self-identifying; that is, the Ego has not yet formed, the Voice of the Soul is still clearly recognizable within the conscious mind of the developing human.
Once the Personality becomes comfortable enough in its patterns that it begins to self-identify with those patterns it begins to construct its Ego. Self-identification with an Ego is what presents barriers to Soul information. Until about age eight, the Personality can still be quite open to Soul information. The establishment of an Ego is what causes the Personality to become more closed off to Soul information. Part of the reason that this happens is due to the 'trap' that we in the Spirit World created in order to test ourselves. The 'test' of whether or not we can recognize and learn to control the Ego is one of the major obstacles--and achievements, if accomplished--of the Earth School experience. Society and pre-established societal patterns are another part of the 'test' that we must learn to recognize for the illusion that they are and then to overcome--and learn to use for our Soul's own benefit and growth.
The 21st century modern world does very little to support a child's openness to his or her Inner Voice, to his or her Soul information. By the time the child enters society at about age five or six (school age), the values, beliefs and mores of human society have already been exerting quite some influence on them. Earth-, anthropoid-centric and consumer-capitalist information is quite ubiquitous and relentless. Couple this with the incessant threats of isolation, separation, provisional and conditional acceptance and/or approval, and it is no wonder that the child becomes distracted and even disconnected from it's Soul's Song of Beauty, Truth, Peace, Oneness, and Love. The pressures coming from outside the individual to comply, conform, obey, fear and fit in are inexorable. With this kind of "noise" bombarding the child from all sides, at all hours, it is likely that the child will continue to build constructs of belief and behavior that deepen his or her immersion into the Illusion of Separation--which then distances that individual further from the Soul's information and Plan.
Fortunately, if the Soul doesn't like the direction the Ego is taking, it will let you know. Over time the web of four-dimensional human life with its Ego construct can lead to a downward spiral deep into the thickest regions of the Illusion of Separation. It can even take you to a place in which you lose all sight of the fact that it is only a game, that it is only an Illusion--to a place in which you forget that you have power, that you have choice--to a place in which all patterns and tendencies seem to both reinforce and speed along despair, relinquishment, despondence, self-destruction until finally we do: we self-destruct. We either hit rock bottom or we die--both of which can serve to 'kill' or 'end' or crack the shell of Illusion and allow a remembering of the Light that is our True Self. The true test of the human experience, and the true achievement that the Soul hopes to gain from volunteering to enter into the emotional tar pit of the human Earth experience, is in being able to remain, remember, or re-gain access to the Voice of the Soul--to be able to recognize the Ego and human world for the illusions that they are--and then to re-learn how to use the human bodymind as it was intended: as a vehicle for developmentally nutritive Soul 'food.'
Remember, the bodymind is created as a vehicle, as a tool, for the Soul. Throughout the human life span the bodymind exhibits many diverse signs to alert the human Mind to the inhibited soul life that the Ego is causing. If Soul information or the flow of Universal Life Force is being impeded or denied in any way, the bodymind will indicate this in the form of "alarms," that is, in the form of dis-ease. Each symptom of dis-ease, whether mental, emotional, or physical, is like a "check engine" light. The further you drive your vehicle before attending to the problem, the more serious the short- and long-term effects can be to the overall health and operational capacity of your vehicle. The problem is, the throw away-consumer-capitalist society in which we live no longer values or even recognizes the preventive health care measures required to maintain a healthy, openly flowing vessel of Universal Life Force. Most every habit or pattern to which we are coerced into adopting nurtures dis-ease, disintegration and Separation. A person has to work very hard--against the grain--in order to attain a strong, healthy bodymind. This is no easy task.
Once the Personality has yielded to the numbing barrage of information bombarding it from parents, friends, social constructs, the entertainment and advertising industry, the media, schools, and from environmental hazards like EMFs, and air, water and food-borne toxins, once the Ego has been constructed and reinforced by years of incessant human song, the "song" of the Soul may be barely audible. But it is there. It is always there. It cannot be killed. When the bodymind dies, the Soul merely finds itself back in some version of the Spirit World. The Plan will be reviewed and revised for the next adventure.
In order to survive and negotiate confidently through the Earth School experience, the Soul has to commit to "playing by the rules"--that is, playing by the rules as provided by the Earth Plane's four dimensional experience. As it learns to survive, and, later, to successfully negotiate through the first and second levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ("Physiological" and "Safety"), layers of patterns of thought and behavior form which meld together in a tapestry of layers of "constructs" or "fabric" or programs. These patterns of thought and behavior--which are unique to each individual--are displayed in the formation of the Personality and, later, the Ego.
The Personality and Ego are necessary for survival in the human body and for success in the Earth School plane of relationship experiences. According to the Plan that your Soul and its Spirit Guides and Counsellors have helped to devise for you while on this excursion to Earth, the Personality and Ego are intended to eventually become servants of the Soul--as tools for the successful realization of the Plan. Problems arise when the Ego gets stuck or trapped into believing that the 'reality' in which it lives (the human bodymind, the four-dimensional Earth plane) is the true reality. Part of the reason this happens is that the time modern humans use in order to "achieve" independence, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency has been drawn out far longer than it was ever intended--or than is necessary. Traditionally and biologically, the average human is ready to begin taking on independent self-sufficiency skills and making valuable contributions to its society at the age of seven. In the last century we have drawn this out to about age 16 and, in a lot of cases (such as, those programmed into believing that college degrees are necessary to higher success) up to an age somewhere into the mid-twenties. That means that fully one-fourth to one-third of the human lifespan is spent imprisoned within the patterns and attitudes of 'childhood.' Is it any wonder, then, that dependencies, entitlements, lack of creativity and self-initiative, and escapist addictions are carried forward into the rest of life?
This delay in the taking on of independent, self-reliant, and self-sufficient skills, responsibilities and behaviors causes a layering and thickening of the weave of the tapestry of Ego/Personality. This in turn makes it much more difficult to deconstruct, to unravel, to allow the 'light' of Spirit to filter into the dark and more inaccessible depths of the Personality, for the 'voice' and energy of the Soul to make its way into the Ego consciousness. Without a strong presence of the Voice of the Soul, without the reminder of the Plan to reach the Ego/Personality, the latter is afforded even more time to continue building its form. The thicker the layers, the tighter the weave, the more the Ego becomes set in its ways, the more resistant it becomes to change. With the reduced capacity to receive and run the life-giving flow of the Universal Life Force, without an active recognition of the flow of Rays 1, 2, and 3--that is, the flow of Active Intelligence, Love and Wisdom, and Will and Power--the human bodymind becomes more susceptible to dis-ease. The flow of The Universal Life Force, of the Spiritual 'blood,' is essential for the overall health of any creation of Divinity--despite the fact that 'chi' or 'prana' is always present in some small degree, no matter the circumstances or perception. But the more the Soul devolves into the Illusion of Separation--the farther the Soul wanders into the murky muck of human and Earth illusions--the more prone it is to allow Ego to get lost, to gain ascendence, to think it is alone and on its own--to get caught in patterns of egoism, of self-pity, victimhood, depression and despair. The further the Spark of Divine Consciousness is emerged and encased in the tar of the human experience, the more difficult becomes the challenge of control and perspective much less extrication and Spiritual ascendance.
I believe that this pattern of extended childhood was co-created expressly for the purpose of testing our Selves. The plethora of debilitating and degenerative diseases offered the Soul within the Earth School human experience in this 21st Century along with the amazing number of 'light' workers trying to help jog individuals' Inner Knowledge and Inner Wisdom have all been put in place as a kind of 'final exam' for the Earth School class of so-called homo sapiens sapiens. Have these billions of Souls who have chosen to come to the Earth Plane with such confidence and reckless abandon come with all of the tools and strength they'll need to 'pass' this exam? Did they know how much Knowledge, Love, and Will Power they were going to need in order to have a chance to rise above the trappings of this extractive, destructive, distractive, addictive society? I wonder. I hope so.
If we allow the voices of others--if we allow all the four-dimensional information that is bombarding our human bodyminds the attention it demands, if we allow all this information to distract us, to monopolize our attention, if we allow ourselves to come under the spell and influence of these informations, we will probably end up giving our power away to them. By allowing this world to monopolize your attention, your power and your conscious mind, you have little room for the beacon of True Self, True Purpose, and Spiritual Perspective to come through. And, unfortunately, once those patterns of allowing the outside world, the outside voices and the outside powers to control you have become ingrained we tend to become even more susceptible to giving away our power and control to things like the media, domineering people in our lives, fantasy and escapism, food, sex, tobacco, television and the Internet, alcohol, drugs, illness, victimhood, unhealthy, out-of-balance relationships, and self-destructive psychoses.
Unfortunately, the paradigms of the modern world do very little to nurture, much less support, spirituality and individualism. Were this not the case, the second period of human development, ages 8-14, would see a lot more freedoms, creativity, experimentation, imagination, and, yes, even failure. As it is, the pressures to conform and be like everyone else force children and their imaginations to walk a very 'safe' and narrow line.
Our Spiritual Essence is not constructed this way. Quite the opposite: freedom of choice and full responsibility and consequences are unconditionally present to each and every Soul. But then, the choices we make can never threaten the immortality of our Life Force, the inseverability of our connection with our Divine Source, or our eventual dispersion of the Illusion of Separation and re-union with the Consciousness of The Oneness of our Divine Essence.
Our Spiritual Form works with its Council of Wise Elders, our Spirit Guides and our Soul Community in planning out role playing exercises within denser, more limiting constructs of consciousness. It is through these excursions into denser vibratory realms that we test our selves. The recovery or reacquisition of Higher Mind functioning--that is, of thinking and acting from the Greatest Flow of Rays 1, 2, and 3--is quite difficult in the dense realms such as that of the Earth Plane. In order to be able to take form and function appropriate to the density of the Earth Plane we must slow down the vibratory frequencies of our Life Force to such a degree that we function from an initial state of relative ignorance and disability when compared to the expanded and free flow of our spirit forms. As we get used to the rules and conditions of our new human bodies and the Earth environment we sometimes "get used to" the ignorance and limited flow of The Universal Life Force. This can be further solidified by the trappings of patterns which reinforce the belief that the human/Earth experience is true "reality." Habits and addictions which can mesmerize and distract us from 'hearing' our inner voice and healthy longings--situations and patterns in which we get used to giving our power away to others, to what we are told, are outside influences. If you really step back and look at this paradigm you can see that our core being, our True Self, requires none of the objects, patterns, beliefs that we are told that we "need" or that we "should want" in order to "fit in" or "be successful."
Your job is to open yourself up to the Voice of your Divine Essence, to become re-acquainted with the Spark of your Universal Life Force. It's there. It's in your intuition, in your gut reactions. It's in your highest, most loving, trusting, altruistic thoughts. It's singing to you in the Beauty of everything in and around you, in your happiest, most contended, peaceful moments.
If "All disease is the result of inhibited Soul life" as Master Djwhal Khul said through author/medium Alice Bailey, then our job is to figure out how to live life with uninhibited Soul flow.
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