At least, that's what I think--that's what I know. But "life," as I speak of it here, is not, in my experience, the birth-infancy-childhood-adolescence-career/partnering/parenting-grandparenting-aging-decline & death scenario most of you are associating with it. Human, biological life is only a small part of that which I refer. The "life" I speak of is different; it is bigger.
Much bigger.
I have a body and five sense which I use to negotiate through "physical" space, however, I am not my body.
I have feelings and emotions which I use to negotiate within the Earthbound human experience, however, I am not my emotions.
I have a mind and an intellect which I use to try to make sense of my Earth experience, however, I am neither my thoughts or intellect.
I am a Center of Self-consciousness, an individuated Spark of The Divine, a Wave in The Great Ocean of Cosmic Creation, The Infinite Sea of Truth, Beauty, Joy, and Love.
I believe that, as a Center of Self-consciousness, as a Spark of The Divine, as a Wave in The Great Ocean of Cosmic Creation, I am eternal and that, as an eternal part of The Divine Consciousness, I am without beginning or end, that I am never separated or separate from my Divine Source.
I believe that each and every thing, each and every human being, organ tissue, cell, molecule, atom or subatomic particle, that each and every rock, mountain, cloud, planet star, galaxy, universe or cosmos, that each and every emotion, experience and thought has its own consciousness, its own spark of The Divine which imbues, occupies, uses, coordinates, organizes, ensouls, enshrouds that entity, group or system.
I believe that the human experience in which we choose to participate on this small blue planet is akin to a classroom experience--thus you will hear me use the term "Earth School."
I believe that each of us has chosen the planetary circumstances into which we were born, that we have planned for the experiences we encounter--that we attract these people, places, events and experiences to us precisely for the purpose of yielding opportunities for the learning of Self-prescribed lessons.
I believe that in The Realm from which we come there is no such thing as "right" or "wrong," "good" or "evil," "better" or "worse," "black" or "white," "yin" or "yang," that The Realm of Divine Consciousness from which we arise is one of Oneness, of complete Unity, and, therefore, unattached to the isolating effects of naming, defining, separating, and categorization practiced in dualism.
I believe that the world of dualities is a fabrication, an illusory world that we have chosen to participate in, that we are, in fact, co-creators of this version of "reality" (for it would not/could not exist if there were not souls willing to participate in it), that a dualistic world of implicate and explicate, subjective and objective, "this" and "that" is created precisely for the experiential games associated with objectified, limited, and choice-filled "life."
I believe that when we choose to participate in the physical, emotional, or even mental planes of potential experience we also choose to play according to the rules and restrictions that we our Selves have created, ordained and agreed to but that we are never separate or separated from our True Selves, our True Nature, our True Consciousness, that we are free to, at any time, access the consciousness, awareness, and perspective of our True Selves. Or not. (There is no right or wrong way to participate in the Earth School experience.)
I believe that we use our experiences, awarenesses and lessons from participation in "denser" realities dimensions (like the Earth Plane) to re-acquaint and re-access and re-activate the expression of our own greatest and latest versions of our highest perceptions of Truth, Beauty, Joy, and Love.
I believe that we choose and/or attract (an often unconscious level of choosing based upon established patterns of familiarity and comfort) all of the aspects, conditions and circumstances of our Earth lives--that these actors, settings, events, and experiences have all been chosen in order to help realize a Self-prescribed path for specific and general learning, expansion and development (in that goal to become more aware and familiar with our True Nature--which is always being expressed through our latest and greatest versions of who we think we are).
I believe that after "life" (the Earth School version or otherwise) we review our previous lives, assess and critique the patterns we've accumulated, evaluate our "progress," and then plan the next "life" adventure with certain general and specific goals and objectives in mind.
I believe that our souls work with and make plans with a familiar but fluctuating group of other souls--a "family" or "class" or "team" of mutually loving, supportive and goal-oriented Self-conscious entities.
I believe that in Earth School we most typically get caught thinking that we are supposed to learn through pain and suffering but that we can, at any time, choose to learn instead through Joy and Happiness.
I believe that Love is the underlying, ever-present, in-between matrix, force, "aether" that fills all space, supports all life and consciousness, animates all Creation.
I believe that there are no coincidences, that everything--everything--happens for a reason.
I believe that no belief is final, that all beliefs are mutable, relative to one's current state of ignorance and limited understanding, ever transcendable, and that one is never finished growing or evolving.
This doesn't change the fact that I believe Life is Beautiful.
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