Saturday, March 22, 2014


"Depression." What a lovely word we have here. A situation or place in which something is pressed down. Depression. It is a word that we formerly used to describe 'a low point' in things like map-making, meteorology, or economics. Now it seems to have been assimilated into our vernacular to describe a low point in one's psychological/emotional travels. Unfortunately, the word "depression" has become so freely used that it has now crossed over into that pool of words that people mired in victimhood mentality bandied about as if it gives the owner a "Get out of Life card." It is interesting that people somehow are allowing themselves to become convinced that the human experience is supposed to be a flat line--that highs and lows along the way are "mistakes," or "bad," or "wrong." Here's a reminder, people:  The human experience is supposed to be a roller coaster ride; there are no mistakes, bad or wrong events. Everything happens for a reason and everything that happens to you you yourself have attracted to your self for the reason of waking up to a new version of your self. The mire and tar of the human experience has been chosen for you by you for the expressed reason of its difficulty, its challenges, the 'test' provided by its deep immersion into the Illusion of Separation. Many Souls, I think, were totally unprepared for the darkly hypnotic sway of the deepest regions of the Illusion of Separation; many souls get so wrapped up in the perceived 'reality' of their human situations that they become lost and then find it exceedingly difficult to extricate themselves from the Illusion even after they've cast aside their four-dimensional human vehicle!
     Look at some examples of the trappings of the deepest regions of the Illusion of Separation--of which "depression" is one. If you're not happy because you're not always "having fun," you can get some "certified" "expert" to diagnose you as "depressed"--and even give you bodymind-altering drugs to prove that you're "sick"! And then, Yippee! You've got your get-out-of-work-free ticket--your excuse to never be fully responsible for anything you ever do, your excuse to never have to fully contribute to anything--including family, relationships, work, play, or life. The "depression" label is your excuse to be able to give up, to get out, to avoid having to do anything, whenever you want, for the rest of your life. You can just say, "I'm depressed" (as if it's your new name or identity) or "it's my depression" (as if it's your new best friend), and Wham! you're out of having to be expected to fully or effectively participate in anything you don't want to.
     What a great invention! What a great tool for the the powers-that-be who would like us to be numb, powerless, and self-defeated so that they can have their way in the world. And there are so many other words, names, labels, diseases, diagnoses, and designations that give a person that "excuse-me-from-having-to-do-that" card.
     Excuses. A human can think--can actually come to believe--that being the 'victim' of some horrible condition gives them an excuse to not have to be responsible for his or her own actions, responsibilities and life. Under the mantle of victimhood a person can deflect any blame or responsibility from them self, can walk through life blaming others entirely for all of his or her failings and shortcomings. Better still for the powers-that-be--since blaming others isolates one from them--victimhood mentality gives power away to someone or some thing outside, thus rendering the individual less powerful, more defensive, and, thus, more likely to live in relative isolation and less likely to engage in group activities (the kind of activities that are necessary for the few in power to be challenged and/or toppled).

Question: What is it about victimhood that we find so attractive?

Answer:  We've been conditioned--(which is just a nice way of saying "unknowingly brainwashed")--to feel entitled to--to be addicted to--our leisure, our entertainment, our playtime, our "me"-time--to want to try to get out of responsibility, to try to short cut work or anything that might cut into our comfort and conveniences. Victimhood allows us to passive-aggressively make "rational" excuses for not wanting to participate in some responsible act or activity. It gives us an excuse for never becoming, being or achieving what we set out to--to never realizing the power, creativity, values, morals, ethics, and behaviors that are natural to and inherent in all human beings.

The very fabric of our taker/consumer/throw-away society is dependent upon us "losing ourselves," that is, losing our center, giving our power away--permanently--to so-called "authorities," "experts" and other influences outside of ourselves. When this happens--when we have become off-centered--we are very easy to manipulate, very easy to herd around (like good sheep). The pathway for the accomplishment of this is very clever. Schools, the media, and our government have become masters of teaching us that we are not and can never be an authority, an expert, or in control of anything (unless, of course, we play their game by their rules). With our selves off-center we are no longer able to use our own natural internal compass. We become reliant, even dependent, on the external "authorities," "experts," and "powers" for our thoughts, feelings and actions--we need to be told what to do, say, think, and feel. The pain of guilt and provisional self-esteem seeks relief, release, and/or medication, thus the attraction to addictive things--substances, behaviors, thoughts, and activities.
     Depression is a natural outcome of this having to live constantly out of one's center. If one's center becomes replaced by one (or a few) things repetitiously, then we have the start of an addiction. When that repeated behavior becomes consuming of our time, attentions and thoughts--to the distraction and negation of healthy relationships with family, friends, work, health, money, routines, and self--then we have a full blown addiction. One can become addicted to victimhood, illness, athletics, electronics, television, the Internet, drugs (prescriptive or illegal), alcohol, eating, sex, fantasizing/daydreaming, planning, arguing, reading, writing, music, sleeping, meditating, arguing, being late, victimhood, or any escapist or pain-relieving/distracting pursuit.

Now you've heard me say time and time again that there is no "right" or "wrong," no "good" or "evil," no "better" or "worse," and I mean that. Using the Illusion of Separation and the Illusion of Need to their fullest are brilliant and effective ways of traveling through the Earth School experience. And there is, as I've also said many times, growth potential in the use of Pain and Suffering. But--I will caution you--growth is only possible if you're able to use Pain and Suffering as a tool in the goal of recognizing and re-connecting with your True Self, your Spiritual Essence, your God-ness. If your dive into the deepest emotional depths so clouds your 'vision' from being able to see anything Spiritual or Divine in your experience then you are less likely to make any progress in that 'place'--which, again, is fine: You'll have plenty of other chances to try again. But, again, I seriously doubt whether your Oversoul, Soul Council and Spirit Community planned for you to dive so deep and then get lost, get stuck and stay there. The Plan always revolves around how can we use this human experience to rediscover our True Divinity so that we can learn to control and manipulate our Earth circumstances, so that we can bring forth the more expanded flow of Higher Knowledge, Love, Will and Power, so that we can activate our individual Plan.
     Journeyman Paul does not want to be further restricted, confined and ignorant than he already is when 'powered down' into denser realms of experience; he wants me, Drew Fisher, to be a vehicle for success in realizing the goals of the Plan that he and his 'team' came up with before committing to another Earth School adventure.
     Every soul goes into the lower vibrational experiences with the desire to be able use these adventures to learn, grow, and progress on its journey of Return to Source, on its quest to re-member and rejoin its Divine Consciousness. Though there is no hurry or any time limit or any grade system coming from the Spirit World, there is a process of review and assessment that each soul goes through. There are discussions of 'success' and 'progress.' There are role-playing, gaming, and planning sessions for other investments in which success might be more probable. There are also, however, incarnations that we plan with the expressed purpose of being difficult because we want a challenge, we want to test ourselves, we want to see if we are capable of rising above the challenges of difficulty, we want--even feel that we need--to experience failure and/or Pain and Suffering. Sometimes this is because we feel we deserve it, that we've "earned" this as a kind of "punishment."
     In spite of the reasons that may have led to our we finding ourselves in a tar pit of suffering, victimhood, depression and hopelessness, I am here to remind you that you are always, always in choice--that you are never without the tools or rights to choose something different than what you've been choosing. No matter how small that different choice may be, it can be the one and only step that is needed to break the patterns of pain, suffering, depression, and despair that you feel are beyond your control. I will argue till my dying breath that even the most disease-riddled, despondent, downtrodden person always has the ability to choose a different choice--to break established patterns, to try another method, a different thought, to turn in a different direction, to look up instead of down, to pay attention to something different than their usual patterns--and that s/he then has that same right, privilege and ability in the next instant, and the next and the next, until new patterns can be developed to take the place of old ones. But, it takes work! It takes strength, concentration, fortitude, and will--all of which are present in each and every one of us--all of which are integral parts of our True Selves, all of which are natural to the Divine Essence from which we draw every breath, every thought, every heartbeat, every smile, every tear.

    I will also remind you that all disease is the result of inhibited soul life, that is, if your Ego/Personality has built up such strong walls and patterns that it is deaf or blind to the Voice of the Soul then your bodymind is going to begin to show this retardation and restriction of Flow. When the voice of the Soul is denied or ignored and the Ego/Personality is in rebellion, then the bodymind--the tool of both--will be the battle ground that displays the war between the two. If the Ego/Personality persists in its resistance the Flow of Spiritual Life Force will find itself further and further cut off from the atoms, molecule, cells, organs and systems of the bodymind. Eventually this inhibited or restricted flow will result in mental, emotional or even physical disease and even death. When the confining walls and structures of the stubborn Ego/Personality are broken down and the Voice of the Soul--the Flow of the Universal Life Force--is open, then the atoms, molecules, cells, organs and systems of the bodymind hum with the Joy of Unity and Love.
     Eventually even the Soul decides to shed the very limiting and taxing constructs of the bodymind in order to return to some of the freedoms and perspectives of its current Spiritual Evolution, but until that time is decided, the human bodymind can become a very effective and useful tool for the flow through and sharing of Love, Light, Joy, Beauty, Wisdom, Gratitude, laughter, and comradery. Depression is a construct of the Ego/Personality in which the Illusions of Separation and Need are taken to their darkest depths. The answers, the solutions, the healing, the "way out," the cure, the "Return," is all within you--within each and every one of us; the 'problems' are but illusions that we have co-created and bought into--that we have allowed ourselves to become familiar, comfortable and attached to--to the detriment of our Soul's Plan and the flow of Universal Life Force that is our True and Real Self. The key is to stop looking 'outside' of our selves for answers, guidance, information, even support and to turn--to-return to looking and 'listening' within for our own voice--the voice of our own Truth, our own intuition, our own Source of Infinite Wisdom. The answers are not outside us. The problems and patterns to which we've become overly attached are 'out there.' The answers come from within us, from a higher source, from our Higher Source, from the Divine Essence that is our True Self. Throw away illusions if they are not serving you! Try letting go of the Ego, the Personality, the belief systems that you've become so attached to--try stepping outside of those very limiting, very isolating systems and constructs and allow yourself to be, to become, to change, to try, to choose differently, to run, to fly, to dream, to fantasize, to allow yourself change and experiment, to fill yourself with visions and examples and versions of who you might be, of who you might become, of who you want to be--of the strong, powerful, joyful, loved and loving, activated and fulfilled, fully realized person that you think you can be--that you know you can be--that you are deep inside you. Let the real you--the one you've been hiding or repressing or ignoring--out! Let love flow! Take responsibility and then take credit! Forgive and then forget! Detach and leave it behind! Remove or resist the tendency to form expectations for expectation will only--can only--lead to disappointment and frustration. Expectations can never be met unless it is the expectation that everything unfolds exactly as it is meant to and exactly in the way that will best serve the growing potential of the people touched by that thing or event. Expectations are but rigid attempts at trying to manipulate or control the future--which we will eventually recognize is a huge waste of both energy and time.
     Let life flow. Detach. You've learned all of the skills necessary to survive and even thrive while in your human bodymind while traveling on planet Earth. It's your choice: will your travels and experiences be exciting adventures or will they be terrifying nightmares of pain and suffering, alienation and isolation, failure and loss. The choice is yours and yours alone. So choose. Now choose again. And again. . . .  

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