During my second Life-Between Life (LBL) session I was pleased to find that Journeyman Paul had finally been able to shed the Earth-derived emotional baggage that he had attached himself to over several lifetimes. During that session, Paul soared high and fast in the cosmic skies in order to experience the cleansing effect of the cosmic winds. It was quick--not unlike the effect of going through a car wash, only up in the air--just enough time feel the liberating freedom of letting go, of remembering his spiritual state of being. Only then was he able to become reunited with the beloved souls with whom he'd worked on Earth.
What was so surprising--and overwhelming emotionally--was the enormous number of spirits gathered together to welcome him home, the stadium-like reception of cheering that greeted him as he landed on the rocky surface of the world of his imagination. 89 people raucously cheering him and him alone as he stood there, alone, returning in full presence to the Spirit World. Gone were the doubts and feelings of inadequacy and shame. Gone were the guilt and remorse he had carried for having "failed to accomplish his goals." Finished was his sulking retreat, his processing and healing, his self-pitying and misguided groping, his self-imposed isolation. Finally he had found the way back to his True Essence and had learned acceptance. Finally he was able to move forward, back into the world of the "living."
In my previous LBL session I had worked long and hard to come into the presence of my Soul Family but my recriminations and feelings of unworthiness had made me recoil and hold back, staying only within the "safe" company of my most beloved loving Spirit companions. This self-destructive attitude also prohibited me from meeting with my Spirit Council. I was not ready, they had said. "Next time." And they were right. I had to complete my 'desert island' time, had to figure out for myself that all of the emotional baggage to which I had become so attached was self-inflicted, illusory, and not really part of Me at all. Once I was able to realize this, I was ready to leave my self-imposed prison and return to 'active duty.'
This time I was able to move forward to meet with my Council of Elders--and then to reacquaint myself with the main members of my Companion Group. Journeyman Paul had served his self-imposed penance, had come to the realization that his True Nature did not need to carry around the weighty emotional baggage gathered from human lifetimes; he had come to the liberating remembrance of his divine lightness.
In this, my second year of podcasts, I hope to recreate for you, the reader, some of the path Journeyman Paul has travelled while using the four-dimensional Earth School. More importantly, in tracing this path I hope to help you understand the kind of effects Paul's choices and experiences have had on both assisting and side-tracking him on his path of Spiritual evolution. For instance: What led him to choose monasteries and cultural experiences all over the world? What led him to pursue isolating behaviors instead of connecting ones? And, most importantly, how did these choices serve him? How did he come to decide to change and how did he eventually overcome the behaviors to which he decided to attach negative aspersions?
Some the answers to these and other questions will be recognizable from experiences that Journeyman Paul has had as me, Drew Fisher. You will see how some answers were revealed in the past- and inter-life experiences that I have become privy to. However, you will also see how some of the events and experiences that I, Drew Fisher, have had--some of the people I've met and some of the things I have created--seem to have helped the process. Some of the experiences that Drew Fisher has had have empowered the recovery of flow of Spirit through consciousness. Spirit (Paul) has directed me to overcome Ego/Personality, to choose increased flow of Information, Wisdom, and Power.
I have little doubt that Paul's adventures as Drew Fisher have played an important role in his re-awakening to his Divine Essence. My continued choices to cast off the insidious lure and oppressive weight of materialism, consumerism, addiction, fear-based thinking--to reveal and cast aside the weighty effects of buying into the Illusions of Duality, to instead choose to learn how to use the Illusions instead of letting them use me, has allowed Paul to rise above the illusion of the limitations of perceived four-dimensionality.
In order to reflect the sources of some of Journeyman Paul's most significant learning experiences you will discover that I have divided the 52 podcasts of this year into three basic categories. The first section will explore the "past-lives." Though I am no longer certain of the way in which the Spirit World uses human and Earth time lines, I have decided to order these past lives according to a chronological order that matches up with historical timelines with which we Earth humans are most familiar. Then I will delve into those people, events and creative acts from the Drew Fisher experience that have revealed themselves to be most significant to the awakening, stimulation, and realization of Journeyman Paul's presence and mission in the Drew Fisher bodymind. And lastly I plan to explore many of the stories and experiences from other people's lives or art that have contributed to my own expanding awareness and understanding of the "meaning of Life." Some of these figures and artistic contributions will be from our own time, others will come from other periods of history and imagination.
The occasion of Journeyman Paul's return "home" to his Soul Family was occasioned by the fact that Paul himself was ready to be loved, he had finally decided to cast off his penalty of guilt and remorse, to finish his self-imposed banishment, to return to an environment in which he was loved--to be able to accept and let in love. What had really happened, in its truest essence, was that he had re-discovered love, forgiveness and acceptance for himself. He had re-membered and accepted his True Nature. With this step he was able to walk into the warmth and all-embracing unconditional Love of his Spirit Community--where he was, as you know, treated to a roar of enthusiastic welcome. With the affirmation of this greeting--which was, no doubt, a real confidence booster--he was then able to move into the presence of the wisdom and Love of his Council of Wise Elders. With these very important steps Paul was able to announce that he was ready to fully return to the real and hard work of his Spiritual Journey. The many lives and experiments in which he made choices to avoid allowing opportunities for full realization of Spiritual Joy, Truth, Beauty, and Love, because of his attachment to guilt, remorse and low self-worth were done. He is now ready to step up into forms and body minds that will allow the Power of Spiritual energy flow. Expressions of wisdom, creativity and Love will affect others in ways that will probably catapult him into positions of respect and perhaps even leadership. Done are the lives of hiding, trying to remain invisible, wallowing in low self-esteem.
The question this second year of blog posts/podcasts will attempt to answer is Why did Paul 'descend' into these patterns of self-deprecating self-imposed isolation? In order to answer this question I see that using the past lives that Paul has enabled me, Drew Fisher, to have access to will enable you, the listener/reader, to retrace some of the events that contributed to Journeyman Paul's tailspin and dive into the murky trappings of the tar pits of human emotion. If you are ready I will begin with a slight aside.
Paul has used the bodymind of an Earth-based figure that I've come to know as "The Mage." I have been conscious of the existence of The Mage for over 15 years. At first I thought that he was an inter-dimensional entity with extraordinary healing powers as he was first revealed to me within the context of my work as a massage therapist. Accessing The Mage consciousness, or, more like, The Mage's bodymind, I was able to see and work with energy streams far beyond the ones aware to me through my Drew Fisher consciousness. I remember assessing and using the energetic powers effects of planets and stars, as well as systemic interactions within the human bioenergy field.
As I've worked with The Mage "perspective" over the years more definition has come to me with regards to his purpose and the nature of his work. As I understand it now, The Mage is part of a team of anatomy architects who work on "perfecting" the adapatability of the human form for its ability to host the energy of we Spirit Beings. The Mage works to improve and adjust the ability and capacity of a particular prototype of Earth-based human--Homo sapiens sapiens--for handling greater levels, higher vibrations or frequencies, of Spiritual energy.
As mentioned before, the human nervous system is the intermediary or wiring system for this interface. Spiritual energy is introduced to the human vessel through several ports, including the pineal gland, carotid (subcommissure) gland, heart and spleen as well as the "nadis"--which are etheric nodes or disbursement sites within the human's etheric form or biomagnetic template. From these and other entry and disbursement sites, Spritual Energy flows into and out of the human form. Through the nervous system, the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), the blood and the spleen, the Spiritual energy of consciousness is introduced and sent to every system, organ, cell, molecule, atom and sub-atomic particle of that human body. It is The Mage's job to tweak or tune the prototypical (or perhaps individual?) human nervous system for receptivity to Spiritual energy flow.
As I said, at first I thought that The Mage existed in an inter-dimensional world--a world in which 'planning rooms' existed for the use of devising and building a variety of four-dimensional physical forms for Earth-based use could occur. But his surroundings (the Egyptian Pyramids) and work companions (a foreign race of small hominids whose monk-like appearance and affect most closely resemble that of John Lucas' Star Wars inhabitants of Tatooine, the Jawas), as well as his own physical form and motion, seem so Earth-familiar that I now believe he could very well be a member of another much earlier Earth-based human form--one that was less devolved and, therefore, less invested in the depths of emotional capacity, ignorance and fear than our own species--a species that was more attuned to and representative of high mental function and higher capacity of Spiritual force.
The thought that previous human forms might have played a role in designing or modifying Earth-based life forms for the Spirit World's desire for a variety of experiential possibilities is a bit surprising to me, but wholly possible. We well know that there have been many "failed" evolutionary branches of our own species.
I also find something in this idea a bit unsettling as it paints our Spiritual 'species' in a bit of a selfish, user/taker light. Are we "Spirits," or "monads," really just another "alien" species that is intentionally and selfishly using these Earth-based creatures for our own games--and using the Earth for our playground? The possibility of this makes me sad and upset. I hope this is not the case. At least for now. Perhaps with expanded understanding I will be better equipped to make more appropriate meaning of this. In the meantime, let us begin to revisit some of Journeyman Paul's Earth adventures, to try to retrace his steps to this Drew Fisher vehicle, to this joyous reunion with his Spirit Community.
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