You may be sick of my incessant repetition of the phrase, "there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, no better or worse" and other variations I've used on this theme. Even so, I feel it my most sacred duty to continue to try to help remind others of this fact. Form, Duality, and Creation are but fabrications of a unified collaboration of individuated members of The One Unified Cosmic Consciousness. We, being integral and essential parts of that Unified Whole, are willing and intentional participants in the great adventure of Cosmic Creation. Duality and its endless spectra and continua were devised as playing fields for our experimentation and learning. Opposites only exist--can only exist--in the presence of each other. Every possibility out there is an equally viable opportunity for experience and learning. The saint learns from experiencing the deepest suffering or horrors of the opposite, say, of a murderer or a rapist. The materialist is exploring the opposite of an ascetic, a child born into affluence will learn from a different set of experiences--from a different perspective--than a child born into poverty just as a child born into "first world, technologically "advanced" society will have a totally different set of information to choose from than that of child born into a "third world" or paleolithic world. Each and all of these souls are choosing to come to Earth in order to learn the same lessons, overall. They have each merely chosen different settings, different circumstances and different orders of sequence to provide them with the impetus that might allow them to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, their own Truths and Joys, their true Selves.
"Right" and "wrong," "good" and "evil," "better" and "worse" are all human fabrications. They exist only as terms to help define values that are relative to particular people, societies, cultures, eras, etc. "Right" and "wrong," "good" and "evil," "better" and "worse" are continually being reshaped and revised as people, societies, cultures, and eras adapt and progress to their perceived circumstances. What is "right" or "good" or "best" for your parent may be different for those of your grandparent, your government, your chosen social group, or the dominant paradigms of your era. The defining of these and all terms, beliefs, and values are for you to do. Any definition, belief, or value that you come up with is as viable and "right" as anyone else's so long as you feel strongly attached to it. But, as you grow, as you gather more information, as your experiences allow you different insights into the world and your self, your definitions, beliefs and values are certain to be challenged, and may change, evolve. What you believed or understood as a four-year old, as a 15-year old, as a 23-year old, will not be entirely the same as those beliefs, values, and truths you hold onto in your middle or late years.
The same goes for choices you make for experiences along any polarized spectrum of extremes or of opposites: The options are there specifically, explicitly for you to use. All of them. Rapist, murderer, thief, cheat, deceiver, traitor, coward, mouse, wallflower, recluse, are all choices available to us at any time, at any moment, in any life--choices that will all offer equal opportunities for experience, information, and insight into human nature and your own True Nature. It is ludicrous and naïve to think that Ted Bundy or Che Guevera or the aborted kid from your neighbor's daughter or Alexander the so-called Great or Michael Brown or Mohandis Ghandi or Taylor Swift or Abraham Lincoln didn't have choices, and that they didn't use the choices available to them for the potential learning that the consequences of their choices might provide them. On some level (whether conscious or not) their choices were all made explicitly for the chance to attract the kind of consequences and information into their lives that they desired, that they needed for their moment-to-moment self-definition, self-satisfaction, and self-revelation.
Many humans may have passed through life in unawareness of their spiritual journey and may have had to wait until they had left their bodies and peeled back the Ego-shell of belief and understanding before they were able to process and integrate the information and the lessons offered them throughout their Earth life experiences. And this is fine. Others may have achieved some level of Self-awareness while in an Earthbound human vehicle and made growth while in the Earth School experience. This is great, too. Neither is right or wrong, neither is good or bad, neither is better or worse. They are just examples of the infinite possibilities of the infinite pathways to Self-realization and re-unification with one's Divine Source. There are, however, choices and paths that are easier and choices and paths that are more challenging.
Using the Illusions is pretty easy once you've committed to the School environment. Seeing the Illusions as illusions and then really using them--consciously using them for your entertainment, for your lessons, for the information and experiences that you seek--now that is difficult. That is challenging. That is thought provoking, Self-confronting. That is rewarding. But I must remind you once again that the Illusions were created as tools. Yes, they have the ability to be very convincing, to seem real. And, yes, we can get caught in their traps. But wherever the Light of Love shines (which is Everywhere) there is the constant hint, the constant clue, that constant reminder that this--that all of Cosmic Creation--is but an elaborately conceived and partially self-constructed tapestry of illusory information--that is, of illusions in formation. Would that we all are able to recognize the forest for the trees--and the trees for the forest--for they all provide us with hints, clues, and reminders of the illusory nature of all things. They are all examples of information available to us that is intended as metaphor for other layers and gifts of information. Each layer is peeled away to reveal deeper, broader, larger meanings; each layer created to provide exactly the kind of information that we are most ready for at the time that we notice it. Meaning and understanding all leading back to the re-union with the next most expanded comprehension of our Selves and our place in the Grand Scheme of Things, until finally we are re-united with the One True Self that is the Grand Scheme of All Things.
An odd concept to think that we in the eternal bliss of Eternal Oneness decided to create illusory "fragments" of our Self and put them in an illusory "World" somehow "separate" from our Self with the whole intention of exploring the infinite perspectives of imagination in order to test our self into seeing what choices our individuated fragmented "Selves" would devise in order to ultimately re-discover and re-join Self-hood with the Eternal Oneness!! How can it be seen as anything other than a game? A joke! The only real consequence to it all comes from Forgetfulness and it's children Ignorance and Fear. "Oh, poor thing! S/he forgot! But, it's okay. S/he'll remember. Eventually! Ha! ha! ha!"
I'm going to stop here. This concludes my 52nd podcast and, with it, I complete my first year of podcasting The Many Lives of Journeyman Paul. I hope that you have enjoyed and benefitted from some of the information I have shared in and through these podcasts. I will, here, let you know that during the second year of The Many Lives of Journeyman Paul, which will begin next week, I will be changing the format slightly. My goal in the second year is to present the listener with 52 examples, 52 anecdotal vignetttes, from a broad catalogue of stories which will, hopefully, display the many forms of information that Journeyman Paul has used for his personal growth and progress. Until then, thank you again for tuning in to my podcast series, and, I hope that you will return!
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