I love the entertainment value of human hubris, the arrogance of patriarchical "taker" mentality, the subtle humor of the Illusion of Separation!
Male-dominated geopolitical minds came up with the eminently self-serving concept of "eminent domain" in which a government, business, corporation, wealthy landowner, or all-around asshole can usurp a piece of property under the legally supported claim that "the public need" for use of that particular piece of property is greater than that of any other "private" group or individual. The truth of this claim is ever debatable and most certainly dependent on the variable subjective points-of-view that one can use to approach the concept of "need" and "greater good." In a consume and throw-away capitalist culture, under the power or control of an oligarchic economy of greed, this may be a dominating version of the 'truth.' From the perspective of ecological respect for the bio-unity of all things on this biosphere we call Earth, the concept of property and ownership and development and unlimited, infinite resources and single-species dominance is far from the truth.
From the Spiritual perspective, the male-dominated 'ownership' game is, as you might already have guessed, just a game. No one can own or possess another person or thing except insofar as he can exert enough force and/or fear in order to control that person or thing.
About ten thousand years ago the male of the human species used his physical strength to usurp control of societal rules and has proceeded to dominate ever since. Unfortunately, power, greed, and fear of losing control have caused him to tread a rather short-sighted and myopic course for his species--one that has been disastrous for his planetary companion species and one that has even irritated his host Mother to such an extent that She has had to initiated measures of self-protection that are likely to not only eliminate her parasitic intruder (us) but most other benign and beneficial flora and fauna as well. The healing process for Mother Earth will likely take thousands of years--which is but a few days in the timeline of her already four billion year old life span. In the meantime, we Spirits who have enjoyed the benefit of using Earth and the Human species as hosts and means to our educational experiences will have to use alternative "schools" and "vehicles"--or co-create new ones--for our four-dimensional emotion-based experiential learning adventures. So be it. It has happened before. It will probably happen again. (The emotional realms are dark and murky; it is easy to get lost, misguided or forgetful of our Divine nature while negotiating them.)
The news becomes more incontrovertible with each passing day: The surface of planet Earth is becoming inhospitable for the support and sustenance of human life. The seas are becoming too warm and too acidic to support life and are, in fact, warming to such a degree as to be loosening billions of tonnes of toxic substances that had been previously trapped in a frozen state by the permafrosts in the arctic tundras and by the frozen seabeds beneath the polar icecaps.
Scientists are predicting that human life will be extinct in the Northern Hemisphere by 2040 and by 2080 for those living in the Southern Hemisphere. How long you choose to resist the truth of this information, how long and how hard you choose to fight to prolong your time on the planet is really immaterial to me. We are all going to die. What I am more interested in is how you will react and how well will you be able to deal with the immanence, the finality, the unavoidability of the premature demise and death of your human self.
Will you fight? Will you kill to protect your self, your property, your loved ones, your beliefs and values and, if so, why? To what end or purpose will such fight serve? (Remember: There is no wrong or right answer, no right or wrong action; all thoughts and actions have consequences from which you, and others, can learn and grow.) Will you hold out for as long as possible despite the insidious attrition of the human population around the globe? To what ends will you go in order to feed your self and your loved ones? Will you kill for food? Will you eat rotten food? Will you eat the flesh of other human beings? Will you have the courage to plan and decide when to choose your own death, on your terms, in your own way? Will you be acting from the power of fear, anger, denial, and attachment--adhering to the Illusion of Separation till the "bitter end"? Or will you be mindful of your choices and their consequences, taking responsibility for your choices, acting in full awareness of the 'game' in which you have chosen to participate?
Our species is facing extinction. It is my opinion that this fact is the nemesis of our hubris: We who have caused so many extinctions now get to experience it for our selves, our own extinction. Maybe we'll learn something along the way. Like some humility. And empathy. Maybe we'll go down kicking and screaming, playing the blame game, ever the victim, eternally unwilling to accept self-responsibility.
I am excited. To watch. The fact that more souls have decided to be present for these "End of Days" than have ever been present on Earth before surely says something about how exciting, how loaded are the lessons available to a soul invested in a 21st Century human bodymind. The question remains: How will you react or behave? What will you learn from watching and participating in the extinction of the human species?
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