Some of you may be asking by now, "What will it take for our hero, Journeyman Paul, to move beyond the 'journeyman' stage of development and earn the title of 'master'"?
The 'journeyman' assignation is given to Paul because he is still working on issues that are most appropriately brought to resolution within denser, Earth School-type of experiences. Once Paul has 'mastered' the skills of moving through and controlling his thoughts and behaviors while in emotionally dense, four-dimensional space, he will be 'graduated' on, he will be given the chance to explore work experience opportunities on different planes, if he wishes--planes that are less restrictive, that are less bogged down by the baggage that comes with emotional depth.
The emotion-based Earth School experience is conquered, graduated from, when the Soul has learned how to break through the confining and limiting restrictions of Ego/Personality contracts, when it has been able to learn how to use the human bodymind for his own Growth and progress, as well for the benefit of spreading the Word/the Light to others. The "ladder" of progress finds the human-encased Soul using religion, using relationships, using knowledge, learning, education, seeking, and service for growth and progress, using teachers and gurus for inspiration and for awakening layer upon layer to the inner Truths hidden within the Unconscious.
Toward the end of the journey, the evolving human is becoming quite assured of his Divinity, of the Truth of the Spirit World, of the presence of a Spiritual Plan, of a unity of all things. The human grows beyond the need of gurus or teachers because s/he discovers, believes, and learns to use his or her own Inner Wisdom--the same Inner Wisdom that each and every one of us possesses. S/he is learning to flow from his or her own Inner Wisdom, while at the same time learning how to become a conduit for the flow through of Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, and Divine Will into the world, as a gift to the world, as food for the hungry souls emerging from the murkiness of the Ego/Personality tar pits. Finally, having conquered the access and use of Knowledge, Love Wisdom, and Will Power, the Soul-in-human-form practices the natural act of honoring the Sacred in every one and every thing s/he encounters or reaches through his or her art or vocation.
After this last stage of human use has been achieved and practiced, the Soul is offered graduation. Beyond the human Earth School-type of four-dimensional experience there are opportunities to explore and experiment with. One can work within other realms, dimensions, forms, jobs, or ideas in order to further one's evolution toward reclamation of his or her Divine Oneness. Some Souls choose to continue returning to the human/Earth plane as enlightened beings in order to help awaken and inspire Spiritual evolution in other humans. Others choose roles as Spirit guides, planetary helpers, Spiritual midwives, teachers, or counselors, even doctors and architects and other creative and imaginative pursuits which support the general and specific course of evolution of Spirit back to Divine Consciousness.
Paul is nearing the point at which he will be allowed "options;" his work within the Earth planes has been very successful. Though not quite complete, not quite a "master" of using the four-dimensional denser vibratory realms for his advancement and for inspiring such progress in others, the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Toril has completed her mastery of the human Earth plane. She has returned a few times in support of the growth and progress of others while at the same time beginning her apprenticeship in other dimensional work in support of planetary health and evolution.
It has been a joy and a privilege working with Toril. She has been quite an inspiration to me and to so many others. I will miss working along side her but I know that, finally, I am ready to go it 'alone;' I am ready to be on my own in a capacity in which I can still continue to grow and progress. I also know that I am finally ready and able to serve the Cosmic Plan in an inspirational capacity, that is, the particular gifts and talents that Journeyman Paul's future incarnations bring to Earth will be capable of inspiring others to wake up and get moving along their own spiritual paths.
So, the "mastery" of the four-dimensional Earth-based human experience is nearly achieved for Journeyman Paul. I feel quite certain that other Earth excursions are in store for Paul, that he still has some use of the Earth School and human illusions. Though I believe that the Earth is in the process of healing its current dis-ease (obviously Sanat Kumara, the Monad that ensouls our planet, has issues of his own)--that Gaia is creating the equivalent of a fever in order to try to kill off the current parasitic infestation of humans that threaten her own health--I also have great confidence that there will be 'future' versions of human-like forms for Souls to incarnate into. Obviously, there will be some time left in the 21st Century--and with it a limited number of human bodies/hosts will be available yet in this version of the human species. But, even so, I believe that there will be other future versions of 'human' forms available for dense vibrational experiential use. I say this because I know that there have been other human races on Earth. I know firsthand of two different "races" that existed previous to the short-term span of homo sapiens sapiens, and I have read accounts of others. I, myself, have had two incarnations revealed to me in which I was a member of ancient human civilizations here on Earth. One was within the so-called "Atlantean" civilization while the other was as member of an Andean race of "giants" many, many millennia ago. This latter civilization--a much more docile and less creative version than our own--left the Earth Plane of its own accord--in order to make way for other experiments in form and capacity. The "Atlantean" version was more like our own in that it was more self-centered, feeling less a part of the planetary 'circle of life. Each successive version, it seems, has made the conscious commitment of exploring further the depths of the Gifts of the Illusions--especially the Illusion of Separation. The "Atlantean" version of humankind brought destruction upon itself much in the same way that our current species is doing. With its even deeper venture into the illusions of isolation and separation, homo sapiens sapiens has caused such an upset in the harmony and balance of all life support systems on our host biosphere that the existence of all biological life is threatened.
This realization of this pattern of progression, of deep devolution, makes me wonder how much deeper into the Illusion of Separation we of the Spirit World can devise. Hopefully, the next version of intelligent, creative life to use Mother Gaia will do a better job of handling its creative powers and of respecting the interdependence of all life in the four-dimensional Earth plane. Or not. There is no right or wrong. This current host version for four-dimensional consciousness has certainly afforded many, many souls a lot of creative entertainment and growth experiences. There are currently over seven billion souls present for the "test" and adventure of why I call "The End of Days." Seven times the number of souls present for the Industrial Revolution, more than the accumulated number of homo sapiens sapiens who have walked on the planet! Surely that alone must say something about the valuable lessons and experiences being offered souls in this the "21st Century"!
While egoism, isolation, separation, hierarchical thinking and destruction are certainly experiential choices replete with very challenging and creative test opportunities, there are other options, other choices, other paradigms to experiment with. How about a human version which uses its tremendous creative powers to support and enhance the health of its Earth Mother? Or a version that flies? Or one that upholds mutual aid over fear-based competition? Or a version that uses its sleep time to work Spirit into Form as effectively and creatively as its day time pursuits do (or don't).
Anyway, as in all choices, there are myriad--one might even say "infinite" possibilities. And you can bet that Journeyman Paul will be ready and willing to participate in any and all of them. And, if you are reading or hearing this, it is likely that you, too, will choose to try out whatever new forms and structures that the Earth School experience evolves into. I hope to see you there!
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