The concept of the "Soul Family" is one that you've heard in bits and pieces during the course of my podcast series. There is a lot of information one can glean on the topic from books written by Alice Bailey, C.W. Leadbeater, H.P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Elisabeth Haich, Cyril Scott, Brian Weiss, Roger Woolger, and Alan Hopking. However, the best anecdotal evidence you will come across will be found in publications by Michael Newton, Sylvia Brown and Susan Wisehart. The information these three offer has been derived from thousands of hours of recorded hypnotherapy "past" and "life-between-life" sessions with hundreds of patients over many years.
While I am extremely grateful to all of these writers for the roles they've played in helping me to bring this information to my consciousness, it has really been my own personal experiences with past lives and life-between-life scenarios that has been the most powerful teacher of all. I have been privileged to have had encounters with "other versions" of my Self through meditation, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis sessions, shamanic journeying sessions, intuitional resonance to information coming into my conscious mind from books and psychic or astrological readings, trusting the intuitive impressions I receive while doing my hands on 'healing' work, and even through the medium of dreams and dream interpretation. What I have come to understand is that Journeyman Paul--my 'oversoul'--has led me to these encounters expressly for the purpose of exposing me, Drew Fisher, to information that would, hopefully, awaken an interest in and, eventually, a belief, trust, and confidence in the reality of the Soul and the Spirit World.
The myriad glimpses into other versions of Journeyman Paul that I have had have made vivid, lasting, and ever-accessible impressions on my Drew Fisher consciousness. These impressions have, then, I believe, allowed me deeper access to the wealth of knowledge, wisdom and power that is available to me in my Unconscious. I also find myself deeply fortified by the incontrovertible knowledge my first-hand experiences have provided in support of the existence of a Spiritual World; knowing that these many, many souls are behind me--that so many loving beings are working with me, working for me, in my efforts to use this Earth School experience for the progress, evolution and advancement of my Soul--has comforted me beyond any ability I have to express.
While I believe that the Spirit World is 'constructed' differently for each of us--that we each have our own singular version of the Spirit World as befitting the state of mind we are in at any particular moment--which can be greatly influenced by the state of mind we may bring back with us from a recent excursion into an Earth School type of experience--I also believe that the forms that we use in the creation of our own view of the Spirit World are very individualistic and highly malleable--that they are not permanent structures, that they can shift or change in an instant with even the slightest change in perspective and certainly with the changes that are effected by growth. My encounters with the Spirit World have shown me this.
As Journeyman Paul, I have fabricated wildly variant forms and worlds that have served me for my transitions from the Earth School experience to Spirit World 'reality.' This is due to the process one must go through in order to re-adjust to the Spirit World. When we come out of the very limited and myopic perspective of a dense world like Earth School, we need some time. At first the feelings of leaving the human body are so liberating, so invigorating as one sheds the incredible weight and incredibly restrictive layers of what we thought were our 'beliefs,' 'habits,' 'values,' and, heaviest of all, 'memories.' It feels so wonderful that you cannot help but want to fly. And you do!
Then you are flooded with the feeling that you are expanding, that you are filling up--re-filling--with energy, with strength, with the Light and Love and Fuel that is the Universal Life Source. This might take some time. (Though 'time' does not really exist in the Spirit World. All possibilities and all variations are equally present, equally viable, equally useful, and equally accessible--at the same time. The construct of linear time passage does in fact help the 'recovering human' for the time it takes to fully shed all of the illusions and constructs we used while in the human body.)
During this period of recovery and 'healing,' the transitioning Soul takes some time to review the recent incarnated life--to review it from the perspective of Spirit and Spiritual Law. This can provide some rather shocking and upsetting 'news' to the Soul as it is confronted--sometimes for the first time--with the Truth and reality of the the constructs and habits that the Ego/Personality became attached. Sometimes we are confronted with the fact that we have carried the same patterns over several incarnations with little or no progress. Sometimes the many layers of illusion created by the Ego can be quite difficult to peel away.
The event of being confronted with the reality of how little we accomplished in our venture into denser 'realities' can slow our transition back to Spirit Consciousness. The realization that the Plan, that the many goals and desired accomplishments we had hoped to accomplish, was not quite realized can be debilitating, even devastating. This is where the Soul might choose to create a place or period for reflection--a 'limbo' or 'purgatory'--for trying to come to terms with the disappointing news--for processing and healing. Some Souls even require intensive or extensive counseling or 'therapy' in order to fully process and extricate themselves from the emotions that might arise from being faced with the 'Truth' and 'Realities' of the life just lived. With remnants, with lingering attachments to Ego and emotion, we may find that even our interactions with other Souls are tainted or negated for a time. Thus the periods of self-imposed isolation or the guided therapy.
But, eventually we heal. We recover. We get past the shock, guilt, remorse, and low Self-esteem. Ultimately, we re-member to stop self-identifying with the actions, patterns and 'failures' of those fabricated lives. And then, once we are able to return to the perspective of Spirit Consciousness, we can remember that we are on a Path of Evolution.
Eventually, we are reunited with the community of Souls with whom we have interacted and 'played' over and over. Among this group of familiar 'classmates,' guides and counsellors, we all have an Inner Circle that is made up of our most trusted and beloved companions and guides--Souls that with whom we have worked quite intimately over the course of many forays into the denser realms of experience. While these Souls may join together and 'travel' together for a long time, the constitution of this Inner Circle or Soul Family is adaptable; its membership can change. An Intimate Soul may out-grow his Family or it may find another Circle with which it would like to work for a time and thus choose to move out of your Inner Circle. This takes place with the most generous and tender support, love, and understanding.
Sometimes it is truly in our best interest to join another group. New group dynamics might be necessary for the acceleration of our growth and progress, or for getting out of "stuck" patterns that might be limiting our personal progress (or that of the Family). This does not mean that we would not 'see' or interact or play roles with soul contracts with each other in other incarnations. It just means that we are seeking variety and different dynamics--which can, of course, be healthy. You see, even though in Spirit Form we are unfettered with the rules and constructs of the denser realms, we do still all have 'traits' and 'tendencies' which we could still call 'personality.' And our mingling and colluding with the same Souls over and over will tend to feed or draw out certain aspects of our Selves more than others. This is only natural within any aspect of a Creation in which we think of ourselves as Self-identifying individuals. We have, after all, made the choice and commitment to participate in the Illusion of Separation.
The typical community of Souls that one might work with on a regular yet rotating basis usually numbers somewhere around 100. My personal count for Journeyman Paul's Soul Community is 89. The number of Souls participating in one's Inner Circle can range anywhere from around six to 12 to 20! The members of one's Council of Wise Elders is usually three.
A Soul Family will usually consist of one or more 'guides,' that is, Souls who have attained a somewhat more advanced perspective of Self, Creation, and God. Your Soul Family will also contain a few Souls who are at a similar stage in development as you. You may find one or more Soul Family members who are quite different than you--who have chosen to inspire you or mentor you with pursuits that are quite different and/or more advanced than you and who do not often participate in the denser realms except from 'outside' (or 'inside').
One of my six Soul Family members is a 'Guide.' She is an entity who calls herself "Malayna." Her 'job' is to watch, support, and guide Souls both in the Spirit World and in their forays into denser realms of experience. Malena or a form of Malena is usually present to meet me or guide me or watch me when I leave an Earth School experience. She is an immensely loving, supportive, understanding and giving being. She is also stern and firm when I need it. While her presence is always supportive, she is not an enabler; she is firm to call me on places, beliefs or patterns to which I have become overly attached. My progress is her primary concern and, unfortunately, I have gotten overly comfortable with several patterns that she has tried to help me confront and detach from, namely, my tendency to choose 'loner' or isolationist life patterns due to the self-pity and low self-worth that I have attached myself to. Perhaps this is why I've been told that practicing "gentleness"--especially gentleness with and for my Self--is the number one priority I'm supposed to try to practice while in this Drew Fisher incarnation.
Another member of Journeyman Paul's Innermost Circle is the Soul currently incarnated as my wife, Toril. I feel quite privileged to know that Toril is Journeyman Paul's Other Half, his Twin Flame, his Universal Twin. Toril and Paul were 'born' into Creation together during the First Individuation. When God created this world of Duality it became a condition that the Divine Spark in each of Her Participants would agree to work from the perspective of the Illusion of Separation, that is, from an illusory perspective that we are outside of and separate from God even though this is, in fact, a lie. God-ness is our True Essence. It always was and always will be.
Toril and Paul are the outcomes of this agreement to participate in the process of Creating the Illusion of Separation. We were 'born' as one, yet in (separate) forms, as representatives of the Great Plan, the Idea of Duality. We are polar opposites, negative and positive, yin and yang, female and male. From the same seed pod we entered into a 'World' of Form created through a 'stepping down' in vibration to that of a slightly slower, denser level than that of our Divine Origin.
Though every Soul participating in the Realm of Creation, in the Illusion of Separation, is born with a Polar Twin, not every Soul chooses to work with their Twin. Toril and Paul have chosen to work separately on many occasions. We have also chosen to work together on many occasions. As described in Episode 14: "The Cosmic Game of Hide and Seek," we know that our 'play time' together in these current incarnations on Earth were hard fought--that we were required to earn our time together in this, Toril's last Earth incarnation.
We also know that there were not many Earth excursions in which we had easy paths. More often Toril and Paul created Life Plans spattered with many obstacles to scenarios of blissful love because we knew that our greatest potentialities for growth and progress lay in paths of in which we are forced to struggle with the Illusion of Separation. This is, in fact, a mirror and metaphor for the very journey that all Souls are on ever since they were birthed into Creation, into the world of Dualities, into the Illusion of Separation: We are trying to re-gain total and eternal immersion with the God-Consciousness; using the Illusion of Separation, we are creating scenario after scenario which help us to first progress as far away from god-Consciousness as possible in order to then try to figure out how to undo the shackles of illusory perspectives, so that we can rediscover our God-ness and Wholeness. It is through testing ourselves with these 'deep sea dives' into the murkiest 'matter,' the densest pressures, the slowest vibrational confines, that we can rise up to our greatest achievements.
Another member of Journeyman Paul's Soul Family is currently incarnated on Earth as my daughter, Madeline. Madeline and Paul have, I know, played other lifetimes as partners, lovers, as well as other blood relatives. This helps to explain our incredibly close bond.
My other daughter from this incarnation as Drew Fisher, Hannah, is noncommittal as to whether or not she is in Journeyman Paul's Soul Family. "Maybe," she says to me as she usually floats above the rest of us like an angel. Perhaps she has been in Paul's Soul Family and is moving into another; perhaps she is testing the waters, thinking about joining us. My intuition thinks the former is more likely as the Angel Hannah recently informed me that she and Paul had twice been born into Earth incarnations as twins and that we had also often played important roles as adversaries for one another.
Mimi and Kevin--the same Mimi and Kevin of podcast Episode 21--presented themselves as two more members of Journeyman Paul's most intimate circle of Souls in a recent LBL session.
There is also a 'giant' of a male soul who, until recently, has usually remained rather silent, distant, and noncommital in my 'meetings' with Journeyman Paul's Soul Family. I know that he watches and 'walks' with me but that he is also very involved in many other important jobs in the spirit world. I call him Peter because he told me that he is playing a supportive role in the current life of my brother of that name. When Peter has chosen to interact with me, he offers incredibly loaded yet Self-empowering tidbits using very dramatic scenes and forms to do so. I always find the gift of his attentions to be quite overwhelming, humbling, and emotional. He tends to give me "things" that contain layers upon layers of latent meaning and symbolism--and which serve to spur me on--no, which demand of me that I seek deeper, bigger, stronger, more powerful and more active and outgoing versions of my Self to bring to the World.
One aspect of the Soul Family concept might be difficult to comprehend. That is the fact that we each have our own Soul Family each made up of its own distinctly different members. For example, Toril's Soul Family contains only two other members common to Journeyman Paul's Family. Hannah and Madeline each have their own Soul Families of which Paul may or may not be a member. Also, the listener may have noticed that Journeyman Paul's Innermost Circle does not contain any of Drew Fisher's family of origin blood relatives. Not my mother, not my father, not any of my brothers, not any of my grand parents--though all of these were present as Souls in that greater community of 89 that I mentioned before--and would consider that all of these contributed greatly, lovingly, and positively to my life as Drew Fisher. Neither is the mother of my daughters in this Earth incarnation present in Journeyman Paul's Soul Family--nor any of the deep profound loves I had in this life (aside from Mimi and Toril, of course). My point is: When it comes to the make up of your Soul Family, don't get attached to your expectations. In fact, it may serve you better to expect the unexpected!
The Soul Family is that small, intimate group of souls that works together to best support an individual Soul's progress and growth. I imagine that the Soul Families are 'governed' or counseled--and perhaps even brought together--by that individual's Soul Council or Council of Wise Elders as The Councils are really the true guides for overseeing whatever it takes to provide the best service and support for the advancement and progress of a particular individual soul. Everyone has their own individual Path in the effort to try to "break the spell" of the Illusion of Separation--to get back to total and complete immersion and re-union with the Unified Field Consciousness, with the Divine Source, with our God-ness. The Soul Family and the Council of Wise Elders are part of the team that is trying to help each individual soul achieve evolution and re-unification successfully.
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