It is time that I provide some foundational information regarding the composition of the Life Force. To do this I need to broach the topic of what know as "The Cosmic Rays."
There is a spiritual 'blood' that flows through all of Creation, an energy that supports all form and movement. Many teachers, writings and traditions refer to the Cosmic Rays or use other names and concepts which refer to a flowing, life-giving fluid, "æther" or energy. In the systems I've been drawn to learn from, the the term "Cosmic Rays" refer to the full spectrum of vibrational force or "light" that provides form, motion and life force to all Creation. Though there are hundreds of cosmic rays to study, for our needs here we are going to introduce the basic three and discuss their roles in Cosmic Creation.
In my previous podcast we talked about The Plan. The Plan is structured and revealed by Cosmic Ray 3--the Ray of Knowledge and Information, the Ray of Active Intelligence, the Ray of intellect, thought constructs, and belief systems. Ray 3 is also the governing and guiding Ray of our creative centers, specifically, the sacral and throat centers or the Sixth and Third Chakras. These centers, acting cooperatively as sister centers, serve to support Earth-bound expression and creativity. The sacral center uses Ray 3 to help us construct our physical form, deal with our animal and social needs, and, most importantly, in our creative expression within important relationships (e.g., self, friends, lovers, blood relatives, location, Earth, and money). The throat center uses Ray 3 to help try to urge us to express our highest truths--our highest understanding of "Beauty," "Joy," and "Love"--to the world. Cosmic Ray 3 is also the governing Ray of our Mental Body.
Ray 2 is the Ray of Love and Wisdom, the energy that recognizes the Divinity in all things and which then embraces those things. Ray 2 helps us to embrace The Plan with the full support of our current understanding of the Greatest Truths and Wisdom. Ray 2 governs our solar plexus center or Fifth Chakra--which serves to try to appropriately digest all forms of information we choose to 'ingest' or pay attention to in the effort to continually nourish and update or "self"--that is, our personal definition of who we are. We process and 'keep' the foodstuffs that are nutritious to our selves while letting the less useful material pass through to be discarded as waste. For now. Things can change and we might find ourselves trying new 'foods' or information or gleaning new 'nutrients' from old familiar foods. Ray 2 also governs the heart center or the Fourth Chakra. The heart center is where we figure out our purpose, having come to know and, hopefully, like our selves, we figure out how our unique and specific talents might serve or find use in the world.
Ray 1 is the Ray of Will and Power--of will-power. Ray 1 is the 'fuel' that makes our vehicles go. Interestingly, Ray 1 is the governing Ray of the basic center, Seventh or Root Chakra, as well as of the crown center or First Chakra. So Ray 1 gives us the will and energy to be committed to our chosen form and to the laws, basic structures and limitation that come with such a commitment. Ray 1--as do all the Rays--imbues all of the chakras, all of Life, and Form, every star, human, atom, and quanta, but it provides a much stronger influence over certain systems--like our body's boney system, the basic forms of our human and causal bodies, the essential fluid systems of human life such as that which comes form and flows through the Spleen center, the blood's plasma, the nervous system, and, most importantly, the cerebral spinal fluid--that most sacred and rarified fluid which bathes, nourishes, and protects the brain, spinal cord, nerve trunks, and interstitial spaces. Fittingly, Ray 1 is also the Ray of Sacrifice--though sacrifice here refers to our ability and intention to treat everything with the same sacred reverence as the Godhood that is in it, from which we came, which unifies all things. Therefore, Ray 1 is the Ray which helps us to make everything sacred.
With this rather quick and ultra-simplified introduction to the Three Primary Sacred Rays, I will continue on to the original topic, that of Love.
As mentioned above, Ray 2 is the primary Ray of Love--or, to be specific, Love and Wisdom. Love and Wisdom are our connecting flow to the Beautiful Truth that all forms, all constructs, all Creation are but expressions of Divine Love and Divine Will and that, by using the Divine Plan, we, reflections of that Divine Source--we who have willingly and lovingly "bought into," "accepted," or "signed up for" this adventure--we souls acting under the illusion of individuality and independence--have all actually participated in the creation of The Plan. Yes, the Divine Essence within each of us--the Divine Essence that is, in fact, our TRUE nature--has participated in the creation process that has led to the very world and conditions to which we have voluntarily subjected ourselves. Ray 2, when allowed full flow, provides the wise and unconditional love to support all Creation, all forms, all thoughts, all events, and all experiences--i.e. all information which is imbued by the Active Intelligence of Ray 3. Ray 2 enables us to recognize the Divinity in all things, in everything, because we are able to recognize our shared essence, we are able to recognize and embrace our common Source, our True Selves, in everything in and around us. Everything is empowered by Divine Will, embraced through Divine Love, and fabricated according to the Divine Plan--which we all helped create for our own playground, for the pursuit of our own adventures, for the staging of our own plays. Ray 2 is Love in its highest, most pure and condition-less form. To know Ray 2, to have access to Ray 2, to have the ability to use Ray 2, are gifts that cannot but help you rise above your Earthly conditions, your limited beliefs and patterns.
But, as I mentioned from the very beginning of this podcast series: There is no right or wrong; there is no good or evil, there is no black or white, there is no yin or yang in the Realm of the Divine Source, the Formless One, the Great Ocean of Eternal Is. The creations of form and structure, of objective and subjective, of opposites and spectra, of possibilities and probabilities, of choices and consequences, of cause and effect, of thought and emotion, are all but constructs, fabrications, game fields created for entertainment, for adventure, for travel, for experience. By recognizing this, by allowing acceptance, love, and detachment to flow openly, you enable your Higher Mind to run the show--you allow your spiritual self to drive the vehicle, you allow your self to remember that you are just using a vehicle, that you are not just riding a roller coaster over which you have little or no control (although you did participate in the planning and creation of this particular roller coaster)--the spiritual perspective of Higher Mind allows you to recognize that you are in fact the driver of the vehicle, that you can take your vehicle wherever you want to, that it is just a vehicle: temporary, limited, subject to wear and aging according to your understanding of the lows of your world, but that it is just a tool that you chose specifically for the experiences it could provide you. To live in full consciousness of one's Higher Self one might be tempted to play around with the so-called "laws" of your world---to experiment with higher creation--as is your right and True Essence. But, that would kind of defeat the purpose for which you chose the Earth School and for which you chose the human form.
We are human. We are on Earth--what we call the 21st Century. It is the age of technological wizardry. We chose this. We chose this time and place specifically for the lessons it will offer us. Unfortunately, most of us have gotten too comfortable--actually, addicted--to our rapacious technological world. Within the limited confines of our addictions we have lost touch with our True Selves. Our flow of Ray 2 is murky and congested--just as our bloodstreams and revers and oceans are. Our inhibited glow of Ray 2 has manifest itself in our personal health struggles, in our lack of love and respect for ourselves--our bodies, our relationships, our environment, our life-supporting Mother. The consequences--the karmic returns of such inhibited soul life is pain, suffering, diseases, distortion, deceit, denial, fear, anger, destruction, and demise. I will remind you that in the Great Scheme of things there is nothing wrong, nothing bad about any of these forms or processes. They all offer information valuable for self-reflection, self-awareness, self-development and more. And I'm not saying that one cannot en-joy pain, suffering, anger and fear. With a certain perspective, one can find Joy, Beauty, Truth and Love in everything. But, I wish to remind you that we always, in every moment, have a choice as to whether we're going to observe, interact, and participated in life through Suffering or Fear or through Joy and Love. Suffering is but a heavier vibrational form of Joy and Will as Fear is but a thicker, denser form of Love and Will, so there is no right or wrong. I just know from personal experience that pain, suffering, fear, anger, resentment, guilt, remorse, low self-esteem, despair and self-pity are more difficult to wash away--they take longer, much more effort to purge and expunge, because, like tar, molasses, or even mud, they are thicker, heavier, denser and stickier. A spiritual perspective is lighter, more liberating and, if truth be told, much more fun.
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