The Personality is the artificial, temporary, and constantly-morphing (and often multi-dimensional and selectively interchangeable) construct of that which we present to the world (and to ourselves). The Ego and its personae and personalities represent tools we can--and do--use for the negotiation of our way throughout the matrix of the four-dimensional Earth School environment.
The Ego is available as a survival tool so long as we believe that the Earth and the human bodymind that we are using to travel throughout the Earth School experience is "real": so long as we give our power (and trust) to the perceptions of our senses, feelings, and thoughts. But the Soul (or, more accurately, the Causal Body) is programmed to send a constantly pulsing beacon, or signal, to the Ego-driven bodymind, a signal whose purpose is to provide a constant and unwavering reminder that there is more: that there are other, different, more-expanded perspectives from which we can see, experience, and learn from our Earth-based human experience. Intuition, empathy, intellectual curiosity, dream, imagination, coincidence, inspiration, even preferences can offer us glimpses of these "bigger" awarenesses, these "alternate" perspectives. Intuition, empathy, curiosity, dreams, imagination, awareness of coincidences, unexpected inspirations and/or preferences are not the friends of the Ego and its stable of "reality"-dependent personalities. Intuition, empathy, curiosity, dreams, imagination, awareness of coincidences, unexpected inspirations and/or preferences are disruptors: provocateurs that cause the Ego to consider things outside its comfortable box of control. While the Ego is flexible and adaptive to new "expansive" information, it is not as comfortable with, or accommodating of, sudden and "large" disruptors--and definitely less so the longer it has been allowed to reign over the human bodymind with its own beliefs, values, and personalities. Once the Ego has been allowed to get set in its ways, it becomes very difficult to open its mind much less unseat it.
In an interesting little aside: when the Ego/Personality is misaligned--or in outright conflict--with the Soul/Causal Body (Spirit's "Plan" and goals for our Earth School experience), there can result the phenomenon known as the "headache." Getting the Ego/Personality in line with one's spiritual objectives can effect the disappearance of the discomfort of the headache--even reverse the pattern created that causes the headaches. It is here important to remember that when a symptom of pain or discomfort reveals itself in the physical body, that is the Soul/Causal Bodies "last ditch" effort to gain the Ego's attention in order to (finally) deal with a disharmonizing or imbalancing issue or pattern within your core being. Giving the proper attention to resolve the issue (usually founded in some sort of immature or mistaken perception, (ignorance) or in a rather severe attachment to one [or several] of the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation) the physical, emotional, or mental "crisis" can be reversed. However, being a "last ditch" method to raise awareness and garner attention, the symptoms of dis-ease can make full functioning of the physical vehicle that we are using for our Earth-based experience rather uncomfortable, sometimes untenable (which may lead to the demise and eventual uninhabitability of the host vehicle).
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