The physical body of this Earth-bound "human" perspective that you are currently using was created for you in order for You to participate in the game we English-speaking humans can call "21st Century Earth-based Human." The physical body is no more real than the game we are playing and should be treated with exactly the same amount of attention and care that you desire to invest in playing the game. When you get bored, depressed, feeling frustrated or defeated, you might give your physical body less care and attention than is required to "play" the game with the full-realization of your character/vehicle's potentialities. I understand this for, after all, it's just a game and it's just a body: an illusory fabrication of our intelligent and very active imagination. What you may have forgotten is that it is You who signed up to play this game--and when You did sign up, You and a team of friends and confidantes put in a lot of work into the planning of what you'd like to see yourself accomplish in this round of the game. Yes, there are many, many other games--or versions of this same game--that You could have chosen, but You didn't; You chose this game, and this is the vehicle you're stuck with due to the laws of human biology and mammalian genetics that You bought into (when You signed up for this game--and committed by allowing Your Self to be invested and ensouled in your current bodymind). But remember: this physical body is also a metaphor: the information it delivers to your mammalian brain--that your human Ego processes and interprets--is meant to deliver messages in metaphor: Whatever you experience sensually, or perceptually through your human senses, is offering you information about the learning opportunities that are currently available to you. You have managed to maneuver this human vehicle through life to this point while paying attention to some informational cues and ignoring others while they all have something to offer you in terms of provoking and taking advantage of the learning and growth opportunities You came to Earth to try to take advantage of.
The metaphorical relationships between physical symptoms or conditions can be connected to generalized symptoms of conditions of spiritual distress. For example:
- A headache is often an indication of "head-to-head" conflict or misalignment between the human Ego and the Spiritual Plan (the Causal Body). If the headache has a muscular component or etiology, it is likely to be a reflection of something, some person, or some issue in you life that is irritating, what we call a "pain in the neck" if a neck pain issue or "something hard to chew" if it's a temporal-mandibular joint issue.
- Cancer of the liver means some very serious and important issue of unprocessed and, therefore, festering anger has been left unaddressed for such a long time that your body is demanding your attention, the consequence of inaction being termination of the contract of use for the current vehicle of Earth-based human experience (death).
- A broken bone is the delivery mechanism of the message that you need to slow down, take a break from current patterns and behaviors, in order to reconsider your approaches to life and living through a human bodymind.
- A birth defect or congenital deformity or genetic is the expression of the need to reflect and make corrective action with regards to patterns carried on within the family bloodline, such as arrogance/lack of appropriate gratitude and humility.
- A cold is your body's way of telling you to slow down, take a temporary break from normal activities in order to rethink and/or reestablish healthy(-ier) patterns for breathing, human interaction, and/or self care.
- An intestinal flu is an example of your body reflecting your being's need for complete shut down from normal activity in order to process, purge, and/or cleanse some toxic thinking or behavior patterns.
- MS (multiple sclerosis) is a resultant consequence of longterm patterns of overly-rigid, controlling beliefs, thought and behavior patterns: the loss of control of normal bodily functions is intended to teach humility and "letting go" of abnormal conflagration of control issues (control of both self and others and/or the external environment).
- Left-side issues are sending the signal that you are out of balance (weak) in terms of taking care of your self in lieu of taking care of others whereas right-sided issues , front-facial issues connote an obsession with the future; back-side issues indicate inappropriate connection and/or obsession with issues in the past.
Etc., etc. Each and every malady, disease, even the tiniest ache or most fleeting pain, offers our conscious brain and unconscious mind an opportunity to reconnect, that is, to check in and pay attention to very specific issues that our Higher Consciousness wants us to attend to. The bigger the issue, the more serious the need; the more life-threatening the issue, the more essential the need for change and correction.
The more disabling the physical issues, the more serious the need to stop and figure out what lesson we're avoiding paying attention to. This latter part of the statement is the core essence of the way in which the physical body serves the Monad during the Earth-based human excursion: as a means to remind the human that there are non-physical issues that are being ignored or inappropriately dealt with--which is detrimental to the health of the human vehicle. As my teacher used to say: If you aren't dealing with your spiritual or psychological issues with appropriate seriousness, your body will let you know. The body is the Soul's last ditch alarm for forcing you to address--even in some small way--deeper, more long-lasting issues of the psyche or spirit. If the issues are not appropriately dealt with and resolved, the body (and mind) will continue to exhibit symptoms to force you to slow down and "take care of your self."