Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Everything Is Metaphor: The World "Outside" You

To Monadic Consciousness, all Earthly human experiences are but agents for individual growth and expanded awareness of the Truths and Mysteries of Creation; in effect, every thing is a metaphor. "You"--or, in your case, "I" is a metaphor: a vehicle for the planned accumulation and accrual of experience. You are much more than the perceptions that your human consciousness filters like a myopic telescope. That which you believe is "outside" you ("you" here being understood as the perspective of your human bodymind) is a matrix or field of information in which your illusory bodymind floats, flows, and negotiates meaning and significance. In truth, nothing exists outside you and nothing exists without you: you are a point of perspective within The All that exists by the grace of The All for the sheer experience of experiencing perspective, and the infinite variations of individuated perspective. Everything in your field of perspective is an illusion created precisely to allow the experience of experiencing perspective of all and everything Creation can possibly be; we are limited in our "view" only by how occluded (ignorant) we are in our perception of our Selves. The Earth-based human experience was created as a base for the exploration of psycho-emotional experience and to experiment with the depths of depravity one can experience while maxing out the Illusion of Separation. (The Illusion of Separation is the Illusion, you will recall, that allows us to experience the illusion of separation from our permanent state of unity with The All. If occluded from the truth of our permanent and unchanging state of unity with The All one could, of course, experience some anxiety, sense of loss, perhaps sadness, and "Divine discontent"--for the impelling desire to reclaim that which we have allowed ourselves to feel as lost.) The goal of this depraved condition of Ignorance was designed to test our personal resolve in the effort to reacquire those Original States of Universal Consciousness, that is, the All perspective of non-perspectivity, or what the Taoists call "Wu Wei," a state of perfect accordance with the natural state of Unity Consciousness.

Everything that you perceive as "outside" you has been created for your use in this quest for expanded consciousness (diminished ignorance, increasing re-awareness of our own Divinity, of the illusory nature of all Creation). The part that we forget (especially in especially deep states within the Illusion of Separation in which we find ourselves deeply mired in victimhood and depravity) is that we, Ourselves, had a very significant role in setting up the conditions in which we find our human vehicle: that we had a very active role in creating the Plan that we had for this Earth-based human adventure--with clearly defined and shared goals and objectives planned out for the "lifetime" we committed to. And more: we are in every single moment playing an active role (whether conscious or unconscious) in the manifestation of our "external" "surroundings" and the events and possibilities they offer us--all according to those learning goals and objectives that we set in motion when we signed up for this adventure ride. There is nothing real in your surroundings--unless you choose to give it the power of "being real." There is nothing in the world "outside" you that can harm the real You--nothing that can alter the fact that you are only playing at the games available to you as an individuated point of perspective in the Cosmic Illusion of "Creation," that you are--and always will be--a part of the Great Unity Consciousness, The All. The game your Monad chose to participate in (Earth-based human in a so-called "21st Century") is just a game, and like any game, you will have success if you play by the game's rules but You will have greater success if you are able to remember that these are just rules to a game, that, like any game, you can choose to play as long as you like, that you can also choose to stop playing this particular game, or you can choose to fight against the rules of the game and see what experiences that brings you. It is most important to try to remember that there is no right or wrong: that there is absolutely nothing  that you can say or do that will jeopardize the fact that you are, at day's end, always an essential part of The All--no, in fact, you ARE The All! Your choices to participate in the games of experience, using the Grand Illusions of Cosmic Creation, are inherently distracting and deluding you from remembering your Ultimate Divine Unity. Use the "outside" world as it was intended: for your strength, will, and expanding awareness of your own Divinity--i.e. for increased (deepening) Self-awareness and, ultimately, as fodder toward Self-Realization. Or not! You can certainly use the information bombarding you (at all times) from the "outside" to reinforce and secure your Ignorance--even to deepen your immersion into the Illusions of Deprivation, but, ultimately, it is the plan of every individuated point of perspective to hear and follow that inner beacon of "Divine discontent": the beacon that is trying to remind you, at every second of every day, that you are Complete, you are Perfect, you are not alone, you are always and forever a part of the Great Field of Unified Consciousness; the beacon that is trying to assure you that everything is going to be all right because it's all game, that all of Creation exists purely for Our entertainment--for the exploration of everything and anything that is possible.

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