Is the Goal of the Monadic World 'Divine Reunion'?
Before we can begin a discussion of the possibility that the current course of human evolution is downward, in a descent toward greater ignorance and more extended and creative uses of the Grand Illusions of Duality, we must consider what the goals, aims, or purpose of the Spirit or Monadic "World" might be.
Until recently, I thought that in being oriented from an Earth-bound, human perspective I was supposed to aim high, to seek The Light, to look upward towards Heaven. I thought that the primary purpose or ultimate goal of my core being, of my "soul," if you will, was to do everything in my power to figure out how to return to Oneness with the Unified Field, to be reunited with the Divine Source of my Life Force, to return to the State of Pure Consciousness. I had made the assumption that soul-return, and God-return, were the aims of every person's existence--even if only unconsciously--as if we each had homing beacons inside us that were tirelessly trying to steer us back to our One True Source.
Now I have changed my mind.
Now I believe that we are in no hurry, that, in fact, we may be far more interested in exploring the depths and depravities of the Illusions of Duality than in returning to God-Unity. Let me try to retrace the steps I took to get to this stage of understanding.
The Human Experiment
If Pure Consciousness (God) is unbound by Time, then any step away from anything but Pure Consciousness entails buying into illusory constructs of belief and behavior, such as the Illusion of Separation, the illusions of fragmentation, changeability, need, failure, requirement, judgment and condemnation, conditionality, superiority and ignorance, as well as the illusions of space and time--in which Time becomes the key reference of measurement.
I have finally come to understand that the human experiment was devised as an effort to move consciousness further away from the timeless, unity consciousness of Pure Consciousness. This was set in motion because . . . because we can. Because we Monads are co-creators. Because we are active participants in the creation and play of the "games" we play in order to gather experiences. Because it is another challenge, another way to test our Selves.
The further consciousness moves away from Unity Consciousness and its state of timelessness, the slower, more immersed or trapped in time and in slower, heavier vibrational states of being it is. We Monads want to see--we want to feel--what that feels and looks like. We want to test our Selves against the deepest veils of Ignorance, against the deepest trappings of the Great Illusions of Duality. However, as my personal experience as Journeyman Paul has shown me, the feel of feelings, the 'brainwashing' of sentient existence, is quite powerful and engaging--even overwhelmingly and distractively so. Once engaged, it is quite difficult to extract or detach one's mind and consciousness from sensuality and rationality. A lifetime spent using these perspectives--using the Illusions--takes some time to decompress and extricate from. This information led me to ruminate upon the choices Monads make--the myriad options that are (probably) available to them--and why they make the choices they do--like the one to come to Earth and use "21st Century" "Homo sapiens sapiens" vehicles for their adventures.
The Current State of Planet Earth and Our Human Species
But just how dark and depraved--how veiled and ignorant--are we 21st Century humans? How 'distant' are we from Pure Consciousness? If Pure Consciousness is the state of dimensionless, timeless ubiquity, and each step away from 100% Pure Consciousness involves the use or buying into Illusions of Separation, Fragmentation, Isolation, and measurable, linear movement and activity, then where on a 'scale of consciousness' would we put humans--and where on the same 'consciousness scale' would we put monads?
My intuition and logic have me believe that the human state of consciousness is more distant from the Original Unifying State of Pure Consciousness than that of a "spiritual" monad--and that we are using the Illusions of Duality to a much greater degree than previously. But where on the 'consciousness scale' would we place each of them? Let's explore this question a little further looking at the Homo sapiens sapiens question. And let's use a little of our own human ingenuity to do so.
Using Science to Support the Descending Evolution Theory
It is scientific fact that there is a correlation between brain size and intelligence. Larger brains predict higher intelligence and apparently science has ample proof to support this--though I wonder how widely the definition of "intelligence" varies between scientists. But the real question is: Are humans on a path that shows increasing or decreasing brain use and, thus, correspondingly, increasing or decreasing intelligence? What does science say about this matter?
Are We Addicted to Four-dimensional Earth-based Experience? My intuition and logic have me believe that the human state of consciousness is more distant from the Original Unifying State of Pure Consciousness than that of a "spiritual" monad--and that we are using the Illusions of Duality to a much greater degree than previously. But where on the 'consciousness scale' would we place each of them? Let's explore this question a little further looking at the Homo sapiens sapiens question. And let's use a little of our own human ingenuity to do so.
Using Science to Support the Descending Evolution Theory
It is scientific fact that there is a correlation between brain size and intelligence. Larger brains predict higher intelligence and apparently science has ample proof to support this--though I wonder how widely the definition of "intelligence" varies between scientists. But the real question is: Are humans on a path that shows increasing or decreasing brain use and, thus, correspondingly, increasing or decreasing intelligence? What does science say about this matter?
Anthropologists say that the evolution of Homo sapiens over the past two million years had been marked by a steady increase in brain size (though much of this can be accounted for by corresponding increases in body size). Intelligence seemed to have increased over much of that time as well. It is, however, scientific fact that human brain size has been decreasing since its peak about 28,000 years ago. At 1600 cubic centimeters, the Neanderthal species had the largest recorded brain size among Earth's recent samples of hominids. (Current human brain sizes average between 1200 and 1300 cubic centimeters--this despite overall increases in average size among modern day Homo sapiens sapiens.) With this in mind, it only makes sense to predict that human intelligence has been commensurately decreasing over the same 28,000 years. This seems to line up with my belief that "smaller thinking," that is, more self-centered, isolated, robotic, fear-based thinking and behaviors, have become more the dominant "intelligence" of the evolutionary trail of Homo sapiens sapiens during this, its "civilized" phase of history. It seems to me our smaller brains have caused us to become much more docile, passive, fear-motivated, and herd-like over recent millennia. This is, to my mind, ever so obvious with our current state of mass human complacency during a time in which the impending collapse of everything that supports human life and so-called "civilization" is occurring. The progressively increasing rate of mass species extinctions that has been caused by human-induced global climate change is truly cause for alarm, if only because we humans are not so far down the chain of species at risk. And yet, nobody seems excited enough to do anything, much less change their consumer-comfort behaviors. Look at Sao Paolo, Brazil: 20 million people with less than 90 days of fresh water left and nothing is being done! Talk about denial! And California! The food basket of the United States is in the middle of a 30-year drought that is causing radical modifications and limitations to fresh water supply and distribution. And yet, it's business as usual for those 40 million inhabitants (and their very dependent neighbors)! Denial and "the bliss of ignorance" are the runaway choices for our species' preferred mental states!
Part of my inquiry is driven by the belief I have that Monads are using four-dimensional human vehicles expressly for the test of diving as deeply as one can away from the Unity of Pure Consciousness--in the curiosity of what would it be like, and "how far can we go" and yet still maintain the hope of success in "getting back," that is, in recognizing our spiritual nature, our God-ness, the spark of the Divine Oneness of Pure Consciousness (if the Monads in question are in fact still cognizant of that End Goal).
I believe that we Monads have become addicted to the thrill, to the challenge, of how deeply we can dive into devolutionary states of four-dimensional consciousness. The fact that we have chosen to continue using a four-dimensional vehicle, the most recent model being Homo sapiens sapiens, which has been losing brain capacity, losing intelligence over the measurable time of its existence on Earth, only re-confirms my theory that we are using the Earth-based human bodymind as a vehicle for testing how low can we go--how deep, how far away from God-consciousness can we go--what does that experience feel like, etc. But more, I believe that we--or, at least a certain percentage of us (those that are choosing to jump on board the sinking ship that is 21st Century humankind)-- have become addicted to the challenge of doing something that no one else has done before. Like thrill seekers. We have become adrenaline addicts.
I have even come to surmise that these beings which use four-dimensional experience as their 'playground' have become so familiar, so comfortable, so attached to the constructs, behaviors and thinking patterns of their four-dimensional (Earth-based) vehicular hosts that they have become accustomed or even addicted to those patterns. Just as we Americans have become accustomed (or, some would argue, addicted) to having shoes, clothes, our own car, our own telephone, our own computer, etc., we "monads" have become accustomed (or addicted) to being emotional, to being four-dimensional, to using and regularly acquiring new human vehicles for the transportation and gathering of information.
Please let me insert here my personal definition of what constitutes an addiction. I believe a person has an addiction when one becomes so possessed by the pursuit of an object, feeling, or state of being that s/he lets other needs and/or obligations and relationships suffer--like basic nutrition and self-care (including a well-balanced diet, proper sleep, and basic hygiene), effective two-way communication with and attention to family and friends, commitments to contractual agreements like school, jobs, scheduled appointments, etc. I think that Monads can (and, perhaps, have) become so obsessed by the challenge of the pursuit of the deepest descent into four-dimensional sentience, into the most complicated and convoluted uses of the Illusions, that they forget their other "business" as well as the other choices available to them in the Spirit World.
I believe that we Monads have become addicted to the thrill, to the challenge, of how deeply we can dive into devolutionary states of four-dimensional consciousness. The fact that we have chosen to continue using a four-dimensional vehicle, the most recent model being Homo sapiens sapiens, which has been losing brain capacity, losing intelligence over the measurable time of its existence on Earth, only re-confirms my theory that we are using the Earth-based human bodymind as a vehicle for testing how low can we go--how deep, how far away from God-consciousness can we go--what does that experience feel like, etc. But more, I believe that we--or, at least a certain percentage of us (those that are choosing to jump on board the sinking ship that is 21st Century humankind)-- have become addicted to the challenge of doing something that no one else has done before. Like thrill seekers. We have become adrenaline addicts.
I have even come to surmise that these beings which use four-dimensional experience as their 'playground' have become so familiar, so comfortable, so attached to the constructs, behaviors and thinking patterns of their four-dimensional (Earth-based) vehicular hosts that they have become accustomed or even addicted to those patterns. Just as we Americans have become accustomed (or, some would argue, addicted) to having shoes, clothes, our own car, our own telephone, our own computer, etc., we "monads" have become accustomed (or addicted) to being emotional, to being four-dimensional, to using and regularly acquiring new human vehicles for the transportation and gathering of information.
Please let me insert here my personal definition of what constitutes an addiction. I believe a person has an addiction when one becomes so possessed by the pursuit of an object, feeling, or state of being that s/he lets other needs and/or obligations and relationships suffer--like basic nutrition and self-care (including a well-balanced diet, proper sleep, and basic hygiene), effective two-way communication with and attention to family and friends, commitments to contractual agreements like school, jobs, scheduled appointments, etc. I think that Monads can (and, perhaps, have) become so obsessed by the challenge of the pursuit of the deepest descent into four-dimensional sentience, into the most complicated and convoluted uses of the Illusions, that they forget their other "business" as well as the other choices available to them in the Spirit World.
Were we to step back from the human equation we might be reminded of the fact that there are other choices--that we do not have to use human beings, Earth School, or even four-dimensionality as vehicles for our growth and learning. But, addictions have a way of clouding out all other choices, of creating myopic tunnel vision of perceived choices. Were we Monads able to divest ourselves of the baggage and familiarity of human incarnation we might also remember that we have our own work to do that does not necessarily require us to slow our vibrational fields down in order to adapt to a more cretinous state of conscious awareness. We could and can choose higher evolution, that is, we could choose a focus on true Self-realization and re-unification with our God-hood. But right now a lot of Monads seem quite content (or obsessed) with the Game that is "21st Century Homo sapiens sapiens."
But why? Why are so many Monads stuck in this loop of Earth School dependency? I think that it has something to do with pride! Or perhaps it has to do with all of the proverbial "seven deadly sins." (They are, after all, "deadly" for a reason!) The deeper into ignorance and illusion we can immerse our Monads and still climb out, still find a way back to Monad consciousness, the more we can toot our horn and puff up our chests to say, "I did it!"
"I" did it.
Within that little prideful phrase lies a clue to one of the major flaws of our Earth School addiction: the motivation to test our Selves has become totally Ego-driven, totally selfish; it has lost it's Unity-driven motivation. We have become totally immersed and dependent upon the Grand Illusions of Creation--and oblivious to the Beauty, Joy, Truth, and Love of re-memberance and reunification with our Divine Source. We have become more enamored of our experiments and adventures into Darkness and negligent and forgetful of our connection to The Light.
This is not, in my opinion, a sign of progress; this is not illustrative of evolutionary gain. This is not illustrative of Unity- or God-Consciousness shining through and blowing away the illusions of duality, separation, Ego, and dimensionality. This is, to my mind, an example of an addict living in either ignorance or denial of the truth and true reality. We have become addicted to our own creation; addicted to the worlds, forms, constructs of our own imagining. We have forgotten that we have choice, that there are other choices, other options. There is no right or wrong, no better or worse. But there are other options.
"I" did it.
Within that little prideful phrase lies a clue to one of the major flaws of our Earth School addiction: the motivation to test our Selves has become totally Ego-driven, totally selfish; it has lost it's Unity-driven motivation. We have become totally immersed and dependent upon the Grand Illusions of Creation--and oblivious to the Beauty, Joy, Truth, and Love of re-memberance and reunification with our Divine Source. We have become more enamored of our experiments and adventures into Darkness and negligent and forgetful of our connection to The Light.
This is not, in my opinion, a sign of progress; this is not illustrative of evolutionary gain. This is not illustrative of Unity- or God-Consciousness shining through and blowing away the illusions of duality, separation, Ego, and dimensionality. This is, to my mind, an example of an addict living in either ignorance or denial of the truth and true reality. We have become addicted to our own creation; addicted to the worlds, forms, constructs of our own imagining. We have forgotten that we have choice, that there are other choices, other options. There is no right or wrong, no better or worse. But there are other options.
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