Anyway. After hearing this from my wife (I was not present when this information was being shared), I was suddenly inspired to write them a letter. This letter came from my heart, it came from the highest form of Love that I know how to use, and what resulted feels so cathartic--feels as if I have summed up my progress and growth, summed up Who I Think I Am so well that it has left me feeling as if I have shed another layer of four-dimensional muck. Ever since sending this letter I have felt lighter, clear-headed, and very much aware of my bodymind serving as an instrument for gathering information and experience, as if my Earthly form was a conduit of unconditional love, as if I am more consciously aware of the Great Cosmic Dance that I am participating in through this four-dimensional vehicle and its "world."
Everything I do, everything I think, is now more readily and steadily imbued with a wonderfully light and detached perspective of use, choice, curiosity, and amazement. It has been wonderful! And it is truly the result of the cathartic event of putting together and sending (letting go!) of this letter--of the most beautifully and perfectly organized and worded expression of my current truth and Who I Think I Am At This Moment--which, of course, I am not. For now that I have written and sent this letter, it feels as if I have purged myself of that version of my Self and am now ready to experience information to use for the expansion of my self-concept--in preparation for the cathartic expression of the next version of my Self.
For those of you who have been listening to these podcasts from the beginning, you will note the repetition of the theme that I have used several times in which I have expressed my belief--based upon my personal experiences--that all art, all human creativity, is but an expression--and purging--of one's current beliefs and understandings--putting these beliefs and values and understandings in concrete form for one's self to be able to view objectively, to look at and realize "That was me! That was me then! But now I have gotten past that version of me and my truth. Now I am on the road to something else--to another version of my Self that I will create, express and then discard."
This week's letter has accomplished the same thing that my stories and music and dreams and past-life recollections and so many other creative acts have accomplished: they express a version of my truth "outside" of myself so that I can view it, study it, learn from it with some "objectivity," and then (proudly) let go in order to move on to new information and new adventures.
Here is that letter:
Please don’t worry about me! I am fine, I am happy, I am listening to my inner voice, I am doing what I feel I want and need to do. I believe it is in the difference in our respective values that provides the source for your concern. You see, I do not value this human shell, this Earth existence in the same way you do. I look at my body as a vehicle in which I travel (mentally, and emotionally as well as physically). The “I” refer to is the Higher Self who is the true driver of this vehicle—the animator and, in Truth, the Creator of this vehicle. I have contracted to use this Drew Fisher body/vehicle in order to gather experiences and information. I have created a Soul with a complete Plan which helps to guide the vehicle into certain pre-arranged or rather, desirable experiences in order to test my Self, to negotiate through choices and decisions, in order to further my growth along a goal of expanded consciousness.
Thus, I place far less value on what we call “life”—which to me means human life with its made-up set of four-dimensional “physical” and emotion-based “reality.” The only reality that is sure to me is the Divine state of Unified, Pure Consciousness—that place in which form and time are unnecessary. Time and dimensionality only exists as tools for our infinite number of possible adventures—and as tools for the creation of the infinitude of contextual fields that are available to us for our adventures. Earth, the human body form, emotions and physicality, are but simple tools for us to experience adventures. They are mere vehicles of information for us to use. Or not.
We have the option of choice. In every moment of every “day” we are presented with an infinite number of choices. The amazing gift of Divine Consciousness is that there IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG CHOICE! There is no better or worse, no good or evil, Heck! There isn’t even a here or there in the State of Pure Consciousness. Everything just IS. Every thing is just a piece of information available to us for our use. Or not. The choice is ours and ours alone.
So. Again, I do not place the same value on this Drew Fisher bodymind or this 21s Century Earth School contextual field as you might. I value autonomy of choice. I work to try to find Beauty, Truth, Love, and Joy in each and every experience, each and every piece of information. Or, sometimes, I may choose to use Pain and Suffering as the road to my enlightenment. Again, the choice is mine and mine alone.
My choices are not intended to reflect upon how much love I have for myself or for others. I enjoy this human bodymind and enjoy the beauty and experiences that this contextual field we call “Earth” has offered me. And I enjoy and love the other Sparks of the Divine (who are all, in Truth, one with me) who have chosen a human bodymind as a vehicle for their adventures and growth. I am also just as content with knowing that this illusory world, this game of illusions that we have participated in the co-creation of, is only as important as we decide to make it. We all have the choice—at each and every moment—to decide what kind of value we wish to assign this “world,” this “life,” our bodies, our relationships, etc. And we have the choice to change our minds. At each and every moment.
My choices are not yours, they are not Toril’s, they are not Uncle Sam’s or Donald Trump’s. They are MINE. And that is the beauty of this game: we each get to pretend we are our selves, that we are separate, that we have individuality and autonomy, when, in fact, we are all One and we are all Love and we are all Everything Possible.
I’m trying to learn to not get too caught up in the Game—to learn to detach from the “obstacles” that we attract into our lives. That way I can see and Love them for the Beauty and Truth that they offer in their reminder of the fascinating and amazingly creative ways we come up with in order to test our”selves”.
In my belief and value systems, inhibited Soul life is the source of all dis-ease is suffering. I have a body but I am much more than this body that I am using. I have feelings and emotions but I am much more than the feelings and emotions that I use. I have an intellect but I am much more than the thoughts and imaginings of the mind that I am using. I am an individuated spark of the Divine, a wave in the Great Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, a photon in the great Spectrum of Universal Light. I do not have to be anything else. I have chosen a human bodymind on planet Earth, but I do not need it, It will do nothing for me that I already do not have. It is just a vehicle at the carnival. I do not need the carnival or its rides. I do not need anything. But I have chosen to use this ride, this vehicle. And I continue to choose to use this vehicle as well as the contextual field of planet Earth. I have also decided to try to choose mostly to learn and experience through Joy not suffering, through Love not fear, through Truth as best as I can determine it, and through filters of Beauty as best as I can open them.
Thank you for your worry and concern. I am ever grateful and ever inspired by your presence and participation in my Drew Fisher life. But, I am okay! I am very happy with the place I am in and the choices available to me. And be assured that I am working hard on trying to make choices that favor Joy, Love, Truth and Beauty.
I am, as ALWAYS,
Yours, in Peace and Love,
“Drew Fisher”
If I were to die today this would be what I'd like read at my funeral.