Monday, June 8, 2015

The Teachers: Michael Newton, Susan Wisehart and Life-Between-Life Awareness

I had been exposed to the concept of reincarnation and past-lives when I was in college. It resonated with me immediately. It made sense. It felt right. It felt like truth--truth that I had somehow always known but had never really been allowed to consider much less identify with. No one had ever helped me to understand that I had the choice to think of things beyond our own world, our own human lives. With the help of many, many teachers I was able to be re-acquainted with not only the knowledge of the existence of a spiritual world and of other life form possibilities for our spiritual selves, our "souls," but I was able to access alternate realities, alternative vistas of consciousness, and, eventually, other human identities that my own soul had used and/or occupied. But it was not until I stumbled upon Michael Newton's book, Destiny of Souls that I finally found Truth in full tapestry.
     Michael Newton, as you may recall from previous podcasts, is the military-trained hypnotherapist who, while over the course of a lay practice of health-oriented hypnotherapy in which he would routinely audiotape his sessions, was exposed to thousands of hours of treatment sessions in which his clients would "travel" to "places" other than the here and now, other than Earth, other than their own current bodies and lifetimes. A scientist and practical man, Dr. Newton found himself resolutely resistant to considering that any of the alternate lifetime information being revealed in his clients'  hypnotherapy sessions could be based in any kind of reality, suppressed any recognition or validation of these hours of tapes. Then, after forty years he decided to retire from his normal practice, to review all of the tapes and see if he could gather syphon, synthesize any kind of patterns, consistencies, or to support any possibility that there could be any truth or credibility to the hundreds of stories coming out of his clients while under hypnosis. 1994's Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives and 2000's Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives are the results of his findings and continued research and exploration.
     I was lucky enough to stumble upon the two books soon after the second one was published--which was timed beautifully with the "end" of my first marriage, the "end" of my Esoteric Healing training, and the "end" of my discipleship to the Conversation with God book and tape series. Reading destiny of Souls afforded me immediately a deep and profound sense of comfort and relief such as I had never before (as Drew Fisher) felt. And it lasted. It was as if all I had come to believe had been confirmed and validated. It was wonderful!
     After I passed the books on to my current partner, Toril, she immediately suggested that we try to find therapists who had trained with Dr. Newton in order to seek out Life Between Life Therapy sessions for ourselves. We had trouble locating any in our area but felt and immediate and attracted comfortable with Susan Wisehart who was practicing hypnotherapy, soul retrieval and LBL therapy in the Chicago suburbs. This was quite a hike for us, and with our respective commitments to our still-young children, we decided to do our sessions one at a time. Toril went first. Her drive home and entire next few days were filled with wonders and delights from the three-hour session she had with Susan. It is here that I was first reacquainted with a name that is used to identify me (my Monad) in the Spirit World, Paul. Hence, the "Journeyman Paul" title to this podcast series.
     Toril achieved full success in her LBL session: accessing the LBL world through the deathing scene of a previous Earth incarnation (with all of the life-information that comes with re-entering that consciousness), incredibly joyful reunion with her Soul Family--the membership of which posed several astonishing surprises, as well as the culmination of an audience with her Council of Wise Elders in which she was allowed to ask questions and have them answered. A beautiful and profoundly moving, emotional, joy-filled experience that Toril still draws from to this day.
     A year later it was my turn. Susan is so skilled at this work. Her verbal cues prompt but do not provoke, her patience is boundless, her skill at helping the journey get unstuck without providing leading or pushy statements, and, of course, her ability to stay centered, detached and non-judgmental  while at the same time holding the nurturing, sacred space necessary for progressing along one's individual journey is amazing. My session met with several 'stumbling blocks' in that Paul had trouble letting go of emotional baggage from his Earth previous incarnations. Issues of regret, failure,  Low self-esteem, had rendered him stuck in a state of feeling unworthy of love and attention--even in the Spirit World. It took a long time for his journey to even allow him to try to re-join his Soul Family. But eventually he was abel to have a semi-successful reunion--though the frustrations of two of his teacher/guide/mentors were felt and expressed a few times. In retrospect, I now know that I, Drew Fisher, still had some growing and discovery to do in order for me to smoothly and fully experience reunion with my special community in the Spirit World. It was not until my second session with Susan Wisehart--some two years after the first session--that I was able to achieve fully successful and open reunion with my Soul Community--including my guides, my soul family, and my  Council of Wise Elders.
     Life Between Life therapy is something that continues "to give back" long after the session with the trained hypnotherapist happens. Both of my sessions remain alive, accessible, and informing to my present day life on almost a daily basis. The information one acquires during the LBL session offers insights, perspectives, and glimmers of comprehensibility into past, current, and future events and patterns . . . forever. Also, Toril and I have both experienced ready and easy access to new LBL and past life information by review, meditation, or "re-entry" into specific scenes from our LBL sessions with Susan. All of Journeyman Paul's past lives remain accessible and giving of new information so long as I remain interested and focused--or, as I believe to be more accurate, so long as Paul thinks that the information and awareness will be of help to the current growth issues and processes that I am working with.
     While there have been many, many teachers who have helped me with my exposure to and comprehension of reincarnation, past lives, and death and dying, such as Cyril Scott, Elisabeth Haich, Roger Woolger, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Brian Weiss, Robert Ranger, James van Praagh, Sogyal Rinpoche, Sylvia Browne, and, recently, Eben Alexander, none have had the fullness of scope and scientific comprehensiveness that Michael Newton has had. Though self-hypnosis and past-life regression has come easy to me, I have truly benefitted from the training, experience and study that both Michael Newton and Susan Wisehart have committed themselves to in order to bring this information, to bring this therapy, to bring the self-empowering effect of Self-awareness to the world--to me. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Susan. You have been facilitators of great learning and growth.

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