I believe that every person who has chosen to incarnate in human form "on" the planet Earth has the same right to leave--on his or her terms, at any time that he or she deems appropriate. Deaths happen every day and every death causes a ripple of effects within that person's community of loved ones no matter what the circumstances of death, no matter the size of the community, no matter what the ages of those involved. I believe that some Monads and their loving Spiritual counselors plan for an incarnated Soul to have an early exit for the expressed purpose of the gift of 'trials and tribulations,' i.e. pain and suffering, that the experience might offer his or her Earth community. An abortion, a murder, a death in war, a tragic athletic, motor vehicle, scuba diving, or climbing accident can all reveal emotions, responses and reactions from within the being of observers and loved ones which can then offer opportunities for great advancements in self-awareness, learning and growth.
When my niece was diagnosed with Leukemia at age four, I looked into that happy, smiling girl's eyes and new that this event had nothing to do with her own health or mortality. Instead, I knew (through her eyes her Soul conveyed to me) that her cancer was an event that was offered as a rather abrasive 'wake up call' to all of her family members and friends (myself included). The lessons of returning our focus to family and to being more present in the Here and Now were part of what the "gift" of her cancer presented to us. In this way I believe that my niece offered up her human body as a "sacrifice" for the benefit of spiritual "healing" and growth of those around her--especially for her parents. Her life was never really threatened. She new it. I new it. The form of leukemia she contracted has one of the ones that had the most successful and proven cure rate of all cancers on the planet. Even if she were to have had to abandon her human body, her four-dimensional Earth vehicle, she would have been fine--she would be happy back in the Spirit World, busy planning other adventures on her way to increasing Self-awareness and forward-moving Self-improvement--and to helping others along the same path. What a joyful, sacred act of unconditional Love that was! (Thank you, Ali!)
As circumstances get tough in the upcoming Collapse and Near-Term Human Extinction, there may come a time in which individuals or loved ones might make the choice to "give up," to extinguish their lives, to abandon their 'vehicle.' Those people caught up in identifying with social or religious beliefs and mores or who are succumbing to giving their power away to the pressures of "outside forces" will find it difficult to allow for these thoughts or considerations--for themselves or for others. We have allowed "suicide" to accrue such a heavy, negative connotation. The agencies of mass control (religions and governments) are constantly trying to convince us that it is a "bad," "evil," "sinful," "unforgivable," or "eternally damning" choice. They have constructed severe penalties in the effort to induce our fear-based avoidance of this choice.
I am here to remind you, though, that the choice of what you choose to do to or with your body is yours and yours alone. Likewise, the choice of who or what beliefs, groups, labels, or values you wish to attach your Egos to is always yours and yours alone--and no one way is right or wrong, better or worse. I just wish for others to remember that they have the power to let go of that which they cannot (or should not?) control (e.g. others) and that they can consider and, hopefully, learn to respect and allow for alternative perspectives if they can't accept and/or empathize with others. This will be difficult for the many souls on the planet at this time who have become quite immersed in the Illusion of Separation and who have become attached to the habit of giving their power away to other "experts" and "authorities."
I'd like to offer another reminder to all my readers: In the eyes of God, in the eyes of our True Essence, our Divine Nature, we are all equal, all one, all from and of the same exact 'substance,' the same exact Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness. The ability to recognize this and to then think and act from this knowledge is so liberating and so powerful. To be able to watch the events unfolding around you with detachment and even amusement will allow you a much easier transition from Earth-based "reality" to other versions (of "reality"). To be able to observe everything from the understanding that it is all a game, it has all been co-created for your experiential gain and that you have infinite choices available to you in every moment is so liberating. You can, of course, still choose at any moment how deeply you wish to invest your energies into the chaos and mayhem occurring around you--especially if you think you can enjoy the Beauty and Love being expressed in your actions and involvement. But, then, you are equally welcome to remain divested, uninvolved. There is no right or wrong. If you have been fortunate enough to recognize some of the issues and goals your Spiritual Community had planned for your current lifetime, then you can even be more discerning as to the level and instances of involvement in the illusory events roiling around you.
While there are support groups and informational resources on the side of free choice, even these seem very focused and concerned with the fear-inducing legal and religious "restrictions" that humans have created in the effort to thwart individual end of life free choice. Threats of eternity spent in "Hell" or "Purgatory," ostracization from social and religious groups, denial of insurance benefits to family and loved ones, and the layers and levels of social and economic fallout to which loved ones can be subjected from our suicide all guilt us into discounting the choice to end our lives on our own terms.
The spiritual perspective on making the choice to end one's own life on one's own terms is one of non judgment and acceptance. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad, there is no better or worse--except to the extent that we choose to give power to these value-based assignations. The emotion-laden systems we have created on Earth can be challenging to disengage or detach from in the Spirit World. Detachment is easier if we have practiced or mastered it while in the human form. The energy of the Ego can be strong enough that it can survive and cloud our perception long after we leave our human bodies. The "purgatory" of attachment to Ego-based constructs is very real, as explained in podcast Episode 9: "Limbo." The more we achieve in Self-awareness and Self-realization while in the human form is a definite asset in a speedy "return" to the freedoms and perspectives of the Spirit World.
The decision to use the four-dimensional emotion-based Earth School human experience is but another choice. One can always change one's mind. When the ultimate goal (to which we will all succeed in achieving) is remembrance of and reunion with our Unified Oneness in the God-ness that initiated the dualistic worlds of Creation, very little power or importance need be given any "thing" that we conceive or create. At the same time, every little "thing" that we conceive, create, or give power to is just as sacred a vial or repository of a Divine Spark of the Unified Oneness and can, therefore, be given as much love, respect, attention, or power that one might choose. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad, there is no better or worse. There is choice. As we continue to choose to use the Illusions of Duality and Creation there is always an infinity of choices. Infinite choice.
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