Friday, October 31, 2014

The Elusive Higgs Boson "God" Particle and the Illusory Space-Time Continuum

I find science fascinating. Especially physics. I am awestruck by the relentless way science has helped expand our human comprehension of our physical/material world, pushing the boundaries of understanding to deeper levels--to levels pushing up against, even into, the magical, the mystical, the unbelievable. Then, using a spirits-in-the-material-world perspective, authors like Fritjof Capra, Gary Zukov, Deepak Chopra, and Stephen Wolinsky--as well as a plethora of science-fiction/fantasy writers--have been able to bring science over to the imaginative-intuitive side of human understanding, exploring the fascinating hypotheticals spawned by specific nuances of scientific theory. And now, after watching Particle Fever, the 2013 documentary film about all the excitement generated by the opening of the CERN "large hadron particle collider" in Geneva, Switzerland, it seems to me that the verification of the existence of the so-called "God particle" has presented humanity with another confounding, humbling confrontation with "reality."
     The scientific findings coming from CERN since 2009 have confounded the scientific community. Verification of the existence of the Higgs boson, or "God particle," was publicly announced to great fanfare worldwide on July 4, 2012. A hiccup occurred, however, when the long-sought-after subatomic particle showed up in a "place,"or, with numbers, that neither of the two dominant factions within the scientific community had predicted.
     For those of you who haven't heard, the Higgs boson is a subatomic particle named after the physicist Peter Higgs who, in 1964, first conceived of this centrally binding particle. Until the CERN hadron particle collider finally came on line in 2009, this boson had only existed in theory. Higgs and the scientific community had accepted it as the foundational element of our Universe for almost 50 years and yet they had received no verifiable proof of its actual existence until now! The Higgs boson is believed to be the proof necessary that a Field exists in which objects can coexist in symmetries, with mass, while they might, in fact, be massless. (Try that one for a mind-twisting Zen koan!)
     At CERN, the "Supersymmetry" camp was hoping that the mass of the Higgs boson particle, when
found, would be at 115 GEVc2 in order to mathematically confirm their proofs and theory that a single universe exists with perfectly unbroken supersymmetry in which pairs of "super partners" exist in perfect balance. This would help science explain the presence of "dark matter" and "anti-matter" as well as the mysterious "cosmological constant."
     The "Multiverse" camp, which believes that our universe is but one of an infinite number of universes randomly and chaotically ordered, needed the CERN hadron particle collider to come up with a mass of about 140 GeVc2 in order to support its theory. The results coming from months of CERN data gathering was made public on July 4, 2012. The announcement confirmed the existence of the heretofore theoretical particle, but the mass of the Higgs boson was found to be around 125 to 127 GeV--not 115 or 140. Almost halfway between!
     I believe that the reason the Higgs boson particle fit neither of physics' two prevailing theories is because the Divine Cosmic Consciousness (or "God," if you must) wants to remind us that She/He/We can turn 'it,' or anything, off or on, at any time we wish--that we can turn in any direction that we choose--at each and every moment. Our most esteemed cerbralists are being reminded that there is infinite choice, infinite variety, infinite surprise, infinite possibilities, that there is no right or wrong, no better or worse, there is nothing but information and stories--all the information and stories we can dream up.
     As I see it, the findings at the Large Haldron Collider actually offer olive branches to both camps--just as the photon offered a bridge of compromise between particle and wave theorists, as the neutron offered a bridge to help explain discrepancies of mass in the atom, as The Standard Model offered an unifying bridge between General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory, as David Bohm's implicate order offers a bridge of understanding within the field of consciousness, as non-duality offers a bridge between the absolute and the relative, as the Antahkarana (often portrayed as the "Third Eye") offers a bridge between the illusory world of the physical/material and the Reality and Truth of the Spirit World. What is important here is that both sides have been given the exact same treatment:  Both sides can be "right" and, for humility sake, both sides must admit that they were "wrong"--or at least ignorant of all of the facts. It's just the nature of learning and growth: we learn really well from our "mistakes;" knowledge is constantly replacing ignorance. And yet, it's all just information; stories to placate our incessant questions and curiosities.
     The list of stories we humans keep devising and revising in order to try to make logical sense of our world amazes me. Heliocentricity, Pluto, the moons for Neptune, E=MC2, atoms and quanta, Schrodinger's cat, mass and probability, spin and charm, leptons and muons, subjective versus objective, matter and anti-matter--both the dark and light kinds, universes and multiverses--and I could go on and on. And then to remember that it's all made up--that the illusions of our so-called reality were all fabricated by us in the Spirit World. From within the Formless we created Form; from our Imagination we brought forth Creation. And all for our own use! For individuated Spirits to explore and experiment with.
      I also find it interesting that humans have even created scientific systems and verifiable "facts" in order to try to help make certain phenomenon of the Spirit World comprehensible to our limited intellects. How insecure the human Ego consciousness is that we have to try to explain everything, that nothing can be taken on faith, that we spend so much time trying to prove, validate or find evidence to support abstracts like personal beliefs, values, and theories instead of living in the moment, taking advantage of the full potential of the amazing tools for experience that we have at our disposal (like our bodies, our surroundings, our beautiful planet). But then again, maybe our scientists and philosophers are just scaled-down reflections of our most imaginative Creator selves.

     Though we Spirits live in and use space and time as a matrix for the exploration of The Self,
the Spirit World is not invested in the Illusions of Space and Time--at least, not in the same way that we humans are. Spirits do not need any of the Illusions. But we use them.
    It is in the denser dimensional realms that Spiritual Beings may use the illusions of Space and Time for their growth and amusement. But then, again, they may not. There are other "reality" "playgrounds" or "schools" that do not use the Illusions of Space and Time--that work outside of the Illusions of Space and Time.
     Once Monads are divested of the forms/bodies/vehicles they have used for their adventures, the Space-Time illusions are disposable. All of the information gained in these illusory forms of dense matter and emotional chaos are instantaneously accessible--they can be retrieved at any instant for review, revisitation, or even re-entry. And yet, none of it "sticks" with the Monad's Higher Consciousness--none of it is necessary for self-concept or self-identification. It is, after all, just information.
     All of the information gathered from experiences within the Duality Matrix is stored in a library-like form with instantaneous access for reference. This 'library' is called The Akashic Records. Within the Akashic Records one has the option of not only reviewing stories or "films" of lives of ones' self but also "stepping inside" a preserved record, story or "film." The record or file that you choose to view or step into can be one of your own or even someone else's. There you can join the actors "on stage," and even add your own input to the story's unfolding to wee where that choice might lead one.
     The "reworking" of a scene from one's own personal "history" (or from someone else's personal history) is an optional way of learning available in the Spirit World. Imagine the expansive lessons of empathy and perspective one could learn by stepping "into" the bodymind of your spouse, your parents, your children, an adversary, or an historical figure--even if only for one scene in that person's lifetime! Or the perspective on your own actions you might encounter while in the bodymind vehicle of one of your Earth mates! This and so much more is all possible from within the archives of the Akashic Library.
     While some souls naturally choose to use the Akashic Records for the study and review of their own individual "history," others use them to study a broad section of other forms and experiences. Sometimes these souls are doing preparation work for other incarnations which might use other times or other settings or dimensions for their experiential matrix. Sometimes they are in preparation for other Soul work, like that of spirit guide, or in one of the spiritual health professions, such as, midwifery, nursing, counselling, or healer. Some may be training to help build or construct new life forms to serve as alternative hosts for soul experiences. Some may be training to help build new worlds, new stars, new solar systems, galaxies, or even universes. Some may be training to serve as nurse, midwife, guide, counsellor or healer for celestial beings. Whatever the reason, an infinite amount of infinitely expanding information is available within the Akashic Records.
     With all of these learning and awareness informations, exercises, and experiences are available within the Akashic Records, I sometimes wonder why we ever choose to leave them. Or maybe the Akashic Records is, in fact, a metaphor for the infinity of learning opportunities and choices that are available to souls.
     I wonder if that insatiable urge to explore the infinite possibilities of Imagination--which is the very same urge that got us started on this experiment called Dualistic Creation--if that urge is what is being filtered down into our human brains--especially into the minds of scientists with their insatiable curiosity. Or, on a more concrete level, I wonder if the agèd Peter Higgs is as insatiably curious and imaginatively creative now as his twenty-something version was in 1964?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Was your human life a choice?

Question:  Is your present human life the result of your own choosing and planning?

Many people reading this blog or talking with me question my premise of whether or not we have chosen human life much less chosen the circumstances and parameters within which we find ourselves in our current human lives (like gender, family, country, historical time, etc.) Long ago I was one of you. I, too, wallowed in the heavy tar pits of conflict, doubt, fear and helplessness. I, too, had been brainwashed by the constant forces of acculturation, education, and media bombardment. But things changed. I "awakened" to my free and independent self. I began to hear a voice that was coming from within me--a voice that told me that I had choices, that I didn't have to listen to the constant barrage coming from outside me that were telling me what I "had" to do and what I "should or shouldn't" do. I chose to listen to that voice, to explore the information that it revealed, and I found that that information felt better. It made more sense to me. It felt more hopeful, more real, more truthful. The result of that long road of exploration, of allowing intuition to flow, of trying to satisfy my insatiable curiosity is this! This blog! My unshakable spirituality.
     Spirituality. The recognition of and connection to a spiritual element of life. The acknowledgment that while I have a body, I am much more than my physical senses; while I have emotions, I am much more than my feelings; while I have thoughts, I am much more than my intellect. I am an individuated Spark of the Divine, a Wave in the Great Ocean of Creation, a representative of the Cosmic Consciousness. I am the driver of this human vehicle in the emotion-based Earth Plane experience.
     In these blogpposts I have gone so far as to assert that we, while in the Spirit World, very carefully plan not only the circumstances of our birth but all of the major life events and patterns that might unfold in this lifetime. I know. Several times I, Drew Fisher, have had the privilege of being present in the company of my team of councillors and helper souls; I have had my metaphysical suspicions and beliefs validated many, many times while living this life as Drew Fisher.
     The planning process for Earth School participation is similar to the process of preparing a play for the stage. The playwright gets together with some experienced writers, a directorial staff, and a cast of actors to introduce the story. You yourself have prepared a skeleton script with the help of the valued input of your creative team of advisors and fellow actors. Once everyone is happy and properly committed to the "play" and their roles within the play (and it fits into their own individual scripts) then you jump in and begin trying to realize your script. The variables of unforeseen and 'probable' events versus 'possible' lines of cause and effect make the Earth School experience more of an exercise in improvisational skill. This helps to account for the high degree of tension and surprise, adventure and excitement, the ups and downs of the human experience.
     The actual staging of the play is quite uncontrolled--filled with surprises and ad libs (which are due to what we call "free will")--artistic flourishes that might take the story a little off course--that might, in fact, cause major deviations from the story's original intentions. How well prepared you are--how practiced you are from previous experiences and the comfortable or familiar patterns you've used before (in other lifetimes)--all play important roles in your ability to "stick to the script."
     Most of us are far less prepared than we think we are. We are often overly optimistic or over-ambitious in planning our "play." It is in these cases that we find ourselves falling into patterns of Ego domination and/or emotional behaviors that are either familiar to us from previous incarnations or that are strongly modeled to us from within our family and societal/cultural surroundings. Regardless of how well we perform according to the original script, you can rest assured that there are always lessons galore to revel over and learn from.

Many of you have unknowingly allowed your family, society, innate curiosities, and/or inner logic to help you form mental constructs which deny the existence of a spiritual world. For many of you, these constructs have become recalcitrant, that is, you have become so attached to your belief systems as to resist and repel even the possibility that any new information could be worth considering. You question the reality of a spiritual self and dismiss the idea that there could be a spiritual agenda and cosmic plan behind the empirical appearances of the human and Earth experiences. For you I can only shrug my shoulders and ask, "So, why are you here (reading this blog)?"
     If you are drawn to topics like this one I would argue that you have some intuitive attraction to these topics, an innate curiosity. Your attraction to my words could be coming from an internal unsettledness (a so-called "Divine discontent") that is urging you to learn more, to explore, to test your self and your beliefs. It could be an anxiousness of insecurity that strives to feel more security (in such forms as new knowledge, new options, new stimuli).
     Your attraction could be coming from a defensive posture. The Ego/Personality hates change. It tries to remain comfortable where it is most familiar. This usually results in its defense of its personal opinions or beliefs against ideas or opinions coming from "outsiders." And yet we are often paradoxically attracted to those things that are most scary and unknown to us.
     Your attraction could also be the result of a combative neurological behavior pattern based on an addiction to adrenaline stimulation. (A lot of people become addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes with the "flight or fight" response of Autonomic Nervous System activity.)
     Insatiable intellectual curiosity is another possible reason you were drawn here. Or, synchronicity may have attracted this information to you (i.e. you were drawn to this information, this event in your life, by the natural flow and inclinations of your established psychological patterns).
     In any event, welcome! Be well come! I hope that you are able to find use of this information--whether as a test and then reconfirmation of your current beliefs and values or whether to help you become reacquainted with knowledge or wisdom that you already held inside you but were looking for help in order to bring to consciousness. You may remember this kind of occurrence from many instances of your life: instances in which you hear or read something that you have never heard or seen before but that you instantly recognize as being "right" or "truth" (or their opposites). Some people are more aware and sensitive to these kind of moments. If you have every heard of the educational psychology theories of multiple intelligences, you will know of one or more of the systems that recognize between three and eleven categories or forms of intelligence. Most of us have heard of the three learning styles that include "kinesthetic," "auditory" and "visual." Or we have heard of the implications or generalizations associated with people who are (supposedly) right brain or left-brain dominant. You probably know (or know of) people who are particularly developed in areas of imagination and intuition, practicality or logic, language or music, math or science, mechanical or spatial relations, physical or athletics, emotional or empathic, insight or mental capacity--and many others. Each of us has our particular strengths and gifts (as well as weaknesses). While we tend more to explore and develop the areas in which we are stronger or gifted, from a spiritual perspective it is often our Soul's desire to work on developing the weaker areas of our being--to that end of becoming more 'well-rounded' and, theoretically, better equipped to handle more situations (at different or "higher" levels of responsibility).
     Those of you who have followed these blogposts from the beginning know that Journeyman Paul has had a strong role in helping me, Drew Fisher, to try to travel pathways outside my comfort zone. Due to the familiarity of past life patterns and the accrued developmental strengths and weaknesses in my spiritual makeup, the most comfortable path I could have taken would have been within a monastic life or within a fairly safe and predictable social environment (which, one could argue, I did anyway by choosing to be an late 20th Century American). Most naturally, my daily focus would have been spending lots of time immersing myself into the pursuit and gathering of intellectual knowledge, Beauty, Love and Truth. The path of a scholar. And yet, somehow, I have, time and time again, made choices that are outside, even contrary to, my comfort zones. The most important choices I have made have felt quite risky, even scary. For example:  Living with people--living within society at large. Traveling. Teaching. Marrying and having children. Going into the healing arts. Writing and speaking for public consumption. All the while I find myself constantly retreating to the 'safety' of my solitary alone time, seeking to feed my lust for artistic and intellectual stimulation (especially, music and knowledge).
     Born into an affluent family in a very affluent society, I consciously chose to eschew the dominant mentality of accumulating and seeking power, wealth, property, and possessions. I have also consciously chosen not to give my power away to the scam that is "health" "insurance," the disease-is-big-business allopathic medical paradigm, the Demopulican political puppet show, the corporate media brainwashing game, the crowd-controlling and spirit-denying machinations of fear-based religions, and the pressures of seasonal sensational consumer/throw away culture. I have made many, many choices that run counter to the dominant paradigms of 20th/21st Century "civilized" culture. Why? Because none of them feels right. None of them feel honorable to the sanctity and special gift that is Life and the Life Spirit much less to human potential, to Mother Nature, to the spirit of abstracts. None of them honors, recognizes or even allows for the the sacred Divinity in all things. All of them seek to intentionally cloud humanity within a shroud of child-like fear and ignorance; all of the seek to intentionally enslave humankind within an endless maze of powerlessness and dependencies.
     It is my belief that we have all chosen the Earth incarnations that we currently occupy. My life experiences have provided me with more than ample proof of this belief. My day-to-day experiences add to and reinforce this knowledge. Therefore, let me say it again:
     We have chosen, all of us, to come to Earth at this particular time in order to test ourselves, in order to fight the upstream battle for mastery and Self-realization in the most turbulent and darkest of times (spiritually). Our solar system is traveling a 24,000 year circuitous journey around its binary center. With 10,500 years to go before "reuniting" with its own Pleiadian twin, the great Sol, supporter of all Earthly life, has only recently begun its return back toward its strongest, healthiest state. Near its twin, the Sun recharges itself as it is bathed and reenergized with the power of Love.
     The Earth is traveling along as a companion or child of the Sun. It has, therefore, just passed through a period in which it is farthest removed from the strongest effects of Light and Love. Spiritually, the Earth it has just passed through its darkest times, a period in which it has been most susceptible to disharmony and dis-ease, a period in which Ignorance and Fear have had their most opportune chances to sway our psyches. Consequently, the majority of us--Earth-dwellers that we are--will struggle with Fear and Ignorance throughout this and other Earth incarnations--which is fine! Fear and Ignorance are wonderful learning tools when participating in the Game Fields of the Great Illusions of Duality. Some of us will "pass our tests" and achieve a state of recognition, use and even mastery of the Grand Illusions--that is, achieve the full use of Spiritual Law while in the molasses pit of human experience. The term "enlightenment" is, after all, not only a recognition of a greater presence and flow of Light but also a lightening effect to spirit. Each time we recognize the heaviness of Ego-personality choices of struggle and conflict, pain and suffering, and then choose something else, something other than those heavy, emotion-based perspectives we are in fact lightening our load, casting off or choosing not to take on more burden or weight. And that's it! That is the whole point of taking a trip into the human form on the Earth School plane:  Learning to recognize the illusory nature of Maya, of the physical- material world, and to then choose Light, Love, Beauty, Truth, Joy, Spirit and The Divine over their alternatives.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Toril and Drew

Journeyman Paul is still working on gaining mastery over the four-dimensional, emotion-based human experience. He is, however, nearing the end stages. He has nearly gained mastery.
     As Monads approach the end of their use of the Earth School experience, they are offered the opportunity of incarnating with a favored 'soul mate' with whom they have shared many Earth Plane lifetimes. My experience is that this "favored soul mate" is, in fact, one's "split apart," one's "Twin Flame," your "other half." What is meant here is that there exists in the Illusory Realm of Duality another complementary being with whom you were "born" into this, the Realm of Material Possibilities. The story goes that each of us emerged from the Oneness of the Unified Divine Consciousness in a kind of yin-yang 'egg.' In this "egg" form we were one of two polarized halves which then split apart into two Monadic entities, each to 'travel' the illusory paths of devolution and evolution 'separately.' Though acting separately, the two Monadic 'twins' are forever drawn to each other--seeking reunion, if you will. Occasionally, the split aparts connect and work together. But it is only during the end stages of use of the Earth School experience that the Monads actually become conscious of this "cosmic birth" connection. It takes that mastery of Ego and the accompanying Spiritual awakening to be able to see and appreciate the re-connection with one's "split apart."
     Toril and Paul are two such 'twins.'
     The chance to live an Earth incarnation in companionship with one's 'other half' is like a blessed reward, a consolation for all the hard work one has put in in order to get here. This is not to say that this lifetime is going to be a breeze, or that the finding and choosing to live with one's 'Twin' will be all cake and ice cream. No way! This is the Earth School we're talking about! One of the most complicated, frustrating, and challenging game fronts we Spirits have ever devised! As you will see from the example of Paul and Toril's re-union there are always lessons to be learned and obstacles to be overcome during any path of Joy and Ease.
      For his 20th Century Earth incarnation (as Drew Fisher), Paul asked Toril to be a part of his 'support team.' At the same time, however, Toril was being encouraged to move on, to focus more of her energies into activities and dimensions beyond the human. She was being asked to devote her energies toward her next line of soul 'work.' Strong-willed to the core of her Spirit Essence, Toril chose to put up what we laughingly call a "cosmic tantrum" in order to make her beloved's wish happen.
     This incident gives me an anecdote with which to illustrate the fact that though each Monad's Council of Elders and Spirit Guides play important roles in trying to help the individual Monad see the probable consequences of their planning choices, the Monad is usually given final say. Thus, Toril got to come back to Earth one last time. But there were conditions placed upon her visit. Toril and I lovingly and humorously call this chapter of our cosmic dance, "The Cosmic Game of Hide and Seek"--which was previously described in Episode 14.
     While Paul and Toril were allowed to come to the same planet, at the same time, in the same country, Paul was given a head start. I, Drew Fisher, was born and raised in Michigan while Toril arrived in Rhode Island ten years later. Her family moved around a little:  from Connecticut to Maryland and then to Wisconsin. As adults both Toril and I had several careers and "practice" marriages before we finally met in 2004. Then we had to make very difficult, very courageous choices in order to be together; we both had to step out of easy, comfortable life patterns and then deviate from 'normal' societal expectations and conventions.
     Despite the turmoil and tumult our coming together may have caused (which we both know and understand to have been immensely valuable to everyone who watched), we both know, through and through, that the choice of being together is right. It is so natural and easy, so healing and empowering. It has also enabled each of our authentic selves to emerge and shine. Within the safety and strength of our together-love we have been allowed to discover and pursue each our own form of "sacred activism."
     "Sacred activism" is a term first popularized by author and religious scholar, Andrew Harvey. With this term Andrew intended to illuminate that issue or topic that so angers or excites a person that each time it comes up that person cannot help but want to get involved, to do something, to share his or her feelings and opinions.
     For Toril, her sacred activism appeared within the insanity and unstustainability of our world's current food systems. She serves her activism by educating people as to the effects and consequences of their daily food choices--how personal eating habits affect the health of individuals, society, the environment, and our planet.
    For me, my sacred activism started within the modern systems of mass education but eventually evolved into social systems that "civilized" humans have devised (and the masses have accepted) in order to create and perpetuate an oligarchic caste system of "masters and slaves." In offering information to others that might provoke expanded beliefs and alternate perspectives both Toril and I have hoped to effect awareness and change in these areas.

During our current human lifetimes, both Toril and I have had several past lives revealed to us in which we were together. It is our opinion and understanding that the revelation of these particular past lives have occurred because of the potent information that these lifetimes have to offer to our current lifetimes. It is quite likely and probable that there are many, many other lifetimes from which we could access and draw information but that the weight and import of these other experiences would not be as relevant to some of the current issues we are working on--that they would more likely serve as fog and clutter.
     Toril and I know that we had a lifetime together, albeit a brief one, in Ancient Egypt. In this lifetime Toril had been born into a royal blood line while I (Paul) was raised within a family and society of the scribe caste. Raised within the same palatial compound, we met and fell in love. Of course, our youthful love was forbidden by the caste system of that time. The indignant parents and family of Princess (Toril) fought particularly hard to prevent any contact between us. However, the power of our attraction was not to be denied (nor was the indomitable will of the Royal Princess). (Toril) and I managed to find ways to communicate, even occasionally to get together. Found out and separated, scolded and punished, we continued to choose to persist in the pursuit of our love affair--at first clandestinely and later overtly, defiantly, until we were once and for all separated:  (Toril)'s family had the interloper scribe beaten and banished to the Western Desert where I soon perished. Much to her family's chagrin and sadness, (Toril) chose to abandon her family and her royal comforts in hopes of finding her "true love." Alas! her efforts were all for naught as she failed to find any sign of her young partner and, eventually, ill-equipt to survive on her own and despondent at the loss of her lover, she, too, died, young and unfulfilled.
     The lifetime in the small fishing village on the Mediterranean island that you have already seen in Episode 3, "The Mediterranean Wise Man," was one in which the Paul and Toril were together for a long and relatively stable lifetime. However, the patriarchical religious orientation of their particular culture, augmented by the way their culture systemically conditioned of the male population through its male-only education system, effectively 'brainwashed' Paul's Ego Consciousness to such a degree that he led his entire life deep under the influences of the Illusions of Separation and Superiority. The worldview that his theocratic society constructed for him--and which he was never able to recognize in order to break its spell--caused him to go his entire lifetime without ever really seeing or feeling the gift of True Love that he had in his very presence in the form of his spiritually advanced and unconditionally loving wife. So clouded was Paul in the arrogance of his Ego constructs that he lived virtually alone and isolated within his own mind despite having a loving spouse, daughters and grand children. So, whereas in the Egyptian lifetime Toril and Paul were kept separate by the overt rules of social caste, on the Mediterranean island they were kept separated by the mental conditioning inherent in their community's religious traditions.
     Another lifetime that Toril and I became aware of was one in which we were childhood playmates in a small rural village in China. Set about two hundred years ago, Paul and his slightly younger friend, Toril, were practically inseparable. The two were gradually forced apart by Toril's family's upwardly mobile aspirations.
     Little Toril possessed the kind of natural beauty that was much favored among the landed, moneyed classes. As a possible means to better social and economic status, her fairly lowly family chose to begin subjecting their daughter to the custom of 'foot-binding.' This tactic was often used at that time to try to attract the attentions of the local aristocracy. If their daughter could win favor and perhaps even a marriage or courtesanship within the household of a local lord or state official, her family would benefit as well.
     Toril, however, proved to be so stubbornly strong-willed in her fight against this effort that her family went so far as to hire a professional foot-binder to come in and tend to the job.
     The foot-binder was an unusually tall man with quite a sadistic nature. He came to Toril's home with a coffin-like box within which he would confine his subjects while he performed his ministrations. Immobilizing the girls within the coffin was quite effective for him to better perform his torturous work at their feet without having to fight off the flailing arms and kicking legs of the usually raging victim.
     I remember sitting on my haunches outside of Toril's family's home, my back to the wall of the house, arms wrapped tightly around my knees, teeth biting into the skin of my own arms, all the while rocking back and forth, back and forth, as I listened helplessly to the screams and curses of my cherished friend coming from within the house.
     Once the binding was finished and the foot-binder gone, I remember sneaking into Toril's family home under the cover of dusk. Toril's family had gone out so the house was quite still. I found my exhausted friend curled up on a bed, half asleep, half in shock. Picking her up, I cradled her body, blankets and all, against my chest and carried her outside--determined to take her away from this house. Through the backyard, I carried her, across our beloved stream, stepping gingerly across the rocky stream bed. I did not stop or look back until I had reached the safety of a favorite hiding place of ours in the woods upstream a ways. There I placed Toril on the ground and proceeded to unbandage her broken, bloodied feet. Then I picked up her still limp body and carried her into the stream where I let the cool waters of the stream wash, bathe and soothe her tortured feet. I remember feeling the tension and pain leave Toril's body as she nestled up tightly against my chest.
     Later on I carried Toril back to our wooded hideout where we fell asleep among the bed of pine-needles with my arms wrapped protectively around my beloved friend.
     During the night we were found. We were forcibly separated and I was sent away to a distant monastery the very next day. We never saw each other again in that lifetime.

You can probably see the pattern here: Paul and Toril's mutual attraction leads to a continuous theme of courageous, strong-willed defiance in the face of often-insurmountable odds. Love is undeniable, indomitable. And yet when Toril first encountered Paul in this their 21st Century lifetimes--when her eyes first looked into mine--she knew instantaneously that this was he:  this was the one. The one she came back to Earth for. The one she had been searching for. The one she had denied the tempting beckon of premature death for. And still she waited for months and then years before approaching him with her Truth. You see, Toril knew in her Heart of hearts that, now that she had found him, she could finally rest. She saw that her true love was happy--that he was alive and happy--and this alone was enough. As is the case with all truly unconditional love, seeing his happiness was all that she truly cared about. Under the gaze of true Unconditional Love, his happiness was enough to bring her happiness. And Peace.
     However, there came a day that she could see that my happy, stress-free life was changing. My usual carefree, happy demeanor was showing signs of fatigue and failure. That's when Toril knew it was time to step in. At first the role she chose was simply that of friend. In this new friendship, I was able to find a great deal of revitalization, healing and inspiration. Toril's wisdom, words and example served as a veritable spiritual 'bath.' I felt as if my True Self were being awakened, as if I was finally becoming open to the free flow of Spirit, as if the mud and tar that had caked my Soul for so long, limiting and debilitating it, was being washed away.
     You see, that is the effect Toril has on almost everyone. The infectious strength of love and support that emanates from Toril has the uncanny effect of bringing out "bigger" versions of those with whom she comes in contact. Accordingly, I found new impulses, new courage, new life coursing through my veins--thanks to the ministrations of my friend, my spiritual mentor--whom I liked to call my "butt-kicker."

    Though Toril and I each know of several lives we have led without the other's company, we feel certain that we have passed many lives on the planet together. We believe that the past lives and alternate forms that have been revealed to us in this, our current lifetimes, have been revealed to us because of their particular relevance to the lessons we are currently working on. As you can see, love, courage, will power, perseverance and fortitude have been themes that we have been developing throughout other lifetimes and which we have carried forward into our present ones.
    Our Monadic Selves fought hard to be together, just as they have fought hard to achieve their individual progress. We both believe that they had no choice: that the magnetism of Love between them was far too powerful to overcome--that it would be laughable to do so. Our Monads were meant to be together again, to share their love and support, to celebrate reunification. They also recognize that the individual entities are both so much stronger, so much more powerful and engaged in Life, Love, and evolution because of the loving support they have coming from each other. Thus, togetherness just makes so much sense. But what it really comes down to is the fact that, like Toril and I, our Monadic Selves really enjoy 'holding hands' with each other.
     It is my hope that each of you, my readers, are able to find a partner whose hand-holding empowers you to ever expanding Truths, to ever-expanding versions of Who You Are, to your Love Supreme.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Choices, Part 2

I believe that every person who has chosen to incarnate in human form "on" the planet Earth has the same right to leave--on his or her terms, at any time that he or she deems appropriate. Deaths happen every day and every death causes a ripple of effects within that person's community of loved ones no matter what the circumstances of death, no matter the size of the community, no matter what the ages of those involved. I believe that some Monads and their loving Spiritual counselors plan for an incarnated Soul to have an early exit for the expressed purpose of the gift of 'trials and tribulations,' i.e. pain and suffering, that the experience might offer his or her Earth community. An abortion, a murder, a death in war, a tragic athletic, motor vehicle, scuba diving, or climbing accident can all reveal emotions, responses and reactions from within the being of observers and loved ones which can then offer opportunities for great advancements in self-awareness, learning and growth.
     When my niece was diagnosed with Leukemia at age four, I looked into that happy, smiling girl's eyes and new that this event had nothing to do with her own health or mortality. Instead, I knew  (through her eyes her Soul conveyed to me) that her cancer was an event that was offered as a rather abrasive 'wake up call' to all of her family members and friends (myself included). The lessons of returning our focus to family and to being more present in the Here and Now were part of what the "gift" of her cancer presented to us. In this way I believe that my niece offered up her human body as a "sacrifice" for the benefit of spiritual "healing" and growth of those around her--especially for her parents. Her life was never really threatened. She new it. I new it. The form of leukemia she contracted has one of the ones that had the most successful and proven cure rate of all cancers on the planet. Even if she were to have had to abandon her human body, her four-dimensional Earth vehicle, she would have been fine--she would be happy back in the Spirit World, busy planning other adventures on her way to increasing Self-awareness and forward-moving Self-improvement--and to helping others along the same path. What a joyful, sacred act of unconditional Love that was! (Thank you, Ali!)
     As circumstances get tough in the upcoming Collapse and Near-Term Human Extinction, there may come a time in which individuals or loved ones might make the choice to "give up," to extinguish their lives, to abandon their 'vehicle.' Those people caught up in identifying with social or religious beliefs and mores or who are succumbing to giving their power away to the pressures of "outside forces" will find it difficult to allow for these thoughts or considerations--for themselves or for others. We have allowed "suicide" to accrue such a heavy, negative connotation. The agencies of mass control (religions and governments) are constantly trying to convince us that it is a "bad," "evil," "sinful," "unforgivable," or "eternally damning" choice. They have constructed severe penalties in the effort to induce our fear-based avoidance of this choice.
     I am here to remind you, though, that the choice of what you choose to do to or with your body is yours and yours alone. Likewise, the choice of who or what beliefs, groups, labels, or values you wish to attach your Egos to is always yours and yours alone--and no one way is right or wrong, better or worse. I just wish for others to remember that they have the power to let go of that which they cannot (or should not?) control (e.g. others) and that they can consider and, hopefully, learn to respect and allow for alternative perspectives if they can't accept and/or empathize with others. This will be difficult for the many souls on the planet at this time who have become quite immersed in the Illusion of Separation and who have become attached to the habit of giving their power away to other "experts" and "authorities."
     I'd like to offer another reminder to all my readers:  In the eyes of God, in the eyes of our True Essence, our Divine Nature, we are all equal, all one, all from and of the same exact 'substance,' the same exact Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness. The ability to recognize this and to then think and act from this knowledge is so liberating and so powerful. To be able to watch the events unfolding around you with detachment and even amusement will allow you a much easier transition from Earth-based "reality" to other versions (of "reality"). To be able to observe everything from the understanding that it is all a game, it has all been co-created for your experiential gain and that you have infinite choices available to you in every moment is so liberating. You can, of course, still choose at any moment how deeply you wish to invest your energies into the chaos and mayhem occurring around you--especially if you think you can enjoy the Beauty and Love being expressed in your actions and involvement. But, then, you are equally welcome to remain divested, uninvolved. There is no right or wrong. If you have been fortunate enough to recognize some of the issues and goals your Spiritual Community had planned for your current lifetime, then you can even be more discerning as to the level and instances of involvement in the illusory events roiling around you.
     While there are support groups and informational resources on the side of free choice, even these seem very focused and concerned with the fear-inducing legal and religious "restrictions" that humans have created in the effort to thwart individual end of life free choice. Threats of eternity spent in "Hell" or "Purgatory," ostracization from social and religious groups, denial of insurance benefits to family and loved ones, and the layers and levels of social and economic fallout to which loved ones can be subjected from our suicide all guilt us into discounting the choice to end our lives on our own terms.
     The spiritual perspective on making the choice to end one's own life on one's own terms is one of non judgment and acceptance. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad, there is no better or worse--except to the extent that we choose to give power to these value-based assignations. The emotion-laden systems we have created on Earth can be challenging to disengage or detach from in the Spirit World. Detachment is easier if we have practiced or mastered it while in the human form. The energy of the Ego can be strong enough that it can survive and cloud our perception long after we leave our human bodies. The "purgatory" of attachment to Ego-based constructs is very real, as explained in podcast Episode 9: "Limbo." The more we achieve in Self-awareness and Self-realization while in the human form is a definite asset in a speedy "return" to the freedoms and perspectives of the Spirit World.
     The decision to use the four-dimensional emotion-based Earth School human experience is but another choice. One can always change one's mind. When the ultimate goal (to which we will all succeed in achieving) is remembrance of and reunion with our Unified Oneness in the God-ness that initiated the dualistic worlds of Creation, very little power or importance need be given any "thing" that we conceive or create. At the same time, every little "thing" that we conceive, create, or give power to is just as sacred a vial or repository of a Divine Spark of the Unified Oneness and can, therefore, be given as much love, respect, attention, or power that one might choose. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad, there is no better or worse. There is choice. As we continue to choose to use the Illusions of Duality and Creation there is always an infinity of choices. Infinite choice.