Some of you may be asking by now, "What will it take for our hero, Journeyman Paul, to move beyond the 'journeyman' stage of development and earn the title of 'master'"?
The 'journeyman' assignation is given to Paul because he is still working on issues that are most appropriately brought to resolution within denser, Earth School-type of experiences. Once Paul has 'mastered' the skills of moving through and controlling his thoughts and behaviors while in emotionally dense, four-dimensional space, he will be 'graduated' on, he will be given the chance to explore work experience opportunities on different planes, if he wishes--planes that are less restrictive, that are less bogged down by the baggage that comes with emotional depth.
The emotion-based Earth School experience is conquered, graduated from, when the Soul has learned how to break through the confining and limiting restrictions of Ego/Personality contracts, when it has been able to learn how to use the human bodymind for his own Growth and progress, as well for the benefit of spreading the Word/the Light to others. The "ladder" of progress finds the human-encased Soul using religion, using relationships, using knowledge, learning, education, seeking, and service for growth and progress, using teachers and gurus for inspiration and for awakening layer upon layer to the inner Truths hidden within the Unconscious.
Toward the end of the journey, the evolving human is becoming quite assured of his Divinity, of the Truth of the Spirit World, of the presence of a Spiritual Plan, of a unity of all things. The human grows beyond the need of gurus or teachers because s/he discovers, believes, and learns to use his or her own Inner Wisdom--the same Inner Wisdom that each and every one of us possesses. S/he is learning to flow from his or her own Inner Wisdom, while at the same time learning how to become a conduit for the flow through of Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, and Divine Will into the world, as a gift to the world, as food for the hungry souls emerging from the murkiness of the Ego/Personality tar pits. Finally, having conquered the access and use of Knowledge, Love Wisdom, and Will Power, the Soul-in-human-form practices the natural act of honoring the Sacred in every one and every thing s/he encounters or reaches through his or her art or vocation.
After this last stage of human use has been achieved and practiced, the Soul is offered graduation. Beyond the human Earth School-type of four-dimensional experience there are opportunities to explore and experiment with. One can work within other realms, dimensions, forms, jobs, or ideas in order to further one's evolution toward reclamation of his or her Divine Oneness. Some Souls choose to continue returning to the human/Earth plane as enlightened beings in order to help awaken and inspire Spiritual evolution in other humans. Others choose roles as Spirit guides, planetary helpers, Spiritual midwives, teachers, or counselors, even doctors and architects and other creative and imaginative pursuits which support the general and specific course of evolution of Spirit back to Divine Consciousness.
Paul is nearing the point at which he will be allowed "options;" his work within the Earth planes has been very successful. Though not quite complete, not quite a "master" of using the four-dimensional denser vibratory realms for his advancement and for inspiring such progress in others, the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Toril has completed her mastery of the human Earth plane. She has returned a few times in support of the growth and progress of others while at the same time beginning her apprenticeship in other dimensional work in support of planetary health and evolution.
It has been a joy and a privilege working with Toril. She has been quite an inspiration to me and to so many others. I will miss working along side her but I know that, finally, I am ready to go it 'alone;' I am ready to be on my own in a capacity in which I can still continue to grow and progress. I also know that I am finally ready and able to serve the Cosmic Plan in an inspirational capacity, that is, the particular gifts and talents that Journeyman Paul's future incarnations bring to Earth will be capable of inspiring others to wake up and get moving along their own spiritual paths.
So, the "mastery" of the four-dimensional Earth-based human experience is nearly achieved for Journeyman Paul. I feel quite certain that other Earth excursions are in store for Paul, that he still has some use of the Earth School and human illusions. Though I believe that the Earth is in the process of healing its current dis-ease (obviously Sanat Kumara, the Monad that ensouls our planet, has issues of his own)--that Gaia is creating the equivalent of a fever in order to try to kill off the current parasitic infestation of humans that threaten her own health--I also have great confidence that there will be 'future' versions of human-like forms for Souls to incarnate into. Obviously, there will be some time left in the 21st Century--and with it a limited number of human bodies/hosts will be available yet in this version of the human species. But, even so, I believe that there will be other future versions of 'human' forms available for dense vibrational experiential use. I say this because I know that there have been other human races on Earth. I know firsthand of two different "races" that existed previous to the short-term span of homo sapiens sapiens, and I have read accounts of others. I, myself, have had two incarnations revealed to me in which I was a member of ancient human civilizations here on Earth. One was within the so-called "Atlantean" civilization while the other was as member of an Andean race of "giants" many, many millennia ago. This latter civilization--a much more docile and less creative version than our own--left the Earth Plane of its own accord--in order to make way for other experiments in form and capacity. The "Atlantean" version was more like our own in that it was more self-centered, feeling less a part of the planetary 'circle of life. Each successive version, it seems, has made the conscious commitment of exploring further the depths of the Gifts of the Illusions--especially the Illusion of Separation. The "Atlantean" version of humankind brought destruction upon itself much in the same way that our current species is doing. With its even deeper venture into the illusions of isolation and separation, homo sapiens sapiens has caused such an upset in the harmony and balance of all life support systems on our host biosphere that the existence of all biological life is threatened.
This realization of this pattern of progression, of deep devolution, makes me wonder how much deeper into the Illusion of Separation we of the Spirit World can devise. Hopefully, the next version of intelligent, creative life to use Mother Gaia will do a better job of handling its creative powers and of respecting the interdependence of all life in the four-dimensional Earth plane. Or not. There is no right or wrong. This current host version for four-dimensional consciousness has certainly afforded many, many souls a lot of creative entertainment and growth experiences. There are currently over seven billion souls present for the "test" and adventure of why I call "The End of Days." Seven times the number of souls present for the Industrial Revolution, more than the accumulated number of homo sapiens sapiens who have walked on the planet! Surely that alone must say something about the valuable lessons and experiences being offered souls in this the "21st Century"!
While egoism, isolation, separation, hierarchical thinking and destruction are certainly experiential choices replete with very challenging and creative test opportunities, there are other options, other choices, other paradigms to experiment with. How about a human version which uses its tremendous creative powers to support and enhance the health of its Earth Mother? Or a version that flies? Or one that upholds mutual aid over fear-based competition? Or a version that uses its sleep time to work Spirit into Form as effectively and creatively as its day time pursuits do (or don't).
Anyway, as in all choices, there are myriad--one might even say "infinite" possibilities. And you can bet that Journeyman Paul will be ready and willing to participate in any and all of them. And, if you are reading or hearing this, it is likely that you, too, will choose to try out whatever new forms and structures that the Earth School experience evolves into. I hope to see you there!
Monday, April 7, 2014
What role, you may be wondering, does religion have in the growth and evolution of the Ego/Personality and Soul?
An interest in religion is indicative of the Soul's first 'break-through' of Light into the human Ego/Personality. Religion offers the Ego an opening introductory exposure into the thinking 'possibility' that there might be something more than the empirical, physical, emotional, four-dimensional world that the Personality has thus far negotiated through. A true interest in religion must come from inside the individual, be intrinsically motivated, for that is where the interest is coming from: the spiritual light of the Soul peaking through, hoping to (re-)gain a foothold in the human/Earth experience so that the Soul's Plan and Spiritual Evolution can become manifest. Religions offer structured, community-supported glimpses into the unprovable, unEarthly dimensions of truth and reality--glimpses that are necessary in order for the "unprovable, unearthly" Soul to have a chance to be heard. Religion that is forced upon a person or that is conditional to one's birth choice will provide the Soul with Personality/Ego constructs which it will later have to recognize for their limitations and then have to break down in order to be able to move onto a Spiritual Path.
It is unfortunate that religion is often forced upon a young, still-forming Ego because this can cloud or even cripple the child from hearing the inner voices as well as distract it from its innate curiosities and inquisitiveness. The young child Personality is far too inexperienced, its Ego as yet too unformed, to know that the information inundating it from loving, trusted, 'wise' 'experts' could be false, limited, biased or misleading. As in the process of the construction of the Personality and Ego, years of incessant and coercive informational bombardment can so overwhelm and confuse the human mind as to be numbing, force it into passive submissive acceptance of the propaganda barrage as 'truth'--or, at least, as not worth fighting against. This usually results in the proverbial 'rebellious' stage of the adolescent or young adult as even the Ego recognizes the attempts to enslave and subjugate it to life-long conformity.
As much as we have tried to create conditions of the deepest, darkest isolation from our God-hood in order to better test ourselves, The Voice of the Soul is never extinguished. It is always singing beneath the cacophony of outside mess. It persists because it has no choice: it is the vivifying force supporting/underlying Life, it is the constant hum, the song of vibration of the Universal Life Force. The cacophony of the descent into four-dimensional devolution cannot persist forever. One day the Ego/Personality will be caught off guard: It will catch a faint signal of the beautiful, calming, peaceful, empowering Voice of the Soul. The more often the Personality is made re-aware of this Inner Voice of Life, Love, Truth, and Beauty, the more attention it will give it, the more it will be won over by it, the more it will listen for it and crave it--for its power and its Truth is so much more "real" and powerful than that of the Illusions we have co-created to test our Selves. Yet it does not need to yell and shout. It is in no hurry. It is infinitely patient as it knows that it has Infinity on its side. it knows that it will eventually be heard, be remembered, that the Soul will eventually re-member the Unity of its Divine Source.
In the meantime, the forms and constructs of religion will only serve the Soul for a while--until the human host has accomplished discipline--until it has found that his or her thirst is not yet fully quenched. Usually this happens when the Personality has felt the connection with the Love-essence of others through giving and receiving, or, if s/he is more oriented to knowledge and information, the Ego/Personality may stumble upon more frequent examples of 'truth' that lay beyond the structure or systems of his chosen religion or belief system. The barely 'awakened' mind will begin to find more and more questions that his or her religion fails to answer adequately. As the Personality is starting to recognize ever-growing cracks in the forms that are human religious constructs the human host will then often be motivated to try explore other religions, philosophies and belief systems. S/he becomes curious. This is because the beacon of the Soul is strengthening, the Song is growing louder, more difficult to ignore.
Eventually, the 'awakening' Soul will find inner strength, inner desire, inner power. It will move into the "seeker" mode--at first unwittingly and, later, fully committed. S/he will dabble in all sorts of books, partners, paths, teachers and paths until s/he will discover the one path that is all his own.
The quest for the 'one' true source of Truth, Love, and Beauty leads the Personality to experiment with many new sources and resources. Travels and growth through a wide variety and large number of variations and versions of said "truth" may be incredibly fast. Sometimes the Ego/Personality will get comfortable or stuck within a new belief system for a while (old habits are hard to break) but, eventually, the Ego/Personality will begin to catch glimpses and hear proofs of the fact that the Truth--the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth--is available within himself--and that this has been the case the whole time. At the same time the Ego/Personality has found that religions are incomplete, flawed, and considerably distorted by and to the aims and desires of the leaders in these hierarchically driven, patriarchically-created systems. And so, the constructs of Ego, of religion, of books and teachers, of struggle and suffering, will fall away, will be discarded and left behind. The Personality finally begins paying more attention to the Soul and less and less to Ego and the 'external' barrage of information. The Personality gradually becomes the student and then the willing and, eventually, joyful servant of the Soul.
With the Personality serving the Soul, the human vehicle becomes an instrument for the flow of the Universal Life Force, an instrument of the dispersal and effect of the Cosmic Rays, that is, an instrument of Divinely Sourced Active Intelligence, Love and Wisdom, Will and Sacrifice. The tools of the human vehicle become meditation and prayer, study and teaching, and giving service to one's fellow man. The more one pursues these endeavors, the further one opens the Personality as a vessel and conduit for the flow of the Universal Life Force, the more compliant the Personality becomes to receiving and passing on the information coming through with the Three Cosmic Rays.
Once the Ego has been deconstructed and the Personality has become fully the joyful servant of the Soul, once usage of the Tools and Rays are mastered, the being is ready to graduate from the Earth School experience. The graduating Monad begins to look to other less devolved, less dense vibrational forms and structures for its growth and progress. We move on to other educational experiences in other dimensions, other realms, free from the confining limitations of the emotional tar pits of the human experience. Yea!
So, Fellow Seeker, use religion as the tool it is meant to be. Religion is a version of tradition and wisdom--of 'truth'--that has been proved valuable enough by your fellow man that it has earned the honor of being preserved and passed on. But also try to keep in mind that each religion, each tradition of beliefs, morals and values, is but a system, is but a gathering of constructs, and is, therefore, full of limitations and stagnant forms. Each religion or belief system offers but one version of the truth. There are many versions of truth. Spiritual growth occurs through the recognition of the limitations of all versions of truth. Spiritual growth occurs through a continued openness to the flow of ever-expansive versions of truth--and, ultimately, to the discovery of one's own Truth. This is accomplished through the constant revisitation and revisioning of one's personal truth, through the skepticism of all systems, all structures, and all beliefs, through remaining open to any and all information. Remember: Life is flow; it is constant change. It is not structure and stagnant form. If you learn to remain open to flow and change, you will find Life open and flowing--and ever-filled with ever-expanding versions of Joy, Beauty, Love and Truth. Just as the versions of Joy, Beauty, Love, and Truth that you recognize and appreciate today may be far different than the versions that resonate with you next year or even tomorrow, so, too, may be the version of your latest and greatest definition of your Self be different next year or even tomorrow. If you remain open. If you are able to "go with the flow."
Unfortunately, most religions have stopped flowing or evolving. Most religions have become stagnant and restrictive. Most religions want you to stagnate and limit your flow as they have. This is not healthy for the Soul and it is not healthy for the Personality. It is not the nature of the Soul, of Spirit, of Life. Healthy Life is in constant flow, is undergoing the Joy of constant change. Fear is a Joy-killer just as it is a flow-stopper. Most human-created religions try to control other humans through fear-based ideas and systems. They attract followers through a few offerings of truth more glorious and exciting than the ones people have encountered before, but then they try to keep you, to control you, to ensure their perpetuity for the sake of stroking and supporting the Egos of its leaders. Religion offers you fresh, greater versions of Truth, Joy, Beauty, and Love than you, the seeker, has ever before encountered but it should not try to ensnare or entrap you. The seeker should be fueled by new, fresh ideas to process, discuss, share, enjoy the excitement, but then feel free and supported--even encouraged--to move on in order to continue the process, to continue the travels and adventures, to continue to explore and study other forms and systems of information. In each encounter there is the opportunity to define oneself against the new information coming in: The seeker will ask "Is this information that I have feelings about? Is this information that feels as if it is revealing more of my own Inner Truth?" Or, "Is this information that is helping me to refine what I currently feel and understand to be me or part of me?" With this in mind, I will remind you that there is no good or bad information, no better or worse experiences, no right or wrong religion or philosophy. There is only different. There is only that which resonates and that which does not. And all of it is trying to help reveal a more current, more expanded, more glorious definition or version of one's Self to your Self. Is your religion doing that for you? I hope so.
An interest in religion is indicative of the Soul's first 'break-through' of Light into the human Ego/Personality. Religion offers the Ego an opening introductory exposure into the thinking 'possibility' that there might be something more than the empirical, physical, emotional, four-dimensional world that the Personality has thus far negotiated through. A true interest in religion must come from inside the individual, be intrinsically motivated, for that is where the interest is coming from: the spiritual light of the Soul peaking through, hoping to (re-)gain a foothold in the human/Earth experience so that the Soul's Plan and Spiritual Evolution can become manifest. Religions offer structured, community-supported glimpses into the unprovable, unEarthly dimensions of truth and reality--glimpses that are necessary in order for the "unprovable, unearthly" Soul to have a chance to be heard. Religion that is forced upon a person or that is conditional to one's birth choice will provide the Soul with Personality/Ego constructs which it will later have to recognize for their limitations and then have to break down in order to be able to move onto a Spiritual Path.
It is unfortunate that religion is often forced upon a young, still-forming Ego because this can cloud or even cripple the child from hearing the inner voices as well as distract it from its innate curiosities and inquisitiveness. The young child Personality is far too inexperienced, its Ego as yet too unformed, to know that the information inundating it from loving, trusted, 'wise' 'experts' could be false, limited, biased or misleading. As in the process of the construction of the Personality and Ego, years of incessant and coercive informational bombardment can so overwhelm and confuse the human mind as to be numbing, force it into passive submissive acceptance of the propaganda barrage as 'truth'--or, at least, as not worth fighting against. This usually results in the proverbial 'rebellious' stage of the adolescent or young adult as even the Ego recognizes the attempts to enslave and subjugate it to life-long conformity.
As much as we have tried to create conditions of the deepest, darkest isolation from our God-hood in order to better test ourselves, The Voice of the Soul is never extinguished. It is always singing beneath the cacophony of outside mess. It persists because it has no choice: it is the vivifying force supporting/underlying Life, it is the constant hum, the song of vibration of the Universal Life Force. The cacophony of the descent into four-dimensional devolution cannot persist forever. One day the Ego/Personality will be caught off guard: It will catch a faint signal of the beautiful, calming, peaceful, empowering Voice of the Soul. The more often the Personality is made re-aware of this Inner Voice of Life, Love, Truth, and Beauty, the more attention it will give it, the more it will be won over by it, the more it will listen for it and crave it--for its power and its Truth is so much more "real" and powerful than that of the Illusions we have co-created to test our Selves. Yet it does not need to yell and shout. It is in no hurry. It is infinitely patient as it knows that it has Infinity on its side. it knows that it will eventually be heard, be remembered, that the Soul will eventually re-member the Unity of its Divine Source.
In the meantime, the forms and constructs of religion will only serve the Soul for a while--until the human host has accomplished discipline--until it has found that his or her thirst is not yet fully quenched. Usually this happens when the Personality has felt the connection with the Love-essence of others through giving and receiving, or, if s/he is more oriented to knowledge and information, the Ego/Personality may stumble upon more frequent examples of 'truth' that lay beyond the structure or systems of his chosen religion or belief system. The barely 'awakened' mind will begin to find more and more questions that his or her religion fails to answer adequately. As the Personality is starting to recognize ever-growing cracks in the forms that are human religious constructs the human host will then often be motivated to try explore other religions, philosophies and belief systems. S/he becomes curious. This is because the beacon of the Soul is strengthening, the Song is growing louder, more difficult to ignore.
Eventually, the 'awakening' Soul will find inner strength, inner desire, inner power. It will move into the "seeker" mode--at first unwittingly and, later, fully committed. S/he will dabble in all sorts of books, partners, paths, teachers and paths until s/he will discover the one path that is all his own.
The quest for the 'one' true source of Truth, Love, and Beauty leads the Personality to experiment with many new sources and resources. Travels and growth through a wide variety and large number of variations and versions of said "truth" may be incredibly fast. Sometimes the Ego/Personality will get comfortable or stuck within a new belief system for a while (old habits are hard to break) but, eventually, the Ego/Personality will begin to catch glimpses and hear proofs of the fact that the Truth--the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth--is available within himself--and that this has been the case the whole time. At the same time the Ego/Personality has found that religions are incomplete, flawed, and considerably distorted by and to the aims and desires of the leaders in these hierarchically driven, patriarchically-created systems. And so, the constructs of Ego, of religion, of books and teachers, of struggle and suffering, will fall away, will be discarded and left behind. The Personality finally begins paying more attention to the Soul and less and less to Ego and the 'external' barrage of information. The Personality gradually becomes the student and then the willing and, eventually, joyful servant of the Soul.
With the Personality serving the Soul, the human vehicle becomes an instrument for the flow of the Universal Life Force, an instrument of the dispersal and effect of the Cosmic Rays, that is, an instrument of Divinely Sourced Active Intelligence, Love and Wisdom, Will and Sacrifice. The tools of the human vehicle become meditation and prayer, study and teaching, and giving service to one's fellow man. The more one pursues these endeavors, the further one opens the Personality as a vessel and conduit for the flow of the Universal Life Force, the more compliant the Personality becomes to receiving and passing on the information coming through with the Three Cosmic Rays.
Once the Ego has been deconstructed and the Personality has become fully the joyful servant of the Soul, once usage of the Tools and Rays are mastered, the being is ready to graduate from the Earth School experience. The graduating Monad begins to look to other less devolved, less dense vibrational forms and structures for its growth and progress. We move on to other educational experiences in other dimensions, other realms, free from the confining limitations of the emotional tar pits of the human experience. Yea!
So, Fellow Seeker, use religion as the tool it is meant to be. Religion is a version of tradition and wisdom--of 'truth'--that has been proved valuable enough by your fellow man that it has earned the honor of being preserved and passed on. But also try to keep in mind that each religion, each tradition of beliefs, morals and values, is but a system, is but a gathering of constructs, and is, therefore, full of limitations and stagnant forms. Each religion or belief system offers but one version of the truth. There are many versions of truth. Spiritual growth occurs through the recognition of the limitations of all versions of truth. Spiritual growth occurs through a continued openness to the flow of ever-expansive versions of truth--and, ultimately, to the discovery of one's own Truth. This is accomplished through the constant revisitation and revisioning of one's personal truth, through the skepticism of all systems, all structures, and all beliefs, through remaining open to any and all information. Remember: Life is flow; it is constant change. It is not structure and stagnant form. If you learn to remain open to flow and change, you will find Life open and flowing--and ever-filled with ever-expanding versions of Joy, Beauty, Love and Truth. Just as the versions of Joy, Beauty, Love, and Truth that you recognize and appreciate today may be far different than the versions that resonate with you next year or even tomorrow, so, too, may be the version of your latest and greatest definition of your Self be different next year or even tomorrow. If you remain open. If you are able to "go with the flow."
Unfortunately, most religions have stopped flowing or evolving. Most religions have become stagnant and restrictive. Most religions want you to stagnate and limit your flow as they have. This is not healthy for the Soul and it is not healthy for the Personality. It is not the nature of the Soul, of Spirit, of Life. Healthy Life is in constant flow, is undergoing the Joy of constant change. Fear is a Joy-killer just as it is a flow-stopper. Most human-created religions try to control other humans through fear-based ideas and systems. They attract followers through a few offerings of truth more glorious and exciting than the ones people have encountered before, but then they try to keep you, to control you, to ensure their perpetuity for the sake of stroking and supporting the Egos of its leaders. Religion offers you fresh, greater versions of Truth, Joy, Beauty, and Love than you, the seeker, has ever before encountered but it should not try to ensnare or entrap you. The seeker should be fueled by new, fresh ideas to process, discuss, share, enjoy the excitement, but then feel free and supported--even encouraged--to move on in order to continue the process, to continue the travels and adventures, to continue to explore and study other forms and systems of information. In each encounter there is the opportunity to define oneself against the new information coming in: The seeker will ask "Is this information that I have feelings about? Is this information that feels as if it is revealing more of my own Inner Truth?" Or, "Is this information that is helping me to refine what I currently feel and understand to be me or part of me?" With this in mind, I will remind you that there is no good or bad information, no better or worse experiences, no right or wrong religion or philosophy. There is only different. There is only that which resonates and that which does not. And all of it is trying to help reveal a more current, more expanded, more glorious definition or version of one's Self to your Self. Is your religion doing that for you? I hope so.
The Monad
You've heard me talk of such things as Souls, Oversouls, and Spiritual Selves, of Personalities, Egos and bodyminds, of Earth, planes, dimensions and worlds, of God, Divinity and Creative Consciousness, of Rays and Forces and chi, of Will, Power and Sacrifice, of Knowledge, Higher Mind, Active Intelligence and information, of Love and Wisdom, Beauty and Truth. I hope that you feel pretty clear in your understanding of what those concepts mean and refer to. I would now like to introduce you to a word and concept that might be new to you: "Monad."
The Monad is that singular yet illusory form or entity of First Individuation. That is, the Monad is the embodied consciousness that is one step removed from God-Unity. It is the first step away from God-Consciousness, the first step into the Illusion of Separation, the first commitment to the illusory world of Creation, into the idea that we or anything can be individual, independent, or separate from the Creator God. The Monad is the actual name for the True Essence of Independence that we each use for experiencing things 'outside' of God--that is, from within the Illusion of Separation, from the infinite realms of Creation. When I refer to the concept of the Soul, I am actually referring to a creative construct of the Monad. The Soul is the Monad's sub-form which is intended to host the Plan devised by the Monad and its counsellors and collaborators. The Soul is really the template or construct for carrying forth a version or portion of one's True Self--one's Monad--into another dimension or condition of experience--an experience usually of lower vibratory tone. The Soul is one and the same with "the Plan" that the Monadic Self and its team of spiritual counsellors and community members devise as a guideline of goals and commitments for an adventure into another form of dense 'reality' more deeply imbedded within the Illusion of Separation. The Monad invests a certain arbitrary and variable amount of energy and attention into the Soul and its adventure while at the same time it remains actively involved in other pursuits, experiments, and attentions within other aspects and dimensions of the Spirit World.
Psychologist Michael Newton ( has published a book entitled Destiny of Souls which is based upon his review and interpretation of thousands of tape recorded hours of Life-Between-Life sessions from his 25 year practice of hypnotherapy. In Destiny of Souls it is revealed that the Monad or Oversoul can make the mistake of investing too little energy into a Earth Plane-type of adventure. Dr. Newton's research has also revealed that the Monad can even make the commitment of investing its energy into more than one Earth soul at the same time, but that this is apparently rare and very risky because once that measurement is made and committed to it cannot be changed--and an under-energized human can get into the disappointing trouble of not accomplishing its Soul Plan.
It is also important to note that each individual Monad is as distinctly "its own" as is every human being, every cloud or every snowflake. Each Monad chooses, gathers and accrues its own "collection" or "library" of experiences, strengths and preferences. Each Monad is the sum of all of these experiences, preferences, strengths and weaknesses. Each Monad is on its own individual course or path and is free to choose each step on that path according to its interests and desires. Of course, the level of a Monad's Conscious development will also determine what kind of experiences it might be interested in. For example, some Monad's might be interested in the challenge of "deep" immersion into the Illusion of Separation situations like that offered through the human Earth School experience, while others might desire to grow through the management of celestial bodies or other cosmological processes, while others might prefer more "behind the scenes" type of work in the Spirit World like that of a Spiritual guide, counsellor, planning facilitator or any of the infinite other systems support choices available or imaginable.
With over seven billion humans on the planet today it is my belief that many Monads have chosen to invest in the Earth School experience at this time because of the extraordinary amount of growth available to the individual here at this time, under these particular circumstances of trauma and emotional hardship. With the overwhelming flood of information and emotional experience advancing our way in the very near future due to the life-threatening consequences of global climate change, each human present during this 'event' of the demise and extinction of the human species will be afforded much grist for processing and for testing one's Self in the face of great pain and suffering. If a Soul in human form can rise above the Ego constructs during this time of 21st Century human history then it will have achieved a great deal, to be sure. Any goals or tasks it fails to conquer this time around will, of course, be available for repetition in other forms, other adventures.
The Monad is an entity whose form and energy change on a much slower pace than that of the Soul. A Soul just leaving a human bodymind is still rather wrapped up within the deep illusions of the human Earth-based experience and will often be slow to let go of the familiar constructs of space-time even though it is fully free within the Spirit World. The sluggishness with which each individual Soul detaches from its Earthly constructs and patterns is greatly dependent upon how deeply immersed or how Ego-dominated the self was into the Earth illusion. This is why many recently disincarnated Souls experience the vistas and other Souls within the Spirit World with such Earth-familiar forms, constructs and names. This is also why a few Souls have such trouble disengaging from the Earth Plane and unwittingly remain "behind" for some time as observers, ghosts, or disembodied spirits. As described previously, the detaching experience is a process of both shedding the weighty 'baggage' of the physical, emotional, and mental experience while also recharging the Spirit form or 'refilling' it with a full tank of its Spirit Energy. The self-imposed "limbo" or Purgatory period that a soul may create for itself is wholly dependent on how attached that Soul is to the heaviest emotional baggage from that or cumulative lifetimes. Once a Soul is able to work through its 'stuck' issues it will return to a more Light-based version of itself. Sometimes the Soul gets so 'stuck' in the emotional baggage of its Earth-like experiences that it actually uses more Earth-type experiences to try to work through the persistent or recurring issues. Some Souls find so little value or interest in the lessons available to it through the Earth-type experience that they may incarnate once and then move on. The commitment to try out the Earth School level of deep Separation is bold, brave and sacrificial--and not necessary! There are many, many Monads, Spirit entities, Souls, who never choose to make the plunge into the emotional tar pits of the Earth School experience. Again, the commitment into the physical-emotional heaviness of the human form can be quite scary: it is one of the furthest separations or deepest immersions an Individuated Spark of the Divine can choose in which to experience the 'horrors' of the Illusion of Separation. Some might go so far as to claim that the Earth School experience is not unlike a voluntary trip into Dante's many levels of Hell. The biggest difference is that the way out, the return from the deepest depths of despair and desolation are in the power of the Self and the Soul and how well the Monad and it's Spiritual Community planned. An "unsuccessful" trip (of which there are no such things as it is all just an illusion--part of the Illusion of Separation from our Divine Source) might lead to further returns with new and, hopefully, 'improved' Plans. God, It's infinite number of "individuated" Forms, are all timeless beings and thus have "eternal patience" and infinite capacity for and interest in experience and entertainment. And remember: even your most Highest Individuated Form, the Monad, is but an illusion--will one day recognize the illusory nature of itSelf and the Games it participates in and then perhaps re-member and/or re-join in the Unity Consciousness of the Causeless One. Until that 'time,' all Monads are trying to experience the fullness of the infinite forms and possibilities of The Great Cosmic Game of the Illusion of Separation as creatively and as diversely as they possibly can. There is no right or wrong, no good or bad, no better or worse, and definitely no hurry. There is just imagination, variety, and choice. Even Truth, Beauty, Love and Joy have infinite versions and variations. Your latest versions of Truth, Beauty, Joy, and Love are always temporary, always subject to choice and change. The only absolute is that everything--every single thing--can be perceived as true, beautiful, joyful, and loving. If you choose. It's your choice. It's always your choice--and your choice alone. Just as it is always your choice to change your mind, to choose again, to make a different choice.
The Monad and its Community has set you up for a certain probability of experiences in the hopes that you might make some choices that lead you back to Spiritual Consciousness. It is no real "failure" if you don't achieve all of the goals the Monad has proposed in your Soul Plan--there will be plenty of other attempts, other Plans, other adventures. However, the Monad co-created this Plan with it's purest, most recent version of its Highest Understanding of Truth, Love, Joy, and Beauty and had every intention of achieving success--of being able to expand its own versions of Truth, Joy, Love, and Beauty through your Earth School experiences. So, keep the faith! You're doing great! You are doing the best that you can at this time with the knowledge and wisdom that you have. Just remember to try to remain open to your Imagination, to your Intuition, to the Voice of the Soul, to the Grand Scheme of the Cosmic Game as played out within the Great Illusions and especially the Greatest Illusion of them all: The Illusion of Separation. YOU ARE NOT SEPARATE FROM THE DIVINE CREATOR. S/HE IS YOUR DIVINE SOURCE, THE UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE FROM WHICH YOU CAN NEVER BE SEPARATE. All evidence to the contrary is but part of the woven veils of the illusions that you yourself have had a role in creating!
The veils of Illusion are yours to use, yours to manipulate, or yours to discard--at any and every moment that you choose. So, use them. Have fun! But, then, occasionally try to take time to remember them for what they are: Illusions. They are but illusions. They are not real. They are fabrications that we co-created in order to entertain and test our selves. The good news is that these are tests that you can never fail, that you can re-take as many times as you want (or need), or that they are tests that you don't even have to take! Ever! (Though as a volunteer to the Infinite Worlds of Cosmic Creation you have kind of agreed to participate. But, you can change your mind. Again and again and again.)
The Monad is that singular yet illusory form or entity of First Individuation. That is, the Monad is the embodied consciousness that is one step removed from God-Unity. It is the first step away from God-Consciousness, the first step into the Illusion of Separation, the first commitment to the illusory world of Creation, into the idea that we or anything can be individual, independent, or separate from the Creator God. The Monad is the actual name for the True Essence of Independence that we each use for experiencing things 'outside' of God--that is, from within the Illusion of Separation, from the infinite realms of Creation. When I refer to the concept of the Soul, I am actually referring to a creative construct of the Monad. The Soul is the Monad's sub-form which is intended to host the Plan devised by the Monad and its counsellors and collaborators. The Soul is really the template or construct for carrying forth a version or portion of one's True Self--one's Monad--into another dimension or condition of experience--an experience usually of lower vibratory tone. The Soul is one and the same with "the Plan" that the Monadic Self and its team of spiritual counsellors and community members devise as a guideline of goals and commitments for an adventure into another form of dense 'reality' more deeply imbedded within the Illusion of Separation. The Monad invests a certain arbitrary and variable amount of energy and attention into the Soul and its adventure while at the same time it remains actively involved in other pursuits, experiments, and attentions within other aspects and dimensions of the Spirit World.
Psychologist Michael Newton ( has published a book entitled Destiny of Souls which is based upon his review and interpretation of thousands of tape recorded hours of Life-Between-Life sessions from his 25 year practice of hypnotherapy. In Destiny of Souls it is revealed that the Monad or Oversoul can make the mistake of investing too little energy into a Earth Plane-type of adventure. Dr. Newton's research has also revealed that the Monad can even make the commitment of investing its energy into more than one Earth soul at the same time, but that this is apparently rare and very risky because once that measurement is made and committed to it cannot be changed--and an under-energized human can get into the disappointing trouble of not accomplishing its Soul Plan.
It is also important to note that each individual Monad is as distinctly "its own" as is every human being, every cloud or every snowflake. Each Monad chooses, gathers and accrues its own "collection" or "library" of experiences, strengths and preferences. Each Monad is the sum of all of these experiences, preferences, strengths and weaknesses. Each Monad is on its own individual course or path and is free to choose each step on that path according to its interests and desires. Of course, the level of a Monad's Conscious development will also determine what kind of experiences it might be interested in. For example, some Monad's might be interested in the challenge of "deep" immersion into the Illusion of Separation situations like that offered through the human Earth School experience, while others might desire to grow through the management of celestial bodies or other cosmological processes, while others might prefer more "behind the scenes" type of work in the Spirit World like that of a Spiritual guide, counsellor, planning facilitator or any of the infinite other systems support choices available or imaginable.
With over seven billion humans on the planet today it is my belief that many Monads have chosen to invest in the Earth School experience at this time because of the extraordinary amount of growth available to the individual here at this time, under these particular circumstances of trauma and emotional hardship. With the overwhelming flood of information and emotional experience advancing our way in the very near future due to the life-threatening consequences of global climate change, each human present during this 'event' of the demise and extinction of the human species will be afforded much grist for processing and for testing one's Self in the face of great pain and suffering. If a Soul in human form can rise above the Ego constructs during this time of 21st Century human history then it will have achieved a great deal, to be sure. Any goals or tasks it fails to conquer this time around will, of course, be available for repetition in other forms, other adventures.
The Monad is an entity whose form and energy change on a much slower pace than that of the Soul. A Soul just leaving a human bodymind is still rather wrapped up within the deep illusions of the human Earth-based experience and will often be slow to let go of the familiar constructs of space-time even though it is fully free within the Spirit World. The sluggishness with which each individual Soul detaches from its Earthly constructs and patterns is greatly dependent upon how deeply immersed or how Ego-dominated the self was into the Earth illusion. This is why many recently disincarnated Souls experience the vistas and other Souls within the Spirit World with such Earth-familiar forms, constructs and names. This is also why a few Souls have such trouble disengaging from the Earth Plane and unwittingly remain "behind" for some time as observers, ghosts, or disembodied spirits. As described previously, the detaching experience is a process of both shedding the weighty 'baggage' of the physical, emotional, and mental experience while also recharging the Spirit form or 'refilling' it with a full tank of its Spirit Energy. The self-imposed "limbo" or Purgatory period that a soul may create for itself is wholly dependent on how attached that Soul is to the heaviest emotional baggage from that or cumulative lifetimes. Once a Soul is able to work through its 'stuck' issues it will return to a more Light-based version of itself. Sometimes the Soul gets so 'stuck' in the emotional baggage of its Earth-like experiences that it actually uses more Earth-type experiences to try to work through the persistent or recurring issues. Some Souls find so little value or interest in the lessons available to it through the Earth-type experience that they may incarnate once and then move on. The commitment to try out the Earth School level of deep Separation is bold, brave and sacrificial--and not necessary! There are many, many Monads, Spirit entities, Souls, who never choose to make the plunge into the emotional tar pits of the Earth School experience. Again, the commitment into the physical-emotional heaviness of the human form can be quite scary: it is one of the furthest separations or deepest immersions an Individuated Spark of the Divine can choose in which to experience the 'horrors' of the Illusion of Separation. Some might go so far as to claim that the Earth School experience is not unlike a voluntary trip into Dante's many levels of Hell. The biggest difference is that the way out, the return from the deepest depths of despair and desolation are in the power of the Self and the Soul and how well the Monad and it's Spiritual Community planned. An "unsuccessful" trip (of which there are no such things as it is all just an illusion--part of the Illusion of Separation from our Divine Source) might lead to further returns with new and, hopefully, 'improved' Plans. God, It's infinite number of "individuated" Forms, are all timeless beings and thus have "eternal patience" and infinite capacity for and interest in experience and entertainment. And remember: even your most Highest Individuated Form, the Monad, is but an illusion--will one day recognize the illusory nature of itSelf and the Games it participates in and then perhaps re-member and/or re-join in the Unity Consciousness of the Causeless One. Until that 'time,' all Monads are trying to experience the fullness of the infinite forms and possibilities of The Great Cosmic Game of the Illusion of Separation as creatively and as diversely as they possibly can. There is no right or wrong, no good or bad, no better or worse, and definitely no hurry. There is just imagination, variety, and choice. Even Truth, Beauty, Love and Joy have infinite versions and variations. Your latest versions of Truth, Beauty, Joy, and Love are always temporary, always subject to choice and change. The only absolute is that everything--every single thing--can be perceived as true, beautiful, joyful, and loving. If you choose. It's your choice. It's always your choice--and your choice alone. Just as it is always your choice to change your mind, to choose again, to make a different choice.
The Monad and its Community has set you up for a certain probability of experiences in the hopes that you might make some choices that lead you back to Spiritual Consciousness. It is no real "failure" if you don't achieve all of the goals the Monad has proposed in your Soul Plan--there will be plenty of other attempts, other Plans, other adventures. However, the Monad co-created this Plan with it's purest, most recent version of its Highest Understanding of Truth, Love, Joy, and Beauty and had every intention of achieving success--of being able to expand its own versions of Truth, Joy, Love, and Beauty through your Earth School experiences. So, keep the faith! You're doing great! You are doing the best that you can at this time with the knowledge and wisdom that you have. Just remember to try to remain open to your Imagination, to your Intuition, to the Voice of the Soul, to the Grand Scheme of the Cosmic Game as played out within the Great Illusions and especially the Greatest Illusion of them all: The Illusion of Separation. YOU ARE NOT SEPARATE FROM THE DIVINE CREATOR. S/HE IS YOUR DIVINE SOURCE, THE UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE FROM WHICH YOU CAN NEVER BE SEPARATE. All evidence to the contrary is but part of the woven veils of the illusions that you yourself have had a role in creating!
The veils of Illusion are yours to use, yours to manipulate, or yours to discard--at any and every moment that you choose. So, use them. Have fun! But, then, occasionally try to take time to remember them for what they are: Illusions. They are but illusions. They are not real. They are fabrications that we co-created in order to entertain and test our selves. The good news is that these are tests that you can never fail, that you can re-take as many times as you want (or need), or that they are tests that you don't even have to take! Ever! (Though as a volunteer to the Infinite Worlds of Cosmic Creation you have kind of agreed to participate. But, you can change your mind. Again and again and again.)
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