Thursday, February 6, 2025

Everything Is Metaphor: The Soul and the Soul Plan

The entity that we in the West have become comfortable referring to as the "soul" is rather nebulous in its definition and coverage. For the purposes of the information I am trying to disseminate, the soul is given a separate assignment than that of the spiritual entity existent in the contextual field that sits "behind" (or in-between or within) the "reality" we call the Earth-based human experience. This entity of individual identity existent in the Spirit worlds we choose to call the "Monad" for the sake of honoring its presence as evidence of the voluntarily individuated aspect of the Universal Mind (God) that has made the sacrifice of entering the contextual fields (games) associated with "Creation." (This process of individuation is considered a sacrifice for two main reasons. One is the of allowing one to undergo the sheathing of the veils of Ignorance when one commits to playing within the rules and laws of the Illusions--especially the Illusion of Separation [i.e. separation from God--a feat and fact that is and can never be true]. The other is the sacrifice of "making sacred" all that is undergoing the perspective shift from that of Universal Oneness to those of separation and independence.) While the thought of the "soul" as a field or force of energy or consciousness that commits to and embodies (or animates or ensouls) a human being is not far off, we like to use the term "Causal Body" to give this intermediary repository of information (the house of "The Plan" of hopes and goals that the Monad and its team of other collaborating Monads have come up with for the newly incarnating vehicle of Earthly interaction). The Causal Body is the filtration point between the Ego and the Monad, the site/vehicle through which all information is passed in a two-way channel, while also existing as the constant reminder of the Plan that your Monad had created for you for this human incarnation.

I mentioned the constant and nurturing "reminder-beacon" pulsing from the Causal Body into the Ego/bodymind and cellular and even subatomic components of your host human's bioenergy field, but did not mention the fact that the din of the every day, every moment dross of "chattering" information bombarding the Ego can drown out the gentle hum of the Plan's reminder. And yet, in those quiet moments, in the sleep, meditative, and/or daydream events and experiences that might somehow sneak by the din of choatic noise, the ever-present and ever-pulsing beacon has the chance to be detected, to spike some curiosity, to perhaps even be heard. This is the beacon's purpose: to always be there to remind the busy and self-obsessed Ego that there was a Higher Purpose programmed into the being--into the contractual commitment your Monad made when it invested a chunk of its energy into your human existence. Many humans fail to ever realize any of the Monad's goals it had predetermined before your birth; some Monads get to experience the address and realization of several of the hopes or goals registered in The Plan. One of the problems the current community of Monads using the Earth School for its experiential learning and "testing" lies in the deep and complex levels and variables of interactive and cumulative emotional, mental, and physical "muck" one can get mired into in the current Homo sapiens sapiens model of the human hosts made available for use. The devices of delusion and deprivation are so deep, and so thick and complex, that the majority of current users (the eight billion Monads currently invested in the Earth School experience) are either too overwhelmed or just plain ill-equipped to be able to recognize any spiritual presence much less spiritual perspective from within the tools available to their human host. Addiction, war and depravity, hierarchy, religious, nationalistic, and technological indoctrination, environmental causes of disease and congenital syndromes and issues, the mental and psychological stresses of having to deal with the latest traps and convections presented by the Illusions of Need, Separation (Disunity), Failure, Insufficiency, Requirement, Condemnation, Conditionality, Superiority, and Ignorance.